Now it only has the counter-attack skill of Same Life.


A huge explosion sounded.

The flames that soared into the sky in an instant completely enveloped Guo Ruanweng.

"Suo~ Nansa~(×﹏×)"


Sure enough, Weng and the wind speed dog screamed at the same time.

As the flames dissipated, a huge earth pit was exposed on the spot.

Both Fengsugou and Guoruan Weng were lying in the pit in pitch black.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Resurrection."

[Back to life: Attack with all your strength, the less HP you have, the more powerful your moves will be. 】

This is the ultimate goal of Jiang Chen's plan.

Sure enough, Weng's same-life skill was very powerful, dragging both of them into the same near-death state.

But the wind speed dog using the resurrection skill can also launch new attacks.

And sure enough, Weng can only be beaten passively at this time (by the king).

【Ding!Wind Speed ​​Dog defeated Ruan Weng and gained 1256 experience points! 】

"In the second round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University won!"

With the referee's announcement of the result.

Jiang Chen quickly released Menus and Xanadu.

"Meinas, use the water drop of life."

"Xanadu, use the water drop of life."

【Water of Life: Spray magical water to recover the HP of yourself and your companions on the field. 】

The drops of life summoned by Menus and Xanadu quickly repaired the injuries of Fengsugou and Ruan Weng.

Jing Qing walked over, and he said to Jiang Chen with a complicated expression, "Thank you very much for letting the elves treat Guo Ranweng!"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "The competition is a competition, between Fengsugou and Guoruanweng. Today's injury is too serious, and it is better to need timely treatment!"

Soon, the third round will begin!

.. commit.

ps: ▄█?█Please please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 118: Ice Nine-Tails Violently Beats Hippo!

In the third round of the singles match, the venues drawn by both sides are swampy venues.

The total score between Jiang Chen and Jing Qing is now one win and one loss.

So the third round is crucial.

This is related to the final score of this singles match.

With the order of the referee.

"Game start!"

Jiang Chen and Jing Qing sent their own spirits respectively.

Jing Qing sent out an elf with a whole body pink.

This elf walks on two legs, and its limbs become longer due to walking upright, with three claws growing on its front paws and two claws on its back paws.

It has a nearly identical head to that of a Slowpoke, with a creamy banded belly.

The top-shaped shell on its tail is a transformation of the echinocus clam, and the teeth of the shell hold the tail tightly, which is scattered with spikes and dark markings.

This is another name for water-type and super-power-type Pokémon, Silly Beast, and Silly Hippopotamus.

[Silky Beast (Water) (Super Power)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV37 (Gym)]

[Characteristics: sluggish (because the feeling is sluggish, it will not become fascinated and provoked.)]

[Character Talent: Gentle (+Special Defense, -Attack)]

[Individual value qualifications: HP (31), attack (27), defense (31) 260, special attack (31), special defense (31), speed (31)]

[Skills: shrinking into the shell, impact, screaming, water gun, cursing, yawning, psychic power, water fluctuations, charming, immobilization, water cannon, head hammer, thought head hammer, instant amnesia, surfing, mental obsession, Begging for rain, Frozen Fist, Mount Taishan, Destruction of Death Ray, Sleeping, Snoring, Laziness, Self-suggestion, Healing fluctuations, Hold on. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Sure enough, Jing Qing didn't want to give up on this game, and he still wanted to fight for victory with all his strength.

But in this way, he is left with a level 35 natural bird, a level 25 Kirulian, and a level 20 Libra.

Subsequent doubles matches and team matches, the role is limited.

In the third round, Jiang Chen dispatched Alola Nine-Tails.

He also wants to fight for this victory with all his strength. Unlike Jing Qing, his spirit background is much thicker.

After this singles match ended.


Jiang Chen didn't think too much, and the game started soon.

"Stay with Hippo, use Ask for Rain."

"Yah dong~(?ω?)"

The dumb hippo roared, and the entire swamp field of the battle hall began to rain heavily.

Silly Hippo wants to make the swamp site more watery, which is more beneficial to it with water attributes.

"Nine Tails, use Freezing Wind."

It is impossible for Jiang Chen to let the dumb hippo turn the entire swamp into a river.

Nine Tails opened its mouth, and endless cold air gathered in its mouth, turning into a gust of cold wind and blowing out.

The entire swamp ground was quickly frozen into ice, and the swamp turned into a snow and ice field in an instant.

"Nine Tails, use Blizzard."

[Blizzard: Blast a violent blizzard towards the opponent to attack, sometimes causing the opponent to freeze. 】

Kyuubi opened his mouth and let out a cold breath into the air.

This chill combined with the moisture in the air turned into a blizzard of snowflakes and frost.

This blizzard blew directly towards the dumb hippo.

"Stay hippo, use surf."

Silly Hippo used his surfing skills to set off huge waves.

The huge waves supported the whole body of Silly Hippo, avoiding the blowing of the blizzard.

The entire huge wave slapped towards Nine Tails with great force.

"Nine Tails, use Hold."

The huge white shield inside appeared in front of Nine Tails.


A loud bang.

Huge waves slapped on the white shield.

Although the white shield withstood the beating of the waves, it reached its limit and broke directly.

"Stay hippo, use charming."

"Nine Tails, use the mysterious guardian."

[Mysterious Guardian: Protected by magical power, so as not to fall into an abnormal (.) state. 】

How could Jiang Chen, who has been using Menus' charming skills to intimidate people for a long time, not have the charming skills of guarding against Silly Hippo?

The dazed hippo has a seductive light all over its body.

Pink stars just emerged from the eyes of Nine Tails, a mysterious force appeared inside its body, making it instantly awake.

Jiang Chen saw that Nine-Tails had more than charming skills, so he rushed to attack first.

"Nine tails, use freeze-drying."

[Freeze-drying: Freeze the opponent sharply, sometimes causing the opponent to freeze, and it is also very effective for water-type Pokémon. 】

"Stay hippo, use retract into shell."

[Shrink into the shell: shrink into the shell to protect the body, thereby improving your defense. 】

Kyuubi exhaled an extremely cold wind, which also had the effect of dehydration.

The dumb hippo retracted directly into the shell clipped on its tail.

The cold wind blew on the shells without causing any harm to the hippopotamus.

"Stay hippo, use mental force."

[Strong Spiritual Mind: Send powerful mind power to the opponent to attack, sometimes lowering the opponent's special defense. 】

"Nine Tails, use magic to shine."

[Magic Shine: Launches strong light at the opponent and deals damage. 】

"Yah dong~(×﹏×)"

"Yi Kuo~(?▂?)"

Neither of these two skills dodged.

Silly Hippo and Nine Tails screamed at the same time.

"Stay with the hippo, use the hold method."

"Nine Tails, use hypnotism."

[Fixing method: Obstructing the opponent's actions, the previously used moves cannot be used for a certain period of time. 】

All the skills that Nine Tails used earlier could not be used, they were sealed between them by the immobilization method.

However, hypnotism has been used with success.

The dumb hippo fell into a lethargic state.

Take advantage of its illness and kill it.

"Nine tails, use absolute zero."

[Absolute Zero: A blow to the opponent that is near death, if it is used by a Pokémon other than the ice attribute, it will be difficult to hit. 】

This extremely cold wind blows on the sleeping Hippo.

Even with ice attribute skills, it can only do half of the damage on Silly Hippo.

Absolute zero still freezes the dumb hippo into an ice sculpture.

"Nine Tails, use the Destroyer Beam."

An orange light full of destructive aura shot out from the mouth of Nine Tails.

The dumb hippo just broke free from the ice sculpture, and when it was trembling, it was directly hit by the destructive light.

"Yah dong~(?д?╬)"

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