"90.00% of the five satellites were lost, causing more than half of the advanced fighters to be destroyed. Is this considered a success?"

"It's better than being unable to do anything!"


Under the situation that the two sides were about to start a war of words again, Harry and Joel couldn't bear it anymore and at the same time they opened their mouths to prevent this upcoming conflict.

After seeing Harry and Joel stop the conflict at the same time, some congressmen put on the shoes they had taken off and put them back on.

Although Harry and Joel stood up together to stop the conflict, the smell of gunpowder between the two sides is still very strong.After all, everyone knows what a huge historical responsibility it is to destroy 90.00% of the five satellite networks and more than half of the advanced fighters.

"Evandar, in the shortest possible time, conduct a reassessment of the national combat effectiveness."

At this time, Harry looked at a middle-aged man who had been sitting at the end of the congress hall, holding a computer and doing calculations, and said,

This person is a strategic resource assessment specialist in America.

"Total destruction of satellite"

"It's 90.00% five, not comprehensive!"

As soon as Evandar spoke, he was interrupted by a member of parliament who seemed to be trying to correct the mistakes in Evandar's words.

In this regard, Harry silently glanced at Joel who was standing beside him.

Regarding this, Joel calmly picked up Harry's crutch and walked towards the congressman.

"Okay, you continue."

After 3 minutes, Joel looked at Evandar again and said.

Seeing this, Evandar silently ignored the slight mourning sound, and then said: "The total damage of the satellite will not have as great an impact on our combat effectiveness as imagined. If there is a war, it will take up to 45 days."

, we will be able to regain peak combat effectiveness.The biggest problem is to determine whether this information is true. If this information cannot be confirmed to be true, my combat assessment cannot proceed. "

Evandar said, and a video was shown on the big screen of the Congress.

"Our country strongly condemns the global network security incident caused by America's research on strong artificial intelligence out of control."

The video released by Evandar is very simple, it is the condemnation of America by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of Great Xia 10 minutes ago.

"They are slander, naked slander!"

"Yes, they obviously launched the cyber attack, but now it's our problem?"

"This is defiance of us, a declaration of war, must be"

Some councilors clamoring to declare war with Great Xia at this time shut their mouths again after seeing the blood-stained cane that Joel raised again.

Evandar played some other videos after seeing the scene in the congress hall quiet down again.

Then I found that not only Daxia, but also mainstream countries in the world basically released similar videos, condemning America for the global cybersecurity crisis caused by the out-of-control research on strong artificial intelligence.

Compared with Daxia's life, many countries also thanked Daxia's Nuwa security system in the statement.


Harry and Joel were taken aback when they heard the name Nuwa, and they both felt that this name seemed familiar.

And under such circumstances, don't be dragged to the scene to cheer, the director of A silently took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, then lowered his head, looking at a poster in his hand, not daring to look up.

Although he was silent, his inner activities at that time were extremely rich.

A non-existent project that I was talking about before actually exists!Although, what he was talking about was the biological project, not the network security system.but…

At this time, he went straight back and strangled to death the person who proposed to use Nuwa as a nonsense name.

"Those related to Nuwa, after excluding movies, novels, comics, and games, there are currently only two related political information. The first one is to deal with the current global network triggered by us according to what they said. Nuwa strong artificial intelligence that was forced to be used due to security accidents. According to the current statements of various countries, regaining control of the satellite and restoring the normal operation of the network have nothing to do with us. It is done by Daxia’s network security team Yes, this piece of information has been confirmed by Daxia. By the way, one of the people in charge of this project is Su Bai."

Evandar didn't think about it that much, he was a pure technician, and after saying this, he glanced at Harry.

After all, Su Bai was mentioned.

Although Harry couldn't remember when he had heard the name Nuwa at this time, he was not surprised that the word Su Bai appeared in the scientific research team at Daxia.If there is no Su Bai, it will surprise him.

Seeing this, Evandar continued: "Another project is the genetic engineering of Daxia's man-made human, code-named Nuwa, discovered by the agents of A. According to A's statement, Su Bai is the engineer of this project. product."

Compared with those councilors, Evandar didn't have so much thought. He was a pure technician, and he said whatever he had.

"This huge mistake in intelligence, we will find you to understand it well later."

On Harry's side, after hearing Evandar's words, he glanced at Director A who wanted to dig a hole in the ground.

It's not that he really believed that A got some inside information, but that now he needs a lot of people to take the blame, and he hit the gun.

"Someone has been sent to investigate, do you think it is true or false?"

At this time, Joel actually asked Harry.

There has always been research on strong artificial intelligence at America's side, but in the past due to hardware constraints, it didn't get very good progress.

However, after obtaining a batch of experimental ghost chips from Daxia, the research process on strong artificial intelligence has been greatly accelerated, and many high-tech companies in America have obtained progress achieved only in the past few years.

But if you want to say who is at the forefront of the world's strong artificial intelligence research, it must be Daxia.There is no other reason, just because Daxia holds the Ming chip.

"That depends on whether you judge from a rational perspective or an emotional perspective."

After hearing Joel's question, Harry said with a headache.

Multiple choice questions are sometimes the easiest, but also the hardest.

"Tell me."

Joel said seeing this.

The matter of dealing with Su Bai has always been presided over by Harry. He has not participated in it before, but only gave some material help. Therefore, at this time, to judge whether something is wrong with him or Su Bai is playing tricks, we can only rely on Harry.

"From a rational point of view, look at the results of the investigation. There is nothing to say. From an emotional point of view, it is best for Daxia to do something. This is the best result."

Harry said seeing this.

"Why? Doesn't this mean that Great Xia has completely suppressed us technically?"

After hearing what Harry said, Joel seemed a little puzzled.

"You don't know Su Bai. She is a demon, a demon who plays with people's hearts. What is better than being beaten up with a bruised nose and face, and after getting up and wanting to fight back, and then being pointed out why you beat yourself. Finally, when the scars are firm, How about finding out that the only way to cause those scars is to hit yourself?"

Seeing this, Harry said, with endless sadness in his words.

He came from America's peak period, how unwilling was he to see America decline under his own hands?But in this situation, he also understood Su Bai.

Sometimes, one cannot treat Su Bai like a child.But when analyzing some things, if you look at it from the perspective of a child, you may be able to see through Su Bai's behavior directly.

But the scariest thing is that it is useless to see through.

Chapter 350 I Killed Myself

"Impossible, this is impossible, the artificial intelligence we study cannot calculate such a code by itself."

"But Pandora did have a code problem a few days ago."

"But it's impossible to calculate such a high-end code!"

"That's because your thinking is still at the level of a silicon-based chip. The terrifying increase in computing power brought about by the Ming-[-] modification chip is beyond imagination for the self-calculation of artificial intelligence!"


"The code is here! What else do you have to say!"

Regarding this network communication disaster that spread to the whole world, the first reaction of most people on America's side was that Da Xia was behind it.

The first is the motive. Su Bai, the top scientist in Daxia, has just been attacked. Daxia is very likely to take some extreme measures to retaliate against America.The second is technically possible.

There is absolutely no such possibility for other countries to control all of America's satellites in an instant.Although Da Xia is unlikely, it is the only possibility.

However, this speculation has now been overturned.

Because there are only a few strong artificial intelligence researches that are being carried out on a large scale within America, just check the core code of strong artificial intelligence they are researching.

And after they checked it themselves, they easily found that a bunch of high-level codes appeared in the mainframe of one of the several strong artificial intelligences they developed called Pandora's strong artificial intelligence.

Among these codes are programs that can operate the satellite system of America.

The point is, after self-examination, they discovered several key points.

First, the team responsible for researching Pandora's strong artificial intelligence is the same as the team responsible for the satellite network security system.

Second, when researching Pandora's strong artificial intelligence system, they stored the satellite network security system they studied as part of the big data into the database of Pandora's strong artificial intelligence system.

Third, according to the military's order requirements, they have conducted electronic warfare exercises to take control of enemy satellites.

Fourth, they have conducted exercises to take control of the global network.

Fifth, they have conducted exercises in which the enemy's weapon system can be out of control through electronic intrusion alone.

Sixth, they once conceived the idea of ​​controlling satellites to change their orbits, turning them into weapons, and dropping them to the ground to damage enemy units.

Seventh, in order to prevent strong artificial intelligence from getting out of control, before the research is completed, they have added the underlying logic that prohibits harming humans to the underlying code.

One link after another, if you look carefully at the out-of-control incident of the American satellite network that spread to the whole world, you will find that Pandora has done similar behaviors before.

Under such circumstances, before America's national satellite network lost control, the research team was testing the control of the satellite system by this strong artificial intelligence, and the test method was to use a satellite that was about to be scrapped.

This approach was originally to show the military its own technical achievements, because the possibility of intelligent escape was not expected, so not many preventive measures were taken.It gave Pandora the possibility to escape from the mainframe and enter the American satellite network.

But this still can't explain Pandora's strong concealment. Before Daxia announced it, they hadn't found Pandora's existence.

But there is an explanation for this.

Because America's other strong artificial intelligence research project focuses on strong concealment and strong aggression.Also for the military.

Under such circumstances, because another project is not intrusive, while Pandora escaped, it was connected to America's national network for network testing.

Then, the attack process of Pandora, which was wiped out by Daxia's strong artificial intelligence Nuwa, came out.

After Pandora escaped and entered the America satellite network, she should go through her own internal program again. During the process of running the program, she detected another strong artificial intelligence inside America, and imitated and compared its characteristics. Absorbed, completed self-upgrade and control of America's national communication network.

Because it was detected that the satellite network would endanger its own safety, and America was judged as an enemy, the satellite fell, military fighter jets were damaged, and some intercontinental missiles were locked.

But because the existence of the underlying logic of harming human beings is not allowed, when launching attacks, they are trying their best to avoid human death.

Under such circumstances, the research organization on America's side took the initiative to close the experiment after a huge problem occurred in the national network, which made Pandora lose the support of the host's computing power, and gave Daxia's Nuwa a chance to fight back, and finally won .

"The logic of the perfect closed loop is our own problem."

In the congress hall, Joel seemed a little autistic after seeing the report submitted by the people below.

Now their own internal investigation reports have come out, it is their own problems, underestimated the rebellious nature of strong artificial intelligence, and caused a huge disaster.

If it weren't for Daxia's more mature Nuwa strong artificial intelligence, the Internet that took decades to build would collapse, the technological development of the entire world would be set back by more than ten years, and the technological development of the entire human race would have stagnated for a long time.

"With such a powerful artificial intelligence, haven't we already surpassed Daxia in this technology?"

At this time, there are still some young genius members who don't think it's a big deal to express their optimistic thoughts.

Nu Wa can defeat Pandora because Pandora lost the support of the host computing power. If there is host computing power support, it will be difficult for Nu Wa to defeat Pandora.So does this mean that they are not technically crushed by Daxia?

"Big Xia has already obtained Pandora's core code, and the code traceability work has been completed. They have been submitted to the World Council, and the traceability process has been temporarily announced to the whole world. I have already looked for the authority on the Internet. They said that there was no problem with the traceability."

Under such circumstances, Evandar poured cold water on the congressman.

"However we look at it is our own problem, but...why do I so firmly believe that it is Su Bai's problem?"

Compared to other people who started to believe that it was their own problem, Harry was more and more convinced that it was Su Bai's fault.

Because, he knew that Su Bai's stubborn character could really do such a thing.

"Technically, it is impossible. Daxia's application of Ming chips is also very low-level. It is impossible to have so many artificial intelligence technologies that are higher than this era."

Joel, who didn't know Su Bai well, felt that Harry was a bit paranoid at this time.

Chapter 350 Nuwa: I am not a dog licker, I am just better at talking

"An impeccable chain of logic."

In Su Bai's home, Immortal Supreme saw the logic chain that Nuwa edited for America, and couldn't help complaining.

If she didn't know the actual situation, it would be hard for her to believe that this matter is not America's own problem.

With a perfect chain of evidence and impeccable logic, if no one knows the inside story, no one will think that America did not do it herself, and even America's own people think it is their own fault.

Not to mention America's own people, even Harry's heart was shaken at this time, thinking whether to continue to firmly believe that it was Su Bai's revenge.

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