"I didn't ask for your opinion~ Do I need your consent to do something?"

After hearing what Qian Heyue said, Su Bai put his hands on his hips, looked at Qian Heyue with his mouth pouted and said.

The essence of death is a return, and for many old people, death is also a relief.

How evil it is to pull a person back when he is about to be liberated!

From Su Bai's point of view, in front of her, death is a luxury! She can torture whoever she wants.

Faced with an old man who is satisfied with himself and is willing to return to death, and revive him, isn't this a kind of torture?

After Su Bai finished speaking, he turned and left Qian Heyue's ward.

Regarding this, Chen Ming paid a slight salute to Qian Heyue, then turned and left.

Qian Heyue didn't feel the slightest bit angry because of Su Bai's words, but sighed slightly: "It must be quite a headache to take care of such a little ancestor."

ps: Su Bai is so bad, she cried in fright.

Chapter 150 Su Bai? It's just a fish-fishing monster

The news that Su Bai was going to perform gene defect repair surgery on Qian Heyue was not spread through any channels. It was not deliberately concealed, but simply did not tell the outside world about this matter.

Under such circumstances, public opinion in the West has changed from being crazy on the first day to calm

Yes, the news of Su Bai's charity auction only spread wildly for one day. On the second day, most of the media seemed to have regained their sense and did not continue to spread the news on a large scale.

Of course, in this era of rapid information development, the fact that this news has not been reported to a greater extent does not mean that it has not been disseminated.

The major online forums are still full of discussions about this charity auction.

Some people are amazed by the development of science and technology today, while others are lamenting that such technology is only controlled by Huaguo, and there are still some people who are self-righteous and hold high the banner of the unification of human science and technology, saying that Huaguo should make this technology public for the benefit of all mankind.

The calm before the storm.

Under such circumstances, Wei Jianming, who had already entered the top-secret research base, appeared in front of the TV.

"First of all, I want to correct a misunderstanding here, that is, genetic enhancement is not equal to genetic modification. Transformation and enhancement are two concepts."

"For example, the self-healing and blood coagulation abilities of gene-enhanced fighters. This is not a supernatural power, but a pure enhancement of the abilities that humans already have. Gene-enhanced fighters can do many things that ordinary people cannot do, but absolutely Can’t do what humans can’t.”

"According to the abstract analogy of your young people, the upper limit of the level of ordinary people is 70. Through genetic enhancement or repair, it can be raised to 80 or [-]."

"The reason for such an improvement is that everyone's genes are not perfect, nor can they be perfect. There are a lot of defects and room for improvement. Those imperfect parts have caused the gap between everyone. difference."

"In terms of age, why do some people live to their 70s before their organs fail and die of old age, and why some people can live to their 90s? This is caused by genetic defects. Nature is often unfair.

"Under such circumstances, repairing genetic defects can improve the overall quality of the human body. As for improving lifespan, that's just incidental."

During the live broadcast, Wei Jianming actually didn’t say much, but he mentioned two key points, the real existence of genetically enhanced soldiers and the principle of why the repair of genetic defects will bring about an increase in lifespan

Of course, nothing can be done without evidence. Wei Jianming also produced two papers that are currently only circulated among those who study the specialized remodeling cells of mothers and fetuses, to explain the genetic enhancement principle of genetically enhanced soldiers and Su Bai's genetic defect repair. Principles of surgery.

This is like a machine with many defects. It may not be advisable to smash it and build a new one.But it's easy to fix its obvious flaws.

To put it bluntly, in fact, regardless of whether genetically strengthened fighters or genetic defect repair, it is to let the human body reach the original state it should have, rather than adding some new things to the human body, so as to achieve some things that were originally impossible.

"So how close are we to small-scale applications of this genetic defect repair surgery?"

At this time, the reporter in charge of the interview also asked Huaguo Medical College a question that had already been answered, but was still asked repeatedly by an unknown number of people.

That is, how far is human beings from gene repair, and how far is the large-scale application of this technology?

Regarding this, Wei Jianming really hesitated, and then replied: "You think it's very close, but it's actually very far away, maybe even farther than those people in the medical school who don't understand said. Su Bai can do it, It’s because she’s capable enough to do it. But she’s busy most of the time. Why do you think she can achieve what she is today? It’s because she’s a genius and she’s smarter than anyone else. effort."

"To be reasonable, even though I know that the final auction price must be very high, I still think it is a waste of my time for her to do this kind of thing. However, it is helpless to raise funds for those children. She can have such a heart, I feel very relieved."

To be reasonable, when Wei Jianming said this, he couldn't help thinking that most of the time when Su Bai was teaching them, he would throw out a lot of materials for them to understand and discuss, and then he would sit on the podium and take Eat with snacks or play with your phone.

Hard work? It doesn't exist. Su Bai himself strictly abides by the eight-hour working system. Except for a few occasions, he rarely sees Su Bai give them serious lectures for more than an hour.

On the contrary, when they were taught by Su Bai, their group of researchers studied for more than fourteen hours a day.

If Su Bai hadn't given them some injections to strengthen their bodies at that time, after a month of study, there might be accidents for many of them.

Of course, when speaking to the outside world, he will definitely not tell the fact that Su Bai is a fish-fishing monster.

"Yawn~ Who is praising me again!"

In the independent ICU ward of a hospital in Kyoto, Su Bai muttered to himself after he sneezed.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Qian Heyue who was soaked in the high-efficiency nutrient solution on the hospital bed next to him.

At present, Qian Heyue has injected the gene repair medicine specially prepared by Su Bai for him, and the medicine for slightly activating the regeneration ability of internal organs.

The lifespan of human beings is limited, and there is no way to forcibly extend one's lifespan by continuously regenerating internal organs.

At least it is not reasonable to achieve it through the existing human body

Su Bai's restoration of Qian Heyue will also allow him to live another 20 years, allowing him to reach about 110 years old.

[To be reasonable, you are the host who is the master of the fire. 】

At this time, the system popped up and spoke.

"what happened?"

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai asked, a little curious.

When she was about to torture Qian Heyue, the system didn't speak, but now that it did, it meant that something should have happened.

[It's very simple, the Wall Street elites fought among themselves, in order to compete for more money and resources, and finally took the only qualification from you. 】

When the system uttered these words, it displayed a stock market trend chart in front of Su Bai.

Although she doesn't understand the stock market, she can understand electrocardiograms

If this trend chart is turned into an electrocardiogram, then Su Bai can only say what kind of stimulation this person encountered? Are the heart able to bear it?

[Isn’t it just to live another 30 or [-] years? As for it? It’s more exaggerated than I thought. 】

Seeing this, Su Bai said, slightly puzzled.

She originally wanted to make a small fuss, but now it seems that the effect is better than she thought.

【The main thing is that someone found out that you were treating Qian Heyue.Their rationality has completely collapsed!]

The system sees this and says


I feel unwell after the vaccination, sorry for not updating tonight.Daytime update will resume tomorrow.I feel unwell after the vaccination, so I won't update tonight, sorry.Daytime update will resume tomorrow.I feel unwell after the vaccination, so I won't update tonight, sorry.Daytime update will resume tomorrow.I feel unwell after the vaccination, so I won't update tonight, sorry.Daytime update will resume tomorrow.

Chapter 150 Three, This Melon Is So Sweet!

"Gene repair can extend lifespan is real!"

Although Huaguo did not announce Su Bai's itinerary and the news that Su Bai was treating Qian Heyue, he did not hide it either.

Under such circumstances, the outside world paid close attention to Su Bai's movements, and naturally noticed that Su Bai had returned to Shanghai ahead of schedule, and paid more attention to the news of Su Bai's contact with Qian Heyue.

Qian Heyue, as the top botany researcher in Huaguo and even in the world, had already reported that he had a serious health problem in the first half of this year, and he was treated in the hospital for a long time after that.


Some time ago, someone in Qian Heyue's hometown discovered that Qian Heyue's family was preparing for Qian Heyue's funeral.

That move almost foreshadowed that Qian Heyue's body had reached the limit of modern medicine, and he, who had dedicated his whole life to Huaguo, would eventually return to death.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai released the news of the charity auction in the past few days.

The first day when the news of the charity auction was released was a crazy moment for those capital giants who were about to die and lost their minds.

Not only the CIA, but also the intelligence agencies of other countries interfered with everything that might prevent the dissemination of this information.So much so that the news of the charity auction was known to the whole world the next day, breaking through the information blockade of the West.

However, after a day of madness, those capital giants also began to reflect on the next day, whether this may be a simple public opinion offensive.

After all, Su Bai later announced that this was false news, and she would not lose anything. On the contrary, they helped Su Bai promote it for free.

Then, the hospital where Qian Heyue was located delivered two tons of high-efficiency nutrient solution on the day Su Bai arrived.

High-efficiency nutrient solution is a super nutrient solution specially designed for maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells that can be [-]% absorbed by humans. Currently, the only use is to assist operations related to maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

To minimize the side effects of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Although it is said that it will be used in other aspects in the future, the supply is very limited because mass production has not yet been realized.

Under such circumstances, after Su Bai arrived at the hospital where Qian Heyue was located, he directly transported two tons, which made people's imagination run wild.

Not to mention, Hua Guo did not block the news that Qian Heyue was being treated by Su Bai.

If you connect a few clues in series, the answer will be obvious.

Under the circumstances that Su Bai clearly wants to use this charity auction to divide the high-level and low-level people in the Western world, what is the best way to prove the usefulness of Su Bai's genetic repair technology? It is very simple.

It is enough to prolong a person's life.

Qian Heyue's current situation fits this point, and he is also eligible for life extension.

This is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that Feng Yufang held a meeting about this auction that day.At the meeting, Feng Yufang considered that only cash would be collected in order to manage charities, and for solid

Fixed assets and the like depend on the situation.

Although, this is just one of Feng Yufang's considerations.But it still triggered the madness of those capital giants who were about to die of old age

Many of them can't wait for another five years, and they don't know whether Su Bai will be released again after five years, so they can only choose to seize the only opportunity now

As for why this will cause Wall Street stocks to appear like an electrocardiogram? It is very simple, big capital is very rich, but when it comes to actual use of funds, there is not much.

The not much mentioned here refers to the 200 billion that can be obtained, and more that cannot be obtained in a short time.

After all, there are too many competitors, and there is only one quota, so the final auction price must be a sky-high price, beyond imagination!

After all, no one can evaluate how much a dying person is willing to spend to keep him alive for another 30 to [-] years.

Ever since, the top executives of western capital set off a financial wave, withdrawing a large amount of funds from the stock market to use as follow-up auction funds.

Not only that, although the auction didn't even have a formal official announcement.However, for those who are eager to get the only chance to prolong their life, the auction has already started at the same time as they get the news


Before the auction officially starts, using financial means to snatch funds from potential competitors will maximize your chances of winning, and it is also a way to eliminate competitors.

What's more, the people who enter are not only those old people.

In the face of the choice between longevity and death, the ugliness of human nature can be seen at a glance.

Regarding these, Su Bai only said one sentence: "This melon is so sweet!"

Don't get me wrong, although Su Bai is definitely the kind of sarcastic person, but at this time it is really not sarcastic, but Qian Heyue's granddaughter Sun Qirou is holding a super sweet cantaloupe that she has just cultivated and Su Bai

After sharing, after taking a bite, Su Bai expressed emotion.

"It's a pity that this kind of melon is an accidental product. At present, the gene of this kind of melon cannot be determined, let alone large-scale production, even small-scale production."

Sun Qirou said, and handed another piece to Su Bai.

After taking a look at the ICU ward behind Su Bai, I took a look at the one I had left, and cut it off too.

"A product of chance?"

After Su Bai heard it, he was stunned for a moment, thinking that he could only eat it this time, which was a pity.

[Skills can be used to release Melon crop breeding skills LV5. 】

The next moment, the sound of the system sounded

After hearing the sound of the system, Su Bai took a bite of the melon in his hand, and then said with dissatisfaction: "You ate most of it by yourself, and you didn't even give me LV6? Are you so stingy about small skills? "

This melon was not big, Sun Qirou ate a small half by herself, and the system took the rest, so she ate two small pieces.

Then, when the system is asked to do something, the system still picks and searches, which is unbearable!

[This system just doesn't want you to have a good meal and do things at once. Food is not what this system needs. 】


After Su Bai heard the system's words, he smiled contemptuously, then picked up the half-cut melon from Sun Qirou's side, stuck out his tongue, licked it under Sun Qirou's bewildered eyes, and said, "This half melon Melon has been

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