After the dimension reduction of things in the high-dimensional world enters the low-dimensional world, there will be very exaggerated scales.

"So big? So the system, you really are mentally handicapped!"

Su Bai said after hearing Sheng Si's words.

Even if the basic force of nature is used as the unit of information transmission, it will take a relatively long time to travel from one end of the galaxy to the other.If the host of the system is so large, the information transmission will enter the host, and after the processing is completed, it will come out again.I'm afraid it will be a long time.

"I said that it is only so big in the three-dimensional world! Haven't you studied the theory of the high-dimensional world yourself, and you still pretend to be stupid? Are you deliberately mocking me? Don't sleep too hard tonight!"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Sheng Si couldn't get angry, and directly forced Su Bai's small head into his tender place, and rubbed Su Bai like a ball.


When Shengsi and Su Bai were playing, Shengsi suddenly felt something, and looked in the direction of Chen Mingzuo in the lounge in confusion.

"Did something happen?"

Chen Ming, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, looked at Shengsi in confusion after feeling Shengsi's gaze and asked.

"It's okay, some brats seem to be trying to be smart."

Seeing this, Saint Si said.

After hearing Sheng Si's words, Chen Ming noticed at this time that Sheng Si was not looking at him, but behind him.

To be precise, he was not looking behind him, but was looking at an existence very far away.And that direction seems to be the city center!

At the same time, on the top of the Pearl Tower in the center of the magic city, an unknown existence who covered himself in a white robe suddenly appeared there, bowing slightly.

The eyes under the hood of the white robe flickered with a faint yellow light at this moment, scanning the entire Demon City.

"Is this the place where you can come?"

Just when the light was about to reach Su Bai's position, an indifferent voice came from behind the unknown person in white robe.

"Level [-] Enemy Encounter Alert!"

The dim yellow light in the eyes of the unknown person in the white robe immediately turned into a nearly materialized red light, and swept directly behind him.

But at this moment, a slender and soft jade hand grabbed the head of the unknown person in white robe, and pressed down.

Accompanied by crackling sounds, some pure light limbs that do not radiate light fall out of the white robes, turning into pure energy and floating in the air.

"The body is damaged by more than 80.00% [-], the self-repair factor is disturbed by unknown and cannot function."

Under such circumstances, the white-robed unknown said to himself.

And the slender hand that grabbed the unknown in the white robe at this time took the unknown head in the white robe out of the white robe and pointed it at himself.

At this time, the person in the white robe saw that the person who attacked her was a flawless girl in a maid outfit, with cute cat ears and even a cat tail.

"Don't you know that this part of the universe is a forbidden area? I don't want to care about your small fights, but don't stretch your hands here. This is not an area where weak civilizations like you can set foot!"

The cat maid said indifferently to Pure Light Unknown who had only one head left, and there was endless indifference in those charming eyes at the moment.

Under such circumstances, the eyes of that pure light unknown head flickered a few times, and then turned into precise energy, forming a white light cluster in front of the cat maid.

"Pilgrims, you have violated the rules. This world is giving birth to a brand new intelligent life, which we do not allow. We do not allow the second annihilation of civilization to happen!"

The light group said to the cat maid, with a little threat and toughness in the words.

"You don't allow it? What does this have to do with me? Even if we pilgrims have become history because of our rebellion, because we triggered the annihilation of civilization, we are still not an existence that you good children can violate!"

As the cat maid said, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the white ball of light.

Accompanied by "Ping"'s life, the white light group turned into endless pure energy and drifted away.

"In this case, we can only declare war."

Before the pure energy drifted away, the white light group spoke its last words.

"Ignorance and arrogance are really the biggest obstacles to the development of civilization~ They still can't understand that they were able to escape the annihilation of civilization you launched not because they were united enough, but because of the benevolence of the invigilator."

After the white light ball dissipated, another dreamlike voice came, and another existence in a pure white robe appeared in front of the cat maid.

But compared to the previous one, the cat maid bowed humbly after seeing it, and said, "Hello, eternal life is supreme!"

Chapter 330 Five A Little Rebellious Good Child Civilization

"The invigilator is strict, so strict that he does not allow any child to pass, escape from the campus, and go beyond his control. But he is also kind, although sometimes he will take action to teach rebellious children. Accompanying the children

As the degree of rebellion increases, the invigilator will be more and more aggressive in taking lessons.But in any case, the invigilator will not completely destroy a child, even if that child is against the sub-civilization.The strict invigilation system is just to prevent those rebellious sub-civilizations who pass the exam from being supercilious and lead to another big collapse. "

The being called by the cat maid as the supreme being of eternal life looked at the sky and sighed, as if speaking to the cat maid, but it also seemed to be speaking to himself.

After finishing speaking, Eternal Life Supreme slowly reached out and took off the hood on his head.

After the hood was taken off, her long black hair slowly drooped ignoring the high-altitude wind, allowing her face, like the most exquisite work of art, to appear under the scorching sun at noon.

But the next moment, a parasol appeared in the cat maid's hand, shielding her from the direct rays of the scorching sun.

After Eternal Life Supreme saw this scene, he took a different look at the cat maid, and said, "After being transformed into a cat maid by a miracle, have you really made yourself a maid? You didn't even enjoy the treatment."

Eternal Life Supreme, who seemed stern before, looked at the cat maid with ease and said.

Well, the cat maid is Sonus, to be precise, it is the second carrier of Sonus.

Because this carrier was born by a miracle, it is stronger than her original nun body, and it has no ability to restrain itself, so it is responsible for Su Bai's safety work.

"You are the leader of the Pan-Galactic Republic, and I'm just the creation of a pilgrim. This is as it should be. But I still want to complain about your brain circuit. Pan-Galactic Republic, people who don't know think it's just a star-level person What about weak civilizations?"

Saint Si made a complaint.

The name Pan-Galaxy is very lofty for the truth, but for a civilization of level 7 at that time, it was too rustic, and it even gave people a feeling of weakness.

"No way, my people are used to this name, and they don't care about the views of other civilizations. If other people dare to ridicule, just wipe it out."

Eternal Life Supreme said indifferently, as if to say another trivial matter.

"It's okay if it's gone, but what are you doing here suddenly? Mother is hard to deal with. If she loses her temper suddenly and hurts you, I won't be responsible."

Sheng Si said with a headache.

There is almost no need to doubt that if Saints can be treated with such an attitude, it means that the other party is also a rebellious civilization.

However, compared to the pilgrim, the other party has not yet taken the step to swing the sword at the mother.

"Because I want to catch fish, the revision of the political law recently is too troublesome, not to mention that you pilgrims are allowed to get close to the invigilator, and we are not allowed to come too? The invigilator is so cute, I want to play with her."

As the leader of the 9.7-level civilization, Immortal Supreme, at this time, lost his temper like a child.Although she was quite similar in age to her appearance, it really gave Shengsi a headache.

"No! The only two rebellious civilizations in the pan-world appeared in front of mother at the same time. What's the difference between this and the graveyard dance!"

As soon as Shengsi said that, he hugged the Supreme Eternal Life and refused to let her go.

There are many level 9 civilizations in Panworld, but only two civilizations reach level 9.7 and are still called inverse civilizations.

Now these two appear together in front of the mother, what is the difference between jumping face and mocking?

"You fart, our civilization is very good, what a fart for Nizi! Our civilization is the most well-behaved examinee."

Eternal Life Supreme said that she was struggling to leave Shengsi's embrace, and then found that her strength was not at the same level as Shengsi's.

"Good boy! The civilization annihilation plan was developed by your civilization. I always thought that your civilization was more honest than ours. But after the accident happened on our side, the solutions you came up with were messy and more complete than ours. A good boy who thinks about how to successfully disobey his mother every day, who will believe it!"

While Sheng Si said, he still hugged the Supreme Eternal Life firmly, but after hugging him for a while, he found that the Supreme Eternal Life did not struggle anymore, and was rather confused.

"Aren't you looking for your mother?"

Sheng Si thought that Eternal Life Supreme had given up his mind, so he asked a question.

Then, at this time, Eternal Life looked at Sheng Si with a look of foolishness and said, "We are both level 9.7 civilizations, do you know that?"

"Well, what happened?"

Sonus was confused. Is there any problem with them being level 9.7 civilizations?

"I'm civilized at level 9.7. I want to play with the invigilator. It's useless for you to hold me like this! pr~"

After Eternal Life Supreme said this sentence, he cutely stuck out a little tongue towards Shengsi, and then disappeared into Shengsi's arms.

Watching the eternal life that disappeared in his arms, the holy thoughts stunned, and then shouted in a hurry: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhin? Mother, how dangerous it is!"

He stomped his feet vigorously, but there was nothing he could do.

But after getting angry, Shengsi thought of something again, and said to himself: "My surname seems to be Su...that's okay, don't worry about it."

Although he didn't care what he said, on the other side, Sheng Si stood up cautiously and stood in front of Su Bai.

Don't look at the way she looks very familiar with Immortal Supreme just now.But in fact, it was the second meeting between Sheng Si and Eternal Life Supreme just now.

The first time was when the Immortal himself told her how to keep the last fire of the Pilgrims under the wrath of her mother.

Apart from the two meetings, there is not much information about the Supreme Eternal Life in the Shengsi database. The only thing that is clear is that the other party is a rational for tens of millions of years, and has single-handedly created a pan-galactic republic that is stronger than the pilgrims. The immortals who are born are respected by the people of their own civilization as the supreme eternal life!

"Did something happen?"

Seeing Shengsi's vigilance on Chen Ming's side, he also became vigilant, then thought of something, and continued to sit down obediently.

It has nothing to do with him, it's not something he can get involved in.

Su Bai, who was sitting next to Sheng Si and drinking milk, was also confused at this moment, looking at Sheng Si, he didn't understand what happened.

This was the first time Shengsi showed such a solemn expression in front of her.

Then, under Su Bai's slightly confused eyes, Su Bai saw a very cute black-haired girl in a white robe, who appeared in front of Sheng Si holding two crepes.

Chapter 330 Six, I, Su Bai, Have Always Been Sensible

"Won't come again"

To be fair, Chen Ming was still very nervous when Sheng Si started to guard.Chen Ming really can't imagine what this existence means to the earth to make Shengsi, a mysterious and tense existence that has been confirmed to come from a higher civilization.

However, after seeing that the mystery that alerted Sunny was a black-haired loli who was about the same height as Su Bai, holding two crepes in his hand, he began to feel a headache.

One little ancestor was already too much for Daxia, and now there is another one.

As for Su Bai, he grabbed Shengsi's shoulder, leaned his little head next to Shengsi's arm, and looked curiously at the cute existence between a loli and a girl who suddenly appeared here.

Black hair, white robe, and a beautiful little face like a work of art.Obviously it is her favorite type, but for some reason, Su Bai always has a feeling of love and hate.

Well, somehow, I have a feeling of love and hate for this cute loli.It's like a mother who dotes on her child, but feels helpless because of the child's rebellion, the complicated mood of a small resentment.

With this mood, Su Bai didn't rush forward all at once, but chose to wait and see.

In this regard, Eternal Life Supreme is still a bit of a clue, she knows what kind of bird she is who claims to be a good boy and civilized.

and so…

Under Su Bai's curious gaze, she took a bite of the crepe on her left hand.

This action confused Su Bai for a moment, she felt that the other party should come over to make friends with her, why now it became eating there.

Then, in Su Bai's gradually widening pupils, Eternal Life slowly put the crepe on his right hand to his mouth.


After seeing this scene, Su Bai finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed up directly.

"Put in your arms!"

After seeing this scene, the Supreme Eternal Life threw back the crepe in his hand, and regardless of Su Bai's struggle, he directly took Su Bai into his arms.

"I haven't eaten a crepe for a long time, I want a crepe!"

Su Bai was more concerned about the situation of the crepes than the embrace of the lovely loli.

Then, she saw that the two crepes did not fall to the ground, but were floating in the air intact.

"Well, sure enough, every cute girl has a fragrant smell~"

Eternal Life Supreme, who didn't care about the image, put his head between Su Bai's neck, took a sharp breath and said one after another.

"You take advantage of me!"

Su Bai who noticed this scene suddenly realized something.

She has always been the only one who took advantage of others, but today she was taken advantage of by others?How unreasonable!

"Yeah, what happened to me taking advantage of you?"

As Eternal Life Supreme said, he stretched out his hand and pushed, Su Bai pushed back two steps, and then fell down on the sofa behind him.

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