Seeing this, Su Bai made his final conclusion.

It was not she who helped Bernie win, but her opponent.It can even be said that her opponent did not make a mistake.

"So, I still rely on my father..."

Bei Ni understood the meaning behind Su Bai's words.

Her biggest opponent at that time was probably the mastermind behind the prostitution//prostitution arrest, her father.

"Your grandfather once fell to the red giant, which also caused the decline of your family's political power. Although your father's generation has improved, it is still rejected by the overall political circle and has not been reused. But this does not mean that he has no Ability, he is very smart, much smarter than you."

Su Bai said.

Bernie's family was once one of the greatest political forces in Great Britain.However, due to some incidents during World War II, Benny's grandfather was once influenced by the red trend of thought, and finally saved the family and was not liquidated under the huge sacrifice of the family.

Although the family was saved, it also caused Bernie's father to wander on the fringes of the British political arena.

However, under such circumstances, Benny's father can still become a member of parliament, which is enough to make his ability strong.

Benny is too young, plus the influence of grandpa.Originally, it was impossible to become an MP.However, Benny's father gave all his love to Benny without Benny's knowledge.Including that Benny will come to Daxia this time, it is all the operation of Benny's father.

After hearing this, Bernie was completely silent.

She'd felt it before, but her father had kept it secret.It made her think it was just an illusion.

Of course, it is also possible that the pride of genius blinded her eyes.

"Because of your grandfather, it is impossible for the top level of British society to trust you. There is only one way you can win their support, and that is to put a knife on their neck. You can't do that, Not all of them you can bury in concrete. Britain doesn't need a cold-blooded prime minister right now."

After Su Bai finished speaking, Benny was completely silent.

Because of her father, she always wanted to express herself in front of Britain's top political forces, but the result was always nothing.

"So, the only person I can win over is the fourth type of person? But, won't you make them distrust me even more? Who would want a kid to govern the country! Politics is not a child's play, okay?"

When she said this, Benny became even more angry.

Originally, she was often questioned about her ability because of her appearance.Well now, it's even more questionable.

"But what if this little kid can make a better life for them?"

Su Bai said with a smile, and this sentence also stunned Benny.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he looked at Su Bai and said, "So, are you going to support me?"

"Of course, who told us to be friends? This is a plan I prepared for you to attract more precious voters. Go back and take a good look."

As Su Bai said, he handed a plan to Benny with a smile.

About an hour later, Benny happily left Su Bai's house with the plan Su Bai gave her in her arms. When she left, she even kissed Su Bai on the cheek. She was in a great mood.

"Being sold by someone, I have to thank Dade for counting the money."

On Zuo Ming's side, after Benny left, he complained.

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying that I have no good intentions?"

After Su Bai heard Zuo Ming's words, he spoke, looking very serious, with a little anger, as if he was angry at Zuo Ming's questioning of him.

"Is not it?"

Zuo Ming didn't hesitate, and continued to respond.

Regarding this, Su Bai was silent for a while, then smiled on his face, and said, "You are so accurate!"

Chapter 290: A War Nearly Impossible to Win (4000 words)

"This Su Bai... really does whatever he wants with his own intelligence."

America, in Harry's mansion, Harry said after seeing the latest information submitted by his subordinates.

Recently, the biggest diplomatic incident in the world was Su Bai's humiliation of British diplomats in public.

This incident sparked a large-scale discussion in Daxia, and it also received strong resentment from a large number of people in Great Britain, and even almost triggered large-scale demonstrations.

But under such circumstances, there seems to be someone in the current British government who suppressed the counterattack policy that Great Britain was planning to implement against Great Xia.

After suppressing it, Daxia gave Daying the right to sell the Ming chips in Europe.

Although this is a murder with a borrowed knife, the interests hidden behind the sales rights of Ming Chips are too huge. It is so huge that Harry is so tempted to imagine that other people are like others, choose a good-looking one, and go to establish a relationship with Su Bai.

However, Harry, who had been in contact with Su Bai, knew that this was not realistic, so he only sponsored some similar actions instead of doing it himself.

As for how Daying will explain to the people? It is very simple. Daying publicly announced that it will use part of the sales profits of Ming Chips to improve the welfare of the whole people.

Although this failed to completely resolve the incident, at least a large number of people chose not to speak out, abruptly suppressing the incident that might have caused large-scale turmoil.

"The loss of national pride."

Harry summed it up.

Enduring Su Bai's public insult and only caring about his own interests, this is actually a manifestation of a reduced sense of national identity, and it is also a drawback in many capitalist countries.

A people without faith and an army without faith, and a nation without faith.

"I think this is good. It proves that she has always been a willful little brat. I don't believe that she has unlimited talent to maintain her willfulness. When she can no longer act recklessly, she will fall from the altar.

Become a sinner of history, and even be dragged into the abyss together with Daxia. "

At this time, another person in Harry's study room, America's general Housman, spoke with a little arrogance in his words.However, I don't know why this arrogance seems a little lacking in confidence

"Crafty brat? No, you're wrong about Housman. Capriciousness is real, but she's anything but naive. Her insults are targeted, a test that will make Dae-young hopeless later."

After Harry heard Housman's words, he had a different opinion.

"It seems that Harry, you have a high opinion of her political ability."

After hearing Harry's words, Housman frowned slightly, thinking that he was a little dissatisfied with Harry's opinion.

"It's not a high rating, but a fact. She is testing the British people's recognition of the country. You know that after the incident of Su Bai taking that Benny to the children's playground broke out, on the British Internet, this Benny became the most popular in Britain. Member of Parliament?"

Harry asked Housman back.

Housman frowned slightly, and then said: "This kind of short-term support is useless. She is just a member of the lowest level, and she can't influence anything. When she wants to be promoted, this matter things will

will be her biggest obstacle. "

"No, ordinary people are blind. Yes, many people will doubt her political ability because she looks young. But what if she has brought a lot of benefits to Daying? The political benefits are exclusive to this Benny. Now she alone has the ability to influence the will of the high-tech companies in Great Britain. If my guess is right, Su Bai will also use a lot of resources to this Benny. Although I still can't guess why she did this, but I don't think it's a good thing."

Harry said seeing this.

He once also ran for president, so he has a thorough understanding of some of the voters' psychology.

"Now that you know this, what are you going to do with this analysis? Dig a hole for Su Bai?"

Housman said.

He really can't handle some political matters.However, he knew that Harry, once he got some information, would start a mode of being unreasonable.

"It depends on the results of the war analysis on your side."

Harry said seeing this.

After a semi-public military performance in Daxia a while ago, they finally obtained the most basic guess data on the equipment configuration of genetically enhanced fighters.

Although it is only guessing data, its significance is huge.Therefore, he asked America's actual combat general Housman to conduct a deduction of the results of the paper war.

Yes, war.Now, the only way to prevent Daxia from continuing to become so powerful that America absolutely does not want to see is war.

"If we want to win, our global layout will be completely defeated. However, if we still have the ability to absorb Great Xia's technology after the war, we can still maintain our status as world hegemony."

"Hausmann, don't give me a must-win game. That game is shit!"

As soon as Housman finished speaking, Harry retorted.

He is not the kind of person who likes to listen to beautiful words. The deduction he asked Housman to carry out is really planning to start a war against Daxia and start World War III after he successfully ran for president.

So, now he only cares about the real simulation results.

After Hausman heard it, he was silent for a while, and then said: "According to the national level, that is, at the moment when the domestic war starts, we will directly enter the mode of comprehensive wartime economic policy for deduction. Before the war, the two

We will be able to paralyze 60.00% of the important factories in Daxia this week.We ourselves have to pay about 40.00% of the factory paralysis as a price. "

"However, it only takes less than two months for Daxia to restore about 80.00% of its production capacity, and we will be delayed by five weeks due to the transfer of the real business.

"After the first round of strategic weapon attacks, it's the stage of the landing battle. Here I plan to reverse the Northern Dynasty from the stick and directly attack the heavy industry base in Daxia. We can clear the army of the Northern Dynasty in less than a week.

But Daxia has a 90.00% probability that two will appear on the battlefield within three days of the war. "

"Here, I want to make the first assumption, that is, we have gained an advantage in the air. But it is impossible to completely crush the air."

"After gaining an advantage in the air, we started to advance on land, and then we were pushed back to the country of Xiaori, and the country of Bangzi was destroyed."

When Housman said this, he covered his forehead with a headache.

This is also the reason for his lack of confidence.

"Air superiority, and then the land is directly crushed? Our army has just been equipped with a new generation of equipment. Modern battlefield air superiority is absolute!"

At this moment, Harry said incredulously.

Just now I said that I can win by paying a huge price, but now it has become directly crushed under the situation of air superiority?

"Big Xia currently has about 15.00 genetically enhanced fighters, and about 200% of them have completed the entire set of equipment. The cost of a soldier is about [-] million dollars. It sounds expensive, but if they form a tactical team of seven , with a tacit understanding, we need to use more than [-] tanks to fight against them. To eliminate them directly, we need to double the number of tanks, and cooperate with about two companies of infantry, as well as long-range heavy firepower and air support, Only in this way can we destroy them with relatively small casualties.”

When Housman said this, he almost gritted his teeth and looked at Harry and said, "Don't assume what you said. If you don't assume that, after the war, the terrifying war machine of Daxia will probably be able to create a large number of war machines within a year. More than [-] fully armed genetically enhanced fighters, tell me how to fight on land?"

"Do you know what happens when the bullets from the guns used by genetically enhanced soldiers hit our soldiers? At least a hole with a diameter of about seven centimeters will appear, and with the huge force, the entire body will be torn apart.

There is no difference between wearing body armor and not wearing it! We don't even need to prepare medical soldiers, because there will be no wounded at all, just bags for body parts are enough. "

"Under such circumstances, do you know the result of our soldiers' guns hitting the ceramic steel armor of genetically enhanced soldiers? The caliber below 20MM is almost immune, and the caliber above 20MM can kill it.

The main gun of the tank needs at least two frontal hits to blow up its ceramic armor!"

When Housman said this, he was a little hideous.He was not very willing to believe the results of this analysis.But the result is like this, this is their conservative analysis of the ceramic steel armor prepared on the genetically enhanced fighters


Seeing this result, his heart was cold.

"We have a comprehensive advantage in the sea, and we have an advantage in the air, and we also have a large amount of quick healing spray. Just drag Daxia into the quagmire, let Europe attack from the western front, and open up a second battlefield. Let Daxia

Don’t have time to deal with it, and drag Daxia to death, wouldn’t that work?”

Harry said unwillingly, trying to struggle.

"In the air...remember what I said? Assuming we have an advantage in the air, do you know why we should assume? Because we don't have an advantage in the air either. The crushing power brought by the Ming chip can make it easy for Daxia to develop a moment

An electronic warfare fighter that paralyzes the electronic equipment of the entire battlefield.And our electronic counterattack may not be able to shake the ghost chip, and the anti-interference level of the ghost chip is a mess.Fighters have no electronic equipment, aircraft carriers have no fighters, you

Do you think we still have an advantage in the air and sea?"

When Housman said this, he was a little desperate.

He participated in almost all of America's wars after World War II.He understands war, and he understands the fighting power of America's army.

However, in this case, if the simulation is real, he still made a result that made him feel desperate, that is: "We can't win."

"What if we go to war after we reserve a certain amount of ghost chips?"

Harry was clearly not giving up.He didn't want to see America's decline.After all, he knows what losing hegemony means to America now.

"The physical endurance of genetically strengthened fighters is beyond imagination. Daxia also seems to have found a new breakthrough in material science. The breakthroughs in mathematics and physics have also made Daxia have a new development in the field of energy. Under this situation, Daxia's next-generation fighter jets can maneuver and cruise at four times the speed of sound. Our missiles are not as fast as it. Guess how long it will take in a war situation once this kind of fighter jet succeeds in its first flight. Into the frontal battle."

Housman didn't answer Harry's words, but asked Harry back.

After hearing this sentence, Harry was completely silent. It is not America who lacks time now, but Daxia.Now America may still have the possibility of defeating Daxia, but if you wait for one to two years, then this possibility will be reduced without limit.

"It is true that a scientific and technological revolution is going on now, but this technological revolution is not global like the one that broke out during World War II. It is currently happening in the Great Xia, and it is only happening in the Great Xia. summer.

Once a war breaks out, if we make a little progress, Great Xia can make a hundred points.Therefore, delay tactics are not realistic.unless..."

When Housman said this, he was silent for a while.

"Unless what?"

At this time, Harry seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw, staring at Housman and said.

"Unless we have Su Bai or Daxia loses Su Bai to stop the technological revolution. You are an authority on the economy, and you should know the dire consequences if the current Daxia stops the technological revolution."

Housman looked at Harry with deep eyes and said.

It was Su Bai who started Daxia's technological revolution alone.She is absolutely at the heart of this technological revolution.

"The current Daxia is a train running at full speed. To slow it down, it needs a very long track. If this track disappears, then there will not be enough for the rushing train of Daxia. If the track brakes, it will directly derail!"

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