Compared to America, who is hanging on her breath and is about to die, Daxia's powerful punch can turn the EU's head eighteen times.

Now that the European Union dares to borrow satellites, Daxia might dare to play military exercises in the Atlantic Ocean.

As for Daxia's willingness to lease the right to use the satellite system. America's eagerness to restore her combat power is not simply to deter small countries, but to deal with Daxia!If you use Daxia's satellite system, it's still a fart.

"Also, Joel said that he has stopped foreign oil exports. Although many oil exporting countries have not spoken, they have suspended their oil exports to us on the grounds of GS failure. Joel predicted, If the strategic reserve is not used, our domestic oil price will rise [-] times within a month, triggering an even more terrifying financial system collapse."

Harry's secretary spoke of a worse situation.

"In addition to this, there are worse situations."

Harry said looking extremely tired.

The wall fell and everyone pushed, and America's dominance in the past caused troubles, and now I am afraid that it will be returned with interest.

"The satellite launched by Daxia next week is directly our original satellite orbit, and they intend to forcibly snatch the best satellite orbit. Then, because of some important raw materials, the production capacity of our country's fighter jet production line can only reach 30.00%. And every The cost of the frame has increased by [-]% due to the increase in raw materials. Joel said that he will talk about the price reduction of those capitals, but it’s hard to say how.”

After Harry heard the secretary's words, he slowly picked up the inhaled blood pressure medicine that he had put down, and after taking another sip, his eyes burst out with astonishing ferocity, and he said to himself: "It's really hopeless!" , this feeling of wanting to die but not living...Su are so ruthless! But...I will definitely climb back from hell!"

Chapter 350 Elegance, It's Too Elegant

Su Bai didn't care about the troubles that Harry was getting into at all. When the financial crisis hit the world, most countries in the world fell into an extremely serious financial crisis. There were as many bankrupt countries as stars, especially America's side. Even after experiencing the out-of-control incident of the satellite network that spread to the whole world, the country of Great Xia has remained calm.

He didn't even just maintain a simple calm. Under such circumstances, Ding Yi even thought about inviting a lot of world-renowned football teams to play in Daxia, and even invited Su Bai to watch.

This kind of situation has happened before, but it is still relatively difficult to invite it.

But now, you only need one-fifth of the price in the past, or even one-tenth of the price.

The reason is also very simple. This time the global financial crisis is not just a simple contradiction of capital transfer to the outside world, but a civilization-level disaster caused by the unequal development of technology.

However, due to the continuous and concentrated progress of technology, this civilization-level disaster has not caused a worse situation except for the worldwide turmoil and partial collapse of the financial system.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for Great Xia, the only one with the ability to declare war on the whole world, to initiate a war.Without the need to start a war, Great Xia can still harvest the world with technology, maintain vigorous vitality when the whole world is complaining, and continue to develop and advance at a high speed.

Under the circumstances that the economies of most countries are retreating, Daxia's economy has not only not retreated, but is even growing.

As for what this has to do with football?Quite simply, those developed countries in Europe declared bankruptcy one after another, and a large amount of capital tried to save money.

Under such circumstances, unnecessary expenses will be saved, so a large number of sports events and entertainment activities have been suspended.

In fact, it can’t be said that the capital is no longer in business, but that the common people look down on it, and the sponsors can’t afford it anymore.

Under this major premise, in order to survive this difficulty, a large number of sports clubs really do everything as long as they give money.

Not to mention coming to Daxia to play football, to play with junior high school students, and some second- and third-tier teams will pick it up. As long as you give more, the world's first-tier teams are willing to put down their figures.

In order to survive the economic downturn that may last for a long time, some teams really do everything they can.

However, on the premise of knowing the situation of the national football team, Ding Yi was still a bit forced. Instead of letting Su Bai watch a game that he must lose, he watched a game that he had at least a [-]% winning rate.

"Are you still interested in football?"

Compared with Ding Yi, the Immortal Supreme who came with him was curious about the fact that Su Bai still likes sports events.

After following Su Bai for so many days, her deepest impression of Su Bai is that this guy is essentially a salted fish that cannot move.Apart from going shopping and playing in various amusement parks, Su Bai's most frequent exercise is morning running and night running.

To be reasonable, when Su Bai said for the first time that she was going to run in the morning and at night, she thought that she had made a huge mistake in judging Su Bai, maybe Su Bai's character was different from what she thought.

Then I saw Su Bai eating three rice rolls, five tea eggs, three burritos, two bowls of seafood soup, and other odds and ends that were more than the breakfast she ate in a week during her morning run.

As for the so-called night run?Starting with fifty skewers, we are not talking about the kind of skewers that can have several skewers in one bite.Fifty sticks, even some big eaters may not be able to eat it, but Su Bai is fine.

"Of course I'm interested. Who doesn't like something as interesting as playing football?"

Su Bai said excitedly after hearing the words of eternal life, and he couldn't wait to stand up from his seat, waved the support stick in his hand, and said: "Elegance, it's so elegant , Uncle Ding Yi, you really understand me best!"

As for the relationship between football and elegance?

Normally, it doesn’t matter, but football has an intermission time. In order to make the intermission time less monotonous, Ding Yi heard that now the world’s top ballet troupe is invited to dance for only three points After the price of one-half, by the way, I also invited the world's top ballet troupe to make a warm-up during the intermission.

Letting the ballet troupe dance on the lawn was actually quite embarrassing, but after Ding Yi said two words, the ballet dancers said that they would work hard to overcome the soft soil.

As for those two words?

"Add money!"

"I really admire you, let the ballet troupe do the football halftime cheerleading performance. Dog licking is disgusting, I just know how to embarrass those little girls to please Su Bai."

Eternal Life looked at Ding Yi contemptuously, then silently picked up the binoculars that Ding Yi handed over.

Well, elegant, it is too elegant.Such elegant art is certainly worth watching in depth.


Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue glanced at the two treasures around them, and then silently grabbed a certain nun who had been picking things up under a chair for more than ten minutes.

Without the pull of the two of them, Sheng Si wanted to stick his tongue under Su Bai's feet.

Well, there is no special meaning, just saying that Shengsi has a long tongue.

"Goodbye, ladies~ I'll see you in a few days~ I'll treat you to something delicious in a few days. Okay~ I'm super obedient, okay!"

After the ball game ended here, Su Bai happily chatted with the ladies and sisters of the ballet troupe who were sitting next to him after the halftime performance.

They are not the top of their own dance troupe, but they have the most top-notch looks, their voices are also very pleasant, and with their perfect bodies, Su Bai feels that today is very fulfilling.

"Someone is making trouble~"

Eternal Life Supreme reluctantly bid farewell to a 15-year-old talented ballerina girl, glanced at the scoreboard on the field, and said quietly to Ding Yi.

Sure enough, Su Bai didn't have much affection for football, and she didn't even pay attention to the situation on the football field during the whole process.

But if Su Bai is really a football fan, the good mood created by Ding Yi's perfect midfield arrangement today may also be ruined.

Because, the final score of the game was 11 to 0.

To correct one point, even if it is a competition at your own home, the loser cannot receive the award, and there is no situation where the No.2 trophy is several times larger than the No.1 trophy.

"Today there is an agricultural fair here in Shanghai, and many top agronomists from our country are here. I will arrange people to perform today, and they will all be dances by beautiful girls."

Ding Yi said to Yongsheng Zhigao, so that Yongsheng Zhigao's eyes lit up, and he immediately caught up with Su Bai.

Under such circumstances, Ding Yi silently glanced at Chen Ming who was walking in another direction, and said to himself: "I don't know how to cherish the last chance, it's really hopeless!"

Chapter 350: A Tainted Dream

"Eleven to zero, hahaha, the money is really worth it. Now Ding Yi's mood is probably worse than eating shit. I still want to lick Su Bai, and now I'm flattering on the horse's leg!"

"It's difficult for us, so don't even think about it! It's just relying on Su Bai, without Su Bai, he is even worse than a dog."

"That dwarf is not much better, isn't he just holding a few skills? So what about genius, there will be a day when Jiang Lang's talent will be exhausted. The higher ups are also reluctant to kill us, as long as she is worthless, I must make her look good!"

The football match hosted by Ding Yi was broadcast live by the TV station. After the football match, a few people sitting in their big villa, drinking leisurely, watching TV, complaining, and Imagining the future self-righteously.

A football match with a [-]% winning percentage ended up being [-] to [-]. It is hard for anyone to believe that there is no trick.

In fact, it was the same, but it wasn't gambling, it was simply because someone wanted to embarrass Ding Yi.

From their point of view, their plan to embarrass Ding Yi succeeded, but what they didn't know was that Ding Yi knew very well that Su Bai came to the football match out of heed.

Those good-looking ballet dancers are only responsible for eye-catching, and the real actors are not those players on the football field, but some sewer mice who think they have been let go by the country.

"You should have passed the ball just now, at least one goal must be scored."

"It was a mistake, it was really a mistake. I have already played [-]% of my strength, what can I do if the opponent is too strong."

"I lost eleven goals in a row, and I will definitely be criticized when I go back."

"What's the point of criticizing, just put more money in. Is there any difference between losing by one goal and losing by conceding eleven goals? It would be nice if you can make money."

"Eh? You... who are you?"

What the rats in the sewer didn't know was that when the football game started to end and the players on Daxia's side returned to their lounge, they found four policemen in the lounge.

The four policemen stood behind a man sitting on a chair and eating instant noodles, looking at them with indifferent eyes.

"Suck~ I'm sorry, I've been a little busy recently, I just caught up on sleep on the plane, and I'm so hungry, so it's okay to eat here."

After eating the last bite of instant noodles, the person who was eating instant noodles slowly put down the bucket of instant noodles in his hand, looked at the football players standing at the entrance of the lounge, looking at him vigilantly, and then revealed A kind smile.

What these football players don't know is that in the past six months, the person who saw this smile will definitely confess his crimes in tears.

As for why?Because he is Renzhenglong, a level 4.2 rational thinker, and a level 4.7 situational judgment.

Although this is not a weird world, Ren Zhenglong can't become a legendary investigator.But with Su Bai as his backer, his little life was a mess.

Until he was urgently called back by Chen Ming, he first dealt with a group of people who started to be self-righteous because of Su Bai's kindness.

Su Bai is kind, but it doesn't mean that some things can be tolerated forever.

"Comrade policeman, is there something wrong?"

The captain of the team looked at the person in front of him who seemed to have seen it somewhere but couldn't remember it all at once, and felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Tell me how much you earned today? I'm curious, how much money can you give to score an outrageous score of zero to eleven."

Ren Zhenglong picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth.

Su Bai didn't care about today's match-fixing at all, so he didn't help Ren Zhenglong much in the investigation.

However, catching corruption here in the national football team is like catching mice in a rat's nest.If all this can be done with Su Bai's help, then the Renzheng Dragon is not worthy of Su Bai's trust.

"Fixed matches? This is about our dignity and career. I hope you don't use such words to make a joke!"

The captain of the team said with a slightly indignant expression on his face when he heard Ren Zhenglong. He seemed to be very angry at Ren Zhenglong's words. People who didn't know thought he would be a great man who regarded his dignity as his life. players.

"Forget it, I won't play with you guys anymore. Su Bai is still waiting to see a good show. This arrest warrant, come with me."

If it was normal, Ren Zhenglong might tease these people a little more, and it could be regarded as finding some seasoning in the midst of a serious task.

However, these usually high-ranking players are not the protagonists of the next good show, they just let those protagonists enter their roles and show off their wonderful performance props.

Since it's just a prop, there's no need to take it slow when dealing with it, it needs to be resolved quickly, and it can't seize the protagonist's performance time.

"team leader…"

After the arrest warrant came out, some team members subconsciously took a few steps outside, and then saw dozens of plainclothes standing behind them at some point.

"Cooperate, it's no big deal."

Ren Zhenglong continued to say with a kind smile.

While those football players were "happily" leaving the football field through the back door under the protection of Ren Zhenglong, the front entrance of the football field was very lively.

"RNM refunds the money. Playing a fourth-rate national team can be scored [-] to [-]. They are worthy of us? Refund!"

"I used to laugh that if I don't work hard, I won't even be able to play against Titanium. Now it's better. When Titanium and this team played against this team, they scored [-]-[-]. We didn't score [-]-[-], but we were kicked [-]-[-]." One. Double digits, don’t be ashamed to lose them!”

"Let's not talk about Tau, this time I really have nothing to lose, and if I say I want to play against a strong European team, I will really embarrass myself! That's right, they have no face, forget it, don't scold them. In the future, it’s better to invite those little girls to dance with the money from the ball game, at least they dance seriously and are eye-catching.”

"Uncle Ding Yi, what's so interesting about football? Isn't it just losing?"

When he got into the car about to leave the stadium, Su Bai looked at the players who were still gathering outside the stadium, exuding his dissatisfaction, and he didn't understand.

In her view, whether it is sports or games, it is just a way of leisure and entertainment.If that way can't make herself happy, then she will choose to give up decisively.

But the fans of the national football team seem to be different. They clearly know that the national football team will bring them surprises that have little impact, and let their emotions ebb continuously.But they seem to continue to support the national football team, which really confuses Su Bai.

"Because that's their dream, it's just a pity that a bunch of garbage has tarnished their dream."

Ding Yi replied after hearing Su Bai's words.

Chapter 350

After leaving the football field, Su Bai did not go home, but came to the Bund of Shanghai.

In the evening, Ding Yi said that he would invite some agricultural experts who came to Shanghai to participate in the agricultural fair to have dinner and watch a dance performance.Su Bai simply came to a restaurant on the Bund side for dinner, waiting to attend the dinner in the evening.

This actually reflects Ding Yi's high EQ.If Su Bai was asked to attend the gathering of those agricultural experts, Su Bai would definitely not go.After all, Su Bai didn't even attend the awarding ceremony of his own academician qualification, so she was even more displeased to let her hang out with those old men.

But to change an excuse, first let Su Bai watch the ballet performed by those young and beautiful ballerinas, and then tell Su Bai that there will be a gathering of agricultural experts in the evening, and there will be a ballet performance at that time, then Su Bai will be interested and go to participate up.

The restaurant Su Bai came to was not a particularly high-end restaurant, mainly because there was a children's playground on the second floor of the restaurant.

It's definitely not that Su Bai wants to play, it's just that he thinks that Immortal Supreme wants to play, so he brings her to play.

However, after arriving, she found that the restaurant was indeed still open, but the children's playground was gone, replaced by a few claw machines, which made her a little disappointed.

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