In the situation where there are countless remarks criticizing Hua Guo on the Internet, Su Bai, who seldom appears in front of the media, has come forward to speak out.

Well, a top hat was placed directly on America's head.

But obviously, this passage is actually mocking America.

The most important thing is that after this paragraph, Su Bai also added a sentence: "I heard that you like freedom of speech, and I am also Western. If I continue to maliciously restrict//freedom of speech, I will deprive some people of their qualifications to participate in the auction.


The former sentence was a blatant mockery, while the latter sentence was a pure threat.

And in the face of these threats...

"We, America, are not afraid of anyone's threats! Anyone who threatens and provokes America's authority will be sanctioned by us, America!"

After Su Bai said this, America's Secretary of State said it in front of many media.

It looks particularly majestic and domineering, and seems to want to prove America's global deterrence.

So... the day after this sentence was uttered, a proposal to sanction Su Bai was submitted to the American Congress, but it was not passed.

All members, including the member who submitted the proposal, voted against it.

At the same time, the public opinion on the Internet changed from a unified criticism of Huaguo to a mixed and chaotic one in an instant.But the rhetoric that criticized Hua Guo disappeared almost overnight.

ps: This month, we will strive to update to 20 to pay off the debt.There are still 12 words short, so it shouldn't be a big problem.Then I feel that you are not interested in the [-] orders for women's clothing, but I will still prepare for the good things.

.I really want to cosplay Gula.But because of well-known reasons, I should cosplay the characters in Yuanshin.I'll think about it myself.

Here is the push book

"Duck, you are optimistic, this is how the simulator is used"

"Do you think the trainer who uses some elves is a scumbag."

"It's up to Duck."


"Because Cheng Jintong is using that thing. Not only is that duck so strong that it meows outrageously, but it's also a female duck that plays with flowers. It's as virtuous as her trainer, and the flowery heart also eats soft food."

"Nonsense, I, Cheng Jintong, rely on my own hard work to get to where I am today. You can reach Duck, imitate me!"


"Shut up! You can't choose that talent. If you choose, send it!"

"You have a good look at the Duck, this is how the simulator is used!"

"Stop the beast, it's not used like that!"

"Evil beast, I let you evolve into a Gotha Duck, but I didn't let you evolve into Akuya."

"Duck, can a duck evolve into a water goddess?"

"Don't be naughty, Tong, the four are in a team battle, who can resist the damage without you as the top laner."

This book is also known as "The Elf Simulator of the Scumbag Patriarch", "That's my sister from my hometown, the first time I saw it", "Here are 99 roses for Valentine's Day for you", "I want the remaining 98 roses" give to others

Chapter 160

"Sister Su Bai, why do they really want to stop scolding you just because you threatened them. They were so fierce as they said before, and they look like they're going to eat you. It's so scary."

At Su Bai's home, Zhou Xue was lying on a yoga ball, with her small head leaning against the Erha who was one-third larger than the average Erha behind her, and she was holding a tablet in her hand.

Although, after returning to Shanghai, Zhou Xue also resumed her normal study life, but judging from the behavior of being promoted from the first grade to the third grade in five days, the gap between her current knowledge reserve and her age is not ordinary.

This also leads to more time in normal times, and a lot of time is spent on the Internet

In particular, the Internet has recently been flooded with too much information related to Su Bai, which aroused her interest.

What interested her the most was that after being threatened by Su Bai, the people in the West said that they refused to admit defeat, but they were still very honest.

The so-called freedom of speech//does not exist, because now on the Internet, as long as the remarks criticizing Su Bai are posted, they will be deleted.Say a few more words, and the entire account will be permanently banned.

Under such circumstances, the overall direction of public opinion on the extranet began to point to the government, high-level capital, and reflection on its own system.

There is no way, under the circumstances that the contradiction cannot be transferred outward, it will inevitably make the contradiction point to itself.

Zhou Xue couldn't understand this.

"The reason is simple. Prices in the West are now deformed. Food prices have dropped by 30.00%, oil prices have risen by 15.00%, the unemployment rate has risen by 20.00%, and the employment gap has also risen by 15.00%. Staff wages have dropped Ten percent, but labor costs have risen by [-]%. All kinds of incredible contradictions."

Su Bai calmly spoke out a bunch of impossible, even contradictory data.

According to the words of some economists in this world: "Don't say that in my life, my ancestors have never seen this scene. Those capitalists have gone crazy for a life span of 30 to [-] years!"

Yes, the driving force behind all this is the capital that is raising funds and preparing to participate in the auction.

The competition for the only place for the treatment of genetic defects had already begun before the auction started.

Eliminate corporate bloat, return funds, suppress competitors, trigger vicious competition in the market, expand inflation, and other means that others can think of or can't think of. In this short period of less than half a month, in the international presented on the capital stage.

As for the level of intensity? In less than [-] days, the world's richest man has changed to [-], and two of them have been physically withdrawn from the competition.

One accidentally fell down the stairs of his own house and was not found.By the time the servant found out, it had been over an hour and it was too late.The other was a heart attack, and the doctor did not seek timely treatment.

Well, at least that's what the news said, and the police investigation report came to the same conclusion.

"Is there a connection between these two?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Zhou Xue slightly tilted her little head, a little bit reluctant to understand the connection between those foreign people not scolding Su Bai and what Su Bai said.

She felt that Su Bai was talking about two things.

"The rule of this world is that the weak submit to the strong, and the strong own everything, including the weak, which are just the property of the strong. When a group of strong people are chasing the same thing they desire, then this A group of weak people will be deprived of even the right to express their ideas. This is pure bullying called the strong. Imposing one's will on the weak is the privilege of the strong!"

When Su Bai said these words, he still held the tablet in his hand and played games indifferently.

Zhou Xue, who really couldn't figure it out, shook her head, gave up and continued thinking, then climbed onto the back of the sofa, put her little head on Su Bai's, and watched the game Su Bai was playing.

Well 1/16/7.

After seeing this data, Zhou Xue couldn't help expressing emotion: "Sister Su Bai, who on the other side is so good that you can kill him?"

After Su Bai heard this sentence, he couldn't help but hardened his fist, and he stretched out his hand and pulled Zhou Xue off the sofa, wanting to spank Zhou Xue's ass. .

As a result, Zhou Xue quickly grabbed the corner of Su Bai's clothes, and backhanded herself and Su Bai in a strange posture, using the big T-shirt Su Bai was wearing, to cover the two of them together, twisting into a ball , rolling around on the sofa.

Regarding this, Zuo Ming, who was sitting next to him on the double sofa, got up silently after Su Bai and Zhou Xue rolled along the edge of the sofa together like a ball, intending to avoid being affected.

Unfortunately, it was still a step late, and Su Bai grabbed his ankle.

In an instant, Su Bai and Zhou Xue, who were originally hostile, seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and suddenly the two of them pressed Zuo Ming together.

"I just finished eating, it's very uncomfortable to press like this!"

After Zuo Ming was suppressed by Su Bai and Zhou Xue together, he said speechlessly.

"Sister Zuo Ming, what are you looking at?"

At this time, Zhou Xue focused on Zuo Ming's mobile phone, and found that Zuo Ming, who usually only watched funny videos, was actually watching the news.

"It's fun~"

Before Zuo Ming could answer, Su Bai said in advance, after finishing speaking.He let go of Zuo Ming's hand, stretched out his hand and tapped Zuo Ming's cell phone, and it took less than an hour for this news to be released. The content of this news is very simple. In Europe, an outbreak of A very large scale demonstration.

Different from the demonstrations//demonstrations that broke out on their side in the past, this demonstration//demonstration was spontaneously gathered and organized by a large number of middle-level and low-level ordinary people. Excessive medical prices and the recent wanton plundering of the world economy by high-level capital have caused price disorder and unemployment waves that have broken out around the world.

In addition, quite a few of them want to fight for the same interests as the people of Huaguo, such as low medical prices.

Sometimes spontaneity can lead to very nasty results if left unchecked.For example, those people in Europe know that the price of human immune remodeling or body organ remodeling for ordinary people in Huaguo is only one seven hundredth of theirs.

However, if this is the case, this parade//demonstration will not develop to the point where it is completely out of control.

The main reason is this economic turmoil that has spread to the whole world, and Huaguo has become the only safe haven.Most of the capital deliberately avoided Huaguo.So as not to anger Su Bai.

Sometimes, the scariest thing is not to endure unfair treatment, but the comparison!

Only with contrast can there be harm, and only with light can the light-chaser be unable to endure darkness.

ps: The normal update resumed today, and I have touched it for two days.

Chapter 160 Multiple Bullying

"System, why do you think their actions are exactly the same as what I thought? It is obvious that my plan is outrageous. If they are at least a little rational, they cannot be fooled."

In the living room, while Su Bai was talking, he put his legs up on the coffee table, and let the Erha of the neighbor's house lie beside him.Support the plank with your front legs and chin.

After seeing Su Bai put a piece of biscuit into his mouth, Erha raised his head slightly, and the tablet fell off. Su Bai thought for a while, then picked up the snack that Zuo Ming had prepared for him to go to school tomorrow, and fed it to him. After giving Erha a little, it became completely honest, obediently becoming Su Bai's tablet stand.

[Thinking is the strongest weapon that humans have evolved on the path of evolution.But being able to think and being able to think are two different things.What's more, the Western system and educational ideas make their people short-sighted and even naive

. 】

[As for the reasons for those capital orders, it is even simpler.They have never considered the thoughts of the people at the bottom. 】

At this time, the system spoke.

After finishing speaking, on the tablet, there appeared a lot of follow-ups of large-scale demonstrations that spontaneously broke out in the Western world.

As for what's next?

At the beginning of this spontaneous demonstration//demonstration, everything was in order. As far as Daying is concerned, there were hundreds of people at the beginning, thousands of people behind, and tens of thousands of people behind.

Just when the number of people was about to exceed 10, the rear of the parade got some news that the front parade was violently suppressed by the police.

Under such circumstances, the following parade, led by some good citizens, rebelled against the police responsible for maintaining order.

Therefore, when the number of people in the entire parade was about to exceed 10, the riots spread rapidly from the middle of the parade to the rear.

Yes, the riots did not start from the front of the parade, but from the rear or the middle, where the people in front were known to be violently suppressed by the police.

It is impossible to verify who spread the rumors, and it is also difficult to verify who was the first to clash with the police.

It took nearly ten hours to organize this huge demonstration//the demonstration before and after, but it took only 5 minutes for the spread of violence to complete this demonstration//the demonstration turned from peace to order For chaos and destruction.

When the system brought this information, large-scale demonstrations broke out in various parts of the West, resulting in dozens of deaths and thousands of injuries

"The strong will impose their will on the weak, and the weak will punch the weaker. The consequences of making me angry are serious."

After Su Bai briefly read a few articles, he puffed up his cheeks and said

However, after thinking about it, after my plan has been successful, I can't help but feel a little happy.

Before Su Bai, he never wanted to take revenge by himself, but just wanted to make Huaguo angry with America.

After all, no matter what she is, she can be regarded as a big person with head and face. If she bullies others because of some trivial matters, it will make her appear petty.

As a big man, you should have a broad mind!

Well, Su Bai lowered his head and took a look at his white belly exposed in the wrinkled corner of his T-shirt, then stretched out his hand and patted it calmly.

There is no trouble of fat, just easy.

What's more, she doesn't care about others saying that she is short.She went to revenge on America and the people in the west, and it was definitely not because others said she was short. The height of 1.5 meters is neither tall nor short, just right, and she is very satisfied.

She will take revenge entirely because, as a person who is determined to bully the world and become the most evil person in the world, she does not allow others to attempt to bully her.

How could a real villain allow himself to be bullied?

All of this is definitely not because she cares about the fact that she is only 1.5 meters long.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai gave the Western world three chances, but the Western world did not cherish it, so it cannot be blamed for Su Bai being cruel.

[In the current situation where the relationship between high-level capital and the bottom people is extremely tense, using a small genetic repair agent to completely separate the relationship between the high-level capital of the Western world and the bottom people, breaking the order and balance they originally created, and throwing the world into chaos Among them, this trick is really too evil!]

The system spoke at this time.

"No, this is only the first level. Use high-level capital to bully the bottom people in the Western world, so as to achieve the first level of revenge!"

When Su Bai said this, he reached out and clicked on some social accounts that he used to call her by a dwarf or a dwarf on the Internet.

Well, all of them have been permanently banned, and Su Bai is very satisfied.

Although she doesn't care about this kind of address at all, but well~ it's right to relieve her anger.

"The second level is to use the power of those in high positions who are greedy for longevity and the power of the people at the bottom under the catastrophic financial plunder to achieve the bullying of those seemingly arrogant Western politicians!"

After Su Bai said this, on the news report that the current Secretary of State of America chose to resign due to the pressure of public opinion, he clicked a special favorite

She is definitely not the kind of person with a small belly, she just wants to pay attention to international events, so she should pay special attention to some major events.That's why I collected it, and it has nothing to do with this person saying that she is short in the media many times in a row.

1.5 meters is enough.

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