The ice cubes of the ice sculpture were smashed into icy shards, and the big needle fell into the icy shards, motionless.

"In the second round, Jiangcheng University, Xia Zhenyue won!"

Yong Chenyi was so arrogant at the beginning, but now he is so desperate.

Not only Yong Chenyi was silenced by this accident.

The entire team of Huizhou Elven University of Science and Technology fell into a state of silence.

In the second round of the singles match, it seemed that he was about to lose again.

On the contrary, the Jiangcheng University team cheered.

Cheers and applause filled the entire Weiming Lake Fairy Arena.

It is a rare scene to defeat the strong with the weak and turn defeat into victory.

As a neutral venue, the audience is very happy to see this scene.

In the third round, Xia Zhenyue dispatched a level 22 blue crocodile very calmly.

Yong Chenyi dispatched a level 23 Scorpion King.

In the end, Scorpio King narrowly defeated Blue Crocodile.

In the singles match, Xia Zhenyue won 2-1.

It will start soon, the third match of the singles match.

Ji Man of Jiangcheng University played against Concubine Pei of Huizhou Elven University of Science and Technology.

The match between the two beautiful girls made the audience excited again.

When displaying the six alternate elves.



Another game that requires wits and courage.

The difference in elf level between the two sides is not particularly large, and anyone has the possibility of winning.

Concubine Pei's six elves were slightly dominant.

In the first round, Ji Man made a steady hand and dispatched a level 28 Giant Pincer Mantis.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Pei also made a steady hand and dispatched a level 30 electric shock beast.

Although the level difference is only two levels, the power of the steel attribute attacking the electric attribute elves will be halved...

In the first round, Ji Man lost.

In the second round, the competition venue drawn by both sides is a rock and soil venue.

This round, Ji Man dispatched a level 38 Flaming Roaring Tiger.

The elf sent by Concubine Pei looks very much like a big dog.

Except for the orange muzzle and abdomen, this elf is gray-black, and has a pair of large and curved horns on its head.

There are gray joints growing on several places on its body. These joints are very hard and can effectively protect its body.

The joints grow on the ankles of the limbs, the back and the neck, of which there are three on the back and one in the center of the neck.

It also has a very elongated tail with an inverted triangular spike at the tip.

It is the evil-type and fire-type Pokémon, Heluga.

【Heiluga (Evil) (Fire)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV38 (Gym)]

[Characteristic: Ignite fire (When attacked by a fire attribute move, absorb the flame, and the fire attribute move you use will become stronger.)]

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (28), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(5.231)]

[Skills: staring, sparks, turbid fog, lightning teeth, howling, tricks, roaring, biting, burning, siege, flame teeth, unreasonable trouble, revenge, deceit, flame jets, crushing, purgatory, slamming, ghost face, Hold, Flame Vortex, Accumulated Flame Strike, Mount Tai, Wave of Evil, Will-o'-the-wisp, Shadow Ball, Hot Wind, Big Character Explosion, Overheating, Flame Charge. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

It's going to be a close game.

Jiang Chen didn't have much to say about this match.

Everything depends on the impromptu performance of the two players.

Whoever wins and loses is very likely.

The game will start soon.


ps: ▄█?█Please please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 121 The duel of beautiful girls, advancing to the quarter-finals of the quarterfinals!

The referee's voice sounded: "The contestants on both sides are ready! The game starts now!"

"Heruga, use jet flame."

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Hold."

Hei Lujia opened his huge mouth, and the crimson flames gathered in its mouth, and spurted towards the blazing roaring tiger.

A huge white shield appeared in front of the blazing roaring tiger.

The shield blocks the burning of jet flames.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use the cross chop."

[Cross chop: Use both hands to form a cross chop to attack the opponent, which is easy to hit the vital point. 】

The Flaming Roaring Tiger appeared beside Hei Lujia, it crossed its hands, and slashed down fiercely.

"Hei Lujia, use the wave of evil."

[Evil Wave: A malicious and terrifying aura emanates from the body, sometimes making opponents flinch. 】

Hei Lujia suddenly exuded an extremely empty, terrifying and vicious aura.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger was affected by this aura, and fell into a state of fear and cowering, and its attack state stopped immediately.

"Hei Lujia, use Lightning Fang."

[Lightning Teeth: Bite the opponent 21 times with teeth full of current.Sometimes causes the opponent to cower or fall into a paralyzed state. 】

Hei Lujia opened his bloody mouth wide, and the faint blue lightning jumped and flickered in its teeth, and it bit the blazing roaring tiger viciously.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Earthquake."

Ji Man's reaction was very quick, and she directly replaced defense with offense.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger stomped its feet heavily on the ground.


With the blazing roaring tiger as the center, several huge cracks opened, and at the same time violent vibrations and shaking occurred.

Heluga is twice as weak as the ground attribute.

It is now very close to the Fiery Roaring Tiger and is directly hit by the Earthquake's damage.

Not only disrupted its attack, but also caused it double damage.

"Wang Hou~(┳Д┳)"

Heluga let out a scream.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Thunder Fist."

[Thunder Fist: Attacking the opponent with a fist full of electricity, sometimes causing the opponent to fall into a paralyzed state. 】

Hearing Ji Man's order, the Flaming Roaring Tiger's fists were covered with golden lightning, and it fiercely hit Hei Lujia.

"Hei Lujia, use Guard."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Hei Lujia.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and lightning flashed everywhere.

The white shield was directly blown away by the Thunder Fist.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use the cross chop."

The Blazing Roaring Tiger crossed its hands, and slashed down hard, towards Hei Lujia.

"Heiluga, use slam."

Concubine Pei realized that the situation was not good, and hurriedly ordered, preparing to use offense instead of defense.

Hei Lujia's fighting attribute is twice as weak.

It didn't dodge this cross strike, and was hit hard.

"Wang Hou~(つ﹏?)"

Although Hei Lujia slammed into the body of the blazing roaring tiger fiercely.

However, it also completely swallowed this crosscut skill.

Hei Lujia was injured more seriously and was already on the verge of collapse.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, use Thunder Fang."

The Blazing Roaring Tiger opened its jaws wide, and the faint blue lightning jumped and flickered in its teeth, and it bit Hei Lujia viciously.

"Wang Hou~(iДi)"


Accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning rushing over Hei Lujia's body, it let out a painful scream.

This became the most fatal blow.

Hei Lujia was scorched and fell to the ground, twitching non-stop.

"In the second round, Jiangcheng University, Ji Man won."

The loss in the second round made Concubine Pei very upset. She shouldn't have adopted such a conservative tactic.

Now in the third round, she was caught in a dilemma. She had no chance of winning without dispatching Elle Duo.

However, if Elle Duo is dispatched, what will happen to the subsequent games.

Concubine Pei felt that today's game was very frustrating. Although the difference in strength between her and her opponent was not too great, she was still under the control of others.

It's not just her feelings alone.

It is also the feeling of the entire Huizhou Elf University of Science and Technology team.

They couldn't help looking at Gao Xiangyi, the team leader of Jiangcheng University.

Gao Xiangyi:? ? ? ?o(╥﹏╥)o??

In short, Gao Xiangyi's reputation was severely damaged.

In the third round, Concubine Pei had no choice but to send out the level 41 Elle Duo.

Ji Man followed Jiang Chen's prompt and dispatched a level 20 giant vine.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ibrahimovic was beaten when he was born, she would have wanted to send a level 8 Ibrahimovic.

So far the singles matches are all over.

With a total score of two to one, Jiangcheng University is ahead of Huizhou Elven University of Science and Technology.

At this point, Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

Although there are also doubles and team competitions.

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