Although he was a little confused, Segawa's reaction was not slow, and he didn't continue to get the spear.

Because the distance was too close, the spear could no longer be used in actual combat, so he held a Taidao next to the spear with his backhand, and then slashed towards Nishizawa's neck.

Under such circumstances, Nishizawa greeted him with his own neck instead.

"Captain... is he going to die?"

At this time, Segawa was stunned for a moment, but his body continued to swing the weapon instinctively, and slashed towards Nishizawa.

Just when he was about to be slashed, Caesar stood on his toes and resisted the knife with his shoulder.

The force of this knife is very huge. When the knife goes down, it goes deep into the bone, and blood gushes out, but it also creates excellent conditions for Caesar.

He bumped his knee, Segawa lost his balance directly, and fell backwards.

But under such circumstances, Segawa's reaction was not slow, he immediately held the knife with both hands, and slashed towards Nishizawa's abdomen again.

At this moment, Nishizawa's injured left hand directly grabbed the Taidao that was cutting towards him.

The sharp sword cut half of Nishizawa's palm easily like cutting tofu, but it also made Segawa's movement of swinging the knife shifted and slowed down, and Segawa himself was falling backwards with Nishizawa. The dodging made Segawa temporarily lose the ability to attack, and could only let himself fall to the ground.

Just as Segawa fell, Nishizawa picked up a long-handled hammer on the shelf next to him with his right hand.

Although there is only one hand, there is no way to exert too much force.But the weight of the long-handled hammer itself is enough. When it hits his head, he will not die or be disabled.

In order to hit this blow, Nishizawa almost sacrificed a hand.


There was almost no possibility of dodging, and the sledgehammer hit Segawa's head. Although it didn't hit, it made Caesar lose the idea of ​​resistance.

It wasn't that he didn't want to resist, but that there was a machete next to the sledgehammer.Caesar definitely did not take it wrong.It's just that Su Bai didn't say that one side must be killed in this battle.

Under such circumstances, neither side had the intention of killing the other, so Nishizawa took the long-handled hammer as the weapon to end the battle.

"Segawa, sometimes being strong doesn't necessarily mean winning. I don't know how to be stronger than you, but I know how to win."

Nishizawa who gently bent down to pick up his palm looked at Sosegawa who was lying on the ground in a daze and said.

Compared with Segawa's weapons, if Segawa didn't release the water, he would lose ten times in ten times.But if it's just a simple fight, no matter how many times, the result will not change.

He will be injured, but Segawa will definitely be killed by him.This is his self-confidence as the King of Soldiers.

Under such circumstances, Caesar took a slow look at Chen Ming and said, "I won."


Seeing this, Chen Ming said something, but still reached out and threw a bottle of Quick Healing Spray from his pocket to Caesar.

Of course, Caesar's injuries couldn't be solved with a bottle of Quick Healing Spray, but it was no problem to use it to stop the bleeding.

"Just as I expected."

After seeing this scene in the stands, Eternal Life Supreme didn't have any surprises at all.

That Segawa is indeed very strong, with one hand killing swordsmanship than the other.But the problem is that Nishizawa knows how to kill better than Segawa.

The most important thing is that Segawa has some scruples in his heart that he can't exert [-]% of his ability.

In this level of battle, as long as there is a slight slack, it is the difference between life and death.

It is not surprising that Segawa, who needs to show [-]% combat power to win against Nishizawa, lost under consideration.

As for why Nishizawa lost to Segawa before?It's very simple, sparring is completely different from fighting to the death, and knocking down a person is also different from beating a person to death.

"Tsk~ I'm looking forward to it. I thought there would be an extremely exciting battle. It turned out that it took less than five seconds, and I still didn't understand it."

After Su Bai heard the words of eternal life, he muttered a little bit angrily.

On one side is the strongest human soldier, and on the other is the strongest practical swordsmanship master of modern human beings. She originally thought that there would be an extremely exciting battle.

As a result, the two sides fought for less than five seconds, to be precise, less than three seconds, and it was over.

It really fulfilled the saying that in a duel between masters, the outcome is within a hair's breadth, and she felt like she didn't understand anything.

"If you really want to see it, I can find you two peerless masters from the world of low martial arts. How about calling you for a few days and nights? If you want to see something more beautiful, I can also find you from the world of high martial arts."

Eternal life is supreme and said this.

After the sixth level of civilization, the boundaries between mystery and science began to blur. She has also seen many civilizations other than technological civilization and conquered a lot, so she found a peerless master among the two novels to fight with real people. not big.

"Are you talking like I'm the kind of militant, am I the kind of militant?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, he showed a heartbroken expression, making Yongsheng Zhigao's side couldn't help but wonder if he really misunderstood Su Bai.

Maybe, Su Bai doesn't have such bad taste?

"What's more, it's meaningless to let two peerless masters fight. We can capture hundreds of peerless masters, then throw them on a small island, and then only give them a small amount of weapons and food. Then tell them that only one person can leave, so It’s still pretty good, and it’s still fun to watch, what do you think?”

Then, Su Bai changed the subject, looked at Eternal Life Supreme and said.


After hearing Su Bai's words, Eternal Life Supreme was stunned for a moment, did he agree to fight?She almost believed it.

"I won…"

After Nishizawa took care of his wound a little, he came in front of Su Bai, and put the half of his hand behind his back.

Although it is not clear who the person next to Su Bai is, he looks young and he doesn't want to frighten the children.

"Go to the nearby hospital. I'll connect your hands. I didn't see any good ones, and I have to perform surgery on you. It's really troublesome."

After seeing Caesar coming in front of him, Su Bai gave Caesar a blank look, and muttered something.

She felt that she was really at a loss today.I didn't see the wonderful fist-to-flesh fight between masters, and then I had to help Caesar to perform an operation to connect his palms, which cost his wife and lost his army.

"If you want to see it, I can play it again later with other people as you want to see it."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Caesar, who was following Su Bai, spoke.

"If you really want to watch it, why don't you just call me to watch a movie? That would be much more exciting."

Su Bai said after hearing Caesar's words, he stopped in his tracks after he finished speaking, then looked at Caesar in surprise, and said, "Aren't you very proud before? How come you also learned to be a dog licker? "

"Emmmm...this is not dog licking, I'm just stating a fact."

Caesar glanced at Chen Ming next to him and said.

Although I don't know why Chen Ming let him approach Su Bai so reassuringly, but Chen Ming just said that he should be smart when speaking in front of Su Bai.

"Forget it, do you need anesthesia for the surgery?"

After Su Bai heard Caesar's answer, he didn't bother to care about it.Although she didn't want to read it, she felt comfortable listening to this answer, so she decided to give Caesar the right to decide whether to take the anesthetic.

"Let's hit it, after all..."

"I'll arrange for you to see your daughter and wife tomorrow if you're taking anesthesia. Your wife is nice, she's big, and she looks young. I'll have to give it a try then."

Su Bai didn't wait for Caesar to finish speaking, and muttered, as if he was recalling something very beautiful.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Caesar was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid of pain, and I don't need anesthetic."

"You really are a devil!"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Eternal Life Supreme complained.

Chapter 350 The Horror of Bear Children (4000 words)

"Dad, that sister gave me this, I still have one left, it's delicious!"

"Well, as long as you like it, come and let Dad hug you."

"Auntie, I want a hug too!"

"Ah? This... good..."

"Ah~ Uncle Nishizawa, your wife is amazing!"

"as long as you are happy…"

The scene of family reunion sometimes makes people feel subconsciously tearful, but when the relatives are reunited, a white hair that is not serious is mixed in, so that's another story.

"Humans are really terrible creatures."

Seeing this scene, Eternal Life Supreme sighed a bit.

Two or three hours ago, I had a major operation without anesthesia, but now I'm still here as if nothing happened, and I can still hug my daughter here.

This aspect of the will certainly deserves to be marveled at, though it is partly due to advances in medicine.

After marveling, Eternal Life Supreme took another look at Su Bai, who buried his little head in Caesar's wife's chest, enjoying himself.Then he opened his mouth and complained: "You really have a black belly."

After Caesar gritted his teeth and finished the operation without anesthesia, Su Baicai said to Caesar: "Actually, taking anesthesia will not prolong the postoperative recovery time, so you can still see your family members right away." The expression on Caesar's face at that time did not need to be too rich.

[Say it like you haven't done anything similar. 】

At this time, the system of eternal life made complaints.

Compared with Su Bai, Yongsheng Zhigao has a black belly, even worse, no one has the right to complain about anyone else.

"She doesn't know or she doesn't. I'm super kind. I sent a full-concept spaceship to a 9.5-level civilization before I came here, so that they have the ability to fight against 9.6-level civilization. That civilization still needs to repair it for me. Their biggest statue to celebrate my exploits~"

Eternal life is supreme and said this.

【Because when someone said that you were short, you were the one who destroyed all their fleets. 】

The system of eternal life said directly.

"Arguing about the facts and understanding!"

Eternal Life Supreme continued to quibble.



While Su Bai happily mingled with other people's family reunion there, Nuwa's monitoring room.

"After detecting that there are only a minimum of communication satellites left, it starts to generate an anti-virus system and perform self-residue cleaning."

At the same time, in America's satellite command center.

"Report, observation satellite No. 76 received a response! The GPS system is recovering."

"National networks are starting to come back up as well."

"To get in touch with the Third Fleet!"

"Only three percent of the GPS system is left to convert the entire communication frequency band to military use."

"Immediately report to the Pentagon, despite the huge cost, we finally succeeded in regaining control of the satellite network."

After more than ten hours of hard work, after finally regaining the satellite control system, America's satellite command center immediately reported this information to Congress.

"Is it a victory with only [-] percent of the GPS system remaining?"

Harry, who had been waiting in Congress for a long time, burst out laughing when he heard the words of successful recapture.

The so-called success is the loss of 90.00% of the five satellite systems, leaving only a few scientific research satellites and a few GPS basic framework satellites.

Not to mention the restoration of civilian networks, even military communications can only be maintained at a minimum.It would be impossible to maintain even a minimum of military communications if it were not for the satellite systems of other countries

"Isn't this the result of your party taking money and not doing things? With so much security maintenance funds every year, it turns out that even Daxia's network attacks can't be defended. Someone took away the control of the satellite in an instant, causing a lot of The satellite crashed and caused damage to a large number of military facilities! Your party must take full responsibility for this crisis!"

Although Harry's status was there, after the incident finally had the possibility of being resolved, other MPs got up and started pointing at Harry.

Although America's network security is not within the business scope of Harry's consortium, the company responsible for this business is on Harry's side.

After realizing that the loss of 90.00% of the five satellite systems would be an unusually huge historical responsibility, the war of throwing the blame began.

"If you want to maintain network security, you also need a huge financial investment. In the past few years, you withheld 30.00% of the security funds, so that the maintenance of network security can only stay in the maintenance and update of the original system.

Is it wrong?What's more, we only design the system here, and the actual needs are put forward by you.You are not aware of the changes in the network security environment, and the higher network security requirements are the root cause!"

The people on Harry's side refused to accept it and fought back.

Who wouldn't lose the pot!

"Isn't it your responsibility to actively detect changes in the network security environment? It's ridiculous that you don't even spend nearly [-] billion yuan every year!"

"We are only responsible for the design, not the use. It is you who can discover the network security problems in the first place."

"We have at least solved the problem here, unlike you, who don't even have a solution until now."

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