"Yes, there are no authoritative scientific journals at present."

"The latest news is that Qaboos publicly appealed to the Huaguo government, wanting to use one billion US dollars in exchange for Su Bai to do heart activation surgery for him, but the Huaguo government resolutely refused."

"One billion dollars was rejected! Sure enough, there is definitely something wrong with it."

With the announcement of the heart activation technology and the establishment of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, the Western world's previous blockade of public opinion on China's side has completely failed.

However, after the blockade of public opinion was broken, Su Bai's achievements did not immediately arouse the praise of most people in the West, but they questioned him more.

It is acceptable for such a trap technology to appear in front of them, but why did Hua Guo suddenly master this technology?

There is no scientific research at all, and there is no logic at all, as if it just popped up out of nowhere.

Under the deliberate guidance of some people, this kind of remarks began to intensify. People continued to add the details of this lie, making this seemingly terrible lie more and more true.

However, while this lie continued to ferment on the Internet, neither America nor the European governments questioned the authenticity of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

The reason is very simple, even if this kind of cell is fake, it is an ironclad fact that Huaguo really has similar technology

And based on this point, it will be found that as long as Huaguo has mastered a similar level of technology, there is nothing to justify.It's ridiculous to try to justify knowing that the other party has similar technology.

Of course, not justifying at the national level is not justifying, but it is still necessary to be stubborn.

Therefore, during the establishment of the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid, Western politicians can still hear voices supporting this conspiracy theory.

"So, who is that Qaboos!"

In an amusement park in Kyoto, Su Bai was sitting by the fountain, eating a hot dog, poking his head into Liu Qinxiang's chest, and curiously asked this question

"A rich man from America, one of the top ten richest people in the world, has a serious heart attack, which is life-threatening."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Liu Qin transferred the information about Qaboos to Su Bai.

"A bad old man, not interested."

Su Bai didn't look at it seriously at all, he just glanced at this guy's photo and lost interest

The heart reactivation medicine that Su Bai took out is actually very mature. After one injection, he is lifted onto the operating table, and when he gets off the operating table, he can basically be said to have fully recovered.

As for why Huaguo can't put it into mass production immediately? It's very simple, this thing can only be synthesized in Su Bai's laboratory at present, and there is currently no equipment on the earth that can manufacture this medicine.

Under such circumstances, Huaguo needs to start a technological upgrading plan in related fields to upgrade its own technology.

But because Su Bai has given something for reference, they also know which direction to go, even if they can't reach it, they can get it in advance through some tricky methods.

The only disadvantage is that if the technology is not up to standard, if it is produced, the price of the produced products will be very expensive.At least it is impossible to reach the cheapness of the technology provided by Su Bai

However, sometimes a thing needs to exist first, and then consider the price.If you can't even exist, then it doesn't make much sense to consider the price.

"Sister Su Bai, I'll give you milk tea. As you said, add three coconuts."

At this time, Zuo Ming came over with three cups of milk tea, and handed one of them to Su Bai, which was at least half a cup of coconut fruit.

Seeing this, Su Bai's eyes lit up, and he immediately took it and got used to it, and then savagely wowed twice.

After inhaling a mouthful of milk tea, Su Bai suddenly frowned, swallowed the milk tea in his mouth, and then spat out a piece of tea.

Su Bai already knew what happened to the spit out tea leaves.

After taking another sip helplessly, he turned his head to look at Zuo Ming, who was happily sitting beside him, tasting the milk tea in his hand in small sips, and said, "Is the milk tea delicious?"

"Well, it's better than I thought, sister Su Bai, do you want to have a taste of mine?"

Zuo Ming looked at Su Bai and said.

To be reasonable, when she was first asked to call Sister Su Bai, she was still a little awkward.

It always feels a bit strange to call a little sister Lolita who looks younger than me.Under such circumstances, Feng Yufang suggested that Zuo Ming should recognize Su Bai, who was one year older than her, as his godmother.

After this proposal appeared, Zuo Ming realized that it was not unacceptable to call Su Bai his sister.

Well, at least it's better than calling Su Bai a godmother.

Calling a godmother who looks five or six years younger than herself, but actually a year older than herself, she feels that sooner or later she will be forced to die on some occasion, but her sister is more acceptable.

"Okay, I'll take a sip."

When Su Bai said this, he immediately approached Zuo Ming and took a sip, swallowed it, and then spat out a piece of tea.

"Um? Does milk tea really have tea leaves?"

Zuo Ming was a little surprised when he saw the piece of tea leaf protruding from Su Bai.

In the past, because of her health, she was not allowed to drink milk tea, and the water she drank every day was strictly controlled.

However, after Su Bai cured her illness, Su Bai said that she could drink whatever she wanted except dichlorvos and the like.

It was also the first time that she felt that although this miraculous thing that her classmates boasted was delicious, it was not so delicious.

However, she also knows that there should be no tea leaves in the milk tea, right? At most it is tea powder, but it cannot be drunk.

"If you can't drink the tea leaves, it means you're not good enough at drinking milk tea. A real master of milk tea drinking can twist tea powder into tea leaves in your mouth and spit it out."


Liu Qin, who was sitting next to Su Bai, couldn't hold back when he heard Su Bai's words, and spit out a mouthful of milk tea in his mouth.

ps: sorry, a little bit of text, still code

Chapter 120 A black belly is sometimes addictive

"The latest information, according to America's analysis, we are bound to win the chairmanship of the Biomedical Mutual Aid Association. Therefore, they will force us to reduce our control over the Biomedical Mutual Aid Association through competition. They fight for more political gain."

For Su Bai, she just saved a desperate mother and a dying girl on a whim.However, for the whole world, Su Bai's move, which was easy for her, triggered a series of butterfly effects.

When Huaguo just proposed the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, he once again came up with a bunch of technologies that were too advanced for this era, so that America and Europe had to help Huaguo speed up the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association. established.

"Leak a little bit of news out, saying that we are at a critical moment of technological breakthroughs, and we need a large number of scientific research talents to assist. In the case of insufficient resources, we are planning to establish a global biomedical mutual aid association to attack the world that we cannot crack by ourselves. Give them more leverage and let them set more restrictions at the Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Conference.”

After Wang Weizhi heard his partner's report, he spoke with a slight smile on his face.

Recently, it was really the happiest time since he took over the position of spokesperson of the Global Council.

As long as Su Bai himself does not disclose the technology of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, it is impossible for Hua Guo to take the initiative to disclose this technology.

Under such circumstances, no matter how much restrictions America puts on the Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, Wang Weizhi will not feel uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the purpose of creating bigger surprises for America in the future, Wang Weizhi even wanted to take out the loudspeaker and yell towards America to impose restrictions directly, don't beat around the bush, it would be troublesome for his side to cooperate.

Sometimes, black belly can be addictive.

"Tell me, when the time comes, we will vote for America with the most important vote in our hands. What kind of wonderful expressions will the people on their side have?"

On Wang Weizhi's side, in his office, he looked at his partner and said, feeling a little happy.

The Global Biomedical Mutual Aid Association is not only Huaguo's means to help America, but also an important move in Huaguo's technology delay strategy.

Although Su Bai gave Huaguo a lot of advanced technology beyond this era, technology does not equal combat power.Huaguo now needs time to completely transform its technological advantages into combat effectiveness.

The most important thing is that it is because of America herself that Huaguo can implement this plan, otherwise Huaguo really wouldn't dare to play like this.

The more you understand Su Bai, the more afraid you feel about the mysterious power and technology that Su Bai possesses.

Delusion at any level has the potential to lead to destruction, and of that irresistible kind.

The giant's desire to kill the ants has nothing to do with the ants themselves, but only with the giant's own thoughts.

Therefore, if Su Bai wants to announce the technology to other countries, then Hua Guo is powerless to stop it.

Under such circumstances, a dwarf in Europe, a dwarf in America, allowed Huaguo to obtain a seemingly young but extremely tall civilization like Su Bai without any risk. A chance for super giants to show their favor.

It only needs to pay a small price, and some of Huaguo's technologies can be upgraded for tens or hundreds of years.

The point is, Hua Guo originally thought that the most he could do was to get more bread crumbs, so that he could have a full meal and gain more advantages in this long-distance race called civilization that they themselves conducted.

Then Su Bai gave them a super material called pottery steel, which they could barely make now, in addition to giving them the genetic warrior.

With the power of the whole country, it is difficult to digest Su Bai's gift in a short period of time.Under such circumstances, Su Bai continued to come up with various new technologies, which made the scientists in Huaguo feel a feeling of being forcibly fed and overfed.

There is one thing to say, the feeling of holding technology but not being able to transform it into combat power in a short period of time is uncomfortable, but it is more comfortable than being pinched by someone without technology and unable to breathe.

On the one hand, you can become stronger by gritting your teeth, but on the other hand, you may die suddenly on the spot.

"The most interesting thing should be this year's Nobel Prize in Biomedicine. I have nominated five consecutively and rejected four. The remaining one is due to the lack of research funds and the doubling of this year's Biomedical Prize, so I plan to receive it. , It’s hard to say what will happen at that time.”

At this time, Wang Weizhi's partner spoke.

After Su Bai rejected the Nobel Prize, the Nobel Committee almost gritted its teeth and gave several nomination invitations to scientists who were already on the list.

It was a normal thing in the first place. When the Nobel Prize is not simply based on the contribution to a field, there is also a rescue award.

For example, in the case that another person is more qualified to win the award, but the other scientist is too old and may not survive to receive the award next time, so his ranking will be advanced.

As for why it is so special after Su Bai blatantly rejected the Nobel this year? So many scientists directly refused to receive this field?

It's very simple, all the biologists and medical scientists on the nomination list have been buried in the soil after the appearance of Su Bai's technology, and lost most of their meaning except for reference.

For example, the reason for the first nominee this year is to find the possibility of solving congenital genetic diseases.

Well, maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells can perfectly solve congenital problems. It doesn't need to be possible, but solved.

For another example, the reason why the second medical scientist won the award is the possibility of recultivating embryos of human non-regenerable organs.

Well, it's still a possibility.

Then, Su Bai said, why do we need to re-cultivate in vitro? Wouldn’t it be better to just grow one yourself or repair it?

Rescue awards can only be carried out under the condition that there are no monsters in the relevant field.

At present, in the field of biology, Su Bai has surpassed the original bipolar, becoming the only emperor.As long as Su Bai does not recognize the authority of Nobel in biomedicine, then the Nobel Prize in Biomedicine has almost no meaning other than bonus money!

Many scientists still have to face, and the fifth one is really poor and can't get rid of it, so he has the cheek to go to get it.

"That Feng Yufang seems to have sent someone to contact that medical scientist yesterday. I guess he should also go to make trouble for the Nobel Prize. Hahaha~ Although it is very childish, I really like this little guy more and more."

When Wang Weizhi said this, he couldn't help laughing.

ps: Sorry, the update is a bit late, but it will be updated five times today

Chapter 120 [-] You don't want your mother to work too hard!

International affairs, Su Bai always regards it as the joy of life.No matter how great the fun is, it will not affect Su Bai's normal life.

After spending about a week in Kyoto with Zuo Ming and Zuo Ming's mother, Su Bai also plans to go back to Yunnan Province to see how the old professors are doing with the homework she left behind.

"Didn't it mean that my disease was cured? Why do you still want to eat this kind of thing!"

Before going back, Zuo Ming also got a medicine that Su Bai prepared for her, which she had to drink every day, but Su Bai called it a drink.

This drink looks like slightly blue mineral water, and it doesn't smell like anything, but when you drink it, there is an indescribable taste in it.

It's not that it's hard to drink, but it's hard to swallow for some reason, which makes her a little nauseous.

"Your disease is cured, but the next step is to kill those reactivated cells in your body to prevent problems caused by excessive proliferation. You need to drink half a year."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

The equipment in the biological laboratory given to Su Bai by the system is determined based on the skills Su Bai has mastered and the technological level of the planet he is on.

Even if you have skills, but the technology level is not enough, some useful things will still not appear.

According to the words of the system: "You are the one who will be bullied by me, why should I make you comfortable?"

Under such circumstances, in order to reduce the risk, Su Bai would use some tricks.

For example, when programming cells, the survival time of those cells after programming is not precisely controlled, only controlled within a rough range, and then it may survive through complete killing by later means A series of problems caused by the cells.

This is also the reason why Zuo Ming still takes medicine now.

"I don't understand it very well, so can't I make it better?"

After hearing what Su Bai said, Zuo Ming spoke, and after finishing speaking, he took another sip of the strange-smelling drink in his hand.

After a week of indulgence, Zuo Ming also had a little pursuit of what he drank. It was no longer enough to drink to his heart's content, and it was best to meet her taste.

If possible, Su Bai would do it best by himself.

After all, she had drunk the drink made by Su Bai, it was obviously made of the same thing, but the drink made by Su Bai was extraordinarily delicious.

Except for this medicine in her hand.

"It can be made better."

After Su Bai said this, he snatched half a pack of potato chips from Zuo Ming's hand and prepared to eat it by himself.

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