Want to buy computer games? There is no problem. After playing, write a review based on the value of the exchanged game.Same goes for mobile games.

In short, except for the completely uneconomical pit of snacks, one of the other things is a pit.

As for those children who don't write carefully, what should I do if they deal with things casually?

It's very simple, add points to these things, and you can get points if you write well!

On the basis of all this, Su Bai also joined the points ranking system, and each child who entered the top ten could get new snacks, toys or games every month.

This is the fifth level of torture set by Su Bai!

Introversion is encouraged!

Let them feel the dangers of society in advance.When they were supposed to enjoy their childhood happily, they had to adapt to this introverted society ahead of time.

This is also the meaning of the existence of cram schools and books set in Su Bai's rewards, these two things are more favorable than anything else.

Under normal circumstances, no child would exchange his precious points for books and tutoring classes.However, the existence of the points ranking system gives those outstanding children a sense of urgency and gives those lazy children the motivation to make progress.

When the first child improves his academic performance through cram school and successfully wins the top ten throne, everything will be irreversible. These children's childhood will fall into darkness under Su Bai's conspiracy Among them, it cannot be reversed!

As for how Su Bai will implement his "simple" plan.

[The host's plan makes this system very happy, and distributes [-] million useless evil props]

Well, Su Bai, she is a systematic person!

In this world, there is nothing that money cannot solve. If there is, there is only one possibility, not enough!

And the system is enough once.

. ··

"If what you said is true, and you will always provide financial help, then I thank you for those children!"

In the director's office of an orphanage where Su Bai occasionally does voluntary labor, the 80-year-old director Miao Fangling listened carefully to Su Bai's plan, and took out 500 million cash as start-up capital on the spot

After that, he made a ninety-degree bow to Su Bai on the spot, which made Su Bai jump up from his seat in fright, and went to help the head of the hospital.

"I didn't actually do anything, it was just a game of interest."

After supporting the principal up, Su Bai said casually.

Thank her? She doesn't think that when these children grow up, they will thank her, the villain who turned her beautiful childhood into a workplace introversion contest.

However, she felt that it didn't matter. As a bully, making the bullied person hate her was a kind of affirmation of her.

"Is it a game of interest? Then...I am an old bone looking forward to the result of your game. Hope, I can see that moment."

After the 80-year-old dean heard Su Bai's words, a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help looking forward to the future in his eyes.

If Su Bai's plan can be implemented, it is almost impossible for the children who come out of this system to be useless.

ps: This plan is too evil!

Then let me tell you that I stopped updating for two days because I was very dissatisfied with the plot after Chapter 3, so I changed the outline a lot.

The first two chapters have not been changed, the second half of Chapter 3 has some changes, and the part after Chapter 3 has been overturned and rewritten.I will update to [-] words by Friday.

Chapter 5 spicy pot is the soul of hot pot

"I didn't expect the old dean to agree so easily. I thought I would have to say a lot."

After leaving the dean's office, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief

Before coming here, she originally thought that her plan would not be easily supported by Dean Miao Fangling

After all, my own introverted childhood plan is a bit thorough in releasing children's nature, and it is easy to get out of control.

Yes, this program does not limit children's nature, but releases

Su Bai needs to use this natural release to dilute the influence of their childhood entertainment that they were swept up in, so as to achieve real bullying!

Although Su Bai didn't know whether Dean Miao Fangling would see this, she felt that it would be difficult to convince.After all, even if she couldn't see this, she could still find that her orphanage would become less like an orphanage after implementing her plan.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai can only try to persuade, if she cannot be persuaded, then she can only change her target.

However, what Su Bai didn't expect was that the process was smoother than she thought.

Especially after she said that she was willing to give 500 million cash as the start-up capital, Dean Miao Fangling changed from a persuaded person to an explorer.

After discussing with Su Bai about various details during the implementation period of more than four hours.It was then discovered that Dean Miao Fangling understood many of the details more thoroughly than the proposer of her plan.

For example, points are given for drinking milk and eating obediently, points are also given for going to bed on time, and points will be deducted for naughty elimination, etc.What Su Bai didn't even think about, but Dean Miao Fangling easily proposed to add these details into the whole plan.

At the end of the discussion, Su Bai even felt that Dean Miao Fangling was the one who proposed the plan, and she was the one who was persuaded.

However, it doesn't matter to Su Bai, as long as this plan can be implemented quickly, then completing the tasks issued by the system is a matter of certainty.

"System, I'm doing such a good job, so it's okay to reward me with a hot pot meal!"

After Su Bai left the orphanage, he immediately asked the system for credit

As for why she had to apply to the system for eating hot pot? If she didn't say anything, she was afraid that she would turn into porridge before she started eating.

【Yes, I'll help you make an order】

"Grandma, why would you agree? Don't you think doing this... will turn our orphanage into a... weird place?"

In fact, it is not that no one has raised opposing opinions on Su Bai's plan.

In the office just now, besides Su Bai and Dean Miao Fangling, there was also Dean Miao Fangling's granddaughter present.

When Su Bai was discussing with Dean Miao Fangling, she kept silent.But this does not mean that she has no objection to the education model proposed by Su Bai.

"Why don't I agree? Her approach is a bit extreme, but I hope that the child who walks out from me will be a useful person in the future, not a mediocre person who even goes astray for life."

When Dean Miao Fangling said these words, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Since she took over the first child from a friend of hers, she has personally let thousands of people walk out of her orphanage and set foot in society

It's a pity that not all orphans who come out of orphanages will be grateful to this society, and not all children who grow up in a poor environment will be sensible, and not all children will grow up to be useful to society.

A considerable number of children who grow up in orphanages, where resources are poor, can only hover at the bottom of society, with no way to rise.Even some of them, for various reasons, went astray.

Noble sons from poor families are in the minority.And the children in the orphanage don't even have the qualifications to be called poor families.

All she can do these years is to focus some resources on some children she thinks are talented, so that they are qualified to move closer to the poor, hoping that they will one day be able to stand out.

Even if they forget her after they become famous

It's a pity that after so many years of hard work, there are only a handful of rewards.

She wants to see the children she raised can be on the world stage

On her own, there is no hope, but Su Bai's appearance this time made her see hope.

"However, don't you think this system will be too rigid? In fact, it is a semi-military management of our orphanage. Doing so will suppress the nature of the children! Grandma, you Didn’t you say that educating children cannot suppress their nature?”

Dean Miao Fangling's granddaughter is still a little unwilling to give up at this time, she still resists Su Bai who suddenly appeared and the plan proposed by Su Bai.

"Suppressing nature? No, it seems to be moving closer to militarized management, but in fact, most of the measures in this plan are to release the nature of each child! Especially points are exchanged for items, and then each item will be given a task This point is simply a genius idea! The only thing we have to consider is whether the nature of those children will be released too thoroughly."

Dean Miao Fangling said

During the discussion, she felt that she and Su Bai had reached some kind of tacit understanding

Although she didn't know exactly what Su Bai was thinking, she believed in a little bit.That is, every child definitely has his own shining point.If this shining point can be found and cultivated in advance, then the child's future may be completely different.

"Release nature, but..."

"Needless to say, anyway, didn't you persuade me to close the orphanage every day? Are you still concerned about what I do?"

Dean Miao Fangling's granddaughter wanted to explain something at this time, but she was directly interrupted by Dean Miao Fangling. After she finished speaking, Dean Miao Fangling slowly got up, and with the support of her granddaughter, she came to balcony.

Standing on the balcony, looking at the children of the orphanage playing in the small playground below, Dean Miao Fangling's eyes were full of love, but the next second her eyes became extremely firm, Said to himself: "From the moment your parents abandoned you, you lost the right to choose your own destiny. Forgive me, I can only do this for you now. At least in my opinion, it is a relatively correct choice." .”

On the other side, Su Bai was sitting in a high-end hot pot restaurant, looking at the hot pot in front of him without any red oil, lost in thought

In particular, the waiter also introduced to her that this is Hainan's characteristic coconut chicken with the Cantonese way of eating.After eating coconut chicken, the leftover soup can be used to make rice and porridge

At this time, Su Bai felt that he had to resist the dictatorship of the system.

"System, if you eat hot pot but not spicy pot, you have no soul!"

Su Bai said very indignantly!

[I also know a delicious herbal diet here, and the Polygonum multiflorum poultry porridge is very good, let me know?】

"Oh, that's fine."

ps: There are still two to three chapters to come, but the update will be late, I'll go to sleep, and then ask for a recommendation ticket, can I? Meow~

Chapter 6 Return my cat girl!

"Mother Yang, is it okay not to eat egg yolks? Egg yolks are not tasty."

"No! Children can't be picky eaters, and you haven't finished your milk. You can't eat candy until you eat all your breakfast."

"I don't want to drink real milk!"

"This is your sister Su Bai's wish. Do you know how many people want to drink this pure milk but can't drink it? In short, if you haven't finished your breakfast, you can't eat candy."

Two days later in the early morning, at the end of the orphanage's breakfast time, the orphanage fell into a brief chaos.

The reason for the confusion is very simple, that is, the initial implementation of Su Bai's plan.

Although they are orphans and their resources are limited, they are still picky eaters. Those who have leftover buns, leftover fried dough sticks, leftover chicken soup, leftover milk, those who only eat egg yolks, those who only eat egg whites, there are so many.

These are not problems. The real problem is that when the children who have not finished breakfast find that the children who have eaten breakfast have candy, what they think is not to eat candy after breakfast, but to cry, make trouble and hang themselves. You can also eat sugar at once, instead of eating things you don't like.

It's okay for one or two children to make such a fuss, but after there are too many, the nurses present feel their scalps go numb.

"One by one, what's the trouble?"

Just when they were hesitating, Dean Miao Fangling appeared, and after an angry reprimand, the originally noisy cafeteria fell into silence for an instant.

The director of many orphanages plays a gentle role in the orphanage, but Director Miao Fangling is different.She has always been a stern elder and the object of fear of all the children in her orphanage.

"Go back, eat everything you haven't eaten, and get ready to go to class."

Following the order of the dark-faced Dean Miao Fangling, those children who hadn't finished their breakfast obediently sat back in their seats and began to eat the rest of the breakfast.

And after they finished their breakfast, got the so-called candy from the nurse and put it in their mouths, they scratched their heads while eating.

As for why you are scratching your head? The reason is very simple, the taste of this sugar... cannot be said to be bad.It's delicious, but it's a bit weird, and I can't tell where it's weird.

[Complete the task, get a miracle as a reward]

What happened in the orphanage, Su Bai didn't know.However, while Su Bai was still eating breakfast, the system suddenly reminded her that the task was completed.

"A miracle? By the way, system, what does a miracle refer to?"

Su Bai, who took down the remaining half of the pure milk, asked curiously after hearing the system's reminder.

Yes, although this task has been completed, Su Bai still doesn't know what the system's task is useful for.

【A miracle is to realize an impossible thing!】

"Then I want to be 1.8 meters tall and have long legs!"

Su Bai's eyes lit up when he heard the system's words, and he immediately expressed his wish.

After finishing speaking, Su Bai waited on the spot for two seconds, looked down at his body excitedly, and then... nothing changed.

[The trigger condition for a miracle is to achieve something that the host wants to achieve, but it is impossible to achieve. 】

At this time, the system reminded me again.


After Su Bai heard it, he was stunned for a moment, realizing an impossible thing?

"So, I will grow to 1.8 meters in the future?"

Su Bai's eyes lit up, he was a little excited, and he was looking forward to the system's answer.

[From the perspective of biological development, there is such a possibility]

The system said this.


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