It was limp, drooping in the wind speed dog's mouth, and completely lost its ability to fight.

【Ding!The wind speed dog defeated the desert dragonfly and gained 3152 experience points! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's wind speed dog for upgrading to level 48! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's wind speed dog comprehension skills melee combat! 】

[Close-to-hand combat: Give up the protection and charge into the opponent's arms, and your own defense and special defense will be reduced. 】

Unexpectedly, after the wind speed dog defeated the desert dragonfly, the experience value was already full, and he was directly promoted to a level, and he also comprehended a skill.

"In the first round, Jiang Chen from Jiangcheng University won!"

With the loud announcement of the referee.

There was warm applause and cheers from the entire Weiming Lake Fairy Arena.

At this moment, people have forgotten (.) the difference between home and away.

This game was really exciting.

The game was full of suspense, the two elves were evenly matched, and the battle was full of fierce confrontation.

After applauding for a long time, the voice suddenly weakened.

The audience in the elves battle arena looked at each other in embarrassment.

"Princess Tyrannosaurus, we must win!"

"Princess Tyrannosaurus, we must win!"


Suddenly, there was a uniform sound of cheering.

In the second round, the two sides draw the field.

Ji Qingjia suddenly walked up to Jiang Chen and said.

"In the second round, you send your strongest, I send mine the strongest, don't play tricks, let's compete again!"

Jiang Chen looked at the tall and beautiful girl in front of him, her expression was full of dissatisfaction and pride.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "Okay! If you do it again, you will still lose!"

"Hmph, wait and see!" Ji Qingjia flicked his ponytail and walked back to the practice waiting area of ​​Shuimu University.

Jiang Chen, whose nose was swept by the ponytail, sneezed, thinking: How rude!

In the second round, the venues drawn by both sides are rock and soil venues.

"Game start!"

With the order of the referee.

Jiang Chen and Ji Qingjia sent out their second spirits respectively.

The second elf sent by Ji Qingjia has a sky-blue body, and its appearance is very similar to a huge bird.

The fluffy wings, like cotton, covered the whole body, only the head, claws and five tail feathers were exposed.

It has two streamer-like feathers on its head.

This is a dragon-type and flying-type Pokémon, Tanabata Blue Bird.

【Tanabat Blue Bird (Dragon) (Flying)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV40 (Gym)]

[Feature: Regardless of weather (The influence of any weather will disappear.)]

[Character Talent: Lotte (+ Defense, - Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (28), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: dragon wave, cry, white mist, pecking, pecking, charming voice, random attack, round singing, mysterious guardian, dragon breath, singing, cotton defense, slamming, Taishan pressure, jet flame, freezing beam, High Speed ​​Movement, Hold, Destruction Death Ray, Earthquake, High Speed ​​Star, Steel Wing, Dragon Dance, High Speed ​​Movement, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Flame Vortex, Dragon Claw. 】

[Carrying items: MEGA Evolution Stone (Qixi Blue Bird)]

[Potential: Champion Level]

Although, Ji Qingjia wanted to turn defeat into victory in the second round.

But her second battle spirit was restrained by Alola Nine-Tails by nature.

Tanabata blue bird is four times weaker than ice.

The only variable is the carrying MEGA evolution stone.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 129 The Tanabata Blue Bird and Water Arrow Turtle that MEGA evolved!

"Nine Tails, use Blizzard."

Alola Nine-Tails opened its small mouth, a faint blue light appeared, and frost floated up.

It blew out a breath, and instantly condensed into countless snow and frost flowers in the air.

Blown by the wind, it formed a storm like an ice blade and flew towards the Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi blue bird, use high-speed movement-, use steel wings."

[Steel Wings: Use hard wings to beat the opponent to attack, sometimes it will improve your own defense. 】

The Qixi blue bird flew out at a high speed, avoiding the attack of the snowstorm, waving its wings in mid-air, and beating towards Nine Tails.

"Nine Tails, use hypnotism."

Kyuubi's eyes looked at the Tanabata blue bird that was flying fast, emitting a hypnotic wave band.

The Tanabata blue bird suddenly felt very sleepy, drowsy, unable to fly, and wanted to land underground.

"Nine Tails, use the Freezing Beam."

Nine Tails opened its mouth, and a chilly breath gathered in its mouth, turning into a blue light, spraying towards the Tanabata blue bird with deadly killing intent.

"Qixi blue bird, use it to hold it."

Having just broken free from the hypnotism, the Tanabata blue bird had no time to dodge the freezing beam.

There is only time to use the hold skill.

A huge white shield appeared in front of the Tanabata blue bird.

From the very beginning, Qixi blue bird began to fall into a disadvantage.

Seeing this situation, Ji Qingjia took out the necklace hanging around her neck, and the pendant of the necklace was the keystone.

A colored light emanates from the keystone.

At the same time, the energy of the MEGA evolution stone worn by the Tanabata blue bird is also activated at the same time, emitting colorful light.

The moment when the key stone in Ji Qingjia's hand resonates with the MEGA evolution stone on Tanabata Blue Bird's body.

The Tanabata blue bird is shrouded in a large mass of colorful light, and countless colorful lights radiate outward.

The entire Weiming Lake Fairy Arena is full of this colorful light.

"Fuck, what kind of move is this, why haven't I heard of it! I can't keep my eyes open!"

"Is the queen going to make a bigger move? Ah, so excited!"


Just when the entire Elf Arena was in turmoil and chaos.

The colorful brilliance slowly dissipated.

Among them, the figure of the Tanabata blue bird after MEGA evolution is revealed.

Its whole shape has completely changed.

MEGA Tanabata blue bird is more like a giant ball of cotton, its tail has become longer.

The original white and fluffy feathers are distributed in large quantities on the back, and no longer distributed on the chest.

Get taller and have a stronger physique.

What Jiang Chen didn't expect was that Ji Qingjia's decision would activate the MEGA evolution with a slight disadvantage.

Things are a little bit worse here.

【MEGA Tanabata Blue Bird (Dragon) (Fairy)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV40+10 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Fairy skin (Moves with normal attributes will become Fairy attributes. The power will be slightly increased.)]

[Character Talent: Lotte (+ Defense, - Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: dragon wave, cry, white mist, pecking, pecking, charming voice, random attack, round singing, mysterious guardian, dragon breath, singing, cotton defense, slamming, Taishan pressure, jet flame, freezing beam, High Speed ​​Movement, Hold, Destruction Death Ray, Earthquake, High Speed ​​Star, Steel Wing, Dragon Dance, High Speed ​​Movement, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Flame Vortex, Dragon Claw. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Jiang Chen looked at the new information about MEGA Tanabata Blue Bird in front of him.

Somewhat speechless.

This is still a thread, the level is directly increased by ten levels temporarily, the individual value is full, and the potential becomes the master level.

The attributes have also changed, MEGA Tanabata blue bird is now only twice as weak as ice.

Anyway, giving up is not in Jiang Chen's character.

"Kyuubi, use Miyuki."

【Xinxue: Blow the icy fine snow towards the opponent to attack.Sometimes freezes the opponent. 】

Kyuubi let out a light breath, and countless icy snowflakes blew towards the MEGA Tanabata blue bird.

"Qixi Blue Bird, use jet flame."

Ji Qingjia is much calmer now.

The flames sprayed by the Tanabata blue bird directly blew away the blowing snowflakes.

The flames didn't stop, and directly enveloped Nine Tails.

Just a few rounds of fighting.

Things were just as Jiang Chen guessed.

No matter how Jiang Chen adjusts his plan and adapts to the situation in the subsequent battles, it will be of no use.

The level of suppression is too great.

In this round, Alola Nine-Tails was simply defeated.

"In the second round, Ji Qingjia from Shuimu University won."

Following that, the referee announced loudly.

This time there was even more enthusiastic applause and cheers in the Weiming Lake Fairy Battle Hall.

・・・ Flowers・・・

The audience off the field finally remembered that this was their home field.

And Tyrannosaurus Queen Ji Qingjia's miraculous turnaround this time is even more impressive.

MEGA evolution is a very rare evolution.

I haven't heard of it before, and I don't know why it suddenly appeared in various arenas this year.

But it is still elusive.

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