With a scream, Dai Hippo fell directly into the swamp.

【Ding!Alola Nine-Tails defeated the Silly Beast and gained 2132 experience points! 】

The referee's voice sounded.

"In the third round, Jiangcheng University, Jiang Chen won!"

In the Weiming Lake Fairy Arena, the audience burst into warm cheers and applause.


ps: ▄█?█Please please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 119 Fighting wits and courage, 6V potential big needle bee!

Jiangcheng University played against Huizhou Elven University of Science and Technology.

Singles match, total score 1-0.

The second match, between Xia Zhenyue and Yong Chenyi, is about to start.

"Contestants from both sides, show the six alternate elves~."

Xia Zhenyue and Yong Chenyi each sent their own six alternate elves.



Jiang Chen looked at the six candidate elves sent by Yong Chenyi, and shouted in his heart: Good guy.

Except for the big needle bee, all other elves are dual-attribute elves that combine flight attributes with other attributes.

Big Needle Bee is a Bug-type and Poison-type Pokémon, but it is born with the ability to fly.

Yong Chenyi is indeed a legendary trainer who is good at flying attributes.

This game is not easy for Xia Zhenyue to win, the two sides are evenly matched.

In the first round, both sides will definitely guard against the opponent's sneak attack.

When the two sides returned to the waiting area and drew the venue.

Jiang Chen gave Xia Zhenyue face-to-face instructions, and played Pokkisi in the first round.

At level 36, Pokkisi can hit everyone except for the level 46 big needle.

If the opponent steals the chicken and sends the elf with the lowest level, then Xia Zhenyue can win a round.

If the opponent sends out the strongest big needle bee, it can just exchange for the strongest elf of the opponent.

The other elves are split [-]-[-]. It seems that everyone can perform better on the spot, and Jiang Chen doesn't have much to do.

After the start of the game between the two sides.

Xia Zhenyue sent level 36 Pokkisi.

Yong Chenyi dispatched a level 36 Toucan.

The thinking of the two sides is very similar, not only to guard against the other side's sneak attack, but also to ensure victory.

Level 36 Pokkisi is similar to level 36 Toucan, but Pokkisi has a higher aptitude potential.

In the end, Pokkisi narrowly beat Toucan.

In the first round, Xia Zhenyue won.

The defeat in the first round made Yong Chenyi very annoyed, obviously he almost missed it.

At the beginning of the second round, the grassland field was drawn by both sides.

"The game begins!" With the order of the referee.

Xia Zhenyue and Yong Chenyi sent their own elves respectively.

The elf sent by Yong Chenyi looks very much like a giant wasp.

Its body is divided into three segments, with four legs, a relatively round head with two antennae, ruby-like eyes, and a pointed mouth.

Its abdomen is small and round, with four slender legs growing on the abdomen, and the top thin legs have large and thick white giant needles.

Its tail is fat and large, yellow and black, with poisonous needles at the end.

There are two pairs of transparent wings on the back, and the wings have complicated and irregular lattice patterns.

It is the bug-type and poison-type Pokémon, Big Needle Bee.

【Big needle bee (bug) (poison)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV46 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristics: Sniper (when the attack hits a vital point, the damage is 1.5 times that of a normal vital point hit, that is, the damage becomes 2.25 times that of when it does not hit a vital point.]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: random strike, insect bite, random strike, poisonous needle, silk spinning, hardening, continuous chopping, sharpening, poisonous needle, gas gathering, venom impact, malicious pursuit, poisonous water chestnut, missile needle, poisonous strike, high-speed movement, Reckless, Fatal Acupuncture, Destructive Beam, Hold, Sun Beam, Splitting Tile, Shadow Clone, Swallow Return, Ultimate Impact, Flash, Cross Cut, Iai Slash, Sludge Bomb. 】

[Carrying item: MEGA Evolution Stone (Big Needle Bee)]

[Potential: Master Level]

No wonder this big needle bee became Yong Chenyi's ace spirit.

A Pokémon with a personal value of 6V and master-level potential.

It also carries a MEGA evolution stone, which can evolve into a super big needle bee in the game battle.

And the elf sent by Xia Zhenyue is level 40 Nian Meier.

・・・ Flowers・・・

This round is more ominous than good, but it is not without chance of survival.

Jiang Chen has already told Xia Zhenyue about the opportunity, and it depends on whether there is a chance.

Winning or losing this round doesn't really matter, though.

Everything is under Jiang Chen's control.

At level 40 Nian Meier, except for the level 46 Big Needle Bee, Yong Chenyi's other elves are all lower than Nian Meier.

Send this elf to be invincible.

"Big needle bee, use high-speed movement, use poison attack."

[Poison Strike: Stab the opponent with poisonous tentacles or arms, sometimes causing the opponent to be poisoned. 】

The big needle bee flew towards Nimme like lightning, and the two big spikes on its upper limbs were already aimed at Nimme.

.. 0

"Xian Meier, use it and hold it."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Nian Meier.


The big needle bee's attack was blocked by the white shield and returned without success.

"Slimy, use the acid bomb."

[Acid Bomb: Spray a liquid that can melt the opponent to attack, greatly reducing the opponent's special defense. 】

Sticky Meier opened her mouth, spit out green slime, and sprayed it towards Big Needle.

"Big needle bee, use high-speed movement and dodge."

"Big Needle Bee, use the Missile Needle."

[Flying needles: Shoot sharp needles at the opponent to attack, and shoot [-] to [-] sharp needles in a row. 】

The Big Needle Bee is very flexible and fast in the air, and easily dodges the acid bomb sprayed out by Nie Meier.

Immediately afterwards, it raised its tail and shot four or five flying needles in the direction of Nian Meier.

"Slimy, use the water gun."

Sticky Meier opened her mouth and spewed out a torrent-like water column. Under the impact of the water column, all the flying needles fired by the big needle bee were shot down.

The remaining power of the water column did not diminish, and continued to shoot at the big needle.

"Big needle bee, use high-speed movement and dodge."

This is a bit annoying. The big needle bee uses the skill of high-speed movement, so it is difficult to be hit.

Nian Meier fell directly into a disadvantageous situation.


ps: ▄█?█Please please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 120 Surprise attack, double return, turn defeat into victory!

Da Zhenfeng takes advantage of his ability to fly, plus the cooperation of high-speed movement with skills.

Sticky Meier's skills are basically unable to attack the big needle.

As time went by, Nian Meier fell into a state of passive defense.

It has been hit by the big needle skill several times.

Some wounds and poisoning appeared on the body.

Yong Chenyi is going to get rid of Xia Zhenyue's Nian Meier in one fell swoop.

"Big needle, use high speed movement, use cross scissors."

[Cross scissors: Cross the sickle or claws like scissors to split the opponent. 】

"It's now!" Jiang Chen stood in the waiting area, seeing this fleeting opportunity.

Xia Zhenyue also reacted very quickly. From the beginning of the game, she firmly remembered the plan Jiang Chen said.

"Sticky Beauty "Two Six Three", use it twice and get back."

[Double return: The damage received from physical attacks from the opponent will be returned to the same opponent at double. 】

"What?" Yong Chenyi's breathing couldn't help but stagnate, and his face instantly turned pale.

"How is it possible? Nian Mei'er has learned the skill of double repayment. She has been showing weakness and waiting for this opportunity?"

Yong Chenyi couldn't believe his ears, his eyes were full of shock and fear.

It was too late, the sharp cross scissors had already slashed Nian Mei'er's body heavily.

There was a flash of light on Nian Meier's body, and twice the power of the cross scissors, it slashed on the big needle bee again.

"Sizzling beer~([email protected]Д@)”

The big needle bee let out a scream, and fell directly from the air to the ground heavily.

"Big Needle Bee, use MEGA to evolve."

Yong Chenyi took out the keystone in his hand, activated the energy, and wanted the big needle bee to complete the MEGA evolution.

However, Xia Zhenyue will not do what he wants at this time.

"Xian Meier, use the freezing beam."

Sticky Mei'er opened her mouth, and a chilly breath gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue light, spraying towards the big needle with a deadly killing intent.

The big needle that was hit by the freezing beam was frozen into an ice sculpture before it could evolve in MEGA.

"Slimy, slam."

[Slamming: Slam into the opponent with amazing momentum to attack, and you will also suffer a little damage. 】

Nian Meier slammed into the ice sculpture formed by the big needle with a fierce posture.

"Bang bang!" There was a loud noise.

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