After finishing this, Su Bai turned his head and looked at Zuo Ming who was walking towards him angrily, and said, "From now on, you are not allowed to buy fish that cost more than two yuan, it's so beautiful, I don't want to feed it to you." .”

"Aren't you mistaken, goldfish are also alive, how can you do this!"

Zuo Ming looked at Su Bai angrily and said, expressing his indignation at Su Bai's behavior of catching goldfish and directly feeding Erha.

"Pineapple pie, and then say I was wrong."

Regarding this, Su Bai said calmly.

"Add double skin milk."

Zuo Ming, who was still full of anger a second ago, pouted and said, as if to show that he was still a little reserved.

"it is good."

"I was wrong."

Well, after Su Bai agreed, Zuo Ming said that he could exchange a pineapple pie and double skin milk with a goldfish, which is still a good deal.

So, to celebrate this, Zuo Ming also caught another goldfish from the fish tank and threw it to Erha.

Well, joy is to be shared, a world where no one and dog get hurt, it’s done~

"This is the homework I did today. You assigned three pages, and I did five pages!"

When Zhou Xue saw Su Bai coming in, she sat upright and showed off the homework she had done today.

"One more page."

After saying this, seeing Zhou Xue's small mouth pouting immediately, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that makes people happier than bullying a cute little loli.

As for what would happen if Zhou Xue didn't become Su Bai?

"I'll eat apple pie and double skin milk when I'm done, and I'll give you an extra ice cream then!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Zhou Xue burying her head in her homework happily, Su Bai nodded in relief.

These are what Zhou Xue should have obtained, and use what she should have obtained to motivate her to study.

Sure enough, no one in the world is more evil than her!

ps: There is still a chapter that needs to sort out the follow-up plot development, and it will be updated at noon.This chapter counts as NO.13, and NO.14 has four or five more.

Chapter 150 Six Not Too Much Purchasing Principles

"Human nature cannot stand the test."

When facing Su Bai's question, Chen Ming answered to a certain extent whether human nature can stand the test.

That answer was actually just a very vague answer, and it didn't really answer Su Bai's question directly.

However, after seeing many cases in the western world and even in China, Chen Ming became more and more aware of one point, that is, there is no bottom line for the darkness of human nature.

As for what these cases are? It’s very simple. In order to prevent their fathers and even grandparents from living longer than themselves, some descendants of rich people have done many things beyond the scope of human thinking.

Murder or paying for murder is considered trivial nowadays. The thing that shocked Chen Ming the most was that after the death of his grandfather, the grandson of a rich man wanted to inherit his grandfather to the greatest extent in the shortest possible time.

The family business, so choosing to marry his grandma, made Chen Ming, who had seen a lot of world affairs, look stupid.

When the dark side of human nature is stimulated, you can't imagine the so-called darkness.

As for why this happens? It’s very simple. It’s not just the elderly who are longing for longevity. Young people are even more eager.

In particular, when Feng Yufang announced that the charity auction would be officially held a month later, she also announced a paper on the principle of gene repair technology written by Su Bai himself.

In this paper, it is clearly pointed out that the principle of life extension in gene repair technology is the constant function of the body.

After the operation, the body of the person undergoing the operation will remain between fifty and seventy years old, maintaining all the functions that the human body should have at this age.Even if some body functions have been lost due to aging problems

, can also be recovered by this surgery.

To maintain a constant body function requires the cooperation of all organs in the body.

Some things in the paper are very euphemistic, but people with a discerning eye can still see what it is.

Under such circumstances, more people would come to participate in the auction, and it also made those who really longed for longevity even more crazy.

"The security at the hospital is good. Today is the day when Academician Qian Heyue is discharged from the hospital. Don't cause any problems."

Regarding the question of whether human nature is dark, Chen Ming did not overly explore it. After all, there are still many things to do today.

Among them, Qian Heyue was finally leaving the hospital.

After a week of gene regeneration, Qian Heyue officially woke up the day before yesterday.

However, because he was continuously soaked in the high-efficiency nutrient solution for a week, he couldn't adapt to the normal air in a short period of time, so it took a day or two to adapt.

This is not just the recovery of breathing ability, but Qian Heyue needs to re-adapt to his healthy body after completing genetic repair.

After two days of recovery, Su Bai officially confirmed that Qian Heyue's condition had reached the level of being discharged from the hospital, so last night, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Huaguo officially celebrated Qian Heyue's reunification.

Regain your health once and for all.

Well, it's more euphemistic to say, regain health.But people with discerning eyes can still see the tricks in it.

Under such circumstances, while Huaguo Medical College also celebrated, they explained the exact time of Qian Heyue's discharge from the hospital.

Almost instantly, it attracted the attention of the global media

Before the discussion on limb regeneration technology came to an end, Su Bai once again used gene repair technology to break through the blockade of Western public opinion and attracted global attention.

With a lot of media around the world scrambling to report, the secret that Qian Heyue is the first person in the world to receive gene repair surgery has long been made public.

Many people want to know, how miraculous is the so-called gene repair technology?

And this problem was solved before Qian Heyue was discharged from the hospital, because...

"Just kidding!"

Outside a basketball court next to the hospital where Qian Heyue was located, a group of reporters stared dumbfounded at the basketball court where Qian Heyue was playing basketball with a group of people.

It can be clearly seen that the group of people playing basketball with Qian Heyue is still very restrained in their actions, and they don't dare to have a direct physical confrontation with Qian Heyue.

However, Qian Heyue didn't care about other people's thoughts at all. After grabbing the basketball, he performed a three-step layup for everyone onlookers.

For people who often play basketball and have a physical advantage, the difficulty factor for a three-step layup is really not that big.

The problem is, Qian Heyue is ninety this year!

An old man at this age plays basketball and also plays three-step layups. Is this really possible?

"It's a bit exaggerated to be true."

On the edge of the basketball court, while Su Bai was eating a piece of fruit, Miao Zeyi, a medical academician sitting beside her, spoke.

Even though he was also taught by Su Bai, after seeing Qian Heyue's current physical condition, he still has some doubts about life.

"To change the concept, an old man around 65 years old who is in good health is playing basketball, so it is easier to understand."

Su Bai said calmly.

As a botanist, Qian Heyue's body was actually well protected by himself.In addition, when Su Bai saw him, his body hadn't developed in a vicious direction that was really completely out of control, so after the restoration was completed

Finally, Qian Heyue's physical condition was fixed at around 65 years old.

Although the body of this age has already passed its peak period, it has not yet entered the completely unstoppable aging period.So it's okay to play basketball.

"Compared to this, I feel that you are a bit...overplaying the price of foreign medicines. This will not be conducive to the internationalization of gene repair medicines."

On Qian Heyue's side, Miao Zeyi didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, it was Su Bai who made the move, so there is absolutely no possibility of problems.

His main concern now is the internationalization of gene repair medicines.

Three days ago, Huaguo formally submitted to the Global Bio-Medical Mutual Aid Association the purchase principles of the human immune remodeling medicine, the kidney function reactivation and multiple organ minor repair medicine in the body, and the high-efficiency nutrient solution.

The entire western world was stunned again almost for a while.

This purchase principle cannot be said to be too much, it can only be said that it is rare in the Western world.

According to what Miao Zeyi knew, this purchase principle came from Su Bai.

"Have you overplayed it? No, America's Secretary of State said that the dignity of the West cannot be trampled on, so I just want to give it a try. Anyway, it won't break the law if you try it, right?"

Su Bai said indifferently, as if he was emphasizing something.

ps: Sorry, this chapter has been stuck for a whole day.Sure enough, Calvin can only solve it with a dead line.

Chapter 150 Seven I'm Not Discussing With You

"You say, why do people in the western world always like to dance disco in minefields?"

At the Huaguo Office of the World Council Headquarters, Wang Weizhi opened his mouth a little helplessly while watching the objection drafts submitted by other countries after his side submitted the first batch of technical support from Huaguo to the World Biomedical Mutual Aid Association.

said in language.

"After all, Su Bai's reaction the first three times was not very strong, which gave them the illusion that Su Bai is someone who is easy to bully. It's only three times, and Su Bai endured them three times, and even tried to die, so we can't blame Su Bai for meddling. our side

There is a question of pricing. "

After Wang Weizhi's partner heard Wang Weizhi's words, he spoke.

Faced with Su Bai's use of genetic repair technology to break through the barriers of public opinion in the Western world, and classify the high-level capital and low-level people in the Western world, the Western world did not fail to make some resistance.

For example, some congressmen have submitted a bill to prohibit their nationals from participating in this auction.

Well, then something happened at the congressman's house that day.

In addition to this low-level means, there are also some high-level means to restrict through financial means.

This method is really useful, but it is only effective for those capital giants based in the financial field. For those real giants, it still cannot cause too much interference to them

Under such circumstances, four days ago, when America's Secretary of State was asked by reporters about his views on gene repair technology at a press conference, he admitted Huaguo's "small" advantage in biology

Huaguo has long been used to this kind of yin and yang strangeness, but after she finished her yin and yang strangeness, she added: "If Su Bai can really repair the genes perfectly, I think she should take more calcium tablets."

Well, this time I didn't mention the dwarf, I just persuaded Su Bai to take more calcium tablets.

There is actually the same meaning inside and outside the words, Su Bai, who can solve the genetic problem by laughing, cannot solve his own height problem.

Huaguo doesn't know whether Su Bai has seen this incident, but the day after America's Secretary of State finished speaking, Su Bai put forward his opinions on the modification of the purchase qualifications of foreign gene repair medicines. Manuscript submission

Give it to Chen Ming.

As for what was written in this opinion draft?

"We will never agree to this model. What's more, what we submit is all technology. It's not appropriate for you, Huaguo, to directly use the World Biomedical Mutual Aid Association as a platform for selling medicine!"

At the technical communication meeting of the World Biomedical Mutual Aid Association held that day, the representative of America looked at Wang Weizhi and questioned him.

All the countries participating in the World Biomedical Mutual Aid Association except Huaguo submitted their own advanced medical technology, and Huaguo said before that they would submit human immune reconstruction drugs and kidney function reactivation and multiple organs in the body.

Official minor repair potion.

When it was actually submitted, a high-efficiency nutrient solution was added.

However, this is not the technology they thought, but a physical drug.

In fact, it is not too much to submit physical drugs. The problem is that Huaguo gave them the drug samples, and they happily took them home and analyzed them in their research institutions.

Research institutes in countries with substandard technology say it could be very difficult to crack.Research institutions in countries with qualified technology said that they cannot be imitated within 20 years.

Under such circumstances, they looked at the price list submitted by Hua Guo.

The human immune reconstitution drug costs [-] US dollars per dose, and a course of treatment is three to four doses.Renal function reactivation and minor repair of multiple organs in the body cost [-] US dollars per dose, and a course of treatment is also three to four doses.High-efficiency nutrient solution one

The liter is also about one thousand dollars.A patient will probably use three to five liters, and a small part will use more than ten liters.

Although there is a huge gap between this price and the price in Huaguo, it is not an unacceptable price.

There is only one problem, only medication, no instructions.

It is equivalent to giving you an ultra-precise instrument, and then not telling you how to use it, but [-]% accidents will happen if you use it indiscriminately.

Without knowing the principle, trial and error with human life, filling in tens of thousands of people may not necessarily result in results.

Of course, Huaguo has thoughtfully prepared technicians, that is, medical personnel in charge of the operation.

From simple cargo handlers to chief surgeons, everything is included, and there are even chefs responsible for cooking.

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