After Su Bai fell down, Eternal Life Supreme took two steps forward, put one hand on the side of Su Bai's small head, and slowly approached Su Bai's under Su Bai's bewildered eyes.

The two looked at each other, and the warm breath heated up the temperature between them, which made Su Bai's heart beat gradually faster, and even produced a sense of anticipation.

How sweet is such a cute loli's mouth?

Then, under Su Bai's puzzled eyes, the little cherry red mouth of the Immortal Supreme High gradually moved away from Su Bai.

"You sea king, stay away from my little master!"

Sheng Si raised the Eternal Life Supreme with one hand, and said indifferently.

Since Eternal Life Supreme herself is so dishonest, she can't be blamed for being powerless.

"Where am I Neptune? You have to be reasonable, you can't slander me for no reason!"

On the side of Eternal Life Supreme, after hearing Shengsi's words, he opened his mouth to defend, seeming very angry at Shengsi's slander to her.

"Are you Neptune, you know how many innocent girls' hearts you have played with? The girls around you have changed one after another, this is common knowledge throughout the world! In your civilization system, as long as you are a strong woman, everyone Have been poisoned by you!"

At this time, Shengsi also unceremoniously exposed the defense of eternal life.

"You are slander, pure slander! It is a cognitive error caused by the low cognition of low civilization. They and I are true love. Who said that there can only be one true love? I am still a rare person in the pan-world. some absolute meaning

Zhi Yongsheng, my indestructible will can cover everything, how many loves?What's more, do you know how tiring it is to make them happy every day?Do you know how troublesome it is to deal with the relationship between them?you know what to do with her

How exhausting is it to manage a huge civilization while maintaining your relationship? "

The rebuttal of eternal life and righteous words.

"If it weren't for the fact that they are all strong women who you support and help you manage civilization, I would believe it. While playing with other people's feelings, they also let others work for you, and then they are the hands-off shopkeepers, thinking about how to rebel every day. .”

Shengsi continued, continuing to expose the lie of eternal life.

"To love someone is to give them the best treatment, and power is the best no matter what stage of civilization it is! This is the proof of my love for them!"

Eternal Life Supreme still spoke righteously.

"Sure enough, another big/trouble."

Hearing Shengsi and Eternal Life Supreme, and the behavior of Immortal Supreme just now that he wanted Bidong Su Bai, Chen Ming was completely sure that this high-level civilization leader called Immortal Supreme by Shengsi was also a big trouble.

In fact, this is not the key, the key is...

"Sister Eternal Life Supreme, don't quarrel with that old woman, it's not worth it, are you tired of talking? Eat a crepe and take a rest~"

At this time, Su Bai came between Sheng Si and Eternal Supreme, and picked up the crepe floating in the air and handed it to Eternal Supreme.

In her eyes, it doesn't matter whether Immortal Supreme is Neptune or not, the key is that she is satisfied with the posture of Immortal Supreme to pick up girls.Strong woman training plan, what is more fun than letting strong women succumb to themselves?

Where is the king of the sea who lives forever? This is clearly her master, Su Bai!There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and the master is the teacher.

"Call me sister!"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Eternal Life Supreme said to Su Bai solemnly.

"I'm obviously better than"

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly realized that the Immortal Supreme, who seemed to be shorter than her just now, was actually one centimeter taller than her for some reason.


"I called you sister first, so you are sister!"

Well, height is not the key to determine which side is the older sister and which side is the younger sister.

"=(.`*)) Oh~ I originally prepared a super cool spaceship as a meeting gift. After all, I am a sister, and I still need a gift to meet my sister. Now it seems that I prepared it for nothing."

"Sister! You are my half-sister!"

Before Yongshengzhigao finished speaking, Su Bai's little face was stuck to Yongshengzhigao's little face, holding Yongshengzhigao tightly in his arms, and by the way, he kicked Sheng Si who tried to step forward to separate the two of them. .

As the saying goes, a gentleman can bend and stretch.In ancient times, there was Lu Bu, the strongest general in the Three Kingdoms, who was invincible thanks to his adoptive father. Today, he is invincible with her, Su Baixian, sister and younger sister.

Don't shiver for super cool spaceships!

"Well, good~"

As Eternal Life Supreme said, he reached out and touched Su Bai's small head, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"So what about the spaceship? Oh no, what about the gift? Where is my sister's gift? Where is my gift? Where is my gift? Give it to me quickly! I want to feel your deep love for me, sister!"

After finishing the sentence with the highest advantage, Su Bai couldn't wait to say it. After finishing speaking, he stretched out his legs and wanted to kick Shengsi, but Shengsi avoided him.

"I'll give it to you later, and now you won't call me sister. I'll talk about it first."

Eternal life is supreme and said this.

Although she has so little information about Su Bai that she can't say that she doesn't have it at all, it can also be said that she doesn't know anything about it.But she has a lot of experience dealing with little girls!What is Su Bai thinking? Does she still not know?

"How could it be, sister, I am sincere to you!"

Su Bai said sincerely.

She, Su Bai, always speaks the same thing, how could she call the other party's sister after receiving the gift, at most she respected the other party as an old woman who pretends to be young.

Chapter 330: A Way to Get the Best of Both Worlds

After getting acquainted with Su Bai for a while, Su Bai briefly talked with Eternal Life Supreme about the meteor shower plan she was going to implement.

For this meteor shower project, Eternal Life's highest evaluation is only one sentence: "What a fucking mess."

A very simple comment also directly expressed her admiration for Su Bai.

Under the absolute threat of force, whether it is his own people or the enemy, in Su Bai's eyes, they are nothing more than harmless kittens.The difference is just listening or not, and if you don't listen, you can pick it up and hit it.

In fact, this is not an important matter. The key is the information asymmetry. The party who was beaten has not yet understood what happened, and it still treats it as an international matter.

"This Nuwa system is so complete!"

Standing in front of Nuwa's supercomputer console, Eternal Life Supreme spoke, looking a little curious.

"Of course, what I wrote today is of course complete."

Su Bai responded after hearing the words of eternal life.

You must know that she has been writing about this artificial intelligence for more than half a year.

"It's just that it's still too dangerous, and only you can use it."

Compared with the nonsense meteor shower project, Eternal Life Supreme is more interested in the strong artificial intelligence written by Su Bai himself.

Strong artificial intelligence is a technological tree that cutting-edge technological civilization must develop, but there is a branch involved here, strong artificial intelligence is not necessarily intelligent life forms, and intelligent life forms must be strong artificial intelligence.

One hundred percent of the technological civilizations have gone through the technology tree of strong artificial intelligence and non-intelligent life forms. As for the civilizations that have not gone through this technology tree?Either self-destruct, or be destroyed by higher civilization.

This is a red line that absolutely cannot be violated.

This is also why after Su Bai starts to activate Nuwa, the strong artificial intelligence, there will be high-level civilized detection equipment breaking into this world for the first time, even declaring war on Saint Si.

However, this red line can only restrain civilization, not Su Bai.The reason is that the intelligent civilization of flesh and blood cannot control strong artificial intelligence, but Su Bai can.

To the intelligent civilization of flesh and blood, the intelligent life form is a scourge, but in front of Su Bai, it is a docile and absolutely harmless little white rabbit.

Under such circumstances, Eternal Life Supreme was very curious about how this new intelligent life would behave in front of Su Bai.

"Is this dangerous?"

At this moment, Chen Ming who had been with Su Bai and the others asked a question.

Under normal circumstances, he would not participate in Su Bai's topic, but he realized that the last sentence of Immortal Supreme might not be for Su Bai.

"Well, artificial intelligence life. It is very dangerous. You must develop strong artificial intelligence, but you must not let strong artificial intelligence become an artificial intelligence life form."

Eternal Life Supreme glanced at Chen Ming, and then continued: "Learn it, and your civilization will have a bright future. If you make it, your civilization will be self-destructed even if it has a loving invigilator." After finishing speaking, he took another look at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming didn't say anything after seeing this, he understood that this was a warning from a higher civilization.

As for the loving proctor?Chen Ming took another look at Su Bai.

If his guess is correct, this loving invigilator is Su Bai.

He couldn't understand what the invigilator represented, but he understood that the word "love" meant that Su Bai should protect human civilization.

Of course, this definitely does not mean that they can be presumptuous.

"System startup complete!"

At this moment, a cold reminder sounded, and several monitoring probes installed in the control room also moved accordingly, scanned the entire monitoring room, and finally stopped on Su Bai's body by coincidence. Then he continued: "Hello creator, Nu Wa hereby pays the highest respect to you!"

With the sound of the prompt, Chen Ming was surprised to find that the broadcast sound of the Nuwa system, which obviously did not input the voice text, began to change slowly. Not as cold as before.

"The sound is too bad, please change it."

Compared to Chen Ming's surprise, Su Bai was not surprised, but rather dissatisfied.

Her main work for more than half a year has been on the compilation of Nuwa's learning ability and independent judgment ability.And now it seems that it still hasn't met expectations.

"I'm sorry for the creator, because the amount of data is too small, the calculations I can perform are limited. So it will take a little time to adjust to a level that satisfies you. Do you think it's okay now?"

Nu Wa responded immediately, the previously mechanized voice suddenly changed drastically, becoming softer, and the second half of the words even made people hear a hint of anxiety.

"It's almost the same, and then I will give you a small task."

After hearing Nuwa's voice, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, and then continued: "America has offended me several times, and I have warned them several times. But they just pissed me off again and again. .He is simply an unreasonable bad boy, the kind who will be hung up and beaten, and will be detained of all his little stars."

"However, everyone knows that I am a very kind person. They pissed me off again and again, but I still feel that I should give them a chance. But bad boys need to be punished. But it is still too harsh The punishment will have a huge impact on their young hearts."

"When children make mistakes, they should be taught well. They cannot be beaten to death with a stick, let alone cause too much damage to their young hearts. Therefore, I thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, that is, to set them up with a bright meteor shower , while healing their hearts, it can also teach them a little lesson."

"By the way, don't hurt them. If that happens, it's too serious. I know, I've always been a person who can't see the suffering in the world. I want to enjoy the bright meteor shower while they are happy. , give them an education of love. Got it?"

On Su Bai's side, he said his seemingly simple request, and it gave him a headache when he talked about eternal life.

Can a newly born intelligent life form understand such a responsible thing?There is no direct statement of what to do throughout the process.

On the Nuwa system side, after hearing Su Bai's words, they were silent for more than a minute, and then responded: "Because of some rigid requirements, some meteors may not reach the designated altitude, is that okay?"

"Some meteors may not reach the designated height? Don't hurt anyone, and you can figure out the rest."

Su Bai tilted her little head a little bit incomprehensible, but she didn't bother to worry about it, she just wanted to watch the meteor shower.The rest doesn't matter.

However, Chen Ming silently took out the communicator, and said, "Highest warning!"

Chapter 330 Eight Meteors Represent Beauty

"Has Daxia not moved yet?"

Harry sat quietly in his office, looking a little tired.

It has been almost a day since Su Bai was attacked live. If the attack failed, Harry would not be as entangled as he is now. The key is that Su Bai took the initiative to let others directly broadcast this time.

In an instant, the whole world knew about Su Bai's attack.

Because Su Bai had just cleared up part of Daxia’s capital a few days ago, and it was the kind that almost cut off all its dead ends, so the current discussion direction of many public opinions in the world is whether those maddened Daxia’s domestic capital can dominate of this attack.

However, Harry knew that this cannot be planted on those capitalists. The reason is very simple. All the people on his side were arrested, including Caesar who knew the whole truth.

That wasn't what made Harry so tired, it was what really made him feel tired.After this incident happened, he immediately asked someone to control Caesar's daughter and wife.

Caesar is a cold-blooded soldier king, but he is not completely without weaknesses, and he is not completely loyal to America. In that case, Harry chose to trust him because he risked his life to attack this time just for his daughter .His family is his greatest weakness.

People with weaknesses are the best to control.

Then the problem came. Eight hours ago, the F agent responsible for monitoring Caesar's wife and daughter reported that Caesar's wife and daughter mysteriously disappeared while they were going to the amusement park.

Although they have launched a city-wide secret search plan, so far, nothing has been found.

According to the prediction of the hunting experts on FB, Caesar's wife and daughter may have been secretly transferred, and to be able to secretly transfer Caesar's wife and daughter in such a short period of time must be prepared.

So. This time, the plan has been exposed long ago. Where did it come from in the first place? It hasn't been revealed yet, but there is a high probability that Caesar has been instigated long ago.

Under such circumstances, Harry doesn't know why Caesar still cooperates with Su Bai in that scene, but Da Xia will definitely take action.The silence now is just the calm before the storm.

The final peace may be broken, and the smoke of war has filled the sky all over the world. As long as the Great Xia with super biotechnology and super chip technology is not destroyed in a short period of time, it will explode with unimaginable war potential.

The problem is... the current comprehensive national strength of the Great Xia cannot be destroyed in a short period of time. If the Great Xia can be destroyed in a short period of time, the western world will not be so troublesome before.

"The European Union has already held a secret internal meeting. The representatives of most European Union countries have stated that they will not declare war on Great Xia under any circumstances, and will only be wary of Mao Xiong."

Under such circumstances, Housman walked into the office and threw a document in front of Harry, with a painful expression on his face.

Daxia still didn't express his position on this attack, and even the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry held a few hours ago completely avoided this issue.However, major countries and forces in the world have launched war assessments in the shortest possible time and made the first assessment before the war.

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