"Then why don't you make it taste better? You have to drink such a big bottle a day."

Zuo Ming looked at Su Bai innocently, and wanted to take his own potato chips from Su Bai's hand, but then he found that Su Bai didn't block anything, so he let her reach in.

Then it was discovered that Su Bai had only eaten one slice, and the remaining half of the pack of potato chips had disappeared.


After living with Su Bai for a week, she has gotten used to Su Bai talking to himself often and some inexplicable supernatural events happening.

In this regard, there is no way to say anything.

It's not that the potato chips are gone, but that she can only take one bag of potato chips from the snack cabinet a day.After eating, if you want to open it again, you will find that the snacks like potato chips will all disappear.

"Because I'm lazy! It's very troublesome to change the taste without changing the effect of the medicine."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

It took Su Bai more than half an hour to configure the medicine that Zuo Ming needed now, but to change the taste without changing the effect of the medicine, there would be too many adjustments to be made.

A simple estimate would take about two days.

Well, it took her less than seventeen hours to complete the preparation of all the medicines for Zuo Ming's treatment, during which she slept for five hours.

Then, in order to change the taste of the medicine, ask her to spend three or four days doing research? She doesn't do this kind of thing.

The most important thing is that Zuo Ming is seventeen years old, she is an older child, she has no childhood anymore, and the deception of hiding medicine as candy can no longer cause serious psychological harm to her.

Since it is impossible to let her feel the darkness of this world through the wreckage of her childhood, let her know that not everything in this world is beautiful.

This is called revealing the truth!

"Then can't you work hard?"

Zuo Ming pouted and said, but after he finished speaking, he took another sip.

"Compared to this, don't think that you don't need to study if you follow me. This is your daily class schedule in the future."

Su Bai smiled and handed Zuo Ming's schedule.

Being a semester behind, it was basically impossible to go back to school and keep up with the previous learning progress.

Feng Yufang thoughtfully invited the most professional one-on-one private tutor for Zuo Ming.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai also proposed that because of studying at home, there is a lot of rest time, so weekends should also be arranged.

Feng Yufang agreed with this, so there is this schedule.

. . . .

Zuo Ming looked at the schedule in his hand, suddenly feeling a little desperate.

The wonderful summer vacation is spent in a deep sleep. After waking up, you will be happy for a week, and then you will devote yourself to studying in the dark?

After seeing Zuo Ming's little desperate eyes, Su Bai's mood immediately improved.

Under such circumstances, she wants to say something that seems very gentle now: "It's okay, at your age, the pressure is a little more in high school, but after college, it will be easier. Play whatever you want

. . . .

"I know, I know~"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Zuo Ming seemed a little speechless in response.

"Compared to this, don't you care where your mother goes?"

At this moment, Su Bai looked at Zuo Ming and asked.

When Feng Yufang left this morning, Zuo Ming seemed to have nothing to miss, and seemed to have gotten used to it.

"Get used to it, let's do business again!"

Regarding this, Zuo Ming said indifferently.

She has experienced too many things like parting from her mother temporarily, and she is used to it.As long as she is currently suggested to accompany her for a few days after returning from work, like this time, then she will be satisfied.

"You can say that, but it's not just about doing business."

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled slightly.

Feng Yufang's treatment is almost done, and it's time to attack Zuo Ming.

The real villain, after bullying adults, will not let children go!

"Not just to do business? Then what did she do?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Zuo Ming suddenly became worried.

"Do you think I'm the kind of doctor that can be hired with money? My outpatient fee is very expensive, so expensive that your mother can't afford it. In order to cure you, your mother has paid almost everything~ she Whether the work over there will be easy is entirely up to me."

When Su Bai said this, he stood up from the sofa, rubbed his little hands, and looked at Zuo Ming with an evil smile on his face, which made Zuo Ming shrink his head involuntarily. , felt a little bad.

ps: Sorry, this chapter got stuck for a long time.I don’t know if it’s because I’ve completed the update task ahead of time and became lazy, or what’s wrong, I’m a little bit unmotivated, maybe I won’t be able to do the fifth update, but I will at least do the fourth update.

Chapter 120 Three Hate Me! Don't Laugh

"Is this the place?"

Feng Yufang, who had left from Su Bai, stood at the gate of the orphanage in Shanghai and muttered to herself.

After Su Bai completed her daughter's first round of treatment and extended her daughter's life for a week, she was actually ready to exchange all her wealth for the last chance of her daughter's survival.

After all, she did go to understand Su Bai, and she knew what level of existence Su Bai was.

However, after Su Bai returned her [-] million yuan without asking for a penny, she finally realized that she was still too worldly to think about the ambition of a century-level sage with ordinary people's thinking. Yes, a century-level sage, this is Feng Yufang's evaluation of Su Bai, who looks young.

The reason is very simple, the medicines that Su Bai took out and the prices of those medicines are almost the cost price.

Reasonably speaking, as far as the cost price of those drugs is concerned, if Su Bai casually doubles it by a hundred times, it is considered a cheap sale, and it will not affect its sales, and it will definitely earn more.

Under that circumstance, Su Bai didn't do that, and didn't even add his research and development costs into the selling price.

It is also true that most of Su Bai's drugs that are currently circulating on the Internet are undergoing medical insurance approval.

Originally, she didn't understand why it happened so quickly, but when she was about to take over the work that Su Bai had given her, she knew some internal reasons.

Because Su Bai directly left how to make the medicine to the state, and the Food and Drug Administration directly left it to the Medical Insurance Bureau, and then the Medical Insurance Bureau directly eliminated them because the medicine was too cheap.

Yes, after seeing the cost of Su Bai's medicine, the medical insurance bureau, which has always been pushing the price to death, thought it was fake information.

But one thing is certain, that is, Su Bai breaks away from the worldly desires and pours his love into the world, so that everyone who comes into contact with Su Bai can feel Su Bai's blazing sun that loves this world.

Su Bai, that seemingly not tall body has a majestic figure that surpasses all others. It is the scorching sun rising in the darkness, illuminating the hopeless way forward for countless people.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai was still worried that someone would not be able to use her medicine.

To be reasonable, Su Bai was worried.The treatment fee of [-] to [-] yuan is cheap enough, but there are quite a few families in Huaguo, let alone [-] to [-] yuan, and it is difficult for them to spend [-] to [-] yuan.

However, this is not something that Su Bai should consider. She is a scientific researcher. After developing a lot of perfect solutions in the medical field, she did not use those medicines to make too much money, which has made her a real scientific researcher.

A human sage in the sense.

She has illuminated the direction of countless people who fell into the sound of despair, and she has saved countless families.

Without Su Bai, Feng Yufang couldn't imagine how glorious and great a person would be.

No matter how good people are, they are so good!

However, after seeing Su Bai, Feng Yufang discovered that it wasn't that she didn't understand Su Bai, but that as a vulgar human being, she was not worthy to try to figure out the thinking of a sage.

As for the task that Su Bai entrusted to Feng Yufang?

It's very simple, let Feng Yufang develop a charitable relief system that will involve the world in the future based on the orphanage of Director Miao Fangling and a little love platform.

This assistance system has two cores, the first is education assistance.

"Children are the future of human civilization, and they are also the weakest people. Therefore, never let them go. Especially those children who cannot get a qualified education because their families are poor or orphans. They don't want to slip through the nine-year obligation Find them, forcibly feed them, forcibly clothe them, forcibly give them a place to live, and then force them into a cage called a school and accept a torture called study!"

"We want to deprive them of their childhood, let them spend their childhood in dim learning, and let them have no good childhood memories to recall in their later years. After they finally get rid of the hell called school, they will also find , I am no longer young, and need to consider starting a family."

"They just left the school, but they are not free, and the world called social university will continue to torture them forever!"

This passage is Su Bai's general explanation of why the assistance system supports education.

To be reasonable, when Su Bai said this, he seemed to be trying very hard to make himself look bad.

Su Bai's words also sound a little bit wrong, a little bit like trying to bully others, but it feels a little bit wrong.

But after considering Su Bai's age, Feng Yufang attributed it to "Second Childhood Disease", and interpreted what Su Bai really wanted to do from this passage of Su Bai.

She is quite familiar with this kind of thing, because Zuo Ming also had a dark history in the past that he regarded his serious illness as a magical seal, and as long as he lifted it, he could transform into a magical girl.

The second core of this assistance system is medical assistance.

"Aunt Feng, do you think that there are some hateful people in this world who use their serious illness as an excuse to avoid work and study, and even use this to sell themselves miserably?"

"In my opinion, this is a very abhorrent behavior!"

"Is it great to be sick and still have a serious disease? I will let them know what a real villain is!"

"I have almost figured out the various uses of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. Next, I should find time to develop limb regeneration technology and body defect repair technology. The realization of these two technologies is not difficult, so I am now It's just trying to figure out how to reduce the cost of medical care and make it universal."

"And once these two technologies are popularized, we can say no to those who think they are great when they are sick. As long as they are cured, they will no longer be able to use their own serious illness to bully others."

"Of course, we don't need to take care of this part of the people. What we want to take care of are those who are not treated under the pretext of being poor. Don't care about their own will, and heal them for me. If they resist, that's okay. Simple, give me morality to kidnap them and force them to seek medical treatment."

Well, when Su Bai described the rescue education, she seemed a bit secondary, but when describing the rescue medical treatment, Feng Yufang was even more sure.

Well, Su Bai is now in the second stage of middle school, and his head is slightly out of line.However, what Su Bai is going to do, she can still interpret it from Su Bai's words.

"How can there be such lovely people in this world?"

After thinking about Su Bai's trying to pretend that he was evil, but it seemed that he was acting maliciously and cute, Feng Yufang smiled slightly to himself, and didn't say anything more.

At this time, she was also waiting at the gate of the orphanage until Dean Miao Fangling returned from shopping.

ps: No flags will be planted.But this chapter is quite difficult to write... I think you should like it if you describe it like this

Chapter 120 Four

"Is this report card... for real?"

Feng Yufang still has some ideas of her own about the rescue system that Su Bai asked her to establish.The only thing that I don't understand is why Su Bai asked her to travel all the way to Shanghai to investigate a little-known orphanage.

However, it was the task assigned by Su Bai, and she didn't know how to deal with it, so after playing with her daughter enough, she came to this orphanage immediately.

Before coming here, she didn't think that a little-known orphanage would bring her any surprises.

However, after wandering around the orphanage, she found that the environment of this orphanage was quite different from the orphanages she had been in contact with in the past.

I'm not talking about the living environment here, but the overall atmosphere.

When she came, it was noon, which happened to be the time for dinner.

Because she knew that the orphanage was sponsored by Su Bai, she was not too surprised that the food in the orphanage was good. What really surprised her was that hundreds of children were eating in the cafeteria at the same time, but there was no sign of any problems. mess.

The problem of food waste is also pitiful. Many of the children are surprisingly well-behaved and sensible, and a considerable number of children take the initiative to wash the dishes and tidy the table after eating.

In the free time after eating, although many children are still playing on the playground, quite a few of them will actively start studying and doing homework.

Under such circumstances, she asked Dean Miao Fangling for a report card of the children, and then she found that the pass rate of the children in this orphanage reached an astonishing 90.00%!

Of the more than 200 children, about 200 failed in many subjects.In the entire orphanage, there are more than 30 children, and there are more than [-] children whose average grades are above the excellent line.

There are more outstanding ones than failing ones. This kind of situation may only appear in the key classes of some schools, but she saw it in the orphanage.

It's not that she wants to belittle orphans, but that parents' education is too important for children.

The lack of family care and the primitive accumulation that the family will provide will put these orphans at an absolute disadvantage in society and breed their sense of inferiority.

This kind of inferiority complex will directly affect the psychological state of these orphans, which will have a more serious impact on all aspects of their lives.

In a situation of inferiority and low self-esteem, the resources they can have are pitiful, and a considerable number of children cannot receive better education other than basic compulsory education.Even, there are quite a few children who can hardly complete the basic compulsory education.

She has been to an orphanage. Among other orphanages, there are only a handful of orphans with good personality and good grades. Sometimes it is difficult to find one in several orphanages.

And here, there seem to be a bunch.

"It was piled up with money. There are more than 200 children, and the monthly expenditure has reached one million yuan. On average, a person's monthly expenditure is about [-]. If it is not for the sufficient funds provided by Su Bai, they will not be able to support them at all. pick them up."

Dean Miao Fangling spoke at this time, and then told Feng Yufang about the internal point system of the orphanage built by Su Bai.

This point system Su Bai just mentioned a general idea, and in the subsequent implementation process, it has been optimized many times by Dean Miao Fangling.

Now it cannot be said that it has approached perfection, but it is also developing in a good direction, forming a healthy competition within the orphanage.

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