I licked, you can't...eat..."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he looked at his empty hands, feeling a little dazed.

She was in a ward yesterday and saw a sister who used this trick to deal with her gluttonous sister.Why, it doesn't work here?

"It's okay, this is yours too."

Although Sun Qirou didn't understand how the half of the melon disappeared, he still handed over the remaining half.

Today is four more, strive for five more

Chapter 150 Four

"Uncle Chen Ming, tell me, can human nature stand the test?"

After nightfall, in a high-end hot pot restaurant near the hospital, after Su Bai failed to pour the second bottle of chili into the hot pot in front of him, he looked up at Chen Ming and said.

Qian Heyue has passed the dangerous period of the first 24 hours, and after entering the safest stage of full-body repair, Su Bai also began to choose to fish.

Regarding this, Chen Ming glanced at a piece of news displayed on Su Bai's mobile phone next to him.

This piece of news is actually nothing, the content is the news that a super rich man in foreign countries died of illness.

The super rich is 87 years old this year and was bedridden two years ago.However, while he was on the hospital bed, he still controlled his business empire by remote control, and within two years, let his business empire

The market value of the company has risen again by about 20.00%, which is quite a terrifying growth.

He was originally the most favorable competitor for the charity auction that Su Bai was going to hold, but unfortunately he didn't seem to persist until the auction was held, and fell under the rising sun.

After seeing the news, Chen Ming handed his oil dish to Su Bai, and said: "Human nature is not for testing, this one is meaningless, it will only increase troubles."

On Su Bai's side, after seeing the oil dish Chen Ming handed over, his eyes lit up, and he immediately picked up an octopus leg and rolled it twice in the oil dish.

When Su Bai was about to put the octopus legs into his mouth, Chen Ming calmly took out five jellies from his pocket and put them on the table.

The moment five jellies were placed on the table, four of them disappeared, and the remaining one was snatched by Su Bai immediately and stuffed into his pocket.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ming had already realized the strangeness, and continued to speak: "Why do you suddenly ask about human nature?"

Su Bai seldom asked him some serious questions, most of the time Su Bai seemed very serious.

"I just think it's fun. Humans are still far away from mastering genetic programming. You said, they spent hundreds of billions to photograph something, and then it didn't take long for millions or tens of millions to be realized. You

What would the person who took this picture think?"

After hearing Chen Ming's question, Su Bai spoke with great interest.

After Chen Ming heard Su Bai's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he dismissed the idea that Su Bai would continue to save people through gene repair on a large scale.

The reason is very simple, as Su Bai said, a few million or tens of millions can be achieved.

"What new technology?"

After thinking briefly, Chen Ming asked.

Su Bai's retaliation against West's ridicule is largely childish.It's a pity that the things Su Bai brought out are really a bit scary, so the anger of a child like Su Bai cannot be tolerated by the West.

He really wanted to know how Su Bai wanted to anger the West next.

"It's not a new technology. Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cell technology is the full name of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cell programming technology. The programming mentioned here does not just mean that human beings can program this kind of universal cells to repair and perfect their own genes.

It also means that this technology appeared to cooperate with computer technology. "

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

After Su Bai said these words, Chen Ming was a little dazed.

"This cell...can really use a computer to freely program the human gene sequence?"

With a hint of doubt, Chen Ming asked, feeling that his three views had been subverted a little.

"Why do you think that the human brain can really do complex genetic programming? Without the assistance of supercomputers, you can at most complete single-gene programming. This is the current limit of human beings, and you need to rely on subtle

Mathematical models and countless calculations per second will work. "

After Su Bai said this, he suddenly looked up at Chen Ming and said, "Of course, I can do it without a computer."

"As a genius of the century, it's not a problem to surpass the computer, is it?"

After seeing Su Bai's expression of coming to praise me all over his face, Chen Ming said decisively.

After plucking a piece of hairy belly out of the hot pot with satisfaction, Su Bai continued: "You guys have initially mastered the application of the dark element, and if you make the first supercomputer of the dark element chip, you can start to involve genes in a small scale.

programmed.I am also planning to write a small program for fun.As long as this small program has enough computing power, it should be able to repair some genetic defects in the human body. "

When Su Bai said this, he looked up at Chen Ming, and then continued: "Actually, it's not that computers can't surpass me now. Before you push the Ming chip to the microscopic field, this small program I made

, subject to the upper limit of computing power, at most about five genetic changes can be achieved, which cannot reach my current comprehensive genetic defect repair.After reaching the microscopic field and really developing the usefulness of the chip, let's talk about it, after all

After all, the growth of computing power is geometric times. "

After seeing Su Bai's staring eyes, Chen Ming pondered for a while and then said: "I don't think that the current computer can't surpass the current you, and the future computer will naturally not be able to surpass the future you.

Isn't it? It's possible for the human brain to be overtaken, but you can't. "

Chen Ming decisively grasped the sentence "In fact, computers can't surpass me now" in Su Bai's words.

Although some people say that there is no good end to being a dog licker, sometimes some people are not qualified to be a dog licker.At least licking Su Bai gave Chen Ming a sense of accomplishment.

"Of course, I'm a genius!"

After Su Bai heard Chen Ming's words, he felt very satisfied. Sure enough, Chen Ming knew me too.

"By the way, Aunt Feng Yufang will return to Shanghai tomorrow. You can help me with the auction. The time is set in a month. After I have finished dealing with brother Xie Yi's affairs, I will start. You can decide the location yourself."

, When I arrive, I will hold the fire, ah no, just watch. "

After Su Bai finished speaking, he ate the last squid foot in the bowl, jumped off the chair, turned around and left, muttering to himself when he left: "The last thing that will be photographed will be a nasty old man. Wait money in hand

I'll just make the super calculation, and then piss off that damn rich man.Let them laugh, I don't care about my height, what's wrong with 1.5 meters, it's enough, I'll go back and make a medicine that can grow taller in the future,

Drink ten or eight bottles of it, and see who is short. "

Facing Su Bai's nagging, Chen Ming bowed his head silently, took out a ball from the hot pot and put it in his mouth.

You can't laugh, he is a professional, you must not laugh at this time, you must firmly believe that Su Bai doesn't care about her own height!

ps: Uncle Chen Ming has done a lot of hard work

Chapter 150 Five I've Grow Taller


Some things, Su Bai not only said, but actually did it.

He said to make ten bottles and eight bottles of height-stimulating potions, so he did it immediately.

Moreover, Su Bai not only made ten or eight bottles, but at least eighty bottles.

So, after drinking everything, Su Bai burped in satisfaction, and then confidently came to the height measuring instrument.

[Drip~ The current height is 1.5 meters two, an increase of one centimeter. 】

"!? Fuck! You have the system!"

After hearing the broadcasting sound of this instrument, Su Bai was so happy that he almost jumped up on the spot.

But before it was funny for half a second, she felt that the voice seemed a little wrong.

To be precise, it was sent from the wrong place.This sound did not come from the speaker of the machine, but from inside her mind.

Simply put, the system imitates the sound of this machine, nothing more.

After looking for someone to punch a few times to no avail, Su Bai said to the system: "Wait, don't let me pull the miracle, let me pull the machine, the one behind your buttocks is all sensitive. The tail is definitely unable to escape



After hearing Su Bai's words, the system let out a disdainful laugh.

"Hey, he was tricked by the system again."

After the system gave out this smile, Su Bai checked his cooldown CDs for major skills.

After supporting himself many times, his height didn't move by a centimeter, and the cooldown CD of major skills went down by a third.

Su Bai got angry when he saw this, and immediately said: "If you don't compensate me with an LV6 skill, I will lose every time I play this thing!"

[House dance LV6, let me know? If you go to the square to do a house dance, I will give you house dance LV7.After upgrading to LV7, some features of this skill have reached the conceptual level~]

Seeing this, the system said, there was a little bewitching taste in the words.

Regarding this, Su Bai seemed to be really thinking about it. He took out his mobile phone and swiped at the dance area for half an hour. Finally, he turned off his mobile phone in satisfaction, and said to the system, "You want me to go to the square to do a house dance. not no


【What conditions!】

After the system heard Su Bai's words, it immediately became happy. Could it be that...

"Give me physics LV6, LV5 is fine, if you really can't, give me LV3 or LV4."

Su Bai said calmly.

She probably has hundreds of skills now, the strongest skill of which is Mathematics LV5.But physics, the strongest skill on the technology side, she currently doesn't have at level one.

Yes, there is no level one, and even the possibility of getting LV1 and then relying on skill upgrades to become LV6 does not exist.

[I'm hungry, let's cook.I'm going to eat apple pie today. 】

The system spoke at this time, and directly chose to change the subject.

If mathematics is the strongest tool on the technological side, then physics is the answer to the truth on the technological side.The three words of physics can no longer be described by grades, it is the end of all things.

Su Bai even suspected that the system would not be able to produce physics, which is definitely a major category of skills.

"So do you have the skill of physics? Math is given to me, physics should also be arranged!"

Seeing that the system was pretending to be dead, Su Bai said indignantly.

What's wrong with giving her some awesome skills and making her pretend to be awesome? Will she die?

[I want to eat apple pie, and add another jelly. 】

The system continues to change the topic.

Um, not acting at all.

"Three skills, otherwise there is no need to talk about it."

Seeing that the system continued to pretend to be dead, Su Bai answered decisively.

[This is simple, I will give you three of your favorite skills. 】

[Skill 1 releases giant combat body driving skills LV1, high-dimensional giant humanoid mobile combat platform operating skills LV1, seven-level civilized miniature individual soldier phase combat outfit LV[-]]

"...you are vicious!"

After seeing the three skills given by the system, Su Bai gritted his teeth and said.

Among these three skills, the lowest level is the giant combat body driving skill LV1.Requires prerequisite level 3 civilization.

As for the latter two? All of them are things that can only be touched by civilizations above the fifth level.

[How about this, let me tell you a very interesting thing, this time the auction really attracted an incredible person~]

The system spoke at this time.

"I'm not interested in knowing, whoever it is, just wait until the time comes to vomit blood."

Su Bai spoke directly.

After finishing speaking, Su Bai left the laboratory, came to the living room, patted Zhou Xue's buttocks lying on the sofa in an upside-down posture, and snatched away half of Zhou Xue's food for Zuo Ming fruit salad.

When Zuo Ming was about to get angry at Su Bai, Su Bai reached out to fish out a goldfish from the fish tank, went to the yard, glanced at the neighbor's Erha who was lying on his lawn, and then shook it. goldfish in hand, will

It was thrown into a neighbor's yard.

Seeing this, Erha took a brisk leap and returned to the yard of his home.

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