Among them, the simplest mover is [-] dollars a day in leisure time, and [-] dollars a day in work time. Regardless of whether he has worked for [-] hours or not, he will be counted as [-] hours. If the time exceeds this time, he will be settled at three times the salary.

The most expensive chief surgeon spends US$200 a day in leisure time and US$40 an hour in work.Eight hours count as one day, and only a maximum of [-] million US dollars can be charged a day, and [-] US dollars are saved intimately.


By the way, this team is bound and hired, divided into three specifications.Even if the most expensive one does not work for a day, the expenditure has reached 100 million US dollars.

Thought this was the end? No, this was just the beginning.Due to the problems of medical equipment in other countries, it cannot meet the needs of surgery.Therefore, various instruments used during the operation are also charged.

For example, cotton balls responsible for hemostasis cost 100 yuan a ball.

Well, this is the purchase principle submitted by Su Bai, the medicine is not expensive, the people are expensive, and the equipment is expensive.

According to the simplest estimate, if one person is cured, the cost price that people from other countries have to pay has reached 500 million US dollars.

In fact, there are quite a few surgeries at this price in the world.The problem is, the procedure only takes a day or so.

One surgery, one day's expenditure of 500 million, is desperate!

Under such circumstances, the Western world has seen the guidance price of the human immune reconstruction surgery announced by the China Food and Drug Administration from [-] to [-].

Although it is said that this price requires medical insurance, it still breaks the minds of people in the Western world.

They do it once, even if it is a one-to-one currency conversion, it is enough for people in Huaguo to do it five hundred times.What's more, the exchange rate between Huaguo's currency and the U.S. dollar is about one to seven.

Seeing that Hua Guo naturally resisted in the Western world, which was blatantly sucking their blood.

Regarding the aggressive-looking Western politicians, Wang Weizhi calmly took a sip from the thermos in his hand, and then said: "Please don't misunderstand one thing, that is, I am not discussing with you.

.The guide purchase plan I submitted fully referred to the opinions of Academician Su Bai of our country, followed the ideas of people in the western world to pursue freedom and dignity, and was by no means forced by will.You can buy it or not. "

Chapter 150 Eight So-called Capital

"In this way, Alina once again protected her friend, and let the ice and snow play once again restore peace. Well, today's bedtime story is over, and the good boy should go to bed."

Late at night, after Jason finished telling his daughter a bedtime story, he gently reached out and stroked his daughter's little head, and then planned to turn off the bedside light to let his daughter fall asleep.

"Dad, I'm thirsty."

At this time, Jason's daughter pursed her chapped lips, looking into Jason's eyes, pleading.

Regarding this, Jason was silent for a while, then got up and picked up a glass of water from the table behind him, dipped some lightly with a cotton swab, and then applied it on his daughter's thirsty lips, letting his daughter sip gently a little on a cotton swab

There may be only one or two drops of water, and then say: "You can drink water tomorrow. Be good today and sleep well."

After seeing his daughter's eyes still staring directly at the glass of water in his hand, Jason felt a bit hard in his heart, turned off the lights in the room, and then came to the door.

After closing the door of his daughter's boudoir, Jason slumped at the door looking tired, with tears streaming from his eyes.

His daughter just wanted to drink some water and sleep well, and he couldn't satisfy even the simplest request.It made him physically and mentally exhausted.

After gently wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Jason planned to get up and go back to his room.

"Honey, this..."

At this moment, Jason found his wife standing at the door with a full face of hesitation, holding a mobile phone in her hand, looking very hesitant.

"Is something wrong?"

Jason asked, a little confused, but he walked over immediately and looked at the contents of his wife's phone.

It is a domestic medical news report in Huaguo, which briefly explained that at the World Biomedical Mutual Aid Association, Huaguo officially confirmed the human immune reconstruction drug, kidney function reactivation and multiple organ minor repair drugs in the body, and high

The export of effective nutrient solution.

As long as it passes the testing of national institutions, it will be introduced by countries all over the world

What made him most happy was that the news directly stated that the export price of the drug for reactivating kidney function and minor repair of multiple organs in the body was only [-] US dollars per dose, and only three to four doses were needed for a course of treatment.

High-efficiency nutrient solution only costs US$[-] per liter, even if his daughter uses ten liters, it will only cost US$[-].

For Jason, who earns more than $50 a year, it is not difficult to pay this amount of money.

When he saw this, a happy smile appeared on the corner of Jason's mouth, and he couldn't help but imagine the scene of his daughter running and playing freely under the bright sunshine after being cured of uremia.

The advancement of technology is really wonderful.

However, this idea only existed in his mind for a moment, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared when he read the news.

Almost half a year ago, he knew that Huaguo had the means to completely treat congenital kidney disease.At that time, he wanted to go to Huaguo to seek a healthy body for his daughter.

It's a pity that after contacting many parties, it was discovered that Huaguo refused to use this technology on foreigners at that time, but it also explained that it will open up after the medical pressure is reduced.

After knowing this, Jason began to learn Chinese while waiting patiently. He wanted to go to Huaguo as soon as Huaguo opened up this medical technology to foreigners.

Because he has learned Chinese, he obtains information on the reactivation of kidney function and the minor repair of multiple organs in the body from the medical media of Huaguo.

In particular, the Food and Drug Administration in Huaguo, from time to time, announces the clinical results of drugs for the reactivation of kidney function and the slight repair of multiple organs in the body, almost all of which are good news.

Especially in terms of price, the China Food and Drug Administration has long said that the maximum price within medical insurance will not exceed [-], and the maximum price for non-medical insurance personnel will not exceed one million.

The official price is also mentioned in this piece of news.

The official reference price is [-] to [-] for people with medical insurance, who need to submit the application by themselves, and then wait for the allocation of medical resources.The priority of non-medical insurance personnel will be postponed according to the severity of the disease, and the price will also be [-]

About one hundred thousand.

This is the price Hua Guo pays to its own citizens

Reasonably speaking, it would be easy for Jason to take out the money.After all, my daughter's medical expenses for a year are more than that.

It's not too much money to cure my daughter's illness with less than a year's medical expenses

Then, he saw the price of hiring a doctor from Huaguo who can perform kidney regeneration activation and minor repair operations on multiple organs.

Hua Guo also specially marked the price that citizens of the country do not need to know, it is just a reference for foreign resonance.

And this column is very long, filled with a bunch of numbers, a bunch of numbers that make Jason feel cold.

According to the reference price given by Huaguo, even if your country doesn’t make any money, it will cost 500 million U.S. dollars to cure a person.

To be fair, the price is not too outrageous.

After all, uremia is a terminal illness, and all current treatments are just to delay the death of the patient.

Under such circumstances, it is not incomprehensible that there is a medicine that can cure a patient [-]% and the price is ridiculously high.

But the problem is...he saw the price of Huaguo's own people.

People in Huaguo, even without medical insurance, only need 50 RMB to treat diseases, while in other countries, 500 million is still in US dollars.Seventy times the price gap.If you want to compare with Chinese citizens who have medical insurance, then

That's seven hundred times!

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Don't look at his annual income of about 50 US dollars, and because of his daughter, he has the habit of saving money.However, because he wanted to treat his daughter's illness, the family didn't actually have much savings, 500 million, he couldn't get it at all.

come out.

What's more, when you really have to pay, I'm afraid it's more than 500 million, and 1000 million is considered low.

Under such circumstances, Jason forced himself to calm down. He still had a chance to buy medical insurance for his daughter.

So, after 10 minutes, Jason's roar resounded in the dark night.

"So, is the medical insurance that I spend 10,000+ per year useless? You kept saying that as long as there is a medicine that can really cure my daughter, it must be covered by the insurance. Now tell me this

Only drugs are covered, but personnel costs are not included?"

Yes, this is the answer given by the manager of the medical insurance he bought for his daughter, that is, medical insurance only covers drugs, not personnel costs.He spends 10,000+ per year to buy medical insurance when he needs it most

Time, did not play their usefulness.

ps: more updates today

Here is the push book

"People in the League, Raiders Leona"

Introduction: [8k daily update, stable update, rest assured to follow up, new book set sail, same recipe, more delicious taste. 】

Chapter 150 IX The So-called Freedom of Speech

People can endure darkness when they don't know what light is.But after seeing the beauty of the light, the coldness and despair of the darkness became unbearable.

Reasonably speaking, the price of 500 million US dollars is really the normal price for reconstructing the human immune system and activating the regeneration function of the kidney.

After all, if you want to activate the kidney regeneration function and achieve the purpose of kidney regeneration, you need to study more than the kidney. The technical details contained in it are beyond imagination, and it will also bring extremely expensive time costs.

book and research costs.

Under the stacking of these double costs, the early stage of this technology is definitely not something that ordinary people can enjoy. The price of 500 million US dollars is reasonable, and the price of 5000 million US dollars is even acceptable.

Western media also reported the relevant news for the first time.

After the news was announced, it almost caused a carnival among related patients all over the world, and some patients with heart problems also joined the carnival.

After all, Huaguo's heart regeneration technology has been overcome. Although it is still some time before clinical practice, it is not far away.

It's just that their orgy didn't last long.

When the media in the western world reported the news, they deliberately avoided the cost of personnel and only mentioned the price of the drug itself.

A course of treatment only costs around US$[-].Compared with this disease, this price is no different from picking it up for nothing.

However, if you look at the stock market, you will find that the stock prices of related pharmaceutical companies have not fallen after the announcement of this news, but have recovered somewhat.

The reason is that in the whole of the West, there is no team capable of performing related surgeries.

Not to mention being capable, no one knows how to use it.

In fact, this is not a matter of personnel and equipment charges, but that when Huaguo sells drugs, it has to go to the buyer to sign an insurance.That is, people who are not theirs are operating, and if there is a medical accident, buy

Fang is going to submit a fine of 500 million US dollars for illegal operations to Huaguo.

It seems that 500 US dollars per surgery can be solved, but in fact, Huaguo's price is [-] million US dollars, but some tactful methods are used to grab it.

In fact, if you rob it, you can rob it. As long as you can survive, you have to admit it if you pinch your nose.

There is only one problem. At the same time that this news was announced, Huaguo also announced the results of the medical insurance negotiations.Whether it is human immune remodeling or kidney regeneration, the price is around [-] to [-] yuan, and the unit is RMB

Even without medical insurance, the price is ten times the price, which is still ridiculously low.

Under such circumstances, some foreigners went to check Huaguo's medical insurance.

What if the cost of medical insurance is ridiculously high, or the various conditions are ridiculously high?

Then, after seeing the annual payment of Huaguo's medical insurance and the money they have to spend on their side, a bunch of people in the West lost their minds! Huaguo's medical insurance is a mess of cheap, and it is almost universal in nature.

"The price of surgery in China is only 7000 to 500 RMB, which is more than [-] US dollars. If we really want to do similar surgery, the price will start at [-] million US dollars!"

In this era of high-speed information circulation, even if the mainstream Western media wants to hide it, they can't hide it.

It didn't take long before anyone who paid attention to human immune remodeling surgery and kidney regeneration surgery knew that most of them should take medicine and chemotherapy, and this medical progress has nothing to do with them.

money relationship.

Not to mention the people at the bottom, the middle class cannot afford such high prices.

Only with comparison can there be harm.While there are comparative injuries, the current financial market is also experiencing severe turmoil because the top rich are trying to maximize their longevity.

"How can the backward Huaguo enjoy such a low price?"

"War, we should launch a war against China! They are obviously using technology to continue to exploit us. And they have no right to exploit us!"

"This price is an affront to democracy!"

"Science and technology should have no borders, Huaguo should disclose its technology to benefit the world!"

"We are all willing to donate our technology, but Huaguo treats us at such a price. This is unfair!"

At this point in time when social conflicts were almost completely intensified, a large number of voices of resistance appeared on the Internet in the Western world immediately.

However, for some unknown reason, this voice brought all the contradictions to Huaguo.

At the same time as this voice appeared, the originally turbulent financial market seemed to have begun to restore a short-term calm.

However, this short-term calm is based on the large-scale loss of cash flow in the market, currency tension, inflation, insufficient supply of some goods, and so on.

"Our country of Hua has never been the savior of the world~ There is a savior in this world and the earth, I also think it is qualified to be the savior, and it has always regarded itself as the savior, and that is America! As the savior of the world

Savior, America is obliged to bear the high price for all patients, so let's do it, a one-time price, 50 trillion, and I will make this technology public.It's a good deal! .

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