When Harry said this, a fierce light burst out in his eyes.

The world is in an economic crisis, and a bunch of small countries have gone bankrupt in this economic crisis. Wall Street is now raining with a water content of 70.00% every day.

Under such circumstances, Daxia's economy is still growing.

Why? It's very simple. Su Bai's investment-for-medical visa plan made a large amount of capital that still had spare capacity in the economic crisis to invest in Daxia's market, stimulating Daxia's economy.

Under such circumstances, Daxia also launched large-scale scientific research activities, which further stimulated domestic demand in the domestic market and triggered greater economic growth.

But if the technological revolution is suddenly interrupted and the investment of global capital suddenly stops, the extremely huge financial pressure will instantly crush the Daxia government.The possibility of a complete collapse is unlikely, and the resilience of a big country lies there.

However, the domestic development of Daxia may be stagnant for more than 20 years.


"I hope she is also a genius in anti-assassination."

Harry murmured to himself.

Chapter 290 The taste of this system has always been very accurate

"Xiaoxue, I'm so scared, he's going to kill me. I'm kind to him, I'm giving him first aid medicine, and I'm helping him repair his heart. It makes me so sad that he treats me like this!"

At Su Bai's home, after the system showed Su Bai that Harry was in his room and made the judgment that she was going to assassinate her, he showed a terrified look and handed Zhou Xue who was lying next to her and was handing out the test papers. hugged.

"It's obviously Sister Su Bai, you deserve it!"

Zhou Xue broke free from Su Bai's embrace as she spoke, and continued to write questions.

If it was three or four months ago, Zhou Xue might have been tricked by Su Bai, so comfort Su Bai.

However, now Zhou Xue really doesn't think there is any possibility of Su Bai being injured.She even felt that Harry's assassination of Su Bai was also guided by Su Bai himself.

After all, Su Bai can be said to be the mother-level existence of all capitalists who want to pursue the dream of longevity.Taking action against Su Bai is tantamount to making an enemy of the entire capital world.Harry would never have made such a decision if he hadn't been cornered.

"Xiaoxue, how can you say that about me. I was threatened with my life and you still made sarcastic remarks. I usually treat you so well in vain."

After Su Bai heard Zhou Xue's words, he looked pitiful and said.

"Do you treat me well by stuffing all your dirty clothes into my dirty clothes and letting my mother wash them?"

Zhou Xue also counterattacked directly.

After her mother moved in, Su Bai shamelessly gave her all his dirty clothes.Her mother had no problem with that.She didn't have any objections at first, but as the saying goes, good girlfriends, when it's time to criticize, even the smallest things should be brought up.

"You have the nerve to say, how many times has your mother washed away my fat!"

Good girlfriends pick thorns, and always pick where there are thorns.

On Zhou Xue's side, after hearing Su Bai's words, she also glanced at Su Bai speechlessly, and then said: "My mother said that Su Bai is good at everything, but it is not a good habit not to wear fat clothes. She has never Wash your fat times.

After Zhou Xue said these words, the room was quiet for a few seconds.

Sensing something was wrong, Zhou Xue bowed her head silently, and continued to produce her own test papers.

"So, system, you are a pervert!"

On Su Bai's side, after a few seconds of silence, he spoke.

[The term metamorphosis is the term used by intelligent flesh and blood life to express the personality of a kind of intelligent life.This system is not an intelligent flesh and blood life form, but the final form of artificial intelligence.Therefore, the title of intelligent flesh and blood life form cannot be used on this system!]

The system replied.

"You don't even deny it! Steal the fat times I wear, the system, do you want to be so perverted!"

On Su Bai's side, after hearing the system's answer, he spoke directly.

Good guy, when the system did something in the past, it at least quibbled a bit.Now I don't even quibble, I just play sophistry.

[Artificial intelligence does not have emotions, and naturally there is no concept of abnormality! 】

Seeing this, the system continued to speak righteously.

"You just wait for me, after a while, let's see how I deal with you!"

Su Bai didn't bother to argue with the system anymore.According to her plan, the system will stand in front of her in a short time and dress her up in a maid outfit.

【Heh, depending on the situation, this system is about to win. 】

At this time, the system expressed a different opinion.

Although Ding Yi has changed a lot in the past few months, he does have the idea of ​​being willing to abandon everything for his daughter.But all of this is based on irrationality.Ding Yi is currently unable to give everything for his daughter under rational circumstances.

According to the original bet, after about ten days, Ding Nuo will enter a state of suspended animation, which will be the final decisive moment.

According to the analysis of the system, its winning rate is [-]%!

"Ten percent, and I still have ten ways to win, ten ways!"

Su Bai emphasized a bit, and after finishing speaking, the system ignored Su Bai directly.Su Bai didn't intend to continue arguing with the system, but instead focused on Zhou Xue.

Compared with Zuo Ming's slob, Zhou Xue is more concerned about teaching others cutting-edge mathematics knowledge.I have completed all the content of the first class originally scheduled.

Yes, until today, Zhou Xue has only finished teaching the content of the first day that was originally scheduled.

Don't think that this is because of the slow learning speed of other people, but the normal learning speed of ordinary humans without the skills of teachers and teachers.

Zhou Xue just misjudged the learning speed of ordinary people.

In order to celebrate that she finally finished teaching the content of the first class, Zhou Xue planned to make a quiz to test other people's learning ability.

"I suggest removing all true-false questions and multiple-choice questions. There is no need for so many application questions, one is enough."

After briefly looking at Zhou Xue's exam paper, Su Bai spoke.

Zhou Xue's exam papers are still at the level of ordinary exam papers.Although this can accurately test each person's mastery of different knowledge points, it is only applicable to students, not to scientific researchers.

"If there is only one question, what if some people's mastery is too low to teach the blank paper?"

After Zhou Xue heard Su Bai's words, she seemed a little entangled.

"Persuade them, give them face? Do you really treat yourself as a primary school student and want to be coaxed to study? If you don't, you can get out early. They don't want to learn from other people who want to learn. Give up the places."

Su Bai said directly.

The children Zhou Xue teaches are not children who have no self-control ability, and they are all over [-] years old.

Zuo Ming did a good job at this point, adhering to the principle of love to learn but not to learn, and get out if you don't learn, and eliminated all the bastards who entered the classroom trying to be gilded in the first four days.

Zhou Xue seems to be in charge, but in fact she is still a child in her mind, and has not yet adapted to the adult world.

"Then... what should be the question?"

Zhou Xue asked after hearing Su Bai's words.

Zuo Ming had told her about this, but she always felt that others should be given some chances.But now that Su Bai has said this, there must be some reason she doesn't understand.

"It's very simple. You can go to Uncle Li Shu and tell him that he will come up with the questions for this exam. The code name of the exam is the deworming operation."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

There are always bedbugs in this world who like to dig into a dead end.After finding out that Zuo Ming's side didn't work, they realized that Zhou Xue didn't understand the complexity of the adult world, so they turned to her.

Then, it was comfortably gold-plated on Zhou Xue's side until now, and it is also comfortable until now.

They have been comfortable for so long, so Su Bai should also be comfortable here.

As the saying goes, there is a back and forth, and it is not difficult to come again.


Zhou Xue nodded after hearing Su Bai's words.Zhou Xue, who didn't know the complexity of the adult world, would never have thought that what she thought was a small test would shake up the entire academic world.

Chapter 290 IX Chen Ming is still very kind

"I still like the troop outfit. This one has a gun that doesn't even have recoil."

In the headquarters of the Great Xia Special Event Emergency Management Bureau, Chen Ming said after being equipped with an armored mechanical arm that could cover the entire arm, with a little disgust in his words.

This mechanical arm is used in conjunction with the newly developed gene-enhanced soldier's public security and body armor, and it can also be matched with a firearm with seven sets of replacement components.

It seems to be an update, but it is actually an epic weakening.

In the past, a single shot could penetrate three sides of reinforced concrete, and even directly blast the load-bearing wall.Now there is only one hole left in one wall.

Although it is said that hitting people is still one shot at a time, but the exhilaration brought by the huge recoil has disappeared, which makes Chen Ming very disappointed.

"Public security warfare, you wear the uniform of the army, are you sure you are going to maintain public security?"

At this time, Pound complained speechlessly.

The original set of ceramic steel armor designed by Su Bai was very fierce, but it was used for fighting, not for maintaining law and order.With the current law and order situation in Great Xia, it is unlikely that there will be gangsters who can threaten the genetically enhanced fighters.

Of course, the most important thing is that the suit of armor of the troops can't be dispatched normally.The movement was too great to be dispatched secretly.But what Su Bai would encounter were basically emergencies, so he needed a set of portable security warfare armor, and he had this set.

This mechanical arm covered with ceramic steel armor integrates short-term nutrient supply, weapon and ammunition supply, close-up efficient strike, self-active defense, heavy weapon detection and early warning, emergency and rapid communication, and surrounding life body detection systems.

Although it can still be clearly seen on the outside, it is not like in the past, and it cannot be used at all.It can be more flexibly deployed in the hidden positions of some militants who may pose a threat to Su Bai, and protect Su Bai's safety more meticulously, and will never give those who attempt to threaten Su Bai a chance to repent.

Although, Su Bai really doesn't need their protection.

"I'm just a little envious of the army. I still know that this set is more suitable for us."

Chen Ming said with a smile. After speaking, he took off the mechanical arm and said, "What happened?"

Pang De is mainly responsible for Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue's affairs recently.

Su Bai's usual activities are relatively fixed, and he is protected by mystery.So Chen Ming is not worried.However, Chen Ming was not sure that Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming were also protected mysteriously, so the protection of the two of them was in accordance with normal standards.

Under such circumstances, Pang De came to him probably because he had something to do with Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue, but it shouldn't be something urgent.

"Zhou Xue made a small quiz, and then Su Bai suggested that Zhou Xue go to Academician Li Shu to take the quiz. Academician Li Shu also readily agreed."

Seeing this, Pound said.

When Chen Ming heard this, he put down the water in his hand, frowned slightly, and said, "So, what did Su Bai say?"

Pang De said in detail, but this kind of thing does not need to come to him.Pound himself has the authority to handle it, and at most he can submit a report to him.Pang De can find him, it means that Su Bai is messing up again.

"Su Bai named this operation the deworming operation. It seems that she is very clear about the rotten work in the academic world. She didn't do it before because she was waiting for the fish to take the bait."

Seeing this, Pound said.

After Su Bai broke the two technology trees of mathematics and physics, the overall scientific research environment of Daxia was in an orderly chaos.

However, even if the chaos is orderly, it is still chaos. Since it is chaos, it is possible for some people with malicious intentions to take advantage of loopholes.

The higher-ups still took care of this matter, but there was no way, there were too many people in Daxia, and it was impossible to take care of them all.

Under such circumstances, where is the place with the highest gold content in the entire scientific research field? It's very simple, Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue's classroom.

Because Su Bai's identity is kept confidential, many people just think that Su Bai is just a national treasure-level scientist, at most he has more power.

In addition, Su Bai basically didn't care about Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue's side, so among the people who went to Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue's class, some of them were a little watery.

They don't really learn, and they don't learn.

The reason why I go to class is because I want to be gilded.

Adding a line on the resume that once completed a period of study in Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue's class is more useful than the results of participating in some super projects.

Zuo Ming immediately kicked out most of the people with a lot of water, and some of the remaining people were still watery, but at least they were half a bucket of water, and they could still learn a little bit.

Zhou Xue's side is different.She is too young, even if she has a high EQ, she still can't understand the world of adults. She follows the principle of coming to class and teaching, and she is not picky at all.

Pound thought about whether to do it on his side.But after thinking of Su Bai, he finally chose to let it develop.

But now it seems that his original judgment was correct.It's not that Su Bai didn't do anything, but was waiting for those greedy baits to take the bait.

"Did Su Bai say something specific?"

Chen Ming was not surprised by this, and nothing Su Bai did was worth the surprise.

"No, I just said the name of a deworming operation, and then asked Li Shu to find you. Li Shu is busy there, so let me tell you."

After Pound finished speaking, he looked at Chen Ming, waiting for Chen Ming's next move.

When he was just getting close to the game, his level was indeed higher than Chen Ming's, but now Chen Ming's level is higher than him.Therefore, most of the plans still take Chen Ming's decision as the primary reference.

"When does this quiz start?"

After Chen Ming thought for a while, he asked.

"It was originally just a small test, but Li Shu mainly learned from Zhou Xue's side, so he knows how to test that some people are really learning, and some people are just messing around. So, I plan to do a comprehensive one, in half a month's time , conduct a comprehensive test. We have half a month to prepare."

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