Along the way, they have vomited everything they can.It's just that apart from the bitter water in the stomach, there is almost nothing else to vomit.

Not only did they vomit, but they bumped along the way. Most of the people, after getting off the car, couldn't stand still at all, and their feet were soft.

"Wow~ I have braised pork today!"

Compared with the paralyzed foreign press corps over there, the soldiers in charge of driving got out of the car very excitedly and rushed to the front of the cooking truck.

The first observation post is the only place where Su Bai's route overlaps with that of the foreign press corps

According to the original plan, Su Bai should have arrived here with the foreign journalists, had lunch after watching the exercise in the plain area, and then left.

Although the foreign press corps wanted to experience the latest multi-purpose transport vehicle installed in Huaguo, it was a pity that they didn't see the first wave.

However, the meal is still ready.

The lunch prepared by the cooking cart is braised pork, sea oyster clam soup and fried cauliflower. The staple food is seafood fried noodles, as well as fruit and a small cake for dessert after dinner.

It's incredible to be able to eat such exquisite field food in such an environment in the wild.

Well, it definitely has nothing to do with a certain white-haired loli, especially the small cake after the meal, a certain white-haired loli directly took two servings.

The soldier responsible for driving the foreign press corps was even an entertainer who directly served a meal for two.

Well, there are enough meals prepared, it doesn't matter if he eats an extra portion.

As for the foreign press corps, after seeing the lunch prepared by Huaguo, there was an indescribable feeling of bitterness.

After throwing up for a long time, a reporter came to the dining car and got a lunch. Looking at the delicious lunch in front of him, he passed it to himself after being silent for more than ten seconds. in the team


After seeing this lunch, the photographer, who has always had a good appetite, turned his head and glanced at the car they were sitting in just now, and then asked a soldier in charge of them on Huaguo's side: "What can we do next?" transfer

A car?"

After hearing the photographer's words, the people on the side of the Huaguo army smiled slightly, and then came to Su Bai who was eating lunch. After asking something, they seemed to be affirmed by Su Bai, and then

Come back and say to them: "Okay. We will tune your cars now."

"What we need is a buggy!"

The reporter was a little worried and reminded me a little more.

There is no way, that kind of car without a suspension system, it is really too torture to sit up.

If they continued to be tortured like this this afternoon, they might not even want to get up tomorrow.

"Don't worry, what we transferred is an off-road vehicle."

The soldier patted his chest in affirmation, looking very convincing.

After hearing the news, a smile finally appeared on the faces of the foreign journalists who had been tortured for almost an hour.

An off-road vehicle is fine, although it will still be very bumpy, but compared to being a transport vehicle without a suspension system, I don't know how many times happier.

So, they happily started cooking.

After all, there are still very busy things to do in the afternoon, and now I must eat more to ensure that I have enough energy to do things in the afternoon.

Then, after they finished their meal happily and saw the new car Huaguo provided for them, the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared, replaced by a deep despair

Because...the new car that Huaguo prepared for them is the latest mountain all-terrain vehicle installed by Huaguo. In a sense, it is also an off-road vehicle.

The biggest advantage of this kind of car is that it is small and light, and then it is cheap and durable.

By the way, there is still no suspension system.

After all, in real large-scale military conflicts and short-distance rapid assault operations, this kind of car is basically a cheap consumable, and the soldiers are not so delicate, so they get used to it by sitting more, and it is also good for their health.

Guaranteed no gallstones

Seeing the appearance of the all-terrain vehicle, the foreign journalists looked at Su Bai who was playing with Zhou Xue in despair.

Why does such a cute little loli make them feel that she is the incarnation of the devil?

ps: The fourth update, the fifth update will come soon

Chapter 91 Is there anything wrong with this (five more

"So, Su Bai is really black-bellied!"

The foreign press corps didn't know what was going on, but the audience watching the live broadcast saw the conversation between Su Bai and the Huaguo troops.

"The foreign press corps asked to change the vehicle, do we need to change it for them?"

"They'll change it if they want to. That car does look pretty bumpy when it's built."

"Then I'll send them a few off-road vehicles?"

"I remember we have an all-terrain vehicle here? It's a good one, and they'll like it."

"Bobcats? Well, I'll get them some Bobcats."

Well, this is the whole process of talking.

On Huaguo's side, they just intend to deal with these dishonest foreign journalists in a small way.Quite a few of them have yin and yang in Huaguo, and have even directly fabricated various negative news in Huaguo.

Originally, I planned to spoof them, and then give them the real car.

However, since Su Bai had spoken, there were not so many other things to do.

After all, the code name for this exercise is Nonsense.This is the code name of this exercise, and it is also the direct instruction given to them by the above.

An exercise called nonsense, of course, must follow the principle of nonsense.

This time the exercise is a classic red-blue confrontation, earthlings fighting aliens.

In terms of military structure, the red team has an overall advantage this time, and the only advantage of the blue team is that it has a very deep strategic depth.

The red team needs to occupy all the areas controlled by the blue team to be considered a victory.

Before the red team controls all the areas controlled by the blue team, if the red team's headquarters is taken down by the blue team, it will be judged that the blue team wins directly.

This kind of exercise tests the overall planning ability of the red team in the process of advancing the operation of large groups, as well as the concealment and protection of its own command center.

As for the blue side? It depends on how they use the cheat they just got.

Because, apart from that batch of hacks, the director department really didn't give them too many cheats this time.The overall military strength is even completely behind the red side.

On Su Bai's side, after taking a break from the first observation, he officially set off and started today's pleasant live broadcast journey.

"Damn it, it's a bit cool to shuttle among so many tanks!"

Liu Ming, who was sitting in his dormitory, looked at the live broadcast screen, Su Bai was sitting on both sides of the car, and the vast number of tank crews, his eyes flickered a little hot.

A man's romance is steel and gunpowder.

On the plain, the torrent of steel built by nearly a thousand tanks seems to be declaring the prosperity and strength of the glorious modern civilization of mankind.

Under such circumstances, there was another scene that made Liu Ming's blood boil.

Huaguo's latest transport plane passed over Su Bai's head at ultra-low altitude, the lowest point was less than 15 meters from the ground.

The huge body of the super-large transport plane is like a Kunpeng that cannot be desecrated, covering the sky and the sun.

The moment I saw this scene, even through the screen, I could intuitively feel the vulnerability and insignificance of human beings' fragile bodies in front of the torrent of steel.


The next moment, he was completely shocked.

With the opening of the rear door of the transport plane, a tank was thrown out of the cabin with several parachutes hanging on it.

When those few parachutes barely opened, the tank itself was blown heavily to the ground.

"Fuck, this tank is activated, is there someone in it?"

At this moment, standing behind Liu Ming and watching the live broadcast, Liu Ming's roommate keenly noticed that the tank was activated.

The engine kept emitting black smoke. Before landing, the tank's tracks were still rotating, but after landing, less than two seconds later, the tank's turret rotated about fifteen degrees, and the barrel rose slightly. .


Accompanied by a loud thunder, the tank fired a shell at a distant target.

This shell was actually fired a bit sideways, but relying on a large enough damage radius, it destroyed the target.

"Airborne tanks...can people sit in them?"

After seeing this scene, Liu Ming was stunned.

As a puppet army fan, he has seen some military-related things and knows about airborne tanks.

But when the vehicle is airborne, there are no people inside. Even with a parachute as a buffer, the huge impact at the moment of landing can still kill the people inside the vehicle.

However, China currently does not have the weapon of unmanned tanks.

Could it be... a new weapon that hasn't been made public?

However, that tank was handsome for only three seconds.

After firing a shot and preparing to move on, a track fell off.

Under such circumstances, Liu Ming saw that four tall and strong men climbed out of the tank crew that had just been dropped.

"Wow... Nima? I'm... this is a live broadcast?"

The next moment, everyone who was broadcasting live was shocked.

There are people in the airborne tank, and the guns are fired after landing. These are too much.

Then, they saw that three of the four burly men, in order to quickly repair the track, worked together to lift the broken side of the tank's track.

Although it is not a heavy main battle tank, the weight of that tank is more than ten tons.

Then, lifted? Are you kidding them?

More importantly, at this moment, Su Bai's interview vehicle happened to drive near this tank team.

The soldier in charge of repairing the track happened to have the track repaired.

When he was about to talk to the other three teammates, he turned his head and stared at Su Bai and the others.

The three soldiers who were responsible for lifting the vehicle saw Su Bai's interview vehicle parked in front of them, suddenly realized something, and glanced at the tank lifted up by the three of them, feeling a little embarrassed.

Letting go together tacitly, within ten seconds, the four got back into the tank again, and then ran away immediately.

" this broadcastable?"

Liu Qin, who watched the scene in shock, was a little confused.

She suddenly remembered the words of her director: "If there are no accidents, there will be many accidents."

However, is this accident a bit beyond common sense?

"Is there anything that can't be broadcast?"

On Su Bai's side, he asked a question.


As Liu Qin spoke, he was suddenly at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

No way, it's really beyond common sense.

"Of course the tracks fall off and you have to lift them up for repairs. Isn't this normal? Is there something wrong?"

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

After Su Bai finished speaking, Liu Qin didn't know how to reply to this sentence for a moment.

And all the viewers who were watching the live broadcast were also numb.

Three people lift a tank of more than ten tons? Is this normal?

ps: Today's update is late, only five chapters are updated, the time is a bit dark, please forgive me.Be sure to take a break for an update next time.

Chapter 92 Survival (Modified)

"This is considered ass normal!"

Although Su Bai said it was normal, everyone present didn't think it was normal, and everyone watching the live broadcast didn't think it was normal either.

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