Then, here comes the problem, if an enhanced genetically enhanced soldier equipped with simple security warfare equipment meets a gangster who is armed with a few machetes and anti-wolf spray, and is also equipped with a regular firearm and two illegally modified firearms, what will happen? what happened?

This question... At least Renzhenglong hadn't thought about it.

However, he had no intention of pretending to be aggressive. In order to prevent those people from breaking into his office and messing up his office, Ren Zhenglong did not wait in his office, nor did he hide and attack, but directly Standing on the stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor.

"Eh? It was discovered, it's him, come on!"

"Come on, brothers, kill him!"


When the gangsters who were going upstairs saw Ren Zhenglong, they were stunned for a moment. After not seeing the gun and baton in Ren Zhenglong's hands, they immediately greeted him, drew the machete from his waist, and rushed towards Ren Zhenglong had a little fierceness in his eyes.

The wages of avarice is death.Renzhenglong is indeed impartial and selfless, and if the money is in place with them, then Renzhenglong cannot be blamed for becoming their dead soul under the knife.

It's just that when he rushed over, he didn't notice that Ren Zhenglong did not have a weapon in his hand, but his left hand made a full circle.

"Public Security Uniform Mode."

Ren Zhenglong said calmly.

After the words fell, the exoskeleton mechanical arm in his hand changed autonomously, and some cushioning materials appeared on the fist.

Well, the so-called security uniform mode is to use cushioning materials to reduce the impact force, so as to prevent the gene-enhanced fighters from using too much force when fighting, and punching people to death.

At this moment, the gangster who rushed to Ren Zhenglong first realized the abnormality.

Just now because of the darkness, he didn't see it clearly, but when he got closer, under the moonlight, the metallic luster on Ren Zhenglong's left arm made him recall what he saw when he posted water on the Internet a while ago. It was revealed on the Internet that Da Xia prepared a security warfare weapon for genetically enhanced fighters, which is such a mechanical arm.

Although Ren Zhenglong's one looks different from what he saw before, but.

The thought flashed through his mind.Before he could figure out what was going on, he suddenly felt a huge force grabbing his head, and the iron railings of the stairs gradually enlarged in his eyes.

Then there is no more then.

After Chen Ming grabbed one head with one hand and left two gaps on the railing, seeing other people who were stunned, he looked at the gap on the railing with some displeasure, and then said to himself: "No, this way I have to write an inspection tomorrow."

Compared with Ren Zhenglong, who was upset because he broke the railing, the hearts of the remaining gangsters were even more chilling.

A word popped out of their minds, genetically enhanced warrior!

Especially under the moonlight, the mechanical arm exuded a metallic luster, which confirmed their conjecture.

"God damn it's a more powerful soldier! You fucking die!"

Standing at the back, a man who seemed to be the leader of this group of gangsters shouted curses and at the same time took out his gun, aimed directly at Ren Zhenglong's head, and then pulled the trigger.

The physical data of the gene-enhanced fighter is indeed off the charts, but it still can't reach the point of dodging bullets.

This is also the reason why many people say that firearms can still pose a death threat to genetically enhanced fighters.

This is true, but... the genetically enhanced fighter can't dodge the bullet, but he can dodge the muzzle.

For Ren Zhenglong, he can go one step further, that is, to analyze the point where the bullet landed, which may not even be known to the shooter.

It is very simple to analyze what is the use of this point.

"What caliber is this?"

After a burst of gunshots, Ren Zhenglong spread out the robotic arm, looked at the bullets on his palm, and was taken aback for a moment.

As a firearms expert, he couldn't tell the caliber of these bullets for a while.

Because when this robotic arm was designed, it did not consider grasping small objects.At the same time that Ren Zhenglong spread his hand, several smoking warheads slipped from his hand and landed on the tiles under his feet, causing crisp sounds to echo in the otherwise silent office.


This crisp sound also broke down the psychological defense of all the gangsters present in an instant.

Damn, bullets can be caught, why not be so exaggerated!Can genetically enhanced fighters even do this?Then fuck it!

The most important thing is that the agreed opponent is just an ordinary soldier who can fight.

Do you call people who can catch bullets ordinary soldiers?

"Chen Ming, do you know who is behind the scenes?"

One minute later, Ren Zhenglong called Chen Ming.

"I won't say."

"To shut up!"

Ren Zhenglong kicked a gangster who was stepped on by him.

"Well, I shouldn't be bringing up some benevolent mother theory and kicking my nose in the face."

Chen Ming on the other end of the phone held a bottle of pineapple beer in his hand, and sighed helplessly.

Ren Zhenglong did not go into details, but Chen Ming had almost figured out what happened.

"I can't wait. I thought they wouldn't be anxious until I found a clue at least, but I'll do it now. I'll leave the rest to you."

After Ren Zhenglong finished speaking, he hung up the phone in his hand, then turned his head and glanced at the broken tiles in front of him, frowned slightly, and said, "It seems that an inspection must be done."

The gangster lying on the ground: "."

Chapter 360 The Classroom of Little Chrysanthemum Mother Has Started

"I'm going to shoot some flies and leave for a while."

In a disco in Shanghai, Chen Ming, who was sitting at the bar drinking pineapple beer filled with beer, put down the can in his hand, came to Su Bai's side and said.

Because Su Bai didn't have fun tonight, Shengsi let Ding Yi book a disco to play.

To be fair, he used to come to this kind of place often.The difference is that after he came to this kind of place, the music almost stopped for a while, and it was really the first time he came to play, except when he was in the police academy.

I originally thought that I could have a good time tonight. Listening to the emotional music accompanied by wine can relieve the nerves that have been tense due to various work in recent days.

As a result, someone made him unhappy, so he could only change the method of decompression.

"Shooting flies?"

Su Bai, who was holding a goblet in his hand, his eyes lit up when he heard it, and he turned his head to look at the beautiful girls in regular clothes behind him with some nostalgia, and after thinking for a second, he drank the goblet all at once. The grape juice in the foot glass said to Chen Ming: "This is fun, take me there!"

Well, where do women go to catch people for fun?The voice of the sweet little sister was not as pleasant as some people's wailing before they were caught.


Compared to the usual situation where Chen Ming would agree without hesitation as long as Su Bai agreed, today Chen Ming hesitated a bit.

Glancing at the goblet in Su Bai's hand, he confirmed that Su Bai really didn't drink, but really drank grape juice, and then said: "The action may be quite late, because we need to lock the evidence, so the process is beyond imagination. It's so much fun."

This statement is half truth and half lie.

Who is doing things, he has already guessed a lot.But there are a lot of things related to those people. If they are not handled properly, the already fragile domestic economy may suffer another heavy blow. From speculation to actual arrest and approval, this is a process, and it may take a long time.

According to Su Bai's personality, it is possible that he will stop playing when he gets bored, not to mention, the actual arrest is not as interesting as imagined, and sometimes it is even boring and boring.

This situation is not a big problem, Chen Ming is afraid that Su Bai will stop playing because he is tired of waiting here, and go to other places to cause trouble.

He told himself countless times that he couldn't judge Su Bai's behavior with a child's mentality, but when he really wanted to judge, he still couldn't help but judge Su Bai's behavior with a child's mind.

"This, indeed."

After hearing what Chen Ming said, Su Bai nodded his head, feeling that what Chen Ming said made sense.

Sometimes fun can turn boring if you wait too long for something.

Seeing this, Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, it was possible to relax, but if Su Bai got involved, there would be no way to relax, and the spirit might be even more tense than now.

Then, what Su Bai said next made Chen Ming feel relaxed again.

"Nuwa, can you beat flies?"

Well, how can a real bully consider other people's feelings?There is no reason to quit halfway.

Since it has the potential to be boring, let's make it fun.

After Nuwa heard Su Bai's words, she didn't respond for a full minute, which made Chen Ming wonder if the disco was too noisy and Nuwa didn't hear it.

But just when Su Bai snatched a large handful of pistachios peeled by Zuo Ming and stuffed them into his mouth, Nuwa replied,

"Need to prepare the perfect fly swatting process plan?"

"Oh~ why do you have to die?"

Chen Ming didn't think that what Nu Wa said was really hitting flies.After seeing with his own eyes how smart Nuwa is, he probably said that the process plan for killing flies that Nuwa said is the same as what he said about killing flies.

If those people fall into his hands, although they will suffer a little bit, they should still go through the normal legal procedural trial in the end.

Although they will certainly be dealt with according to the highest standards, some of them may not deserve to die and escape unharmed.

And if Su Bai made a move... Reasonable, the punishment for those people would not be changed, but with Su Bai's character that doesn't think it's a big deal... I'm afraid some of those people will suffer before they are imprisoned.

"Give me back the pistachios, I peeled them for several minutes, but you ate them!"

Chen Ming, who sighed, glanced at Su Bai who was still being pressed to the ground by Zuo Ming, and was considering whether to pull Su Bai up.

Then, he saw Eternal Life Supreme sat down on Zuo Ming's waist, then looked at Chen Ming and said, "I think Nuwa's plan should be very interesting."

"Emmmm...I hope so."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he ignored the screams from Eternal Life Supreme after falling, and started to contact vehicles and increase the size of security personnel.

Although he was sure that Su Bai's safety would definitely not be a problem, but there were still some things that he said, Su Bai didn't need it, but he had to do it.

As for the situation of eternal life after Chen Ming?Even if she is the leader of the strongest normal civilization in the pan-world, she still tastes what it is like to fight with four people called 1+1+1+1=.

As for who is the extra 1?It's very simple, Zhou Xue, who was watching from the sidelines, knocked down Eternal Life Supreme, and then the scene got out of control.

While Su Bai was playing arhat with Zhou Xuezuoming and Immortal Supreme, an old man who had just fallen asleep was woken up from the bed by his wife.

After glancing at the phone in his hand, he frowned slightly and thought for a while, and then said without pressing the answer button, "You are Nuwa!"


An accurate answer, the phone also directly entered the call mode.

"Do you need any authorization?"

After Nuwa was activated, she was given a secret contact channel to directly communicate with the senior management of Daxia.

Su Bai also has them, but Su Bai hasn't used them much himself. The old man originally thought that Nu Wa should have them too.But I didn't expect it to be used so soon.

"There are a few little flies that don't know how to cherish the opportunity. The mother wants to show them what despair is, and she teaches the ignorant children. According to my understanding of the mother, she should redistribute the key resources in the hands of those people. The distribution plan will be very reasonable."

Seeing this, Nüwa said, she didn't say a detailed plan, but it was enough.

"No problem, Chen Ming will cooperate."

Seeing this, the old man said.

After finishing speaking, the communication was hung up, but the old man didn't choose to continue to sleep, and said to himself: "It's really annoying. He would think that Su Bai is a bully and now no one can save you. useless

Chapter 360 Six People like you are also qualified to talk about justice? (4000 words)

"Dad, did something happen at home?"

When Wang Chengjian and his friends were enjoying their bottle of red wine in their villa, it was just halfway through, and before they even had a good time, one of Wang Chengjian's daughters came to the back garden with a little confusion and asked .

"Are you going to fool around again?"

Wang Chengjian frowned slightly when he saw his daughter wearing hot pants, carrying a canvas bag, and wearing heavy makeup.

"I want you to take care of it, why are you not allowed to go out outside the house?"

After Wang Chengjian's daughter retorted, she spoke, slightly dissatisfied, and looked down at the time, as if anxious.

"It's not big or small. Wait a minute, what did you say that you won't be allowed to go out?"

Wang Chengjian, who was a little drunk, was a little dissatisfied with his daughter's rebellion, but the next moment he immediately woke up from his slight drunkenness.

"A group of people came to the door, saying that the road was not allowed to go. So I went to the back door, and the road was directly blocked at the back door. But it was not the police who blocked the road. It was a bit like a special police, but they didn't wear the same clothes as the special police. .”

Although she is a bit rebellious, she also has a master's degree and is not ignorant of social understanding.

The person who told her to build the road didn't look like a road builder, and the back door of her house was directly sealed, which made her realize that something might have happened.

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