Not to mention the three soldiers, even if it were three strong men who had created the world record for the strongest human strength, they would never be able to shake that tank.

"Won't it be an exoskeleton or something?"

At this time, a netizen put forward his own opinion

Just now, he noticed that the four soldiers had belts and other things on their bodies, and some of the structures were a bit similar to some of the new power-assisted equipment recently used by Huaguo.

So, is it possible that a new piece of gear they don't know about is doing some magic?

"If it's really an exoskeleton, is power armor already on the way?

"Too far behind to show."

The topic in the live broadcast room, after the appearance of those four soldiers, had a little deviation, but the overall problem was not big.

Compared with the Huaguo netizens who should be chatting or chatting, the hearts of some intelligence agencies at all levels in the world who are watching the live broadcast are broken

Huaguo took the initiative to invite their people to participate in the exercise.Even if the things captured are controlled by the other party, it can still provide quite a lot of valuable information

When they were happily analyzing the various information sent back from the reporter in front, they also noticed Su Bai's live broadcast

For this live broadcast, their more opinion is that it gave them more analysis data.

This is a good thing!

Then, they saw the tank that was dropped directly from the air

In fact, airdropping tanks is not a new technology. The problem is that after the airdrop, which tank fired.

Unmanned technology is developing in all countries, but unmanned tanks...they really haven't received any news!

Well, at this time they think this is an unmanned tank.

As for the manned airdrop tank? There were technical demonstrations in the last century, but it turned out to be not so practical and too dangerous.Moreover, manned airdrop tanks are not dropped like Huaguo.

If there were really people in that tank, then the moment the tank landed, the people in the tank would not die or be disabled

When they came to this conclusion with confidence, they saw four soldiers coming out of it, and they looked completely uninjured.

After seeing this scene, the analysts of the intelligence team became numb, especially after seeing three of the four soldiers lift up the tank directly, they became even more numb.

Humans can't do it, this must have been made with CG technology to deceive them.

At this time, Vic's face became cloudy and uncertain.Not long ago, their analysis department finally proved that the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells were fabricated by Huaguo to deceive them through various reasonable analyses.

Trying to get them out of the quagmire of the biotech race.

However, after watching the live broadcast of the parliament, Vik tore up the analysis report in his hand, and ordered: "Tell the third analysis team that their allowance for this month is gone!"

The reason why Vic was so angry was very simple, because during the advance of Su Bai's convoy, they saw people from Huaguo using a blue spray for emergency rescue on the battlefield.

During the rescue process, Su Bai mentioned a professional ranking "healing factor".

The person in charge of redemption was not very proficient in using this spray, but Su Bai corrected the small mistakes in the process of using it.

Compared with that medical staff, Su Bai seems to be more professional and has a better understanding of this healing factor

And the treatment effect of this spray seems to be jaw-dropping.

For large wounds that hurt muscles and bones, after spraying about half a bottle of spray, the wound heals quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than 5 minutes, the soldier's original injured area has grown new skin,

Scars are hardly visible.

White bones and raw flesh, there is nothing better than this, and people can't even think that that place has been injured before, but I just feel that the skin seems to be fairer and more tender than the skin in other parts.

"What is this thing...?"

Liu Qin beside Su Bai said in shock.

Not only the people in the live broadcast room were shocked, but also Liu Qin who was following Su Bai was shocked.

"This is a rapid healing factor programmed with maternal-fetal-specific remodeling cells. When I made it, I named it to make it work. It can be used to treat some traumas. It is a relatively low-level drug that is effective for maternal-fetal-specific remodeling cells. answer

Use the offset that also compares.However, now, after all, the domestic understanding of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells is limited, coupled with equipment problems, there is no way to program more advanced and efficient therapeutic drugs, so waste is a waste, make use of it

, exactly. "

When Su Bai said these words, the medical soldier showed a line of words on the spray bottle, which was really written: "Make use of it".However, these four words are followed by a bracket, which reads "Quick

"Healing Spray"

"So, you made this thing too?"

One of the audience asked a question at this time.

After all, what Su Bai said just now, she named him to keep alive.And this drug bottle really has this name.

Normally, only inventors are entitled to name what they have invented.And giving this kind of name to such a miraculous thing is also in line with Su Bai's character.

"Yeah, nothing difficult."

Su Bai looked very relaxed and said

Su Bai's calm answer caused the mentality of intelligence agencies around the world to collapse.Especially on Vic's side, his mentality collapsed.

From his drawer, he took out an analysis report on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells that he submitted to the President the day before yesterday.

The main body of this analysis report was completed by their biologists. The summary made by Owen, in simple terms, actually said one sentence: "If the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are true, then it contains technology

The content also exceeds the current human cognition, and it is impossible for Huaguo to make more developments in the medical and biological fields within ten years. "

He had just denied the large-scale application of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells in medicine and biology, and Huaguo directly threw out a healing factor for him.

"If this is the case, then Huaguo's research on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells may be beyond imagination!"

At this time, Vic came up with something that he didn't even dare to think about before.

Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are already absurd enough, but now he is told that Huaguo research can be applied flexibly. How can this be acceptable to him?

Most importantly, how is he going to deal with the president and those members of Congress next?

After all, the live broadcast up to now and the things shown are all negating his previous conclusions

ps: After waking up at noon, I went to the hospital for a nutritional injection, so there was no update during the day.There are only four shifts today, no fifth shift, a little less, please forgive me

Chapter 93 We think you are fooling us

"The healing factor is not an advanced thing. When I used the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cell therapy for the first time, I programmed this thing. The one just now is not a simple healing factor. I

Also added some other things, so it can cope with complex battlefield situations.Otherwise, in a battlefield environment with so many bacteria, using the healing factor is a very courting behavior. "

"What's the difference between rebuilding the immune system and activating the regeneration of non-renewable cells? This difference is like a horse, whether you want to use it to race, pull goods, or fight. The things you are engaged in are different.

, the horse is also defined differently.But in essence it is still a horse. "

"Are those four soldiers just now super genetically enhanced fighters? Super? No, that kind of thing can be done in theory. But the current biotechnology can't do it. Don't think about those who have or don't, they are superhero movies

The scourge is unclear. "

After witnessing the sci-fi healing process, the audience also shifted their attention from the military exercise itself to Su Bai, and began to ask about the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus.

And when he asked whether those soldiers just now were super genetically modified fighters, Su Bai directly denied it.

The reason for the denial is simple, that is, she gave Huaguo four injections of gene enhancement and modification medicines for maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, which are only low-level applications for human body enhancement, and cannot reach the super level.

Her minimum understanding of super genetically modified fighters is that they can physically survive in an oxygen-free environment in space for a period of time.

That level of genetic modification Su Bai can barely do now, but in that case, Su Bai needs to seriously study for at least a month before deploying it, which is too tiring.Based on the principle of fishing first

, Su Bai naturally wouldn't do that kind of strenuous thing.

What's more, if it is made, Huaguo itself can't mass-produce it.

After Su Bai finished answering this sentence, in the stunned eyes of the audience, he saw that there were about a dozen gun barrels on his back, a large ammunition box, and a light gun hanging on his chest. machine gun fighter

From Su Bai's side, ran over at a not slow speed.

About 500 meters ahead, I found a bunker and stopped.

After stopping, the soldier picked up a cannon barrel and planned to shoot at a distant target.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and glanced at the direction where Su Bai was, then obediently unloaded all the cannon barrels from his body, lay down on the ground, and fired one by one.

After the barrel was used up, the machine gun was directly set up and started firing.

Well, one person played a fire suppression that a platoon may not have.

"So, is this normal?"

After seeing this scene, some viewers lost their three views.

Although that kind of gun barrel does not take up the establishment, one is heavy enough. Under normal circumstances, carrying two is very heavy, and the limit is only three or four.And how many did that soldier carry? At least a lightweight

Machine guns and at least five hundred rounds of ammunition.

Are you sure this is something humans can do?

"The limits of human beings are beyond your imagination. If you can't do it, don't think that others can't do it either."

At this time, Su Bai seemed serious and said.

It also confused a bunch of netizens.

Well, if they can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it... But... Is this kind of thing really something that ordinary humans can do? Why do they feel that Su Bai is coaxing them?

However, compared to those netizens who seem to be numb, but are actually just shocked, the truly numb people are the intelligence agencies of various countries who are currently watching live broadcasts to collect data.

"Currently, the live broadcast is unlikely to be CG composited. Our reporter also received some information from the front line, which confirmed the authenticity of the live broadcast."

Now, one answer that a bunch of intelligence agencies want most is that what they saw through the live broadcast is fake.

However, at this time, the foreign press corps played their role.They didn't capture those genetically enhanced fighters, but they could prove that Su Bai's side was indeed broadcasting live.

This is also the most disgusting part of Huaguo's arrangement this time.Those foreign journalists could not get too much information, but they could prove the authenticity of Su Bai's live broadcast.

They can prove the authenticity of Su Bai's live broadcast, which proves the existence of genetically enhanced soldiers.

Su Bai became a dumb person. She proved that the healing factor has indeed been applied to the military, and it may even be popularized and used in civilian use, but she just didn't say whether there are genetically enhanced soldiers.

This half-riddler state is the most uncomfortable for them.

As for why the answers in front of them make them so uncomfortable?

The reason is simple. Huaguo used to do things in a hidden way.Some new equipment, even in Huaguo, has been fully developed and matured. After it is applied to the army, it will even be hidden for a long time before it will be exposed.

Now, Huaguo directly put in front of them the genetically enhanced fighters beyond their understanding, and they dare not be sure of the authenticity.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Although Huaguo's biotechnology is also at the forefront of the world, there is still a gap compared with ours. We can't do it, how can Huaguo do it?"

The director of the CIA, Vic, muttered to himself, trying his best to deny the fact that was right in front of their eyes.


Then, when Su Bai's convoy crossed the plain and entered the jungle, they finally saw a six-member special combat team from the blue side.

This six-member special operations team was delivered directly to the rear of the area controlled by the red team by means of helicopter delivery.

It sounds no problem, but for the sake of efficiency and concealment, this six-member special operations team jumped out of the helicopter about ten meters from the ground.'s not like no one can do it.Isn't there a ten-meter diving platform in the swimming pool? In the news, there are occasional people who fall from a three-story building and suffer minor injuries.

From this point of view, after special training, it is not difficult to jump from a height of ten meters.

Then, this six-member special operations team is fully armed, and everyone is a heavy armored fighter, the kind that ordinary submachine guns can't break through.

Except for some personnel, the others were not equipped with heavy firepower, but the firearms in their hands were not assault rifles, but heavy machine guns.

With the configuration of heavy machine guns, each person still has about [-] rounds of ammunition.

ps: There is no way to do the fourth update today, and one chapter will be updated to reach the third update.Go to bed early, update at normal time tomorrow, resume five shifts

Chapter 94 will not be played anymore, right?

"So how does it feel to jump down from such a high height? Your bone strengthening is actually very average. Wearing such heavy equipment, can your bones bear it?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was crazy, but Su Bai was calm, and went directly to the blue team to ask about the actual situation of the genetic modification.

The distance of ten meters is not a big problem for these genetically enhanced fighters.But in the case of being fully armed, getting down from such a high place is still very likely to be injured.

The people from the blue side naturally explained to Su Bai specifically, what Su Bai asked, and what they answered.There is no need to worry about leaks.

After realizing this, the captain of the six-person special team came to Su Bai and said, "We have an exoskeleton that can relieve the force inside, to help us bear the pressure, plus some one-time cushioning when we land.

Equipment can help greatly reduce the impact force when landing, so that the impact force can reach an acceptable range. "

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