Seeing this, Su Bai said

There is a four-skill LV5 human ultimate treasure there, what kind of heart does she need to give up.

"Can't you just say it? A few words.

After hearing what Su Bai said, Zuo Ming muttered:

"Yes, yes, a few words, just don't say it."

At this time, Zhou Xue, who was repairing an unknown number of sweeping robots that Su Bai had ruined, also responded.

As for the sweeping robot? Under Zhou Xue's repair, it has turned from a malfunction to a scrapped one, and it has been repaired thoroughly.

"Because I don't know physics yet."

When Su Bai said these words, he felt a little helpless.

She has asked the system for physics countless times, even the first level is fine, and the ones with prefixes can work.

As a result, the system just refused to give her the first level.

"Sister Su Bai, you don't know physics? Are you kidding me?"

Zhou Xue was startled when she heard Su Bai's words, now Daxia's physics framework was built by Su Bai.Under such circumstances, Su Bai said that he doesn’t know physics, is there any difference between this and Su Bai’s saying that he will be good and not cause trouble?

"Really, will the current physics still be able to do it? It will come out after a little inversion."

Su Bai said lazily.

The relationship between mathematics LV5 and physics is too close. After mastering mathematics LV5, it is not too easy to understand physics.But what I can understand is only superficial things.

Although these superficial things are equivalent to the truth of physics for the earth.But compared with mathematics, there is no difference between a little superficial thing and no.

"In short, there are so many powerful scientists, and they deduced it. It is very tiring to do research."

As Su Bai said, he patted Erha's butt lying beside her.

Erha, who was gnawing on the molar stick, immediately stood up and went to the door to open it.

At this moment, Benny standing at the door seemed a little uneasy.

To be fair, she came here because she was angry.But when he came to the door of Su Bai's house, he began to be afraid again.

There is no way, Su Bai has ten thousand ways to cure her to death.

So, she suddenly realized that she couldn't deal with Su Bai.

Under such circumstances, coming to Su Bai's house feels like coming to seek abuse.

But, let's go, I don't know why, and I can't walk.

It's already here, why don't you meet Su Bai? Aside from the fact that Su Bai likes all kinds of exaggerated spoofs about her, Su Bai treats her very well.He took her to the mall again, played games with her, and even took her to the night market, allowing her to experience her lost childhood.

As for the outrageous things Su Bai did to her... I don't know why, but she really can't get angry.At least when they came to Su Bai's house, they couldn't get angry anymore.

Thinking of Su Bai's video of her playing in the children's playground making the world famous, I still feel a little excited.

This kind of excitement is not pure excitement, but excitement caused by excessive shame.

She didn't want others to see it, but she looked forward to others' comments after seeing it.

Obviously he was shamed because of the death of the society, but he was still excited because of this incident, and he couldn't even give birth to the idea of ​​really blaming the culprit.

Society death returns to society death, but she did enjoy the time with Su Bai.

At least, when she was by Su Bai's side, Su Bai cared for her a lot.Although it will be bad in the future, Su Bai's trickery often gives her an inexplicable pleasure.

This is probably worse than being known to go to a children's playground!

"Sister Benny, what weird things are you thinking about? You even smiled with that disgusting idiot look. Are you a pervert?"

Then, a voice came.

Benny looked in the direction of the sound, only to find that the door of Su Bai's house was opened at some point.Su Bai's Erha stood at the door with a molar stick in his mouth, and behind Erha, Zhou Xue looked at her with a very disgusted expression.

It wasn't Zhou Xue's director Benny, but no matter who saw someone standing in front of their house with such an idiotic smile, they would have a similar reaction.

"No, you read it wrong, I'm here to settle accounts with Su Bai. She's gone too far this time, I'm not playing with her!"

Almost instantly, Benny showed a face full of indignation, took off the sandals on her feet in a few seconds, and rushed into the room.

Chapter 290 Six: Being Sold, You Need to Count the Money (4000 words)

Holding a lollipop in his hand and a piece of beef jerky in his mouth, Su Bai, who was full of confidence, reacted calmly to the fact that Benny entered the door with an angry face.

She has a hundred ways to make Benny worth it to death, and even make Benny kneel in front of her, dressed as a maid, and serve her one master at a time.

Unfortunately, what Benny did after seeing Su Bai was...

Jumped directly.

"I fought with you!"

It only talks about Bei Ni stepping on the sofa with a brisk stride, and then lightly jumping, giving Su Bai a crushing blow.

Su Bai, who thought that Benny must persuade others with reasoning, had never seen this scene before, and was stunned. When he realized it, Benny had already suppressed it.

"Memory... Woo!"

Under such circumstances, Su Bai reached out and was about to trigger the most practical ability for her at present, and also the ability of the memory palace closest to the mysterious measurement among the LV6 skills she mastered, creating a layer of overlapping space, and giving herself some Reaction time, easy to dodge.

It's a pity that Su Bai usually doesn't use this ability very much, before the ability is activated, Benny's whole body is smashed down.

In fact, it's not serious, the main thing is that when Benny pounced on him, she stretched out her hands to grab Su Bai's mouth, yelling that she and Su Bai should perish together.

Who is Su Bai? She aspires to become the worst villain in the world. Will she be bullied by a 27-year-old woman?

"Sister Bernie, I want to play too!"

Then, just as Su Bai wanted to resist, Zhou Xue, who didn't think it was a big deal, also stepped forward.


Zuo Ming, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, saw this scene, and commented on the behavior of Su Bai, Bei Ni and Zhou Xue who were already stacked together.

"Vulgar fart!"

After hearing Zuo Ming's words, Su Bai pulled out an arm, and directly pulled Zuo Ming into the three people fighting.

As we all know, in the melee, it is not the one who hates the most, but the principle of shooting the first bird is followed.

And who is there to get the most attention? Quite simply, the tallest one.And the tallest person present was not Benny, but Zuo Ming!

Therefore, a miraculous scene appeared. Benny, who came to trouble Su Bai, actually cooperated with Su Bai and besieged Zuo Ming together.Zhou Xue, who didn't understand what was going on, started making noises, only Zuo Ming's injured world was completed!

"So, Zhou Xue, you are a dog!"

After a few minutes, Zuo Ming, who finally got rid of Su Bai and Benny's grasp, rubbed his calf.On her calf, a ring-shaped tooth mark can be clearly seen.

"No, it was all bitten by sister Su Bai."

Regarding this, Zhou Xue was also very decisive, and directly blamed Su Bai.

It's reasonable to blame Su Bai all the time when things happen.

"I won't do this, Xiaoxue, don't blame me!"

Su Bai immediately defended after hearing Zhou Xue's words.

It's just that she doesn't have that much time to talk to Zhou Xue about what's there and what's not.

"Su Bai, tell me what I'm going to do now. I'm ashamed to face people now! How can you spread the video of me going to the children's playground everywhere. I'm still a councilor. If this continues, I won't even be a councilor. There are no seats left!"

Benny, who was still wrestling with Su Bai while holding Su Bai's hands, said with a suffocated breath.

She was really wronged, she was having so much fun, but why did she become like this when she woke up?

"Listen to me first, okay? I made this decision after careful consideration, and I'm definitely helping you!"

Under such circumstances, Su Bai remained calm.

There is nothing more satisfying than training a strong woman.

What she wants to train is a strong woman, not a frustrated politician, so Su Bai will definitely not let Benny lose her seat in the council.

Not only will Benny not lose his seat in the parliament, according to Su Bai's plan, Benny will become the youngest prime minister in British history.

And if there is anything more satisfying than training a congressman, it is training the leader of a big country.

The British Prime Minister's cultivation plan! This is what Su Bai intends to do.

Not only that, this is the real unfolding of Su Bai's bullying of the whole of Europe.

With the help of Benny, revenge against the entire western world begins.Let them know how terrible the consequences of angering her are!

"Okay, I'll give you a chance, you say!"

Benny is not the kind of person who is completely unreasonable, since Su Bai wants to explain, then she will listen to Su Bai's explanation.

The most important thing is that she needs to find a step for herself to go down.The main reason why she went up like that just now is because she didn't want to talk too much with Su Bai.

She knew very well that compared with Su Bai, she was barefoot, if she didn't rush to vent her anger, she would have no chance.

Under such circumstances, she didn't want to make too much trouble with Su Bai, but she didn't know how to end it after a lot of nonsense.

Now that Su Bai took the initiative to speak up, she didn't need to think hard about finding an opportunity to step down.

"First of all, you should be clear about how you became an MP!"

After hearing that Benny calmed down, Su Bai said after seeing this.

"This...well, I mainly rely on my father, and at that time, the overall ability of my competitors was lower than mine. Under that situation, I look better."

Seeing this, Bernie said.

She has always resented people saying that she became an MP because of luck, but the fact is that she was lucky when she ran for the election.If the ability level of people in the same group as her is above the passing line, then she will have nothing to do.

"No, you don't know it thoroughly enough."

After Su Bai heard Bei Ni's words, he spoke.

"Not thorough enough? Why do you think?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Benny was confused.

"First of all, you must know that there are four types of voters. The first type cares about overall politics, and will cast their precious votes according to their own rational analysis. The second type cares about local politics, and will vote according to their own interests. , to the one who cast his precious vote."

"The third kind of person who doesn't care about politics, has a political party that he supports or even trusts unconditionally, or who doesn't even have trust, and just because the party he supports is in his own interests, he unconditionally votes for the candidate supported by this party!"

"The fourth type is people who don't care about politics, don't have a political party they support and trust, and either don't vote or vote blindly."

"Which of these four kinds of people do you think makes up the majority?"

After Su Bai finished speaking, he looked at Benny.

Benny frowned slightly, and then said: "The third type. Although many of them don't care about politics at all, they all have their own main interests and goals, so they have a major support party. When voting, you will not pay too much attention to the proposals of the candidates of the political party you support, and will only vote according to the party."

"Yes, this group of people accounted for 60.00% of your total votes. But these 60.00% are stable votes, and the remaining 40.00% are the key to your victory. Then, among the remaining 40.00%, who do you think Is it a majority?"

Su Bai continued to ask.

After saying this, Bernie fell silent.

From noon to now, she actually didn't seriously think about Su Bai's intentions.After all, Taishe died, how could he think seriously.

"The fourth type of people, they are the true majority, the extremely large group of Silence, even bigger than the third type of people. Even a considerable part of the third type of people also belong to the fourth type of people .”

Seeing that Benny was silent, Su Bai spoke directly.

After hearing this, Benny was somewhat resistant, but she still nodded to express that she agreed with Su Bai's analysis.

"The fourth type of people is the silent majority. They have the votes that all Western politicians crave. But in many cases, they not only don't care about politics, they don't even bother to vote. But also all politicians, we must try to wake them up Whoever attracts the attention of this part of the people will get the votes of this part of the people.”

When Su Bai said this, he glanced at Benny, and said: "Unfortunately, your main target at the beginning was the first type of people and the second type of people. But the first type of people and the second type of people are usually the same the upper middle class of society.

Their votes count the most, but their will is sometimes the hardest to shake.Especially if you are too young, even if your original proposal was very mature, both the first and second types of people are questioning your political ability.So it is almost impossible to vote for you, serious decision-making misjudgment.So, I guess at this stage, you definitely didn't listen to your father. "

After hearing Su Bai's words, Benny was silent for a while, finally nodded, and then said: "My father did persuade me to shift my target to the silent crowd. However, I was very strong at the beginning and didn't listen to him. But...but I won in the end!"

Benny is still not convinced at this time.

A large part of her votes did not belong to the object she was trying to fight for, but the result has not changed.

"Because your opponent wanted to win too much and attracted too much attention. In that case, your opponent was caught whoring for no reason, and another opponent was buried in cement by you."

"This directly caused those silent people who were paying attention to him not to cast the vote in their hands. Under such circumstances, they naturally switched their voting targets, and then you are a lion in a husky coat among wolves, successfully It attracted the attention of those people and won the final victory."

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