After seeing Su Bai's current performance, He Ming said with a gloomy face, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the financial turmoil, those who can still gain a firm foothold basically have a large amount of physical capital. To occupy their market requires not only equipment, but also patents and technologies.

As for forcibly grabbing their patents and technologies, is it okay?

The answer is that if you want to mess up the country, you can.

why would you say so?It's very simple, under the circumstances of global chaos, why can Daxia become a peach blossom garden under the general chaos of the world?

There are two reasons. First, this technological revolution broke out in Daxia, and only in Daxia, allowing Daxia to surpass America in a short period of time.The second point is the existence of Daxia's national reputation, so that the market that was originally riddled with holes can continue to maintain stability.

But once Su Bai used state power to forcibly snatch the assets, technologies and patents of a large number of large capitals, it would endanger the national reputation of Daxia and go bankrupt.

Is a country that cannot even guarantee the technology mastered by the people themselves worthy of the people's trust?

This is a fact, and it is also the possibility of their final comeback.

"System, did you know that the lowest level of bullying is simply relying on violence."

Su Bai also knew what other people were thinking, and he didn't do anything to cover it up. It seemed that he was just chatting with Shengsi, and said something that made others puzzled.

"Purely relying on violence is indeed a very low-level way of bullying, but it's cool!"

Saint Si responded.

"It's cool, but it's not fun enough. People who are forced into a desperate situation always think that there will be one or two life-saving straws in their hands to get them out of the desperate situation. But as long as they find a suitable knife, they Cut off the life-saving straw in your hand, then you can see their complete hysteria in despair."

When Su Bai said these words, he turned his head to look at He Ming with a smile, showed him a lovely smile, then handed the tablet in his hand to Sheng Si, and said, "Give me these technologies!"

"If you don't give it, I will give it if you ask me to. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me? What's more, it's all low-level technology. Don't you know how to develop it yourself? It only takes a few days.

After seeing the list of skills listed by Su Bai, Sonus spoke directly.

As a bullying system, if she obediently listens to her host, how embarrassing she is!

"Then I'll go to the lab to sleep in the next few days, so get out of here.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Su Bai also refuted.

It's not like she can't do these techniques herself.It's just that the quantity is too much, it's very troublesome, and it takes several days to develop it, so it's easiest to go to Sonus directly.

However, just after he finished speaking, Su Bai thought of something, and turned his head to look at Yongsheng Zhigao who was sitting beside the hot spring pool, feeding the fish inside with bait.

"Don't look for me, look for yours.

Eternal Life Zhigao said directly without looking back, she didn't want to get involved with Su Bai and Sheng Si's affairs too much.

"Don't think that I will give in if I do this, I won't sleep if I don't sleep with you."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Shengsi also resisted arrogantly.

Seeing this, Su Bai frowned slightly, and then said: "But if you obediently give me the technology, then let's take a bath together when we go back tonight!"


In the next second, the technology Su Bai wanted appeared in the computer.

"Helping the host is the duty of a system."

Shengsi said, um, she definitely didn't agree because she could take a bath with Su Bai.

"Dead pervert!"

Su Bai glanced at Sheng Si with contempt and said.

It seemed that she was at a loss and traded her beauty for technology.But in fact, she made money, so it's not too cool to let a beautiful girl rub her back

Chapter 370 The Fourth Seems to Make This Child Hungry and Lose Weight

"Fortunately, things are not developing in an uncontrollable direction."

"Isn't this expected? She sometimes looks messy when she does things, but she has the capital to mess around."

"The unknown from a higher existence is very likely to be an existence beyond the understanding of conventional civilization. Are we lucky or bad luck?"

"Whether it's good luck or bad luck, it's beyond our control."

One night, not only those who were arrested by the Emergency Management Bureau did not sleep well, but also the top management of Daxia did not sleep well.

Now, unlike before, the world has fallen into complete chaos.America has officially stepped down from the throne of the world's strongest, and the hegemony system established by America to harvest the world has collapsed, further exacerbating the chaos in the world.

Although Daxia has taken over the overlord's baton from America, Daxia has not yet established a new world system, and the world is still in chaos.

Under the circumstances of establishing a new world and new structure, Daxia still guarantees a stable rear.

Under such circumstances, Daxia is unlikely to perform a scalpel-level incision on those cancerous tumors of his own.

Because it is too difficult to operate at this time, it is tantamount to suicide.

However, if you don't cut those cancerous tumors at this time, you won't be able to move after the new order is established, and you will follow in the footsteps of the fallen giant and America, who is about to fall completely.

Therefore, the senior management of Daxia is very entangled at this time.

Want to solve their own problems, but dare not.

In this situation, Su Bai forced them to make up their minds and began to cut their own problems.

For Su Bai to do it himself, Daxia's senior management fell into pain after joy.

Because, Su Bai did not follow the rules.

The first time they knew about Su Bai was in Chen Ming's report on the backstage hijacking of many video platforms across the country.

In that report, Chen Ming denied the judgment of conventional hacker attacks, judged this incident as a mystery, and then made a statement that the extraterrestrials interfered with the earth's network and many people's cognitive views with technologies unknown to the earth.

judgment, and suggested that the national nuclear bomb be unlocked.

Yes, Chen Ming, who has always been considered Su Bai's bodyguard, suggested the use of nuclear bombs in the first report on Su Bai that he submitted to Daxia's senior management.

At that time, the senior officials of Daxia did not directly agree to Chen Ming's proposal, but they also mobilized Daxia's only aircraft carrier battle group and the most advanced fighter jets to the vicinity of Shanghai.

Instead of maintaining hostility to this mystery, they express awe of this mystery.

Because of awe, you must show your greatest strength.

However, following Su Bai's actions, Chen Ming raised Su Bai's danger level from level one to level zero, canceled the deployment of conventional combat power, and formulated a courage plan.

As for why the higher level zero made Daxia give up deploying large-scale conventional combat forces near Su Bai?

It's very simple, a level one level of danger means that as long as you give everything, there is still a slight possibility of victory.And level zero means that apart from their courage, they are as humble as ants in front of this giant.

No matter how you resist and struggle, apart from singing the praises of courage, you can't cause even the slightest damage to that giant, let alone even the slightest possibility of victory.

As for what is the courage project?The Courage Project is divided into two parts. In the first part, the Milky Way Observation Project, Daxia will deploy four different astronomical telescopes in outer space within three years to capture alien spacecraft that may exist in the solar system.

It is best to be able to see, if not, then it will be regarded as support for the aerospace industry.

The second part of the courage project is called courage. To put it bluntly, it is to increase the number of nuclear bombs in hand.If one day, Daxia discovers that Su Bai's ultimate goal is to destroy the earth or human civilization, then he will show Su Bai the most noble quality of human civilization, which is courage.

Even if he can't win, Daxia, who is an ant, still has the courage to punch the giant.

But, to be honest, after the implementation of the courage plan was confirmed, Daxia felt more and more that as long as they did not commit suicide, Su Bai would not be able to kill them.

Although, most of the time, they treat Su Bai as a little ancestor.But when faced with the techniques Su Bai brought out, the leaders of Daxia always have a strong sense of déjà vu, that is.

"Look, this child is hungry, eat more."

It's like when their grandchildren go home to see them, they always feel that their grandchildren have lost weight, and then they stuff their mouths with good things, even if their grandchildren have been fed by themselves. I made a big circle, but I still feel that it is not enough.

Su Bai did the same thing when he was giving Daxia technology.

Regardless of whether Daxia has digested it or not, first stuff the technology into Daxia's mouth, and then Daxia chews and swallows slowly.

Obviously he couldn't take it anymore, but Su Bai still didn't intend to stop, and continued to give Daxia those skills that Daxia couldn't digest at the current stage, so that Daxia found that sometimes happiness is A way of suffering.

This time Su Bai was going to make trouble again, and Daxia's senior management guessed that Su Bai was not simply doing trouble.

Su Bai understands people's hearts, but she doesn't seem to be very good at dealing with people's hearts, but she is very good at using the skills she has mastered to forcibly run over them.Forcibly deal with some almost unsolvable problems in the most profitable way.

"At least the technology she gave this time is the technology that can be used directly, not the kind of technology that requires us to study for 200 years, and maybe only understand the superficial technology."

On the [-]st side, after reading Chen Ming's temporary report, he sighed, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

The trouble Su Bai created this time can be said to be very troublesome, there are too many capitals greedy for the interests in Su Bai's hands.If it is not dealt with, Su Bai's authority will be shaken.

But if it is dealt with, if all of them are dealt with, it may cause the current stable economic situation in Daxia and the stable political environment in the country to be shaken.However, if some treatments are selected, it can indeed play a role in knocking mountains and shaking tigers, but it will not achieve fundamental deterrence. On the contrary, it will make some people feel lucky and leave the root of disaster.

This seems to be a question of trade-offs.

At first glance it may seem that there is no perfect solution for Ping.And Su Bai's solution is to deal with all of them, but it will not destroy the stable economic situation and political environment in Daxia.

Children make choices, adults know they want it all!

Chapter 370 This Heartwarming Makes the Earth Heat Up (4000 words)

"Su Bai, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have the technology. You can have the mass production technology of biopharmaceuticals, but can you come up with other things?"

"Su Bai, don't think that you can frighten us with the mass production technology in the chip market!"

"Su Bai, don't think you can get it out..."


"You fucking shut up! Dead crow's mouth!"

Reasonably speaking, when Su Bai came up with the revolutionary mass production technology of gene-enhanced therapeutic drugs, most of the capital was still very calm.

Su Bai is the pioneer of gene-enhanced drugs. Although she has not participated in the research of batch technology, she still has a high probability of mastering certain technologies.

It may not have been brought out for some reason before, and let those companies that won the bid do their own research.Now that the time is right, I took it out by myself.

Therefore, during this period, Wang Chengjian was still clamoring with Su Bai confidently.

The same people who have fallen into the sky, even though Su Bai didn't try to break them one by one, the capital present is still very united.

Although they were desperate before, they still believed in their hearts that Su Bai dared not really do anything to them.Especially after Su Bai came up with a new technology to evade the technical patents Heming had mastered, they became more confident.

Su Bai can use the technology in the field that he is good at, but when it comes to the technology in the field that Su Bai is not good at, can Su Bai still use it?Did she think she was an alien?Can any technology be used?Impossible, absolutely impossible!

However, after seeing that Su Bai was so determined to attack them, they also planned to give Su Bai a step down.That is, they can exchange their own technology for funds.

Yes, until now, a considerable part of the capital is still thinking about how to make a fortune while protecting itself in this crisis.

After all, when Su Bai dealt with Heming, he showed an attitude, that is, Su Bai did not dare to forcibly snatch the technical patents in their hands, and within the scope of his ability, he directly took out new technologies and bypassed Heming. palm

those technologies you have mastered.

Some of them expressed sympathy for He Ming's experience, and then thought about how to use this advantage to protect themselves to the greatest extent, and at the same time give Su Bai a step down, or else they would suffer too much.

In their view, this is their face to Su Bai, a scientist of the century level.Su Bai wanted to teach them a lesson, they cooperated, since they cooperated, then give them some money!

Quite a few of them also began to contact the outside world, saying that the crisis was half resolved, and then evaluated the technology of those in their own group.

Even, they intimately told the technicians in charge of valuation not to raise the price too high, but to lower the price appropriately, and then supplement political conditions to achieve high profitability and subsequent self-resurrection. It is estimated that a little Su Bai's face gave Su Bai a good chance to step down.

Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to take a step back?

Such a heart-warming act melted both the North and South Poles.


Then Su Bai told them with practical actions that they were thinking too much.

From nine o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the evening, Su Bai produced tens of thousands of revolutionary technologies.Although not all technical loopholes can be filled, companies that take over related fields still need to develop some technologies themselves.

However, none of the technologies that need to be developed by them are key technologies, and all the key technologies have been solved by Su Bai.And the way to solve it is perfect.Su Bai's solution to the blockade of some of the key technologies is to come up with super technologies beyond the current era and directly crush them.

Nearly a hundred people present were stunned.

"It's really hidden up there! No wonder you dare to use a knife at this time. It turns out that you have already prepared for it."

Well, brain supplementation is the nature of human beings. They don't think that all these technologies were developed by Su Bai in a short period of time.They regarded Su Bai's behavior as an extension of the will of the high-level Daxia.

The top brass of Daxia probably wanted to perform a scalpel-level meticulous cutting on themselves when the world was in turmoil, and clean up those cancerous tumors in one go.

This idea should have been a few years ago, or even more than ten years ago, and then under the auspices of Su Bai, a large number of research and development of civilian-related technologies were launched, and all of them were successful.

After all the layouts were completed, Su Bai vacated into the sky like a supernova, and all geniuses appeared extremely dim under Su Bai's brilliance that could cover the scorching sun.

Stir up the world, let Daxia step on the ladder of godhood, and at the same time use the technology developed before to complete the scalpel-level fine detoxification of himself, and win a longer-term future for Daxia.

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