Basically, they will never participate in a war that may break out between America and Daxia.

Of course, this is an assessment before the start of the war, and it's hard to say what will happen at that time.But it's also an attitude.

"According to intelligence, Daxia has not carried out the highest level of war mobilization at present, but Daxia's domestic air defense firepower network has been fully deployed, all soldiers have stopped retiring and taking vacations, and key military personnel have received notices that they may be rehired or recalled Notice that even quick cure sprays are reducing civilian supplies and bringing forward supplies to the military."

When Housman said this, he came to the balcony of Harry's office, took out a cigar and smoked it.

He is not a heavy smoker, and this is his fifth cigar today.

The failure of this attack, Su Bai's reaction, and Daxia's many actions in silence all foreshadowed something to happen.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of Daxia has issued an urgent notice to remind the citizens of Daxia in America to pay attention at all times. If possible, it is best to return home in the near future."

At this time, Harry also said in pain.

Daxia officials have not directly stated their attitude towards this attack, but from other aspects, it can already be seen what may happen next.

It's only been a year, and the war potential that exists in Great Xia today is beyond imagination.Decades ago, Harry still believed that Great Xia was powerful, but as long as America was willing to pay a high price, she could still destroy it.It's just that the price is too heavy to be worth it.

And now... the first time the war breaks out, America may gain an advantage, but after that brief advantage, what is left?

"Eh? There's actually a flow today?"

In the midst of depression, it is not without joy. At this time, Housman saw a shooting star flashing across the sky, shining, bright, dreamy, and beautiful, which gradually stabilized Housman's impetuous mood.

"Meteors? It's true that I haven't seen them for many years. When I was young, I actually loved astronomy for a while. I even used the first money I earned as a lawyer to buy myself an astronomical telescope to look at the stars."

After hearing Housman's words, Harry briefly abandoned the troubles in his mind, and came to the balcony, looked at the starry sky, and expressed his inner troubles.

His political talent is something he is proud of, but sometimes he gets tired of the complexity of politics.For a long time, he often thought, if he did not study law when he was in college, but chose astronomy, which he liked at the beginning, would he have a completely different and wonderful life?

"Eh? Is there any more? Is there a meteor shower today?"

Except for one special day, you need luck to see shooting stars.

But when he came to Housman's side and looked up at the starry sky, he found another meteor across the sky.

"Meteors represent beauty, maybe this is a good symbol. Uh?"

Housman originally wanted to say some words of encouragement, but before he finished speaking, he saw that there were more and more meteors in the sky, bright, gorgeous, shining and charming.

The stars like raindrops are all over the sky, which is too beautiful to behold.

After being dazed for a few seconds, Harry saw a meteor explode and turned into more meteors. Then he had a premonition of something, and said with endless fear in his eyes: "That...isn't a meteor!"

Chapter 330 Nine Meteors Glide across the Sky, and Birds Have Only Remnant Wings

"Strange, why did the phone suddenly have no signal?"

"I don't have a signal anymore. The communication fee is hundreds of yuan a month. I also said that as long as I am in the city, it is absolutely impossible to have no signal."

"It seems that it's not just us, there is no signal."

In the center of America's capital city, under the promise of the night, some people enjoying a good nightlife suddenly found that their mobile phones had no signal.

Originally, some people thought it was just a problem with their mobile carrier, but this kind of problem happens often, and they are used to it.But normally it's just a problem with a carrier, or a problem with the phone itself.

After they realize that this problem seems to be happening not only to themselves, but to everyone else, they become even more confused.

Although some communication providers often have problems, they have never encountered or heard of such a large-scale one.

But within a few seconds, people who were troubled by the loss of signal on their mobile phones were attracted by another matter.

"Wow~ look, meteors, a lot of meteors, there will be a meteor shower tonight, hurry up and make a wish!"

"It's so beautiful. Is there a meteor shower tonight? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"so beautiful!"

As one, two, three, or even countless meteors streaked across the sky, almost everyone couldn't help but stop their steps, and looked up at the meteors that kept streaking across the sky, with a little sparkle in their eyes. vision.

Some people immediately took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and then wanted to share them, but found that the situation of no mobile phone signal was not alleviated.

"God bless America!"

"Is this a sign that God has responded to our suffering?"

Among the crowd looking up at the sky, someone couldn't help shouting like this.

People in America have had enough of all kinds of misery after the global economic collapse.

Unemployment, soaring prices, war crisis, and disease.Endless tribulations seemed to befall them overnight, breaking their original good life.

In particular, the soaring price of various medicines caused by Daxia's plundering of the pharmaceutical market made the people of America thoroughly feel what it meant to be sick.

In the past, if it wasn't some serious illness, they could barely recover from it. But now, as long as it is not a disease that can resist the past, they can directly empty out a middle-class family after a single treatment.

Well, under the propaganda of the media, most people don't realize that the soaring drug prices are the result of capital ignoring the people at the bottom and exploiting the market. monopoly.

Too much suffering has made many people's hearts on the verge of collapse. Under such circumstances, seeing such a beautiful meteor shower made them forget the suffering of life in a short time.

At least, at this time, they can enjoy a moment of peace and beauty.No matter how cruel the plunder of capital is, it can't take away the beauty they enjoy this moment.

And in a sense, this moment of beauty is really just a moment.

"Commsat [-] is out of control."

"The NO.12 reconnaissance satellite began to deviate from its orbit out of control."

"There is a village near the crash site of a satellite. Hurry up and issue an early warning!"

"It's too late, the communication signals of the communication satellites are all interfered with."

"The ground communication filing has been started, but it will take 10 minutes to set up the new communication system!"

"At all costs, inform airports across the country to let all planes land in the shortest possible time!"

"Abandon all unimportant satellites, fully investigate the problem, and keep the main communication satellites and military satellites in orbit!"

"I can't find it, I can't find it at all, there is no problem in our backstage. It is not controlled, it is not implanted with a virus, and there is no error in the code!"

"No, our system has been modified by someone, and there is a control authority higher than ours. Someone is using this authority to derail satellites one by one!"

"Fix it immediately, and take back the control authority for me!"

In America's largest satellite monitoring center, the technical director is hysterical.

Ten minutes earlier, a technician had reported an uncontrolled entry of a satellite into the atmosphere.

According to their predictions, the satellite will fall into the atmosphere within 5 minutes, burn 60.00% of it in the atmosphere, and the remaining debris will fall into the ocean east of America.

Immediately, the technical director issued an early warning to the ships in that sea area, and asked the technicians to check what was going on.

Although that satellite is not an important satellite, it is still a big responsibility for a satellite to deviate from orbit and fall into the atmosphere inexplicably.But the technicians said that there was no problem with the data on their side, and it should be caused by equipment problems or design defects of the satellite itself, which made the technical director heave a sigh of relief.

It's just that he didn't expect that the second incident would happen before this matter was settled.

Before he could react, the third incident, the fourth incident, the fifth incident, and then...then the entire satellite monitoring center went crazy.

The vast number of error messages make it difficult for even some experienced technicians to start.Usually, a satellite out of control is a big event, but today it appears in groups.

In less than 10 minutes, one-fifth of the satellites were out of control, and the remaining four-fifths of the satellites were not safe, but they were not out of control yet.

Although the technicians found someone who established a highest authority in their system in the shortest time, and then used this highest authority to control those satellites, and used some fuel left on those satellites or other maneuvering measures to make those satellites The satellite de-orbited, crashed into the atmosphere and burned up.

Although he found the problem within a short period of time, he seemed elusive and hopeless in trying to overcome the problem.

And what makes them even more desperate is...

Just when they were preparing to solve this problem, the picture of the largest screen in the entire control hall changed, and it was a beautiful picture of countless meteors streaking across the sky.

However, every technician present was not in the mood to appreciate this scene. It was not meteors that streaked across the sky, but their broken hearts, futures and even lives.

But, what they don't know is that this is not the worst.

"With the successful intrusion into the internal network of 72 military bases in America, the Meteor Project has entered the second phase. I named it Broken Wing Bird!"

In Nuwa's main control center, Daxia's technicians saw such a line of words on the main control screen.

Chapter 340 The blooming fireworks are a symbol of world peace

"FL1137, please land on runway [-] according to the guidance."

"Received FL1137."

On flight FL1137, after receiving the command from the tower, the captain immediately operated the aircraft, lowered the landing gear, and began to land according to the normal landing procedure.

"Has the air traffic control at the tower at the Capital Airport been changed? The voice is really nice."

Although it was an emergency landing, because the plane was not damaged in any way, both the captain, the co-pilot, and the flight engineer were in a good mood, and even chatted about the sweet voice of the air traffic controller just now.

"I don't know, it should be changed. The sound is really nice. But the nationwide GPS failure is too outrageous, right?"

The flight engineer also spoke at this time.

They had to fly for more than an hour, but just now the capital air traffic control told them that there was a nationwide GS failure and a large-scale communication satellite failure.The reason has not been found yet.

Before all GPS fails, all civil aviation planes need to be landed to avoid accidents.

And when they got the news, they also found that except for the communication between them and the tower, and the G that can still be used now, other communication methods have failed, which can be regarded as a side verification of this statement.

Under this circumstance, they obeyed the command of the tower and began to land normally.

And after they finished landing and opened the plane door, they immediately saw the airport staff.

"Are you also landed by a female air traffic controller with a particularly nice voice?"

Before the stewardess could ask what happened, the staff at the airport who blocked the cabin door immediately asked, and the stewardess who asked was bewildered.

"That's right, what's the matter?"

The flight engineer who came out of the airport was dumbfounded after hearing this inquiry.The air traffic controller is very professional, every step of the command is perfect, and he is very careful when explaining the problem. He doesn't feel that the other party has any problems

"That's not our air traffic control. This air traffic control is directing aircraft across the country at the same time!"

Then, the airport staff gave an answer that completely confused the flight engineer.

Command the whole country by one person?How can it be?

But in fact, that's it. All the planes in America landed under the command of this female air traffic controller with a sweet voice.Even, it’s not just America’s national planes, to be precise, GS is being used all over the world

The planes, ships, and cars traveling in some dangerous areas have all received the command of this woman with a sweet voice.

But all this is just the beginning.

"What's going on, why did the communication fail?"

In America's barracks, a soldier who was communicating with another barracks looked at the malfunctioning communicator in his hand in confusion. He was a little confused and didn't understand what happened.


Just when the soldier was still confused about what happened, the low-pitched attack alarm sounded, making the soldiers in the entire barracks stunned for a moment.

Some soldiers who had been to the battlefield reacted almost reactively, and some soldiers who had not actually been on the battlefield responded physically, but their brains were blinded.

Those soldiers with emergency response were also confused at this time, as for why?It's very simple, this is the native land of America!

"Someone is manipulating the drone, stop it!"

The next moment, a hasty cry came from the radio.

The soldiers who were close to the airstrip heard the sound, looked in the direction of the runway, and then saw that the large unmanned fighter plane at their base was taxiing on the runway.

Some soldiers rushed to the arsenal immediately, trying to get some anti-aircraft weapons out of the arsenal.

Then it was discovered that the electronic lock in the arsenal could not be unlocked.

"The electronic systems of the entire base have all failed, forcibly destroyed!"

Some commanders shouted with loudspeakers, and some soldiers picked up their guns and shot at the drones that took off.

However, the impact that ordinary firearms can have is really limited. Under their desperate eyes, those drones took off.


At this moment, a loud noise resounded throughout the base.

A fighter jet on the ground suddenly launched a missile in its cabin, destroying a fighter jet in the distance.

Fortunately that fighter was out of fuel.No weapons were equipped, and no chain explosions were triggered.

"FUCK! Don't start the fighter, the electronic system of the fighter is also controlled!"

After the pilot in the fighter jet forcibly opened the cabin cover with the emergency button, he said to the other pilots who still wanted to get on the plane.

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