Because I have played a lot of claw machines recently, and I have no interest, so I didn't play.

"Sister Su Bai, why do some people always think they are right?"

After dinner, when Zuo Ming took Yongshengzhigao and Shengsi to grab the doll together, Zhou Xue told Su Bai about her confusion.

Although she is young, her living environment and precocious personality let her know some hidden details in life.

There was definitely something wrong with today's football match, especially after the football match, Chen Ming disappeared immediately.

Although Chen Ming didn't follow Su Bai 24 hours a day, he basically wouldn't disappear as if he accompanied Su Bai.

Chen Ming's direct disappearance basically meant that he was going to deal with some people who tried to cause harm to Su Bai.

Chen Ming's disappearance coincided with the score of [-]-[-] in the football match, so she knew that some self-righteous people might have done something that might make Su Bai unhappy.

"A group of sheep is the owner of a piece of grass, and they think that all the fresh and juicy pasture on the grass belongs to them. Suddenly one day, an elephant came to that piece of grass. The elephant ate a lot, although for the grass No

Nothing, but do you think the sheep who thought all the juicy grass was theirs would treat that elephant well? "

After hearing Zhou Xue's confusion, Su Bai replied lazily while eating pineapple slices, appearing a little lazy.

"However, sheep can't beat elephants, so what if they are dissatisfied?"

Zhou Xue replied after hearing Su Bai's words.

Although Su Bai often used some very abstract metaphors when answering questions, after listening to them a lot, she still had a rough idea of ​​what they meant.

"Because the sheep wanted to occupy all the pasture, they had the courage to provoke the elephant. The elephant ignored the sheep's provocation because it was too lazy to pay attention to it. The sheep thought it was a kind of cowardice. So they chose Make progress. The slightly annoyed elephant yelled twice and scared a few sheep to death, but there was no substantial attack. Under such circumstances, do you think the flock of sheep will have further plans? ?In particular, they find that the grass around the elephants is more tender and juicy."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

After Su Bai said this, Zhou Xue frowned and didn't answer.

It's not that she doesn't know how to answer, but that there is one thing she can't figure out.That is, there is too much pasture on the grassland, why do the sheep have to grab the pasture of the elephant?

"Even if there is too much pasture to eat, the sheep will not be satisfied. They will always seek to have more pasture, even if they will never be able to eat the pasture. Greed is the essence of the sheep."

At this moment, Eternal Life Supreme sat beside Zhou Xue with a few dolls in his arms, and said while stroking Zhou Xue's little head.

"But if they push forward, they will definitely anger the elephant completely?"

After Zhou Xue heard the words of eternal life, she spoke.

"No, this elephant is very gentle, it will not pay attention to the group of immature sheep. But those sheep who try to provoke the kind elephant will definitely be punished by the grass, and they will pay for their greed .”

After Yongsheng Zhigao said these words, he glanced at Su Bai, and found that Su Bai was quietly reaching out to touch the wedding ring on Yongsheng Zhigao's hand.

"Eat your pineapple slices and don't think about my ring all day long."

Seeing this, Supreme Eternal Life pinched Su Bai's face while withdrawing his hand.

"If you don't give it, you won't give it. Who cares?"

Su Bai struggled to speak after being pinched in the face by the Supreme Eternal Life, his face was full of anger.

"Coming back so soon?"

In a cafe that allowed smoking opposite the restaurant, Ding Yi was a little surprised when he saw Chen Ming sitting opposite him.

"There are more professional people to do it. I just went to help him apply for some procedures, and it won't take long."

After Chen Ming heard what Ding Yi said, he opened his mouth and said, after he finished speaking, he took a cigarette from Ding Yi's hand, and said, "It's your kindness that has been taken as a donkey's liver and lungs."


After hearing what Chen Ming said, Ding Yi just sighed silently.

Ding Yi will suddenly spend his own money to invite people to play football and dance ballet. In addition to enriching the entertainment life in Shanghai, the most important thing is that what happened in America happens to be at the same time as that group of capitalists. overlapping.

Su Bai's previous knife was cruel enough, and he thought it was enough to make those people remember it fresh.In addition, after Su Bai's incident in America, Su Bai's attention was indeed diverted, and Chen Ming put forward the theory of a benevolent mother and the current economic turmoil in Daxia, so the senior management of Daxia didn't respond to it. That group of capitalists rushed to kill them all, suspending the butcher knife that was originally planned to fall.

Under such circumstances, Ding Yi is not a hard-hearted person. Among the group of capitalists taught by Su Bai, there are a few nobles in his life.Although I won't say that I will go through fire and water for this group of people, but I will still do what I can.

Therefore, Ding Yi made a move to save that group of people, and spent money to hire someone to make Su Bai happy and divert Su Bai's attention, so that Su Bai would not focus on that place again after getting tired of playing with America. On the body of a group of capitalists who escaped.

Ding Yi doesn't think that Su Bai won't know this, but he knows that Su Bai is a person who likes to play, as long as he diverts Su Bai's attention enough to make Su Bai like it, then Su Bai won't mind turning his attention Put it in another direction.

In the end, what Ding Yi didn't expect was that the group of capitalists gave him a backstab just after they knew that Daxia's top management had suspended the butcher knife that would have fallen on their necks, which made Ding Yi very helpless.

"They can't escape this time."

Ding Yi spoke after taking a sip of coffee.

"Su Bai used our hands to attack America several times before, and this time she barely did it herself. You have seen the consequences, so I will not give those insects a third chance to challenge Su Bai. Kind mother Theories cannot save them. As you can see, Su Bai didn't say a word after being provoked, I don't think it's because Su Bai was distracted by the group of ballet dancers and didn't notice this."

Chen Ming said.

The theory of a benevolent mother is a summary of some of Su Bai's behaviors and habits synthesized by Chen Ming based on the information given by the Supreme Eternal Life.To put it simply, even if a benevolent mother faces a very rebellious child, she will not kill her. No matter what, she will give the rebellious child a way out.

What happened at America's side also proved Chen Ming's theory.

Although America has lost its position as the world's hegemon, at least it still exists and is complete, and the safety of people's lives has not been fundamentally hit.

Based on this incident, except for some of the group of capital affected before who jumped off the building after being hit too hard, almost all of them were not completely hopeless, and Su Bai did not really push them to a dead end.Those who committed suicide by jumping off the building were more killed because of their own fear.

However, Su Bai's kindness belongs to Su Bai. When facing a rebellious child, other children will take action to maintain the mother's authority.

Chapter 350 Nine Earned so much less money, I lost money to death! (4000 words)

"It's not good, everyone in the football team has been arrested by Chen Ming."

On the top floor of a skyscraper in Shanghai, Wang Jiancheng's secretary rushed into his office, looking very anxious.

It was Wang Jiancheng who bought Ding Yi's team members and let them play match-fixing.

"What's the rush? It's normal. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. That Chen Ming is Su Bai's dog. Seeing that Su Bai has been wronged, he must take action."

If it was placed a few days ago, he would definitely not be so relaxed.

But now it's different.

"Brother Wang, is it really all right?"

At this time, in Wang Jiancheng's office, Wang Jiancheng was not the only one, besides him, there were several friends of Wang Jiancheng.

The one who expressed his worries now is Wu Yinsong's father, Wu Cheng, who was hanged by the street lamp before.

Although he was very angry about the fact that his son was hung on the street lamp for several hours because of a slip of the tongue, he was helpless.

Su Bai, as the largest academic chaebol in Great Xia at present, needs hundreds or even thousands of years of hard work to barely reach the terrifying wealth he has accumulated within one year.

Monopolizing high-tech and the entire medical industry at the same time can be said to be unprecedented, but Su Bai has already done it.

So he didn't even dare to think about avenging his son.

What's more, the stock market crash caused by Su Bai made his assets shrink by nearly one-third.If it weren't for the financial crisis that made him withdraw most of the funds invested in the financial market, this part of the loss would have been even greater.

But just two days ago, after the outbreak of the nationwide satellite network out of control incident on America's side, Wang Jiancheng told him that Su Bai's position may not be as stable as they imagined, and they might have a chance to revenge Su Bai .Even if he can't cause too much harm to Su Bai now, he can give Su Bai a blow and let Su Bai know his own position.

And Wang Jiancheng's method is very simple, that is, to play tricks on the entertainment activities specially prepared by Ding Yi for Su Bai.

It was obviously a football game with a winning rate of over [-]%, but in the end they played a record of [-]-[-], which is a bit praised as a disastrous defeat.

The effect is very good, although Su Bai didn't suffer any actual damage, but it can make Su Bai deflated, and if he gives Su Bai power, he will feel very happy.

However, after seeing Chen Ming's decisive arrest of the football players who played match-fixing, he couldn't help but become worried.

"Don't worry, Brother Wang's opinion is correct. Su Bai has indeed lost his power. It is not Chen Ming who arrested those people, but the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the police."

After Wu Cheng expressed his concerns, another person in Wang Jiancheng's office said lightly.

He is the helm of Chengguang Industry, He Ming.And one of the largest foundries of Chengguang Industrial Daxia at present does not belong to those capitals targeted by Su Bai before.It can even be said that he is one of the people who benefited the most after Su Bai's rise.

At the moment when the financial tsunami swept the world, his assets did not shrink, but increased by 20.00%.

"Why can it be seen from this point that Su Bai has lost power?

At this time, a person in the office spoke, looking a little confused.

"I have obtained internal information. The person in charge of this arrest operation is called Renzhenglong. The big problem is that the top started from the bottom a while ago, an extreme that cannot be penetrated. At present, it is mainly responsible for anti-corruption And anti-corruption, a financial institution was taken away from me last month. If it wasn’t for that incident, I really didn’t participate, or I would have fallen too.”

As He Ming said, some information obtained from his recent investigation came out, and he said: "There are rumors that this Renzheng Dragon is also a direct descendant of Su Bai, but according to what I know, it should be just a misinformation. Because he is in the anti-corruption and anti-corruption During the process, the central government communicated directly, not the Emergency Management Bureau. The main forces used were the Public Security Bureau and the Anti-Corruption Bureau, and occasionally the National Security Bureau was used. The composition of personnel was completely different from that of the Emergency Management Bureau.


After hearing He Ming's words, Wang Jiancheng said, and then followed He Ming's words, and said: "This benevolent government dragon was called to Shanghai by Chen Ming. It is obvious that Chen Ming knew what was going to happen, but as soon as he didn't stop him, Second, if he didn't do it himself, it means that he didn't want to do it himself, but that he was incapable. So he could only borrow a knife to kill people. As Su Bai's true direct descendant, Chen Ming didn't have the ability to do it. Doesn't it prove that Su Bai couldn't be as arrogant as before? Is it? And you don’t need to worry about this matter, no matter how much Renzhenglong investigates, at most an underground gambling place can be investigated, and we can’t be investigated here.

Wang Jiancheng is quite confident at this time, his plan is perfect, even if Su Bai knows that he did it, without evidence, there is nothing he can do.

"However... now the latest generation of scientific researchers are basically from Su Bai's faction, and the top few are also from Su Bai's faction. If Su Bai is really angry, if she encourages this part of people, then the above You also have to consider Su Bai's opinion."

At this time, people in the office still feel unsafe

Su Bai, as the largest academic chaebol in Great Xia at present, has too much power and too much right to speak.Su Bai usually doesn't use this power, so it's easy to be ignored, but once she speaks out, the influence may be too great.

"Didn't you say that? The latest generation and the top group of people belong to Su Bai's faction. The latest generation has no power, and the top group of people has power and power but few people. The most important force in scientific research It’s those people in the middle. And Su Bai’s rapid technological reform has already offended those people. It’s just that Su Bai was rich and powerful before, and they had to swallow that.”

"What's more, since the ancient times, he has made great achievements and overwhelmed the Lord, so he will definitely die. It's not that Su Bai doesn't use this power, but she dares not. She knows that if she uses this power, she will fight against her superiors. Do you really think it's just that brat, Can she be stronger than the above? So don't worry, she can't use this power. What's more, the researchers in the middle faction who don't belong to Su Bai's faction are against Su Bai very much, they just don't have the opportunity to publish themselves Seeing this, Wang Jiancheng said, still looking extremely relaxed.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Su Bai is, he is still just a scientist. What's more, Su Bai's technological reform has offended too many scientists.Because of Su Bai's technological reform, too many scientists have lost all their achievements and turned into nothingness, which made them angry that even Su Bai's blown bones and ashes would not be enough to appease their anger.

After saying this, he saw that some people present still had concerns, and then said, "Do you know how the matter of Su Bai's assassination was handled a while ago?"

"Brother Wang, you didn't do this, did you?"

Seeing this, the other people present looked at Wang Jiancheng with some doubts.

No one knows the mastermind behind Su Bai's assassination so far. Some say it was done by people from America, and some say it was done by those capitals in Daxia who were offended by Su Bai.But who exactly is, there is no accurate conclusion.

"Yeah, I did. Just a bit of a blunder and didn't take into account that guy had that weird way of failing."

When Wang Jiancheng said this, he showed a cheerful smile, which also aroused the astonishment of everyone present.

As for the actual situation, of course he didn't do it, he already guessed that it was done by America.But it is absolutely impossible for America to admit that it was done by them at this time, so he will try to pretend to be a tiger, and use America's hand to consolidate his position.

The other people present were astonished and thought about it for a while, and then found that Wang Jiancheng did have a motive for doing this.

The reason is that Wang Jiancheng suffered the worst loss among the group of capital attacked by Su Bai a while ago, with a loss of more than [-]% of his assets. awful.

However, as one of Daxia's largest investment capital, he still has a solid background. As long as he takes a breath, he can still recover.

It's just that if you lose so much for no reason, the hatred will become serious, and it is very possible to grit your teeth and spend a lot of money to get revenge.

"This is not the point. The point is that the higher-ups did not initiate an investigation into this matter. The higher-ups ignored this matter, and it seems that the assassination did not happen. If the higher-ups really value Su Bai, do you think it is possible for the higher-ups to not pay attention? So, I I can assure you that there must have been a conflict between Su Bai and the higher-ups, a strong conflict. This conflict is so big that the higher-ups no longer stand for Su Bai."

Seeing this, Wang Jiancheng said firmly.

"I can also prove this. After that meeting, it was said that Chen Ming wanted to liquidate all of you, and the higher-ups agreed at the beginning. But I don't know why, and they won't let you liquidate later. Although I don't know what happened. However, it should be that Su Bai had a conflict with the higher-ups. Ding Yi may know, because he was looking for fun for Su Bai recently, and it seems that something very unpleasant happened. Ding Yi, Su Bai's dog, rushed the most. Quick, I want to find a way for his master to relax."

Seeing this, He Ming added a sentence, which can be regarded as supporting Wang Jiancheng's words.

"Brother He, why did you come to meddle in this muddy water? Shouldn't you be on Su Bai's side?"

Under such circumstances, the others did not believe blindly, and one of them asked the one thing that bothered them the most at the moment, which was why Heming was here.

As a beneficiary of this era of technological explosion, he should be the most staunch supporter of Su Bai's faction, and he can even be said to be a blind believer.

"Theoretically, it should be like this, but the above has adopted two indicators, the minimum wage standard and the maximum profit line, for those new entrants.

Seeing this, Heming said.

After the emergence of the medical visa system, a large number of top scientific researchers came to Daxia.When those people came to Daxia, it was also accompanied by the arrival of a large amount of capital investment.

Those big investments came and created a lot of jobs.

However, the above does not seem to intend to give those companies too much convenience, and has formulated two bills, the first minimum wage standard line, and the second maximum profit line.

The minimum wage standard line is different from the normal domestic minimum wage. This policy is only aimed at those foreign companies, allowing those foreign companies to hire Daxia’s labor force at a price that exceeds the normal salary of workers in the same position in Daxia by 20.00% to 30.00%.

And the highest profit line is only for those foreign companies. If those foreign companies want to get a medical visa, the prices of the products produced by the industries they invest in Daxia are strictly limited.

The limit is not large, but it will make their products of the same type have to be sold at a price similar to or even lower than that of Daxia's products.

These two policies seem to be beneficial to Daxia's enterprises, increasing the profit ratio of Daxia's enterprises and enhancing the competitiveness of Daxia's products.

But in fact it is not, this is just a superficial phenomenon.

After the enactment of these two bills, a large number of excellent technical personnel flowed to those foreign companies.After all, better wages, better benefits, and more job openings.Water flows to low places, and people go to high places.

The flow of those excellent technical personnel to those foreign companies has caused a serious gap in the low-end productivity and high-end technical strength of a large number of companies.

In order to prevent more technical personnel from leaving, they had to raise wages and improve benefits.

Under normal circumstances, after raising wages and benefits, they will add this part of the loss to the product, which leads to an increase in the price of the product.

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