But this time is different, this time is not a demonstration of technology, but a pure test of human nature.

After the collapse of the world economy, the most intuitive feeling of people in the Western world is that they look down on seeing a doctor.

After being trampled by new technologies, the entire western medical capital did not die immediately.After all, most countries immediately erected technical barriers to protect their medical capital.

Although Su Bai used a little trick in the follow-up to make these technical barriers unbreakable, except for the most cutting-edge and basic medicines, other medicines developed by Daxia based on the technology provided by Su Bai are basically are difficult to penetrate into Western markets.

The reason they use is also very simple, that is, those drugs have not passed the test of time, and there is no guarantee of safety.

Although it is only a tactic to delay the attack, it can also allow those medical capital to breathe a little bit, so that they will not be strangled to death immediately.

And the response of those medical capital to this is. In the case of the world economic collapse, the price of almost all drugs has been raised.

There is no way, their medicines are not likely to compete with Daxia's medicines.As for imitation?The premise of imitation is to know the basic principles, and they have been working on it for a long time, and they didn't even break through the bottom logic.


With no hope of imitation and even more hopelessness of catching up, they took advantage of the government's protection for them, and came up with a trick to exhaust the fish and suck the marrow.

Anyway, they have nothing to eat afterwards, so feed themselves first when they still have something to eat.After all, things like drugs are just needed, and you have to spend money to buy them when you need them.

As for having no money?If you have no money, you will die.Those patients who have no money just lost their lives, but those medical capital lost money!

By the way, under such circumstances, those gene-enhanced drugs that were called expensive by the West became the cheapest batch.

Under such circumstances, under the deliberate guidance of Chen Ming, the citizens of Daxia also knew about the medical chaos abroad.

In such a chaotic foreign medical environment, Da Xia, with Su Bai's help, enjoyed the world's best quality and cheap medicines.

With the help of Su Bai's technology, many patients who were in despair have been revived and regarded Su Bai as a god.

In this case, those capitalists are trying to blaspheme their gods.

In fact, sometimes, as long as the interests are sufficient, it is not a big deal for the gods to be desecrated. The key point is that while those capitalists are desecrating their gods, they are also shaking the foundation of their existence.

His own beliefs and interests have been impacted at the same time, coupled with the official mass base, the monstrous flames can almost burn the sky in an instant!

At the gate of Ding Yi's company, Wu Yinsong was hung up for seven hours before he was finally released, but the photo of him crying for his father and mother while hanging on the street lamp was spread all over the Internet overnight.

As for why he was hung up for seven hours?This is to not take up public resources, so the fire truck rescued three cats, helped four old ladies, dealt with a small fire, and repaired four cars on the way.

In the middle, I went to have a meal because I was too tired, which was very hard.

However, Wu Yinsong soon knew that what happened after that was a real nightmare compared to being hung up on street lights for seven hours.

"Xiao Lin, don't open your store today. You should do something else, or don't buy it. Otherwise, I will cut off the power to your store. My daughter's congenital heart disability is relieved by Su Bai's technology. For life extension, it is said that there will be eradication technology in two or three years. No matter what I say, I will support Su Bai."

In a shopping mall, the person in charge of the shopping mall found the owner of a furniture specialty store and said.

"If you don't come, I will also say that I will close the store for a while. I am getting the purchase order today, and I am going to return the goods to redecorate and buy something else. My dad had a car accident last month, and there was a hole as big as the mouth of the bowl. , If you let it go, you will die. As a result, I sprayed four bottles of spray and forced to continue. I don’t want to have an accident one day, and I also use four bottles of spray, and then spray it to ruin the family.”

The owner of the furniture store said this.

The owner of this furniture specialty store is a downstream seller of Wu Yinsong’s family capital. The support from public opinion is actually the best solution. Beating/smashing is irrational, and it can’t cause losses to the other party at all, and it may even cause the other party to lose money. generate income.

However, directly closing the sales terminal is fatal to any enterprise.

Most importantly, this is not an isolated phenomenon.

The sparks shining on the grassland seem faint, but in fact they have the possibility of destroying the entire grassland.

Not to mention, what fell onto the grass this time was not sparks, but a meteor burning with fiery flames!

It can not only burn the entire grassland, but also bring destruction to the entire grassland!

"I said don't go, don't go, don't go, why are you going to join in the fun? One day, just one day! Seventy percent of our offline channels have been closed, and the online channel opened an order today, which was canceled just now. not only exacerbated, but also

On the food side, all companies have announced that they will cut off their cooperation with us.Satisfied now?Still want to drink soup, still want to share meat from Ding Yi?We are like this before the higher-ups do something, and we are still alive if the higher-ups do it? "

At the headquarters of Huaheng Group, Wu Chengwei, the largest shareholder and director of Huaheng Group, completely disregarded that his son hadn't recovered from being dropped for seven hours, and started cursing by pointing at his nose.

After hearing what his father said, Wu Yinsong, who was scolded by Wu Chengwei, just kept silent and lowered his head, not daring to reply.

"Isn't it just that the company makes less money? You should think of a way to deal with Su Bai first. Our son has been bullied like that by Su Bai. If you don't vent your anger on our son, what will I do in the future!"

Under such circumstances, Wu Yinsong's mother, who was also in the office, was not happy.

Her son was raised by her own hands, not to mention beating and scolding, even a small fall would make him feel extremely distressed.As a result, he was abruptly hung on a street lamp for seven hours.She was so angry that she almost fainted after hearing this.

"That's right, Dad, isn't he just a scientist? You spend some money to find a few academic media to write and scold her, can't you solve it in minutes?"

When Wu Yinsong uttered the second half of the sentence, after looking at his father's eyes that seemed to eat people, he was a little afraid to speak.

"Why are you staring at your son? Find a way!"

After seeing this scene, Wu Yinsong's mother was even more unhappy and said

"I still have to think of a way? I really want to find a way now. I want to be a dog for others. They don't even bother to ask for it. Usually we can call the wind and call the rain, but now, we are just street rats. It's not good to mess with anyone, mess with her...a little scientist... It would be great if that was the case.”

After Wu Chengwei just glanced at his wife, he came to the window of his office and looked at the busy traffic downstairs.

Usually, he doesn't like to stand in this position, because he is a little afraid of heights.However, I don't know what happened today, standing in this position, I don't feel scared anymore.

"Boss, it's not good!"

Just at this time!

Wu Chengwei's secretary rushed into the office eagerly, and after hesitantly glanced at Wu Chengwei's wife, he immediately said: "Boss Hong jumped off the building! It's just one day, and basically all shareholders of the company are in their hands to varying degrees." All the stocks were thrown away. There were more than 20 billion financial loopholes, and the entire company was in debt of more than 300 billion. It was hidden before, but now it is directly revealed by the financial.

"Old...Old Hong?"

After Wu Chengwei heard this sentence, he suddenly felt a little unsteady on his feet. He forcibly held down the chair at hand to stabilize his body a little.

"People...people now..."

"On the 27th floor, people only saw it after they fell."

Wu Chengwei's last fluke was broken by his secretary's words.

My best old friend, a few days ago, was talking about life happily together, but now it has been separated forever.

"Old Hongta"

At this time, Wu Yinsong's wife, who was still a bit arrogant and domineering before, also felt something was wrong. She looked at Wu Chengwei worriedly, especially when she saw Wu Chengwei staring at the direction of the window for a long time, she had a strong bad feeling , said: "The child's father, don't be too hard on yourself."

"Now it's not a problem that I can't think about, it's us looking for death. We wanted to be more greedy, but we got ourselves into it. Su Bai is just a brat, it is clearly a thunder, whoever touches it will die Ray.

After the economy blew up, domestic capital was ready to move, and the higher-ups were worrying about who to use to make an example of others.As a result, we stuck our heads out to sacrifice the knife. "

Wu Chengwei said in despair.

If Su Bai was really just messing around, then maybe it wouldn't be scary.What's really scary is that the country really needs such a nonsense person at this time.

ps: push the book

"Honkai, starting from the return of Sky Ranger to the second collapse"

Simple version introduction: Tangerine, the story of Qiyana in the Sky Ranger period who obtained the time travel system, and then returned to the Second Honkai with the consciousness of the Herrscher of Space to attack Sirin.

Chapter 320 Qualifications Are Needed To Be Su Bai's Dog

"Su Bai's influence... is a little too scary."

In the British embassy, ​​Chloe said in surprise after seeing the terrifying butterfly effect caused by Su Bai's live broadcast by the British intelligence agency.

More than a dozen super companies, with a trillion-level market capitalization, fell by nearly two-thirds in less than three days.

As for why the remaining third didn't fall?It's not because of how strong these companies are, it's simply because there are fixed assets to forcibly support the scene.

The most important thing is that, compared to some activities that only arouse many people to verbally denounce, this time the resistance of ordinary people in Daxia really went deep into the bones, and it was not the kind of blind resistance, but with full sensible.

If you have already bought it, you can continue to use it. If it is broken, you can guarantee it. If you can’t, you can find another home to repair it.Those who haven't bought it, unless there is really no other way, will never use the products of those companies, and even the products of companies related to those companies are boycotted together.

Daxia Network recently even listed a list of avoidance pits, which can help others avoid products and substitutes that are most likely to come across in life and create benefits for those companies.

This is only at the level of ordinary people, and the resistance at the level of enterprises and capital is even more fatal.

The cooperation was interrupted, the bank stopped lending, the channels were closed, and the financial cooperation was cancelled. In a very short period of time, the products of those companies disappeared from the market.If you want to buy it, you can only go to the second-hand market or the black market to buy it.

"The influence of Su Bai's other products has not yet been exerted. Now in the field of ordinary people, Su Bai has only exerted his influence in medicine. In theory, there is only one audience for her, and that is patients. But the problem is , anyone can become a patient, and Su Bai almost gave everyone the hope of living after getting terminally ill."

After Bernie, who was sitting on the sofa, put down the score in her hand, she opened her mouth to express her opinion.

If Su Bai only made some terminally ill medicines, and achieved low prices and popularization, then Su Bai might not be enough to fight against those positive capitals.Because, in that case, Su Bai is really just a relatively powerful scientist.

But the problem is that Su Bai reformed the entire medical system, making it possible to cure almost all incurable diseases.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai also managed to reduce the cost of medicine, allowing gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs to enter thousands of households, making himself a super saint at the level of helping the world, and becoming a living person in this world, A god who still walks in the world.

"Under the circumstances that her achievements in medicine are unparalleled in the world, her achievements in other fields are truly disappointing. Other companies will not let go of any opportunity to curry favor with Su Bai. Whether it is a company in Daxia

company, or an international company. "

Seeing this, Chloe said.

Those companies will end up like that in just a few days, not only because of the exclusion of domestic companies in Daxia, but also international companies that cooperate with those companies have also made similar actions.

And the reason why they took similar actions is also very simple, maybe their actions will not be noticed by Su Bai, but at least Su Bai can't let Su Bai know that they didn't do it.

This guy. But because someone accidentally said that she was short, he hung her up for seven hours!

"According to that Feng Yufang, they are not qualified to be dogs!"

After Bernie finished speaking, she continued to read her own score.

She followed Su Bai's words and started her own unique political path, that is, the first idol congressman in history.This idol is not a metaphor, but an action that she really intends to make.

"If it was normal, she would cause a lot of trouble if she said this. But now...Su Bai is surrounded by a group of willful people!"

Chloe sighed.

What Benny said was what Feng Yufang said yesterday when someone stopped her at the headquarters of the Luochen Charity Foundation. The original words were: "Will you cooperate? Did you not clarify your position? Don't talk about cooperation." , you are not qualified to be dogs now!"

The words Feng Yufang said were posted on the Internet by the person who stopped her, intending to use them to discredit Su Bai, Feng Yufang and Luochen Charity Foundation.

However, after it was actually posted on the Internet, the direction of public opinion quickly reversed.It's not that Feng Yufang came out to refute the rumors, but many people think that there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Just look at the power that Su Bai holds now. Just a small benefit in the medical field directly made Ding Yi the richest man in Daxia, and this was achieved without any rich listed companies. , Wealth almost surpassed that of the richest man in the world.

Not to mention the follow-up chips, materials science, and agriculture.

Being a dog for Su Bai, eating some leftovers that Su Bai didn't bother to care about, may be richer than the gluttonous feast eaten by others.

Being Su Bai's dog may be a kind of happiness, but not everyone has this qualification.

"Be Su Bai's dog."

After hearing Feng Yufang's words, Chloe looked at Benny with a strange expression on her face.

"Well, this is a kind of luck."

Bernie naturally felt Chloe's gaze, and said with a little helplessness in her words.

She doesn't know what kind of judgment Daying will make in the future.However, to a certain extent, both she and Chloe chose this path.

Moreover, being a dog is not something you can do if you want to.America sent a super cute diplomat last week. She wanted to meet Su Bai, but she couldn't see her at all.

It is said that the other party is now squatting in the shopping mall where Su Bai goes every day, and I don't know if he can squat to Su Bai.

"You can really see it."

After hearing Benny's words, Chloe was really helpless.

They are Daying, one of the five hooligans.A hundred years ago, they could still trample Daxia under their feet, but now...they want to be dogs for Su Bai, it depends on whether they are qualified and whether Su Baile is willing.

"There is no way if you can't see it. As long as Daying can't get rid of the current political structure, there will be no future. I want to change Daying, but I have to rely on the current political structure. This also leads to Su Bai becoming my biggest political capital. "

After Benny said these words, she couldn't help but tightly squeezed the score in her hand.

It is outrageous enough for a politician to debut as an idol. What is even more outrageous is that doing so has won the support and love of a large number of people, making her a more stable member of parliament.

In such a country, with such people, does Great Britain really have a future?

Chapter 320 Arrogance is the Root of All Destruction

"Husband, is your recent work pressure particularly high? Su Bai's latest incident has caused a lot of trouble."

In the hospital, after listening to the doctor in charge of Ding Nuo's report on Ding Nuo's physical condition today and getting a very positive answer with Ding Yi, Yan Yi looked at Ding Yi with some concern.

In the past few days, Daxia's business world has been very lively, but Yan Yi has no intention to take care of those too complicated things recently.Because of Ding Nuo's affairs, she has not cared about business affairs for more than half a year.

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