Chapter 360 Opening Champagne at Halftime

"The latest information, Ding Yi really did what you said, Uncle Wang, and took Su Bai to contact those agronomists!"

In Wang Jiancheng's suburban villa, Wang Jiancheng, who was enjoying another bottle of wine he had collected for many years with a few of his friends, waited until Xie Shouren returned from the phone.

Compared with those big businessmen sitting here, Xie Shouren is just the HR manager of a small manpower dispatch company, and he is not of the same order of magnitude as the group of people who are doing it.

But under such circumstances, Wang Jiancheng still prepared a wine glass and a seat for him.

"As expected, Xiao Xie, you did a good job."

Wang Jiancheng nodded in satisfaction after hearing Xie Shouren's words.

As one of the most prosperous cities in Daxia, Shanghai's public security situation is naturally very good.But under the sun, there will still be shadows.Even if there were no large-scale and arrogant gangsters like the last century, there were still some sewer rats surging.

However, after Su Bai went from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, the Emergency Management Bureau presided over by Chen Ming carried out a thorough rectification of the small underground gangs in Shanghai.

Those that have become large in Shanghai are basically incorporated, and they all belong to the eyeliner of the Emergency Management Bureau.

Under such circumstances, Wang Jiancheng found the hotel responsible for arranging this agronomist dinner.He did not blatantly bribe the people in the hotel, but let him detect some basic information through the manpower dispatch company arranged by the waiter who was in charge of outsourcing the hotel.

"Uncle Wang, I won't disturb your elegant mood. If you have anything to do, please call me. I will do everything within my duty."

Xie Shouren finished the wine glass in Wang Jiancheng's hand as he spoke, looking a little humble.

"Well, be careful on the road."

Seeing this, Wang Jiancheng said that he was very satisfied with Xie Shouren's knowledge.

"Brother Wang, it seems that your judgment is correct. There is indeed a big problem with Su Bai, and they are starting to make connections."

After Xie Shouren left, a friend of Wang Jiancheng said.

According to Wang Jiancheng's previous judgment, Su Bai's side should have had a huge disagreement with the higher-ups because of some things, and was left out in the cold by the higher-ups.

But because Su Bai is in the limelight now, it is impossible for the higher-ups to do anything to Su Bai.But within a short period of time, the higher authorities will use some means to weaken the power in Su Bai's hands.

When this thing will be done, they don't know.But seeing that Su Bai is in a hurry to build relationships with those agronomists, she is in a hurry now.

Well, Ding Yi arranged for Su Bai to meet those agronomists, which was interpreted by Wang Jiancheng's people as Su Bai trying to build relationships with those agronomists in order to consolidate his position and try to solve his current predicament.

If Ding Yi found out about this, he would definitely yell that he was wronged.

He made this arrangement entirely because some agronomists called him every day to keep him warm.

Don't look at some agronomists who usually live in poverty, but the power in their hands is beyond imagination.The issue of food security is the cornerstone of national stability. If a considerable number of them were placed in ancient times, they would be saints who could easily be conferred as gods.

Although the country usually has few reports on them, that doesn't mean it will despise them.

They may not be able to spend millions or tens of millions to buy a house in the magic city, but if they want to, they can easily spend hundreds of millions or even billions for scientific research.In a word, capitalists who are willing to saddle their horses

You can step on the threshold of their home.

Therefore, facing the group of agronomists asking for warmth, he could only bite the bullet and make arrangements.

Fortunately, Su Bai was in a good mood and agreed.

As for why now?It's just a coincidence.

However, this coincidence gave people on Wang Jiancheng's side the hope of dealing with Su Bai.

"If Su Bai fails to consolidate her power, then the interests in her hands should also be divided by the higher authorities. Brother Heming, you played a good game of chess!"

After they thought they had figured out the cause and effect, quite a few of them looked at Hermione.

As the helm of one of the largest foundries in Daxia, He Ming is now responsible for a considerable part of the foundry of technical products related to Su Bai. He is second only to Ding Yi and has received technological dividends.If the foreign investment brought in by Su Bai hadn't compressed his profit margin, even if his current wealth couldn't surpass Ding Yi, it would be second only to Ding Yi.

But because of Su Bai, Heming's interests were greatly disturbed.

Under such circumstances, if Su Bai's power is weakened, the huge interests in Su Bai's hands will be controlled by others.

I don't know exactly how they will be distributed at that time, but Heming, who seems to belong to Su Bai's faction, will definitely bear the brunt.

The big head is definitely not available, it must be controlled by the state.But as long as you can drink a sip of soup, it is an amazing benefit beyond imagination.

"What a good chess move. It's just taking something that should belong to us. That girl has too many things in her hand, and she can't handle it. As elders, it's normal for us to think about her."

When Heming said these words, he seemed to be able to take a sip of the wine in his hand.

This is also his real purpose.

Taking the risk is just to give Su Bai a bad impression, he will not do such a stupid thing.But if it is possible, then what he thinks should belong to his part of the interests, or even more, then it is not necessarily the case.

In particular, he also weighed it. Compared with the benefits that can be obtained, the risks he needs to take are simply not worth mentioning.

After all, in his opinion, even if something happened, someone could protect him.

"However, there are still two problems now. One is that Chen Ming, that guy is not a good person. There is also that Ren Zhenglong, he should not belong to Su Bai's faction, but this guy is indiscriminate in his investigation of corruption. Brother Wang, your arrangement is very good, but there is still a possibility of being discovered."

At this time, a person on the scene raised his concerns.

One must know that Chen Ming was promoted to four levels within a year, and his current status is really lower than the above ones. He is still a genetically enhanced fighter, so the difficulty of handling it can be imagined.

As for Renzhenglong, those present did not know that he was also found by Su Bai.However, Renzhenglong's attitude towards corruption is that no matter who is found by him, he will uproot and uproot him after he finds out, leaving no one behind.

"Don't worry about Chen Ming for the time being. As for what Ren Zhenglong said, don't worry, I know he will continue to investigate. No one has dealt with it before. He doesn't mean that I can't do it. If you can't be bought by money, then Let him disappear."

After Wang Jiancheng said this, he smiled at the people present, and seemed to have begun to celebrate their upcoming victory.

Chapter 360 They Messed With Me

"It's so late to get off work, for thousands of dollars, why work so hard?"

In a small shop outside the Anti-Corruption Bureau in Shanghai, Song Chen, who was doing odd jobs, looked at the lights that were still on in the office building of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, and said something to himself. picked up the phone and said: "

It is not clear whether he will be off work tonight. According to intelligence, he may work overtime overnight. "

"Wait another hour, if you haven't left yet, just force your way!"

The person on the other end of the phone said after hearing this.

"He is a member of the central government. If you move him so blatantly, something big will happen!"

After hearing this, Song Chen frowned, feeling a little distressed.

"After the matter is completed, 2000 million per person plus a ticket to Canada, passports and other things will be taken care of here."

said the person on the other end of the phone.

This is not a temporary price increase, but agreed in advance.

As long as those who do things stay in the country, no matter how concealed they are, there is a risk of exposure.So if you want to minimize the risk, you need to leave Daxia.

Judging from the current world turmoil, even some countries that have extradition treaties with Daxia, it is difficult to cooperate with Daxia to carry out some work.

"This... good!"

After hearing this, Song Chen gritted his teeth.

Although it is said that after this matter is completed, there is no way to stay in the country for the rest of my life, but if there are 2000 million, it is still worth it.

As for the anti-corruption bureau, Ren Zhenglong is still working overtime.

"It's really covert enough. Although there are clues that there is another online besides this underground gambling spot. But there is no clear evidence to prove that this online has something to do with this operation."

Because of the help of people from the Emergency Management Bureau, the arrest work was carried out very quickly. Apart from those players, all the people from the underground gambling spots were also arrested.

But the problem is that after a round of surprise trial, this match-fixing incident seems to have come to an abrupt end.The people behind it are very clean, which makes him very tricky.

Although Chen Ming said, if it really can't be dealt with, then use unconventional means.After all, this matter still involves Su Bai.But if procedural justice can be used to judge those people, try to use procedural justice as much as possible.

The current situation is so chaotic, doing something against the current situation is not conducive to the stable development of the country.

After hearing this answer, Ren Zhenglong wanted to use unconventional means to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.Sometimes it is true that procedural justice cannot judge real crimes, but it is essential for a stable society and can give the public an explanation.

"Old Ren, are you sure you can't come tonight? Although there is no wine, the music is still good."

When Ren Zhenglong opened a new case file and began to read, Ren Zhenglong's phone rang.

After connecting, a clear and clear voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No, if you want to play, after finishing this case, go and ask for a month's leave to play with you. Then you can play wherever you want, and we will go crazy."

Ren Zhenglong said after answering the phone.

Chen Ming told him just now that Su Bai has booked a disco.Although there is no wine because of Su Bai's relationship, it is still possible to play a little bit.

But because of the match-fixing case, Ren Zhenglong did not go.

"That's fine, I want to go to Love Island, it's very romantic! It just so happens that that brat was also sent to the military camp, no one can disturb us anymore, and you can also make up for the unfulfilled honeymoon trip that you said before. "

Hearing Ren Zhenglong's words, there was a hint of girlish shyness in the hearty and crisp voice of the person on the other end of the phone.

"Auntie, how old are you, still going to Love Island? Honeymoon? Still pretending to be tender? What about your face?"

"How many times have I said, call me sister! Then, don't touch my champagne."

"If you don't drink, then don't drink~ old aunt!"

"How many times have I said, call me sister!"

After Ren Zhenglong heard the voice on the other end of the phone, he shook his head helplessly, and then said: "It's not possible abroad for a while, but it's okay in China. When the time comes, you can decide where you want to go and talk about it."

After Ren Zhenglong finished speaking, he hung up the phone without continuing to exchange pleasantries.

When that person was talking to him just now, his tone sounded a bit like his female buddy, but it was actually his wife.

In the past, because of the pressure of work and life, he and his wife have been depressed in their hearts, but now that work is busier, the two of them see each other less.But from another level, the pressure on both sides is less.Be it spiritually or financially.

Even, when the two of them are on vacation, they can discuss where to go to have a good time.

"Eh? It's so late, and there are still people coming back. No... picking the lock... so many people!"

At this time, Ren Zhenglong suddenly discovered that there was a burst of intensive footsteps downstairs, and among the intensive footsteps, there was also a slight sound of picking a lock.

This voice is actually not loud, if an ordinary person was in his position, he might not even be able to hear it.

However, he is a genetically enhanced fighter, and he didn't deliberately shield the tiny noises he could hear.

Because, in the long-term anti-corruption investigation, he has developed the habit of maintaining the highest vigilance at all times.Those small noises will not disturb his spirit too much.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Ren Zhenglong put away the case file first, took out a small earphone and put it on his ear.

This is the sound source impurity removal amplifier, a new toy for genetically enhanced soldiers.

"He's on the second floor. After you enter, touch the chili water on him inside. When the others come in, try not to shoot. Be clean. Get out immediately after you're done."

"I heard that he used to be the champion of martial arts competitions in the military region."

"So put the chili water first, and then shoot if it doesn't work."

"Okay, boss, I'll listen to you. It's agreed to be 500 million per person, and I'll go abroad when I'm done."

Through this sound source removal amplifier, Ren Zhenglong heard the small voice of conversation coming from downstairs.

"Oh, it seems that I am being sentimental."

After Ren Zhenglong heard these conversations, he looked at the closed file and sighed.

He originally wanted to use normal means to deal with the enemy this time.As a result, the opponent played this hand with him.

Since the other party didn't intend to confront him in an upright manner, then he could only let go of his gentle side.

Turning around silently, he opened a suitcase that was placed behind him and was carried with him.

Inside is a comprehensive combat suit for individual soldiers with gene-enhanced law and order soldiers. To put it bluntly, it is an exoskeleton mechanical arm.It has a lot less functions than the one used by Chen Ming, but when dealing with some punks, there is not much difference.

Chapter 360 Four I Can Catch Bullets

How many ordinary people are needed to deal with a genetically enhanced fighter whose body data is several times the limit of ordinary humans?

This is a large-scale discussion on the Daxia Network after some data of genetically enhanced fighters were revealed by foreign intelligence agencies.

Some people said that ten people are needed, some people say that it can fight a hundred, and some people say that the number of genetically enhanced fighters can be used up to the point where it is useful.

Of course, there are also some optimistic people who say that no matter how strong the genetically enhanced fighter is, it is not strong enough to prevent bullets physically.The gun is faster than seven steps away, there is nothing that cannot be shot down, if there is, then the caliber is not large enough.

As for Daxia's own data, under the condition that ordinary people are equipped with matching cold weapons, seventeen well-trained soldiers can suppress or even kill a genetically enhanced soldier without weapons.

But if you want to practice according to the security level equipment, 35 well-trained special forces equipped with a full set of security warfare level weapons can fight against a genetically enhanced soldier equipped with security warfare equipment.

If it is to be expanded to a war-level confrontation, a heavily armed genetically enhanced fighter can slaughter a battalion-level infantry unit without heavy weapons.If a five-man combat team is formed and there is a systematic supply of supplies, as long as there is no heavy weapon, the legion-level infantry unit will still be unable to kill the heavily armed gene-enhanced fighters.

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