Seven hours is but a blink of an eye.But at this time, they feel that these seven hours are more tormented than seven years, forcing some people to lose their sanity and demeanor.

"Su Bai is really here, you'd better be more rational."

Pound looked very calm here, and even yawned.

"Sensibility? What is reason? Why should I be rational? Isn't she just a dwarf? Who is afraid of her! You call her, right away, right away, she comes to me, I want to know what she dares to do to me! If If you're afraid, don't come here, and don't let me find the opportunity, if I find the opportunity."

"If you find the opportunity, what are you going to do to me? Big brother who lost his mind!"

At this moment, a well-behaved voice came from Pound's side, which made Miao Yi, who had lost his mind due to anger and despair, suddenly wake up, and then looked blankly at Pound's side, He raised his head and looked at his white-haired loli with a harmless smile.

Chapter 370 The Second Punishment Comparable to Ling Chi

As we all know, Su Bai has three reverse scales, she cannot be said to be short, she cannot be said to be short, and... she cannot be said to be short!

The more than 20 people who were waiting in despair in the garden and the more than 40 people who followed behind Su Bai couldn't help but move their seats back at this time, leaving the space in the middle for Miao Yi to verify. What is the consequence of touching Su Bai's three reverse scales.

A true warrior dares to face up to the bleak life, dare to face up to the dripping blood, and use his own sacrifice to open up a glorious road for future generations. What a saint's behavior!It is amazing, and I can't help but exclaim the bravery of this person.

He should be the first brave man to point at Su Bai's nose and call Su Bai a dwarf from such a close distance.

and so…

"I'm sorry, I lost my mind just now."

In an instant, Miao Yi made a ninety-degree bow, and the anger in his eyes disappeared in an instant, leaving only humility and the most sincere surrender.

"No, big brother, didn't you just say I'm a dwarf?"

Su Bai tilted his head and said, after he finished speaking, he looked down at the sandals on his feet, as well as his little arms and legs, and then said seriously: "Maybe what you said is right."

"No no no, I mean, I'm so small in front of you. I'm talking about me, definitely not you. Your contribution to science and to all mankind is so great, your figure is So lofty, in front of you I am as humble as an ant."

Miao Yi said immediately after hearing Su Bai's words.His back, who was still angry just now, was wet with cold sweat in an instant.

It was clearly a refreshing morning, but a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead, betraying his seemingly calm appearance at this moment.

"So, you called me short twice again? Am I short?"

After hearing Miao Yi's words, Su Bai stretched out his hand, snapped two fingers and said, pouted and glanced at the Eternal Supreme standing beside him.

"Not as tall as me."

As Eternal Life said, he stretched out his hand to show the height of himself and Su Bai, and then put it on his waist, looking very proud.

"No, no, I didn't say you, I said me! Really, I said me!"

Miao Yi's desire to survive was instantly overwhelmed.

"Then you also said just now that you asked me to come in front of you, didn't you want to do something to me?"

Seeing this, Su Bai continued, she was definitely not being serious, she was just dealing with every problem very rigorously.

"I mean, you come to me and tell me to do anything!"

Miao Yi said very seriously, but his heart began to tremble because of fear.In his eyes, the little loli, who looked pleasing to the eye, had become something more terrifying than the most terrifying demon.

After all, the devil can only give him fear, but Su Bai can really make him doomed.


After Su Bai heard Miao Yi's words, he nodded thoughtfully, then saw a pair of scissors for pruning branches on the ground next to him, and then threw it in front of Miao Yi's bewildered eyes, Said: "Then you go to the palace!"


After hearing Su Bai's words, Miao Yi looked at the pair of scissors thrown in front of him, and his mind went blank again.

Not to mention Miao Yi, a question mark slowly appeared on the heads of the other people present.

Was Su Bai so cruel?

When Miao Yi saw that Su Bai didn't continue speaking, his body couldn't help but tremble with fear. In the endless fear, anger filled his heart again, and a thought came into his heart.

The pair of scissors was right in front of him, and Su Bai was less than two meters away from him.With Su Bai's small body, as long as he picks up the scissors, then...

"I was really wrong!"

At this moment, Miao Yi's fear and timidity overcame the anger that filled his heart, making him kneel directly on the ground, and gave Su Bai a five-body throwing ceremony.

"Another coward, just like your father."

When Su Bai said these words, he glanced at one of the more than 20 people in the garden who was standing very far back, and even used a pot of flowers to block himself, and then lost.

That man was Miao Yi's father. After Miao Yi got into trouble, he hid far away. Su Bai couldn't help sighing that there is a big gap between fatherly love and fatherly love.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Pang De didn't give that Miao Yi another chance to speak, and directly grabbed him with one hand and threw it aside.

At the same time, a large number of people from the Emergency Management Bureau entered the garden, controlling everyone who had been sent here before.

Some of the people who were resting in the villa were also brought out.

While the offenders were gathered to one side of the garden, the representatives of Capital Juque who followed Su Bai also got chairs from the emergency management bureau and sat on the other side.

In a few minutes, the people on both sides completed the most basic integration, leaving a large space in the middle, neatly separating the people on both sides.

The people on one side had despair and confusion on their faces. They probably guessed what Su Bai was going to do, but they didn't really have any idea of ​​what he was going to do.

On the other hand, the people on the other side are those who were brought by Su Bai, and they all got a tablet from the Emergency Management Bureau.

And on the tablet they got, all the data and materials in their field were neatly planned.

It is no exaggeration to say that they spend tens of millions or even over [-] million dollars on market research every year, but the comprehensiveness of the information they get is less than a quarter of the information given by the Emergency Management Bureau.

Through the newly obtained information, they not only have a new understanding of their own company, but also have a deeper understanding of the future development direction of the company.

The most important thing is that they also thoroughly understood what Su Bai was going to do through these materials.

"It's too...forget it."

After reading the information, a capital representative looked up at Su Bai, who was sitting in the middle and was flirting with Shengsi, but he still didn't have the guts to make any comments.

Although he didn't make any comments, he glanced at the people who were sitting opposite and were completely controlled by the emergency management bureau, and he couldn't help showing some pity in his eyes.

What Su Bai is going to do now obviously can be done without coming here, but she just came here.

This torture comparable to Ling Chi also refreshed their understanding of the seemingly harmless white hair once again.

Chapter 370 The third is against mother and son! (3500 words)

What is the most painful thing for capital?Losing money?no it's not

In many cases, capital investment can be summed up in one sentence, that is, it is either losing money or on the way to losing money.There is no capital that can make every investment profitable.

If there is a capital consortium saying that most of its investments can be profitable, it only means one thing, that is, that capital consortium may be pitifully small.

Capital is not afraid of losing money, because the wealth they have accumulated is huge enough.A large number of losses can often be reversed through the profitability of one or two projects.

There is only one thing that capital fears, and that is that in the same field, other capitals will rise up and compete for the market and investment space that originally belonged to them.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, how can one pot of rice allow two families to share food.

As long as this is clarified, what Su Bai has to do is very simple, that is, to hand over their original market share to another capital in front of those capitals.If there is no capital capable of sustaining its market share in that field, then support another one.

Such an approach is no different from Ling Chi for those greedy capital.

"Don't touch my head. If you touch my head again, I'll get you Rui out of bed tonight, and you can roll yourself to the next room to sleep."

Su Bai, who was sitting in Shengsi's arms, stretched out his hand to put aside Shengsi's hand stroking her head, and gave a warning.

Although the gentleness of Sheng Si is very fragrant, it is very warm to hold at night, and it is also very warm and comfortable.But for Shengsi's aggressive behavior, Su Bai felt that sometimes he could sacrifice one or two times to let Shengsi have a long memory.

After all, although Zuo Ming's is not big, it is also very comfortable to lean on and can be replaced.

"I know~"

As Shengsi said, he really stopped touching Su Bai's little head, and started pinching Su Bai's legs instead.

Well, it's just simply pinching the legs.

"Anyone who has read the information in his hand can raise his hand and say something."

Su Bai didn't bother to care about Sheng Si's small movements, it was quite comfortable anyway.The most important thing now is to start dealing with those capitals.

After all, she gave these capital too many opportunities to repent and reform, but it's a pity that they don't cherish it.If this is the case, then you can only play one trick to kill the chicken and become a monkey.

"I have already understood it here, and others should take some time."

After Su Bai finished speaking, someone raised his hand and said.

Before they came, they all received a call from a woman with a nice voice. During the call, the woman called herself Nuwa and told them the details of what Su Bai would do next.

Among them, it is emphatically reminded not to over-interpret Su Bai's words. What Su Bai said next is the meaning on paper, and there are no other messy things.

Because of this reminder in advance, and they all knew that the so-called Nuwa should be the strong artificial intelligence developed by Su Bai, so after Su Bai spoke, people who hadn't read the information were still looking up, only the gene responsible for the international aspect Wei Zhaoguang, the executive director of Jishi Pharmaceuticals, is the multiplication and production of emergency treatment drugs among the intensive drugs.

The reason why he can read it so quickly is because this technology is completely mastered by Su Bai, the market demand is huge, but it is a seller's market, the information is relatively single, and there is not much content to understand, so record the key information. That's it.

"If you want to hand over the production of daily medicines to you, how long will it take to recover?"

As Su Bai said, he also took out the tablet from Sheng Si's arms, and looked at the data Nu Wa provided her.

"If the technical problem is solved, I can guarantee that the production capacity will be restored within three months."

When Wei Zhaoguang said this, he calmly looked up at Heming who was opposite him with a gloomy face, and then continued: "If we can get the supporting assembly line from Chengguang Industry, it will be up to one month. production can be restored.”

There are four kinds of gene medicines developed by Su Bai, namely gene strengthening medicines, gene repairing medicines, gene conventional treatment medicines and gene strengthening emergency treatment medicines.

After it is put into the civilian field, it is roughly divided into two types, that is, gene emergency treatment drugs and conventional drugs.

When these two drugs entered the civilian development stage, the state conducted bidding.

The final bidders were Jishi Pharmaceutical and Chengguang Industry.

Jishi Medicine is responsible for the multiplication and production of gene emergency treatment drugs. They are responsible for the production and subsequent product iterations of the new gene-enhanced quick-acting Jiuxin pills, emergency organ bleeding repair spray and other drugs that are currently on the market.

Chengguang Industry, which has more abundant capital, is responsible for the proliferation and production of daily drugs and the production of gene-enhanced drug packaging.

The reason why it was arranged in this way, rather than being concentrated in one place, was because at that time Daxia considered the civilian self-popularization of this technology and prevented the emergence of unilateral monopoly.

As long as you have the most critical core technology in your hands, you can leave the routine product iterations to private companies and let them be responsible, reducing the pressure on the country's scientific research.

Although it is said that after being put into the civilian field, whether it is daily medicine or emergency medicine, the production technology is similar.but hardly a

The three months that Wei Zhaoguang mentioned is already the time after their company has ignored the cost.Of course, if the production line and technology can be obtained directly from Chengguang Industry, then that's another story.

"What are the missing technologies? Tell me. I really haven't paid much attention to the technology of civilian production."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

Because the scientists on Daxia's side are quite capable, Su Bai never worried about the civilian development of the technology he gave.But now that she needs something, she really needs to ask.

"Respectively, the healing factor proliferates and stabilizes. A large-area rapid temperature-changing culture cabin."

Wei Zhaoguang quickly listed nearly a hundred technologies.

These are not what he listed temporarily. When he came, he had a premonition that they should take over the production of gene medicine from Chengguang Industry.So I asked my own technicians to list all the required technologies.

And what Su Bai has to do here is really the same as what he thought.

Thinking of this, Wei Zhaoguang took a look at He Ming who was looking at him with a gloomy face, then looked at Su Bai and added: "A considerable part of the technology patents are in the hands of Chengguang Industry. If you want to develop and bypass these Patented technology will also lead to delays in resuming production."

"These technologies are all developed by Chengguang Industry with great effort!"

At this time, Heming, who had been silent before, spoke.

Sure enough, Su Bai planned to kill them when he came up.

After the collapse of the international economy, Chengguang Industry's OEM orders began to drop sharply. Under such circumstances, the reason why Chengguang Industry is still thriving is because they are still doing pharmaceutical products on behalf of Su Bai. work.

If Su Bai doesn't let them do it at this time, the funds invested in technology development before will be in vain, and their group's assets will also suffer unprecedented damage.

However, he still thought he hadn't lost.Because they have firmly grasped multiple batch production technologies of gene-enhanced drugs.

Unless Su Bai completely ignores the patent law and forcibly snatches the patented technology and equipment from them.Otherwise, he can at least rely on these technologies in exchange for a glimmer of life for himself and his group.

"Did I let you talk?

After Su Bai heard that He Ming's words, he gave him a blank look, and then began to lower his head to sort out which of the technologies Wei Zhaoguang just mentioned belonged to the production of gene-enhanced drugs.

"So, are you going to grab it directly?"

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