I had no choice but to suddenly see a super cute white-haired loli wearing a white cat-ear trench coat, teething towards the window, as if trying to put on a fierce look.

It's a pity... No matter how you pretend, it still looks too cute and cute, and you can't see the slightest bit of viciousness at all. I just feel that this loli is maliciously acting cute.

Regarding this, Su Bai was silent for a while, she, little loli, has no strength, how can she bully others!

The system actually asked her to bully [-] people within a week when she had no way to bully others! How could this be done? This is clearly bullying!

It even appeared in her mind that she wanted to bully others, and then someone lifted her up with one hand and said, "This little loli is so cute, she doesn't even have the energy to beat others, but she still wants to bully her!" other people.

Her punch is 18 years of skill, and it doesn't hurt to hit anyone.

Such a shame, this must never happen!

"Mom, I don't drink milk, I want Coke!"

"Coke is not good for your health, hurry up and give me the milk."

Just when Su Bai was thinking about how to do the task, a conversation between a mother and child came to Su Bai's ears.

Su Bai turned his head and looked over, and found that it was a family of five. The youngest son wanted to drink the leftover Coke after dinner, and his mother stuffed him with a bottle of pure milk.

For the pure milk that was directly stuffed, the youngest son was very resistant. He argued over there not to drink it, and after being glared at by his sister, he finally pouted and drank the pure milk.

"System, does this count as bullying?"

Su Bai asked curiously at this time.

If the system believes that bullying is imposing one's will on others, then if a mother forces her child who does not want to drink pure milk to drink pure milk, is this a kind of bullying?

And the answer from the system is also very simple.

[This kind of behavior of imposing one's will on others is bullying! 】


After Su Bai heard the system's words, she nodded slowly, and a frightening smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She will make the childhood of the orphans in the entire magic city be shrouded in her shadow for the next ten years or even decades!

ps: Warm reminder: Good children should not have the idea of ​​bullying others~

Finally, buy a cute, meow~ can I ask for a ticket?

Chapter 3 seems to have cheated myself (change

The so-called bullying is the act of the strong imposing their will on the weak.

Simply put, it is the violence of the strong against the weak.

And the point of this process is that the perpetrator must be stronger than the victim.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai, who is clearly an adult, but is often mistaken for a junior high//student obviously does not meet the status of a strong person.

Although it is a harmonious society, there is no lack of strong people in this harmonious society... Of course, there is no shortage of weak people. She can't bully those who are powerful, and she won't be hard-headed.Just change your goal and set your sights on the most vulnerable group of people in this society.

"System, I want to complete this task at once!"

Su Bai said confidently, he already had a rough idea in his mind.

[As expected of my host, and now it's not too late, go home quickly.This kind of behavior that can make people happy physically and mentally all night is absolutely not allowed. If you don’t fall asleep before ten o’clock, if you don’t have enough sleep for eight hours a day, you just wait!]

The system, as always, made its own threatening bullying remarks.

"It's too early to sleep!"

After Su Bai heard what the system said, he felt a little distressed.

Before, except for being very tired from work, she usually didn't fall asleep until eleven or twelve o'clock.Let her go to bed before ten o'clock...she can't do it!

【Heh~ If you want to use the physiology of your body as an excuse, don’t think about it! This system will not let the host succeed!】

The system continued to speak sternly at this time, as if it didn't want Su Bai to make excuses.

"I said I couldn't sleep, but I couldn't sleep. Do you think I'm a primary school student? Ten o'clock is too early!"

After Su Bai heard the system's words, his temper suddenly rose.She doesn't go to bed at ten o'clock, what else can the system do to her? Could it beat her?

【Heh, the command host of this system is incapable of resisting, just wait!】

The system threatened, and stopped talking after finishing speaking.

Seeing this, Su Bai simply ignored the system, but went straight home.

Although there is nothing to do after returning home, after taking a comfortable bath, lying on the bed watching short videos or watching live broadcasts, it is simply not too comfortable!

However, halfway through swiping, a call came in.

"Huh? Takeaway? I didn't order takeaway. My name is Su Bai... Well, I'll go down and get it right away.

The place where Su Bai lived was a youth apartment, and the takeaway could not be delivered, so he had to go down to get it by himself.

After going down, Su Bai took a super luxurious sleep aid medicinal meal from the delivery boy.

"Porridge, I don't like to drink it!"

Seeing this, Su Bai knew it was a systematic conspiracy.

Is she the kind of person who will be tempted by this kind of thing? What's more, she doesn't like to drink porridge, which also has a faint taste of Chinese herbal medicine.


Then, for some unknown reason, Su Bai felt that his saliva began to secrete unbelievably faster, and an idea came into his mind, that is, how does this pot of medicinal food taste?

Although it has a slight smell of Chinese herbal medicine, this smell is really light, not unpleasant, and even a little pleasant.

"Forget it, give the system some face, I'll take a bite!"

Su Bai said to himself.

The system is still quite good to her, Su Bai feels that he still needs to give the system some face.

So... she ate three big bowls with tears in her eyes.


After hiccupping, Su Bai patted his stomach, and then said stubbornly: "System, your trick failed, I'm so full, how can I fall asleep!"

Ten minutes later, Su Bai, who was wearing black and white panda pajamas, hugged the pillow and fell asleep with the corner of his mouth dripping.

"No, if I continue like this, I will be harmed by this system and become a useless person."

After waking up the next day and brushing his teeth, Su Bai began to reflect that he hadn't resisted the temptation of the super delicious herbal diet yesterday.

How can something made of traditional Chinese medicine be delicious? It must be an illusion, an illusion! This must be a conspiracy of the system!

[The takeaway is here. 】

"Okay, go get it right away."

Therefore, after eating the breakfast of old hen soup with steamed buns and a small box of fruit platter, Su Bai felt that he might put the matter of being tough with the system for a while, and first give the task issued by the system to him. finished.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the pot of seafood porridge, the pot of super delicious medicinal food, and the pot of old hen soup for breakfast that the system forcibly fed her.

Who would like something that is forced!

She only wanted to do it because the reward of the mission was a miracle.

But I have to mention that the old hen soup breakfast fed by the system is really delicious!

"System, help me prepare enough pure milk for 200 people to drink for half a year, and vitamin tablets enough for 200 people to eat, and the kind that can be disguised as candy."

After eating, drinking and sleeping, Su Bai officially started to act.

This world is similar to Su Bai's original world. The city where she is now, Shanghai, is one of the cities with the best economic development in China. The annual GDP of a city alone exceeds that of most countries in the world. No matter how the economy takes off, some human tragedies will happen as they should.

And after those human tragedies happen, it will lead to the birth of a group of weak people at the bottom of society who have no power to restrain the chickens.

Su Bai is also a member of this group of weak people, that is, orphans!

Yes, under the condition that he couldn't bully others, Su Bai took orphans as his first target.

And Su Bai's plan is very simple, that is to dominate the childhood of the orphans and let her become the childhood shadow of these poor children!

【Pure milk? Vitamin tablets disguised as candy? Does this have anything to do with bullying?】

The system was stunned at this moment, when did bullies want pure milk and vitamin tablets disguised as candies?

"You don't understand this. Compared with the sweet and delicious fruity milk, the bland taste of pure milk is the childhood shadow of many children."

"However, the children in the orphanage have limited resources and cannot drink pure milk all the time. Therefore, they cannot realize what it is like to have a childhood dominated by pure milk."

"So, I feel I have an obligation to help them experience a perfect childhood."

"By the way, I'm helping me prepare the workbooks from the first grade to the third year of high school, for every subject."

Su Bai explained confidently.

Thinking of what I was about to do, I couldn't help but feel happy.

[Oh~ It is detected that the host hates drinking pure milk very much, it is a childhood nightmare.The bullying starts, and the host must drink more than [-] milliliters of pure milk every day. 】


ps: By the way, I really hated drinking pure milk when I was young.Then when I grow up, I drink milk almost only pure milk, Gan... Then, there will be a chapter later.Tomorrow will resume the rhythm of one chapter at noon and one chapter at night

Chapter 4 Su Bai's Childhood Destruction Plan

Su Bai's plan is actually very simple, it is divided into two steps.

The first step is to donate milk to the orphanage, and the second step is to let the orphanage distribute the milk she donated to each child for them to drink.

It sounds simple, but in actual operation, you will encounter many problems.

The simplest question is, what will the children do if they don't drink?

Su Bai was also an orphan in this life, so she knew that not all orphans were well-behaved.Especially those who are young, what should be skinned is still skinny, and what should be picked is still picked.

So, a little guidance is needed.Then, Su Bai prepared sweets for them.

As long as you drink the milk obediently, you can eat sugar, what a beautiful thing!

As for the fact that she asked the system for vitamin tablets disguised as candy instead of candy, why is that?

It's very simple, since you want to be a bully, a person who wants to bully others, you have to consider all aspects, since you have already delivered milk and sugar, then do more things to make the bullying more violent Some So Su Bai set up a classic candy scam where they thought they were eating candy when it was actually a vitamin tablet.

The significance of this deception no longer lies in how delicious it is when they eat it, but in the astonishment they will feel when they know it in the future.

The candy that filled their wonderful childhood was not candy, but vitamin tablets, making them feel that their life has been a deception from beginning to end.

Moreover, in order to deepen their memory of this vitamin tablet, Su Bai also set up a third level of torture, which is the exercise book.

The purpose of this exercise book is to control the excessive energy of children, so that they spend most of their time doing the questions instead of playing happily.

In this way, when they later recalled their childhood, they found that their childhood was completely filled with the terrible deep sea called knowledge.

Of course, if there are only workbooks, those children will not study obediently.

Never trust the mischievous nature of overactive children.

Therefore, Su Bai set up a double reward system, and this is the fourth level of torture.

The first reward, children will be rewarded with candy after completing their homework and exercise books.

Well, that is, vitamin tablets.

Of course, after eating too much, the allure of vitamin tablets will be greatly reduced. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to let children with excessive energy focus on their studies.

Therefore, with the second reward, learn the points system.

Divide the grades of the children's scores in each test, and how many points will be accumulated when they reach the grade.And after accumulating enough points, you can come to Su Bai to exchange for various things.

These include but are not limited to cram schools, books, snacks, toys, computers, mobile phones, computer games, mobile games, mobile game recharges, online game recharges, daily game hours, movie tickets, etc.

Do you think this is the end? The real trap lies in the things that can be exchanged for this learning points system.

Snacks are the lowest level and the least cost-effective.It is the way Su Bai used to recover points quickly.

In this case, a considerable number of children worked hard for a long time and finally got a good grade in the test, but they only got a little snack.

It seems that snacks are a big pit, but in fact, after they were able to overcome their appetite, they fell into an even bigger pit.

Redeem your points for a toy? Yes, write a story or report about the toy you want to redeem.

Need a computer? Yes, write a description of the purpose of no less than [-] words, and no nonsense is allowed. The same is true for mobile phones.

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