32 billion US dollars is quite a huge amount of money. It was promised so easily and has not received any positive feedback. This makes it difficult for him to explain to the financial side.

"Tomorrow I will know where the money was spent. This little girl is extraordinary. She is simply a devil who can read people's hearts. She took the initiative between me and her in an instant, and did not give any chance to fight back. Give

I.But... I don't know why, but she didn't give me any sense of danger or fatality. On the contrary, it was Chen Ming who was next to Su Bai who obviously didn't do anything, which made me feel suffocated. "

Harry said seeing this.

It looks like he is talking to his assistant, but it looks more like he is talking to himself.

In his life, he has fought against many smart people.There are wins and losses, but no matter whether he wins or loses, he can feel the threat of the opponent to him from his opponent.

In less than ten seconds after formal contact with Su Bai, he completed a simple assessment of Su Bai.

A young wise man will be an incomparably huge threat to America and even the entire Western society.

But for some reason, he always felt that Su Bai was not a threat from the western world. Su Bai didn't show much hostility towards him. Asking him for a red envelope seemed more like throwing a tantrum, like a child through and through.


If it's just a child who throws a temper tantrum, it's easy to deal with.

The problem is that Su Bai has the capital to make people unable to deal with her in the same way as a child, so he can only let her mess around, and finally chooses to meet her rude demands.

Sometimes powerful opponents are not scary, and unpredictable opponents are often the most difficult to deal with.

Under such circumstances, he gave himself a hypothesis, that is, what if Su Bai is not his opponent?

After making this assumption, he turned his attention to Chen Ming who was beside Su Bai.

When Chen Ming dealt with the unreasonable troubles with Su Bai, he seemed a little embarrassed.At that time, he still looked down on Chen Ming, but after getting in touch with Su Bai, he found that...

Chen Ming is really fucking smart, with just two bottles of milk, he can handle Su Bai.

Moreover, compared to when he was dealing with Su Bai suddenly rushing towards him on his side, Chen Ming's side was calm and in a mess, as if he had already anticipated everything.

It seemed that the two of them didn't have a professor this time, but if this was the first confrontation between him and Chen Ming, then he lost almost everything this time.

"It seems that there is something that I haven't seen. It should be some very critical information. It may be that we have not noticed it, and it is more likely that it was completely hidden by Huaguo."

Harry said to himself, looking a little headache.

The game of the wise is not a simple competition of wisdom, but a direct confrontation of the forces behind it.

Among them, the most important is the duel of information.As long as one has enough information, even if the national power is completely suppressed by the opponent, it is possible to complete an absolute reversal on the battlefield that belongs to the wise.


When Harry was in distress, Chen Ming didn't have much ease.

"An old fox, at such an age, can still think so clearly, and he really didn't make a mistake."

After Su Bai came home tired from playing, Chen Ming also sat in his office with some headaches.

He had gone to get to know this Harry before.The information he got from his side spoke highly of Harry, but after actual contact, he found that the other party forced him to imagine that it was difficult.

Su Bai asks Harry for a meeting gift, and he asks for Harry's favorite watch and an Air Force One.

Is Su Bai really asking for a gift? No, Su Bai is trying to find a way to find fault! Or make excuses for himself to find fault with later.In the end, Harry had to deal with it.

"Then why don't you think of a way to prevent him from participating in the auction tomorrow?"

Seeing this, Pound said.

"No, but destroy all our evaluation materials on Su Bai, and then prohibit long-term retention of all core secrets of Su Bai."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.

Chapter 170: I, Su Bai, Don't Hold a Grudge!

A month can be said to be long or short.But within a month, too many things happened.

Among them, the most influential one is no different from the financial field. The fundamentals of the global financial field have undergone earth-shaking changes within a month. There are even several international business empires that have been killed by silkworms within this month.

Dividing up the food, the world's top rich list has almost changed a whole group of people.

However, no matter how big the turmoil is, there will be an end.

The world's top media have all sent their top reporters to gather at the gate of the auction in Shanghai this time. The parents of the world's top capital are at the auction site, as if they don't want money.

heap appears.

After a night's rest, it was rare for Harry's side to not use a wheelchair in public.

Demonstrating one's own health is actually a manifestation of capital in the business field.

He was very old, but not so old that he couldn't walk at all.

"Harry, how much did you prepare this time? I have 2000 billion, do you think you can take it?"

When Harry was about to enter the auction site, a friend of Harry stopped Harry.

Compared with Harry, who was still able to walk on two legs, his friend could only sit in a wheelchair. When he spoke, there was a hint of weakness in his tone, but he still tried his best to appear relaxed.

If this auction is held every five years, Harry might still be around five years later, and his friend is hopeless.

"I'll just come and take a look. This opportunity doesn't belong to me. Compared to this, I plan to invest some money in Huaguo, and let Huaguo do me an organ repair."

Harry said relaxedly.

"Hahaha~ I believe it."

Harry's friend smiled a bit chicly.

But whether you believe it or not is another matter.

"Let's go in together. I'd like to see how much money you put in."

After Harry's friend finished speaking, he reached out his hand to signal, and they entered the venue together.

Harry just opened his mouth to say something, then he noticed something and turned his head to look in the direction of the road.

Under Harry's surprised eyes, a car worth about one million stopped, followed by a reinforced off-road vehicle.

Compared with the super luxury cars that appeared on the scene, the car worth about one million yuan seemed a bit too ordinary, and the same was true for the reinforced off-road vehicle behind it.

However, the appearance of these two cars attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.Especially the off-road vehicle, or the one sitting on the back seat of the off-road vehicle looks like he is playing a game character COS, dressed in black heavy duty

armored man.

The moment this person stepped off the off-road vehicle, the ground of the entire off-road vehicle was much higher, not to mention stepping on the asphalt road, the footprints left directly seemed to indicate that the thing he was wearing was not Toy

The person who was stepping on the asphalt road looked at the road paved with ordinary seepage bricks in front of him, and seemed to hesitate a bit, but after hesitating for a second, he stepped on it without hesitation.


Well, he simply stepped on it, and the seepage brick meant that he dared to step on it, and he dared to break it.

"There is a concrete road here, why are you stepping on that side? You pay for it yourself, I have no money."

Under the shocked eyes of others, a little white-haired boy jumped out of the car next to him.After saying something that looked a little reproachful, he stretched out his leg and kicked him.But the strength is very light, obviously afraid of kicking myself

It hurts.

"It's not a big problem, let's go in."

Chen Ming's voice came from inside the armor.

Although they still have gene-enhanced fighters from the Special Operations Bureau, Chen Ming himself won this award because he was personally enhanced by Su Bai, which is 20.00% stronger than ordinary gene-enhanced fighters.

This is your first chance to come out and pretend to be in this heavy armor.

However, when the armor was designed, it was obvious that the damage to the road surface when the armor moved was not considered too much.

Mu Zhengyun, who is in charge of the armor design, has already said that revisions are being made, but it won’t be possible in a short period of time, so I can only make ends meet, and immediately talk about road administration and other things like road repairs after the event is over.

The other reporters and those rich businessmen who hadn't entered the venue barely realized at this time that the thing was not a toy, but a genuine product!

You also said that there are no genetically enhanced fighters in your country? The matching equipment is out!

Not to mention the smoothness and muffled noise of the heavy armor's movement itself, but the fact that the concrete road is stepped on to open the cracks is enough to prove its own weight.

Could it be a robot? If it is a robot, wouldn't it be more terrifying?

"This thing, can you really disclose it casually?"

Su Bai's entourage is actually not many, Su Bai, Chen Ming, Liu Qin, and Feng Yufang.

Su Bai and Chen Ming were obviously calm, and Liu Qin understood a little bit.

Feng Yufang was really speechless watching the flashing lights on the scene.

At this time, she really hoped that the thing on Chen Ming was a toy.It's a pity that the reality is that what Chen Ming is wearing is genuine, and even the matching firearms are on the off-road vehicle.

As for why he didn't take a gun, Chen Ming himself said that he took a gun because he was afraid that others would misunderstand him.

Of course, the actual situation is not to mention that there is no gun, even if there is a gun, others dare not misunderstand it!

"Hello, Grandpa Harry~"

When he came to the entrance of the auction site, Su Bai stopped, and greeted Harry who was still at the entrance, but his eyes remained on Chen Ming, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Give you sugar!"

After hearing what Su Bai said, Harry temporarily gave up on continuing to observe Chen Ming, and handed Su Bai the candy he had prepared in advance.

There is no way, the meeting ceremony yesterday was too expensive! This is also the reason why he insisted on walking by himself today.

Su Bai sat on his lap, looking very cute, but the price was a bit too much.

Walking more is good for your health and your wallet.

"Only one."

After seeing Harry, Su Bai gave himself a candy, and was a little dissatisfied.

She was sure that if she ate it, she would definitely be snatched away by the guy from the system.

The system eats so much that she can't, how unreasonable it is!


Seeing that Su Bai was a little dissatisfied, Harry was confused, is one not enough?

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. See you later~"

Su Bai glanced at Harry, and still didn't plan to bully the old man now.After all, he still gave himself a meeting gift yesterday.

To be reasonable, after Su Bai said this, Harry was actually relieved.

He really didn't dare to mess with this little ancestor now, especially when he saw the man in heavy armor behind Su Bai at a close distance, and then remembered what the intelligence personnel said, Huaguo didn't have the supporting equipment for genetically enhanced fighters, and in a short time

No conclusion of combat effectiveness can be formed within...

Well, maybe he could send this guy to help him count the number of fish in the lake where he usually fishes.

Chapter 170 IX Very Angry? Hold Up!

"The Only Auction for Gene Repair Surgery Surprises Huaguo's Gene Warriors!"

"Science Fiction Comes into Reality, Heavy Technological Soldiers Appear"

"Shocked, there actually appeared on the streets of the magic city..."

"Gene-enhanced fighters are displayed on a scale, what kind of distortion of democracy is this?"

"The human body is transformed into reality, and the ignorant East is trampling on human reason!"

Many people did not expect that the first-hand information about this auction that has attracted worldwide attention is not how miraculous Su Bai's gene repair surgery is, but the existence of genetically enhanced soldiers!

Although Su Bai didn't start the live broadcast, many news media broadcast the facts.

Chen Ming, who was wearing heavy protective armor and walked in front of many reporters, not only shocked everyone present, but also all the audience who were watching the live broadcast through these media were also shocked

This is definitely not a simple high-quality COS equipment, whether it is the concrete floor that Chen Ming accidentally stepped on, or the deterrent that can be intuitively felt even through the lens, it is telling everyone

Man, this hunk is not a toy, but a cold killing machine.

The current robot technology cannot reach this level, and with the existence of Su Bai, it is easy to remind people of the existence of genetically enhanced soldiers.Only genetically enhanced fighters can control this kind of monster even if they don't carry it.

Any weapon looks like a heavy-duty protective armor that is too threatening.

The most important thing is that before this set of heavy protective armor appeared, most foreign analysis agencies inferred the existence of gene-enhanced soldiers as an immature new technology, and the quality of the enhanced soldiers

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