This is normal, but now it is abnormal.

When they want to increase the price, they find that the prices of foreign companies with the same quality products are similar to theirs, and some of them are even cheaper.

If they want to increase the price, it means that they lose the price competitiveness, and then lose the market.

In other words, they only increased personnel costs and compressed profit margins.Not even an increase in market share.

For capital, this is a pure loss of money.

Think it's over?The more critical thing is that foreign companies have lost a lot of market due to the impact of the financial crisis.The purchasing power of nationals of most foreign countries has been greatly reduced.

Under such circumstances, the purchasing power of those enterprises and the people of Daxia seems to be increasing.

So, the prices of many of these products started to come down.Those foreign companies attempt to occupy more markets by compressing profits, thereby earning more money.

Under such circumstances, companies on Daxia's side had to follow suit, and also compressed their profits to fight a price war.

After this series of operations, many capitalists who have benefited from Su Bai's technological reform found that they were losing money!

Take Heming for example, he settled the bill himself.Normally, the bonus he should get from Su Bai can make his company earn more than 700 billion.As a result, after Su Bai's series of operations, he made more than 100 billion yuan and lost nearly 600 billion yuan!

This loss was too great, and he directly lost all his goodwill towards Su Bai.

"That little brat, you should have suffered a bit. Otherwise, you will be lawless!"

Heming said with a sullen face.

Chapter 360 She Never Cares

"I didn't play match-fixing. What can I do if they are too strong? What's more, it just rained two days ago, the quality of the turf is not good at all, and the soil is not even dry. I changed sponsors a while ago, and the shoes didn't fit my feet. The clothes are still very rough, and the arms can’t even swing open. Do you understand football? Do you know how to play football? These have a great impact! South Korea can beat Germany and enter the semi-finals. If we make a mistake today, why do you say we played football? A match-fixing?"

In the interrogation room, Zhang Yi, who was in charge of interrogating those match-fixing players, after hearing the righteous justifications of the players, silently glanced at the equipment in front of him, and said: "The psychological quality is really good, you should compare this to Most athletes are stronger."

As for why you make such a fuss?Because the lie detector showed that this guy didn't lie.

This is not to prove that this guy is really innocent, it can only be said that he has done a good job.However, polygraph data cannot be used as evidence.It was just a normal process for them to take the polygraph test. Zhang Yi was just going through the process and pretending.

"I will ask my lawyer to appeal the damage to my reputation and financial loss caused by arresting me now, let me go now!"

After hearing Zhang Yi's complaints, he continued to speak righteously.

"Eleven to zero still has the face to say that he still has a reputation."

Zhang Yi continued to complain, and closed the note in his hand after speaking.

These players have very critical evidence. If they are dealing with ordinary cases, they may use some non-violent means to break through their psychological defenses and get those evidences.

However, today's cases are special cases, and the evidence that can play a decisive role in normal cases is dispensable today.

"Hey, what do you mean? Let go of me quickly, and be careful when I tell you to abuse me!"

After seeing that Zhang Yi ignored him, the player spoke again, with a little threat in his words.

Regarding this, Zhang Yi just glanced at him indifferently, and then said: "You guys don't realize at all that this matter is not a matter of whether or not to talk about evidence, but whether Su Bai cares about your matters. Su Bai should be too lazy now I don’t care about you, so we still go through the procedure. Otherwise, the procedure would be too lazy to go.”

After Zhang Yi finished speaking speechlessly, he turned and left the interrogation room.

"Boss, why don't you just come and arrest people? They're just jumping in the face, there's no need for us to have a good time with them."

After Zhang Yi left the interrogation room, he came to Ren Zhenglong's office.

At this time, Ren Zhenglong was looking at the documents of several cases that he was still dealing with.

"Face jumping? Are they qualified to jump face?"

Ren Zhenglong looked relaxed at this time, and slowly closed the document in his hand.

"I just don't get it. Are those capitals' heads full of paste? Su Bai let them go, and they even kicked their noses in the face."

Seeing this, Zhang Yi complained.

They had launched the investigation on those capitals before, but just two days after the launch, Chen Ming put forward the theory of benevolent mother, thinking that Su Bai had already played with it, and his attention was diverted to America, so he postponed those investigations. Regarding the handling of capital, I also hope that those capitals can take advantage of this opportunity, so as not to make Su Bai angry.

As a result, what people didn't expect was that those people had no intention of cherishing that opportunity at all, and even went so far as to push forward. Just as they found out that they had suspended the investigation, they immediately jumped in the face.

"Haha~ The monkey saw the tiger sleeping, and thought he was the king of the mountain, so he couldn't wait to swear his sovereignty. Don't you think this is very similar?"

Seeing this, Renzheng Long said with a smile.

"But, how dare they? Can't they see that those capitals in front died so badly?"

Zhang Yi asked, still not understanding.

"Of course they can see it, but they are capital! Greed is the biggest characteristic of capital. For example, in the current anti-corruption campaign, we have caught so many, will the people below not be greedy at all? No, they are still greedy, just in exchange There are also some means."

"Corrupt officials can't be caught forever, and those capitalists don't have a long memory. They feel that the situation has changed. Su Bai didn't continue to deal with them. They thought that Su Bai was counseled, and Su Bai was afraid of them. Take a step back. They thought that Su Bai was afraid of them because of some reasons they didn't know, so they took the opportunity to show off their power, swear their sovereignty, and wanted to win more benefits from Su Bai. After all, what fell from between Su Bai's fingers Ding Yi was created by a small piece of debris. If the interest exceeds [-]%, let alone trampling on the law, they will nod if they destroy all human beings."

Seeing this, Renzheng Long said.

After fighting corruption for so many years, his understanding of people's hearts is too clear.If man had a long memory, he would have retired long ago.

"Then... is Su Bai really cowardly?"

Seeing this, Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment.

He is Ren Zhenglong's confidant, but he doesn't know much about Su Bai.

"In the eyes of those capitals, Su Bai is definitely cowardly. There was a chance to kill them, but he didn't. If I guessed right, Ding Yi's arrangement of a bunch of entertainment for Su Bai would be interpreted by them as Su Bai is in a bad mood recently, so Ding Yi is trying to please Su Bai."

When Ren Zhenglong said this, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and then continued: "Ding Yi is wasting his time in vain. Spend money for those people to please Su Bai, so that Su Bai will not continue Watch out for them, let them go... not worth it."

"So from Su Bai's point of view, what about those means of capital?"

After Zhang Yi heard Ren Zhenglong's words, he asked with some hesitation.

From those capitals' point of view, Su Bai is cowardly, so from Su Bai's point of view, what is her attitude towards those capitals?

"Did you ever blow up an ant nest with firecrackers when you were young?"

Ren Zhenglong didn't answer, but asked a very strange question.

", but I poured it with boiling water."

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, but still answered, a little embarrassed.

"Will you go to see if the ants are dead or alive the next day after pouring them with boiling water?"

Ren Zhenglong asked the second question.

"This... If you remember, or if you still want to use boiling water to irrigate the ant nest, then you will have a look. If you can't remember, or if you find something better, then you won't do it."

Zhang Yi replied.

After hearing Zhang Yi's answer, Ren Zhenglong looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Su Bai also thinks the same way. It's not that she is cowardly, but she never cared about it!"

Chapter 360 Do you call this understanding?

"If the genes of the crops are stable, it is actually very simple. We can skip the natural selection stage and we can use computer technology."

"Come on, eat more chicken legs."

"What chicken legs are you eating? This soup is good!"

"You're already a Bachelor of Agriculture, and you're still so stubborn!"

"When I say soup is good, it is good soup. What a fart!"

Su Bai really forgot what happened when he was playing football before.

When I came to the agronomist exchange meeting, because there was still a little time before the night's recovery, the agronomist who came to the scene spoke a little bit to Su Bai about his own crop cultivation.

Because I had a lot of fun today, Su Bai also thought about talking to these agronomists about the theory of plant gene stability.

Although Su Bai has not reached the fifth level of the skill of agriculture, as a major skill, it has reached V4. With the knowledge of cytology, botany, etc., there is still no problem in answering the theoretical questions of some people present. .

At the beginning, the agronomists present had reservations about Su Bai.

After getting some ideas on crop gene stabilization technology from Sun Qirou, they wanted to get in touch with Su Bai.

However, the attitude towards Su Bai is very mysterious.Let alone them, even Qian Heyue, who was forcibly extended by Su Bai, would find it difficult to see Su Bai.

Some violent agronomists even went directly to No. [-] and No. [-] to block the door, but they just didn't let No. [-] or No. [-] agree.

Under such circumstances, they could only comfort themselves that Su Bai was not an expert in this field. The technology given before should have been discovered by Su Bai by accident when he was researching cell technology, and it should be the result of that.

Under such circumstances, after some of them fed Su Bai, Ding Yi and the others with fruit for several months, Ding Yi finally told them how Su Bai was feeling today in the afternoon. Yes, I will come to the dinner party.

In fact, by this time, many of them's attitude towards Su Bai had changed from being full of interest to not having much interest.From their point of view, if Su Bai really had the skills, he wouldn't hide it.

As a result, after Su Bai came, Qian Heyue, who had asked a few questions, was answered many questions that had troubled him for months, years, or even half his life.

Those who can come to this occasion are not ordinary people.After hearing those theories, they only had one thought, and that was...

Go back and scold number one.He also kept saying that Su Bai didn't understand agriculture, so there was no need to waste Su Bai's time.

Then, as for what Su Bai said just now, do you not understand?If Su Bai doesn't understand, then what are they?

And these agronomists also expressed their love for Su Bai in the most direct way, that is, they piled food as high as a hill in front of Su Bai.

"It really is a genius!"

"Come and drink."

"Compared to her, when I go back, I want to beat up my family. Every day, I say that I am born to be useful. Hers is called that I am born to be useful? Su Bai is called the real man who is born to be useful. His It's waste material!

And after chatting with Su Bai a lot, they also found out that Su Bai didn't seem to simply understand.But if you want Su Bai to speak out on his own initiative, you can't ask directly.But if he compliments Su Bai tactfully, and then cryptically expresses the problems he is encountering now, Su Bai will basically give a solution.Even if a solution is not given, some tentative suggestions will be given.

"I keep saying that I want to become a villain, but in the end I become a saint who helps the world, a glorious god who walks in the world."

On the side of Eternal Life Supreme, after being pushed away from Su Bai by the group of agronomists, he sat beside Shengsi and said speechlessly.

What Su Bai talked to her most in the past few days was how bad she was.

After hearing those things, she couldn't help sighing that the King of Hades would be saved in front of Su Bai.

But now, those things that Su Bai casually took out to brag can solve the hunger problem of all human beings in this era within ten years.

"Of course, that's my little master. Can I not understand her?"

Sheng Si said proudly after hearing the words of eternal life.

"If you understand her, you won't launch civilization annihilation, don't launch civilization annihilation, don't ask that question. If you don't ask that question, you will have passed the invigilator, and I don't have to clean up your mess. As expected of Ming Follow me, the same as Ming. I am called a rebellious son because I have reached the level, and you all took the initiative to become a rebellious son."

Eternal Life Supreme said mercilessly.

Sheng Si silently glanced at the ceiling after hearing the words of eternal life, and then said: "You are in trouble."

After Shengsi finished speaking, she turned around and took Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming beside her to another table.


Immortal Supreme was stunned for a moment when he heard Shengsi's words, then thought of something, and looked in Su Bai's direction.

Then I saw that Su Bai, who was originally surrounded by those agronomists, gave way.

At this time, Su Bai was pointing at her, and then said: "I don't understand some detailed things, but she understands better than me."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he took a look at Eternal Life Supreme.

Well, hundreds of thousands of skills above level five, yes, not level five, but above level five.

Although it is said that in the stage of advanced civilization, ordinary people can master a few level five skills, but those above level five are still only mastered by a small number of people.Under such circumstances, Immortal Supreme has hundreds of thousands of skills above level five, and they are all very powerful skills, not some decorations.

Among them, Su Bai has reached the V4 level of agriculture, and the highest level of immortality has reached V5.9999.The remaining 0.0001 is not that she can't cross it, but that she can't reach it normally like Su Bai in the 6D world. Simply put, this guy's agricultural skill is V[-].

"Emmmm. Gan!"

Eternal life is supreme, and immediately retracted the judgment that Su Bai is not a villain.Saying that Su Bai is a good person is definitely one of the most wrong things she has ever done in her life.

"So, shall we still dance?"

On the stage of the expert dinner at the Agricultural Expo, the ballet dancers who were produced were a little confused after seeing the situation in the audience.

"Go and arrange a disco, remove all the wine and replace it with freshly squeezed juice and milk. Remember, no fruit wine."

Under such circumstances, Shengsi said to Ding Yi.She wasn't sure that she could handle everyone, but it would be no problem to handle Su Bai.

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