"System, is this the allure effect? ​​Although it is easy to use, it feels a little worse than the gluttony, right?"

After getting on the car home, Su Bai said to Sheng Si.

After she said this, Zuo Ming Ding Yi and the others took a look at Su Bai.

Because Su Bai's conversation with Sheng Si was not blocked before, this sentence was blocked just like before.

Su Bai didn't care about anything, and Sheng Si didn't pay attention to other people, and said: "The major skills also have levels. If the major skill of the house dance is based on the value, it is a fourth-level major skill. ,

The gluttony is the top skill of the general culinary technology tree, which belongs to the six-level skill category.Although the difference between the two sides is only two levels, the effect is at least ten times worse.What's more, you haven't met the activation conditions, and you need to dance the house dance if you want to fully activate it.It’s like the greedy appetite wants to achieve the maximum effect, it needs to rely on the ingredients, the better the quality of the ingredients themselves, the better the effect.”

During the negotiation just now, Su Bai activated the allure effect.In the absence of house dance as a carrier, the effect of Qingcheng is the guidance of desire.

Guide those who saw Su Bai, the biggest desire in their hearts at that time.

This is the biggest advantage of Qingcheng's ability, but also the biggest disadvantage.

It is not an unlimited magnification of human desires, but a guide to a person's greatest desire at that point in time.

Under such circumstances, those company directors who came to Ding Yi's company for a super-high-level meeting today have a common idea in their hearts, that is, to obtain from Ding Yi the benefits that they think should belong to them .

Before they came, they basically thought that Ding Yi would never spit out the benefits of eating easily, even if he spit it out, it might be a trap.

But they themselves felt that even if Ding Yi set a trap, they were capable of fighting back.Before that trap is officially launched, eat what they think should belong to them.

Su Bai saw the thinking of those capitalists, and then used the foreign market to conduct a little guidance at the meeting, so that those capitalists saw a glimmer of light, kicked Ding Yi out, and let them enjoy the dawn of the cake to themselves.

This ray of dawn unrestrictedly magnified their inner desires, let go of the last trace of vigilance, and spoke out the most true thoughts in their hearts without any concealment.

"So, when will you give me physics? Without physics, if I want to simply solve a thermal fusion, I have to do it myself. It's so troublesome."

Su Bai obviously didn't pay much attention to what he did just now, and brought the topic back to what Su Bai knows so far, the most powerful skill on the technology side, physics.

It's not that she wants this skill because she thinks it's awesome, it's mainly because Zuo Ming is co-building some key knowledge points of nuclear physics recently, and the points she deduced through mathematical inverse have almost been used.In order to prevent himself from being exposed in front of Zuo Ming, Su Bai had to spend a little more time pushing the technology tree of nuclear physics a little bit.

As for why not push it all at once?She can pretend to be aggressive in front of Zuo Ming by spending a few hours every day pushing a little bit, why do she need to spend a few days pushing to finish?How much trouble?

What's more, if the system gave her nuclear physics or physics skills one day, wouldn't she need to use her own brain?

"Use your own brain to push the technology tree. Physics has it, but I just don't give it to you. I am a bullying system, do you understand the bullying system? If you make your life so comfortable, am I still the bullying system?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Shengsi spoke, and while speaking, stretched out his hand to play with a little hair on Su Bai's head, and seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

After all, what could be happier in this world than having a super cute little loli in your arms?

"Bullying, Boba's bully?"

After Su Bai heard Sheng Si say this, he immediately retorted unconvinced.Although I don't know where the topic of rebuttal went.But as the saying goes, the most important thing to be a man is to speak with sufficient momentum, and everything else can be delayed a little bit.

"Your skin is itchy, right? You don't know who you are, little master, do you? I'm a bullying system, but I was born to bully you as the host. You really think I can't do anything about you, do you? "

After hearing Su Bai's words, Shengsi also became angry, and when he said that, he balled Su Bai into a ball and played with it in his arms, trying to use his tenderness to make Su Bai pass out.

"Besides Nv Nai Da, what else do you want? You promised to give me combat skills before, but what did you give me later! Starting with a level-[-] civilization, there is no limit to a level-[-] civilization."

Su Bai resisted so dissatisfied that, after finishing speaking, he kicked Shengsi's chin with his own foot.

Under such circumstances, Saints mercilessly stuck out his tongue to fight back.

Well, as long as you are perverted enough, other people will feel that they have no problem doing so.

Ding Yi and Chen Ming chose not to see evil early on, but as for Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue?Zuo Ming's attention was on the game, while Zhou Xue looked at Su Bai and Sheng Si with a full face.

Are grown-ups these days so perverted?

"Aren't the combat skills I gave you powerful enough? You can destroy civilizations by yourself, and you can destroy stars with one force. Even the strongest skill of the Valkyrie in the pan-world legend, the soul of the mecha is given to you , are you still not satisfied?

Sheng Si said dissatisfiedly after Su Bai pulled back his wet little feet.

Su Bai wanted combat skills, and she gave them to mecha control, spaceship piloting, and the possibility of single-player combat with cosmic megastructures.How powerful and magnificent these are!If it is used well, it is possible to destroy the universe alone, not to mention destroying stars alone.

"It's useful! For example, the soul of the Valkyrie mech you mentioned, it's useful only at level [-] civilization. Even pilgrims can't do it. You have to wait until the end of time before you can use it!"

Su Bai objected dissatisfied.

Mecha Soul (Ming only) LV0.03 level: The strongest single-system combat skill comprehended by Ming's strongest Valkyrie in the great expedition initiated by Ming. (Minimum activation requirement is level [-] and level [-] civilization, best activation requirement is level [-] civilization)

This is the so-called high-end skill given by the system.Level [-] is available, level [-] is best.

Then, when Pilgrim was destroyed, he reached level [-].

Well, the pilgrim didn't reach the optimal activation conditions until he died, and then threw it to her.She has to wait until the Year of the Monkey to have a good time!

"Hey~ For the next month, I will wear a nun's costume and you will wear a maid's costume, and then Civilization will go to dance together at that time. I will give this to you after I finish."

When Sheng Si said these words, he pressed Su Bai firmly under him with his tenderness.

When Su Bai tried to resist, Saint Si placed the palm in front of Su Bai, and a super cool-looking small spaceship appeared, and Su Bai knew this small spaceship at the first sight. Information about the spaceship.

[180-level galaxy-level civilized air-space shuttle escort manned fighter]: It is an air-space shuttle fighter designed and built by Xianju Heavy Industry that can travel between inside and outside the planet, with a maximum cargo capacity of 800 cubic meters and a maximum take-off weight within the planet [-] [-] tons, driven by a super fusion engine, with a maximum battery life of [-] years.Equipped with a gravity counter system, an energy gravitational shield, and the latest air drainage system, it can ensure ultra-high-speed maneuvering inside and outside the planet, and even perform V-shaped maneuvering turns when needed.However, because it is a technology demonstrator, it is not equipped with a weapon system, but it is equipped with a five-level civilization high-dimensional ejection device that can ensure the safety of the driver to the greatest extent.

"Is it that big?"

After Su Bai saw it, he was not dazzled by the cool appearance of this fighter.She will trap the system, and the system will trap her.If she didn't ask clearly at this time, she promised that she would get a toy with the size of a projection.

"The real one, I parked it in the backyard of our house for you before going on stage to dance. You saw it, and you're sure it's the real one. It's dancing. How about it, isn't it considerate enough?"

Seeing this, Shengsi said, with a sweet smile as bright as the Holy Mother on his face.

"A word is settled!"

Su Bai stretched out his little finger while speaking.

"A word is settled!"

Shengsi also stretched out his little finger as he spoke, and pulled the hook with Su Bai.

Chapter 310 Only the rich enjoy

When Su Bai was hooking up with Shengsi happily, some people were obviously not in a good mood.

"Let's talk cruelly, but how should we deal with the next thing. The Ming chip is about to be released, and the breakthrough of nuclear fusion technology has also entered the countdown, instead of the 50 years when there was no hope. Su Bai still has the lifespan in his hands." Extend the technique. Under such circumstances, the higher-ups don’t know why, but they firmly support Su Bai. It’s not so difficult to bring her down!”

In the elevator, the directors who were about to leave Ding Yi's company felt extremely heavy now.

They can no longer imagine how explosive the current public opinion on the Internet is, but this is not the most urgent thing to deal with.

The most important thing now is that when they finished their ruthless words and were about to start forming a faction to fight against Su Bai, they found that they seemed to be alone and helpless.Some people even found a particularly dramatic scene, that is, a large part of them want to fight against Su Bai, that is to strangle themselves!

As for why?

It's very simple, Su Bai is not just a scientist, there is also an invisible force hidden behind Su Bai.

This force is not loyal to Su Bai, but to Su Bai, they are more loyal than loyal ministers.

Take the field of technology as an example, the crushing performance of Ming chips represents the lifeblood of almost all companies that need to use high-end chips.And Su Bai has 70.00% right to speak on the chip.As long as Su Bai says a word, some companies with a current market value of trillions will collapse in an instant and become the dust of history.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for a company that still wants to eat this meal to disagree with Su Bai and become Su Bai's most loyal believer.

Taking the field of energy as an example, nuclear fusion has always been a long 50-year period.But after Su Bai reshaped the physics and mathematics technology tree, and let Zuo Ming take charge of the promotion of nuclear fusion, the long 50 years were directly shortened into ten years.

To be precise, it is five years of research and development and five years of commercial use.In a red-headed document that has not yet been issued, all the energy giants in Daxia know one thing. In 20 years, Daxia will allow nuclear energy to account for more than 90.00% of the country's power generation, and completely step into efficient and clean energy. energy age.

In nuclear fusion, Zuo Ming's voice accounted for 60.00%, of which Zuo Ming had 50.00% and Su Bai [-]%.

Such a proportion of the right to speak is equivalent to saying that Su Bai has firmly grasped the lifeblood of Daxia's domestic energy giants and all capitals with huge energy expenditures.

Therefore, it is impossible for Daxia's domestic energy giants and capital with huge energy expenditures to oppose Su Bai.It can even be said that they will be more humble than those technology companies.

The former can only drink cold water, while the latter can't even breathe air, let alone cold water.

Think this is over?It's not over yet.

And materials science.

Ceramic steel is a material that cannot be used for civilian use within 50 to [-] years. However, according to the research and development ideas of ceramic steel, Daxia discovered a new breakthrough direction in materials science, and developed a variety of epoch-making materials. Level materials, some of which have already emerged in some cutting-edge scientific research fields.

In this regard, Su Bai's right to speak is not as much as energy and chips, but it has reached 30.00%.

Then, the scientists in charge of this project were all studying systematically at Zhou Xue's side. Some of them were not in material science, but they were basically inextricably linked with Su Bai.

Under such circumstances, it is still the same sentence, in the field of new material science, we will still have to look at Su Bai's face for food in the future.

Thought it was over here?

When Su Bai performed surgery on Qian Heyue, he conveniently gave Qian Heyue's granddaughter, Sun Qirou, a recipe for growing melons, which can be used to stabilize crop genes.

At first, Sun Qirou was very happy to use it, but when some agronomists from next door came to inspect it, they found that this technology could not only be used on melons.

After careful study, I found that it can only be used in melon technology.But after reasoning based on this technology, he deduced the idea of ​​stabilizing the crop genes of a bunch of other crops, directly advancing the agricultural development of Daxia from hybrid grafting and seed selection to the stage of gene selection.

Don't think that the world will be fruitless on this point. Recently, in the northeast of Daxia, small cabbages the size of Chinese cabbage have been bred, and the taste is better, the yield is higher, and there are fewer diseases and insect pests. The environmental requirements are not high, and the soil requirements It is not high, but the fertilizer requirements are a little higher.

The breeding time for other crops will be longer, but it has basically been confirmed that within ten years, the agricultural technology of Daxia will also undergo earth-shaking development.

As for Su Bai's right to speak in agricultural technology... This is not clear yet, but what is certain is that Su Bai may still have a small privilege in this regard, and it may even be an adjective. Not a metaphor.

Don't think this is the end, don't forget that in the medical field, 90.00% of the five's discourse power is the key to Su Bai's never being a saint.

"Old Qin, don't worry, there are people above her, and so do we. As long as we unite, she won't be able to get around."

"Yes, a little brat, are we still afraid? It's impossible to be afraid. She has gone too far, and we will drag her into the water with all our might. We need to let her know what it means to end up making people angry!"

"This time she has gone too far, what can be tolerated by a scholar!"

At the door of Ding Yi's company, several directors of Ding Yi's company seemed indignant and said to Wang Chengjian among them.

Hearing these words, Wang Chengjian immediately showed an indignant expression and said, "That's right, if we don't give her a taste, she would think we are vegetarians!"

As the saying goes, qualified capitalists are all smiling tigers. Looking at those people with angry faces around him, Wang Chengjian only wanted to say one thing in his heart: "Damn, every one of them will try to be Su Bai's dog after they go back. I'm the only one who is stubborn." Already!"

To be reasonable, sometimes, being a dog is a kind of happiness.Most of the capital invested in Ding Yi Company is not purely financial capital.But Wang Chengjian is different. He is a pure financial capital. Apart from finance, his company has no other industries.

On weekdays, with a huge amount of capital and cash flow in his hands, he can be said to be able to call the wind and shake the rain, and he can get what he wants.

But at this special time node, the financial industry is worthless.He wanted to be a dog, but he couldn't.

In other words, he was forced to be tough.

The person is dead, and there is only one mouth left that can be hardened.

"Grandpa Wang, save me, save me!"

At this moment, a cry came from a distance.

After hearing this voice, the directors who were still standing at the door of Ding Yi Company looked over, and then saw a person tied to a chair hanging there by a rope on a street lamp in the distance, and a man was tied around his neck. A sign was hung up, with five words written on it: "Exclusively for the rich"

Chapter 310 IX Trapeze, Sometimes It’s a Choice (3500)

"To be reasonable, Su Bai's fault this time is a bit big. The domestic food giants, energy giants, daily necessities giants, technology giants, and financial giants. Others are not as big as these, but they are not so small."

"It doesn't matter how much trouble she caused, it doesn't matter how great Su Bai's achievements are now!"

"It doesn't matter, no matter how capable Su Bai is, he is only a scientist. Now that the world's financial situation is so tense, she still messes around at this juncture. She is simply a sinner of the country, which is unreasonable!"

"Repay the country's sinners. At this juncture, those capitalists are still thinking of raising the medical costs that Su Bai forcibly brought down. Why don't you say that this is a mess?"

"The current world economic collapse is not caused by Su Bai? First disrupt the medical market, then disrupt the world economy, and accelerate the pace of world chaos and World War Three. A hundred years later, Su Bai will have to pay historical responsibility for this period of history!

"In a hundred years, Su Bai will be praised by countless people, but you are just a bug."

"Hehe, a group of keyboard warriors who can only scream, do you know what is called world stability and balance? Do you know that the Western world is helping us by letting go of their prejudices and promoting world economic integration? Do you know how much we are doing now? The heart of a friend? Repay kindness with grievances, Su Bai is the second mustache!"

"It's even blown to the West. America has recently introduced a bill to comprehensively sanction our country's food."

"Hehe, isn't it because what you guys have done is too much? Let's see, this time Su Bai didn't settle so easily."

"Speaking of screaming, I don't know who is screaming. I don't know if there is a god in this world, but because of Su Bai's technology, the moment I left the hospital where I lived for seven years, I knew one thing , Su Bai is my God! So, I threw away a thousand shares of Yaoheng. It’s not much, but it’s within my power.’

"One thousand shares is a bit small, so I sold [-] shares here."

"I unsubscribed Huaheng's full set of furniture, which is expensive and of poor quality."

"You are all farts, I will send all Gulong's ice cream for inspection."

"Let me tell you one thing in advance. Now many of my brothers have fallen in love with watching the advertisements of those companies. And let me say a little bit, they are law students."

Every live broadcast of Su Bai can basically resonate huge public opinion on the Internet.

The previous few live broadcasts can basically be said to spread some positive energy to the society, let the society know the existence of Su Bai, and let them know the development of some ultra-cutting-edge technologies in the country.

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