It is impossible to determine whether there is a guarantee, let alone develop weapons and armors that are truly suitable for it.

According to their previous estimates, Hua Guo's genetically enhanced fighters will have to wait at least ten years before they can form effective combat effectiveness.

However, now it seems that there is no need to wait so long.Some parts of this suit of armor do not seem to be suitable for the battlefield environment, but in terms of its flexibility, it is hard to doubt that it does not have combat effectiveness.

"So, is it too late to join the army now?"

"I passed the military inspection!"

"The eyesight is not up to standard, and I was brushed down."

"There is still a chance if my eyesight is not up to standard, I have flat feet! I have no chance in this life."

Compared with the shocked media, foreign netizens, and a bunch of stupid foreign intelligence analysis agencies, the Huaguo Internet is boiling.

Especially those young people who have reached the age of enlisting in the army, who doesn't have the dream of wearing heavy protective armor and going into battle to kill the enemy?

An individual soldier regrets for two years, but not an individual soldier regrets for a lifetime.But if you can put on that real heavy armor once and become a heavy warrior, that's another story.

Of course, the topic of heavily armored fighters will not affect the upcoming auction.

The auction process will not be announced to the public, but the results will be announced.

Some economists have concluded through complex intelligence analysis that the final transaction price is around 3000 billion US dollars, which is still only the most unreliable reference.Some of the world's top rich men who are about to die, in order to continue their own

What price are you willing to pay for your life? No one can really estimate this.

Especially those who come here are all real top bosses, not just the heads of some super-large enterprises. While controlling the economy, more of them are in power.

For example, when Su Bai entered the arena, Harry, the only one who communicated with Su Bai,

Since the 21st century, three of America's four presidents have had direct or indirect contact with him.The only one who didn't have much contact with him before taking office, after taking office, still gave Harry's consortium

Great political convenience.

Proper behind-the-scenes master-level top giant.

Not to mention the oil guys in the Middle East, the patriarchs among the super chaebols in Europe or America.

The kings of some small countries, the world-famous super rich, their identities seem much humbler in front of these people.

With such a large number of super giants, can they still maintain their rationality at this auction for the rare dream of longevity? It is really hard to say.

While the outside world was turbulent, the environment inside the auction seemed quiet.

The total number of more than 30 auctioneers plus their entourage and Huaguo's staff probably exceeded 300.

However, the voices of the entire auction site sounded like there were only 30 people.

Most of the people were contemplating with their eyes closed, or they were holding the communicator in the back of the connection, and some people focused their attention on the little one who was the smallest present and the loudest, that is, directly

Sitting cross-legged on the main stage, Su Bai was eating the malt candy he had just bought.

Reasonably speaking, with so many big figures coming here, the environment of the venue should be quite serious, but due to the existence of Su Bai, it became less serious.

Especially if Su Bai is eating maltose, he is still watching cartoons while eating, and he is still watching when everyone is present.

"Don't you need me to come to the auction?"

On Su Bai's side, every time he almost fell back from eating maltose, he fell directly from the main stage, and after being supported by Feng Yufang with quick eyes and hands, he asked a question.

In fact, according to the time, the auction has already started, and it has been going on for several minutes.Most of the people at the scene were watching Su Bai eating malt candy and watching cartoons, and the cartoons he watched were still bears!.

After being stared at by so many people for a long time, Feng Yufang felt a little embarrassed.

More importantly, she was actually the one who hosted this auction.It's just that Su Bai wanted to be in charge of the auction for fun.

Based on the principle that Su Bai's happiness is enough, she didn't stop him.

"It's okay, I can do it myself. What's more, you don't think they are in a hurry, but you dare not remind them, but you want to remind them, and then you look at other people and hope someone reminds you, but you are afraid that someone will remind you in advance.

What's the benefit, I'm afraid that someone who reminds me in advance will make me angry, and the strange facial expressions caused by their extremely complicated moods, is it fun?"

After Su Bai heard Feng Yufang's words, he spoke directly, his voice was not low.

After hearing Su Bai's words, all the people in the audience looked at Su Bai with surprised and complicated expressions.But he only glanced at it, silently lowered his head and covered his forehead, appearing to have a headache.

Su Bai saying this in front of them is very annoying, but no matter how annoying you are, you have to bear it! Sleeping with them, what do you ask for?

Chapter 180 Hurry up, I want to watch cartoons

What is the most prestigious thing in the world?

Different people have different opinions.

At this time, Su Bai remembered that some people often boast that some rich people believe that time is life.They go up and down tens of millions per minute.This is just an ordinary rich man, if you want to take those who are sitting under the stage now

If the top giants are used as a metaphor, it is not impossible for tens of millions of dollars per minute.

Under such circumstances, they all had to watch Su Bai wearing a thousand-yuan suit holding a 4000-yuan mobile phone, eating five-yuan maltose, and watching animations that only children and adults would watch. slices, hard and them

It takes time, but they just dare not make a sound to remind them.

Reasonably speaking, Su Bai felt that he actually respected the people in the audience.At least, she didn't wear the clothes she bought on Pinxixi today, and the shoes cost [-] yuan to buy, and she even exchanged for her favorite bag

, from more than 100 to more than 1000.

Under such circumstances, she wants to eat some maltose to prevent the hypoglycemia that she may have in the future. Is it wrong?


Therefore, the hundreds of people present watched Su Bai eating maltose and watching cartoons, and the outside was quite large.Even some people who don't understand Chinese can probably guess when they hear Su Bai's outburst.

The cartoon that Su Bai watched probably has a young audience.

"So, is she really an adult?"

Some people off the field are somewhat skeptical about the self-talk of life

Just as everyone was looking forward to the stars and the moon, Su Bai finally finished eating the malt candy in his hand.

Just when they thought that Su Bai had finished eating maltose and finally started the auction, Su Bai calmly took out a box of cheese sticks from his bag.

"Cough cough~"

When he saw this box of cheese sticks, Harry in the audience couldn't swallow a mouthful of saliva, and it went directly into the trachea, causing him to cough violently a few times.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Su Bai, who was about to tear open the package of cheese sticks in his mouth, looked at Harry innocently after hearing the sound of coughing.

"Nothing, just wanted to ask when the auction will start.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Harry asked, and slowly put away the tablet in his hand.

"Auction? Oh~ I almost forgot about it."

After Su Bai heard Harry's words, he suddenly remembered that he was indeed at the auction site.

The main reason is that Haunted Bear is so beautiful, she was fascinated by watching it, so she forgot about the auction.

She's still a child though! So, don't be blamed if you forget!

After taking a calm look at the other people present, and finding that there was nothing wrong with the way they looked at her, she was sure that no one there would blame her for bringing this matter to a crisis.

If so..

"Then wait for me for another 10 minutes, I'll finish this episode."

Seeing that no one lost his temper, Su Bai opened his mouth and continued to look down at his cartoon after finishing speaking.

"Do you want to dismount?"

After seeing Su Bai's behavior, other people under the rostrum couldn't help clenching their fists.But most people still have to endure even if they have a temper in their hearts.

The reason is not only because Su Bai has mastered the gene defect repair technology, but also because the purpose of most of them coming to China is not only for the auction, but also for the current biotechnology of China that surpasses the times, that is,

Those developed by Su Bai.

The benefits hidden behind the biotechnology developed by Su Bai are astonishing, and all kinds of extended drugs related to maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells also require Su Bai's own patent license.

When they were negotiating with Hua Guo, Hua Guo added a regulation that could not be changed, that is, Su Bai had the qualification to withdraw the agency right unconditionally.

Even if they don't get the quota for gene defect repair surgery, if they want to earn the money from Su Bai, they have to endure it!

"It's better to start the auction in advance, and it's the same when you go back and watch the cartoons."

When the others thought that Su Bai was trying to give them a bad blow, Feng Yufang, who was afraid that Su Bai would fall backwards again, spoke softly while standing beside Su Bai, with one hand still supporting Su Bai's back.

Dismissal? It doesn't exist, Su Bai really fell in love with it because of watching cartoons.

If no one dared to say it off the court, Su Bai would dare to keep watching.


After Su Bai heard Feng Yufang's words, although he was still a bit reluctant to part with him, he finally put away his mobile phone, looked at everyone in the audience and said, "There is only one item for auction today, and you all know it well.

It is genetic defect repair surgery. "

"The so-called gene defect repair is not to make your genes perfect, but to repair the genes that have gone wrong in your body. For example, the genome that causes premature organ failure, or stimulate your

Some recessive genes in the original gene sequence make them dominant.For example, the slight self-healing ability of one's own organs. "

"However, everything I do is to keep your body at the level of a normal person. Some self-healing abilities that normal people don't have are also to keep your body in a stable and effective state."

Doing it in an understatement will not create Superman. "

"But no matter how long it takes, your body functions will start to dry up when your body age reaches about 110 years old, and the speed of drying up is extremely fast. So, normally, after you have completed this operation, there is no

In the case of abnormal death, the life expectancy will be around 110 to 110 years old. "

Before the auction started, Su Bai also briefly explained some principles of this operation.Of course, the actual situation is much more complicated than what she said.If it wasn't like this, she wouldn't be able to do it.

"And what about the cyborg behind you?"

At this time, an old man in the audience looked at Chen Ming standing behind Su Bai and said, he was a little curious that Su Bai emphasized that he would not create a superman.

After all, Su Bai himself has created a superhuman.

"Gene enhancement and biological modification are two completely different concepts. You want to eat barbecue, and your mother serves you a plate of red charcoal, can it be the same? Gene enhancement and genetic repair are not things in the same system.

Need to manage.In short, the auction starts, and the starting price is one piece.Don't make the one-time price increase too low. I'll watch cartoons later, so hurry up. "

To be reasonable, when Su Bai briefly described the gene defect repair surgery, he was quite serious.However, after announcing the start of the auction and telling them to hurry up because they wanted to watch cartoons, the people present were still speechless for a while.

Chapter 180 Gentleman? Revenge

Although it took a long time to wait, after Su Bai announced the start of the auction, the auction site fell into a deathly silence.

Auctions are not just a simple competition of financial resources.If it is just a simple competition of financial resources, then this auction is unnecessary.

In addition to financial resources, they also competed for factors such as identity, status, power, influence and so on.

More importantly, what is being auctioned this time is not a work of art, nor a simple commodity, but something that almost all human beings yearn for, that is longevity!

How much are they willing to pay in order to live ten to twenty years longer? This is not simply to let them lie on the hospital bed to continue their lives, but to live ten to twenty years longer in good health.

Under such circumstances, the influence of factors such as identity, status, power, and influence will be drastically reduced.

In the face of life and death, some people have no fear.

"100 billion."

After more than ten seconds of silence at the scene, the first person raised a sign to signal.

Because the auction is held in Huaguo, the unit is RMB.In general auctions, this kind of price may not be called out until very late.But in this auction, became the first price.

The person who called out the price looked as if he had only paid 100 yuan.

It took more than ten seconds to go from one dollar to 100 billion.And it took less than ten seconds to go from 100 billion to 1000 billion.

When the number 1000 billion appeared, everyone present calmed down a bit and looked at each other.

"2000 billion!"

Under such circumstances, Harry, who had never made a move before, calmly raised his sign and said.

"Two thousand one hundred..."

"3000 billion."

When Harry's old friend raised his sign to increase the price, Harry was about to raise the price again more decisively, and the application was natural, but he just focused on Su Bai who continued to watch his own cartoon at this time, as if he was thinking about what

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