So for this, the audience is willing to give more enthusiastic applause and cheers.

"Tyrannosaurus queen, invincible!"

"Tyrannosaurus queen, invincible!"

"Tyrannosaurus queen, invincible!"


In the third round, when the terrain is drawn.

The unconvinced look on Ji Qingjia's face was gone, only pride remained.

"In the third round, we will continue to be the strongest!"

.. ...... 0

Jiang Chen shook his head, smiled lightly and said, "No problem."

In the third round, the rock and soil field was drawn.

The elves sent by Ji Qingjia are green on the upper body and dark gray on the lower body. The upper and lower bodies have a very clear color distinction.

Its head looks like it's wearing a helmet.

Its mouth is pointed and protrudes forward, and has two very strange lateral growth incisors.

It has orange-red fingers, toes, and the tip of its tail, as well as orange-red spots on its belly.

This is exactly the Dragon-type Pokémon Axtooth!

【Axetooth Dragon (Dragon)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV38 (Gym)]

[Characteristics: Exceptional (You can use the same moves to your opponents without being disturbed by the opponent's characteristics.)]

[Character Talent: Impatient (+Speed, -Defense)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(28)]

[Skills: Grab, stare, bite, malicious pursuit, provocation, split, dragon claw, ghost face, crush, dragon dance, double chop, dragon wave, guillotine, ultimate impact, destroy death light, kick Fall, Earthquake, Tunneling, Hold, Iron Tail, Shadow Claw, Cross Shear, Splitting Tiles, Breaking Rock, Earthquake, Dragon Tail. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Jiang Chen unexpectedly dispatched a level 36 water arrow turtle.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, thinking to himself: You are not the only one, there is a MEGA evolution stone.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 130 The audience was shocked and advanced to the semi-finals!

"Blazka, start MEGA evolution."

Jiang Chen made a big move at the beginning.

At some point, the energy of the keystone in his hand was activated.

This energy resonates with the MEGA evolution stone on Blastoise.

Both the Keystone and the MEGA Evolution Stone emit a sparkling iridescent light at the same time.

The two rays of light merged together and turned into a larger iridescent light that enveloped the Blastoise.

The familiar scene from the previous round actually appeared again.

All the audience in the Weiming Lake Fairy Battle Hall were amazed.

Scenes that are usually rare to see, unexpectedly appeared one after another today.

"Fuck, it's so dazzling, why is this rainbow-colored light appearing again!"

"At the beginning, let's make a big move, the Tyrannosaurus Queen is in danger!"

"."two seven zero"...."

With the dispersal of rainbow-colored brilliance.

The MEGA-evolved Blastoise appeared in front of everyone.

Blastoise is completely transformed, growing a small shell on each arm, with a water cannon in each shell.

At the same time, the two cannons on the turtle shell become a giant cannon, and the muzzle of the huge water cannon exceeds the head of the Super Blastoise.

Due to the huge barrel, the Super Blastoise has grown thicker limbs in order to stand upright.

Its eyes turned red, its chin sprouted a tip, and its forehead had a bump.

【MEGA Water Arrow Turtle (Water)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV36+10 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristics: Super Launcher (The power of wave and waveguide moves will increase.)]

[Character Talent: Leisure (+Attack, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (30), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: impact, tail wagging, water gun, retracting into the shell, high-speed rotation, biting, digging, double, hold, water fluctuations, praying for rain, water tail, water cannon, freezing wind, hail, tidal swirl, Surf, Iron Wall, Cannon Cannon, Shell Break, Iron Wall, Freezing Fist, Block Split, Stomp, Earthquake, Surf, Freezing Beam, Blizzard. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Now it was Ji Qingjia's turn to be dumbfounded.

She never imagined that there would be elves who mastered MEGA evolution in Jiang Chen's house.

The minimum level of Blastoise is 36, and at least 10 levels can be added after MEGA evolution.

Now it's her turn for Axodont to encounter level suppression.

"Water arrow turtle, use the cannon."

[Cannon Light Cannon: Gather the light of the body at one point and release it.Sometimes it lowers the opponent's special defense. 】

In an instant, the water arrow turtle gathered endless brilliance like a black hole.

Immediately afterwards, the huge gun barrel on the back of the MEGA Water Arrow Turtle shot a white light, which shot directly at Axodontosaurus.

Ji Qingjia was still struggling to die.

"Axetooth Dragon, use to defend."

A huge white shield appeared in front of Axetooth Dragon.


The white shield was directly smashed by the light cannon.

The remaining power of the light cannon directly hit the body of the Axe-toothed Dragon.


Axe-toothed Dragon let out a scream.

"Axetooth, use Ultimate Impact."

[Ultimate Shock: Use all your strength to assault the opponent, and you will be unable to move after a short time. 】

Ji Qingjia saw that there was too much gap between the Axe-toothed dragons, so he directly used the skill of killing each other.

With white light all over its body, the Axtooth Dragon rammed towards the Water Arrow Turtle with all its strength.

"Blazka, use Surf."

The water arrow tortoise made huge waves, and the huge waves lifted the water arrow tortoise and slammed it down on the axe-toothed dragon.

The huge waves collided with the ultimate impact of the Axe-toothed Dragon, and there was a violent explosion.


The violent explosion blew out a big hole in the surrounding rock and soil, and gravel and debris flew around.

Wait until everything calms down.

The Water Arrow Turtle stood firmly on the ground, and the Axetooth was already dying in the pit, unable to fight.

"Blazka, cancel the MEGA evolution."

Another burst of rainbow-colored light appeared, and as the light disappeared, Blastoise returned to its original appearance.

【Ding! MEGA Blastoise defeated Axodontosaurus and gained 1213 experience points! 】

"In the third round, Jiang Chen of Jiangcheng University won..."

In the singles match, Jiangcheng University won the first match.

With the referee's announcement.

The audience at the Weiming Lake Fairy Battle Arena couldn't hold back their excitement, and began to cheer and applaud.

The applause and cheers sounded like a volcanic eruption.

At this moment, the audience has no distinction between home and away.

What they appreciate is a wonderful game, a rare game.

The commentators at the scene were also enthusiastic.

"Friends in the audience, we are very honored to see two rounds of MEGA evolution spirits for the first time in a low-level event today!"

"Both of us players have a bright future, and I believe they will become one of the strongest trainers in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Let us cheer for the two contestants with warm applause!"

"Thank you for their wonderful game today!"

Jiang Chen left the competition venue and returned to the waiting area of ​​Jiangcheng University.

Here he was greeted with cheers and praise from his companions.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man complained to Jiang Chen while being happy: Why are you still hiding something?How will you defeat him in the future?

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: It is impossible to defeat me, and it is the result of my help not to be left behind by me!

The defeat of the Tyrannosaurus Queen was a very heavy blow to the entire Shuimu University.

The next two rounds of singles.

They are stuck in a dilemma, causing a series of failures.

 5.2 Results In the singles match, Jiangcheng University won all and won an important match point.

In the doubles match, due to the previous singles match, Mizuki University retained its strength.

As a result, in the doubles match, a record of one victory was achieved.

So far, the situation has gone.

Shuimu University, which lacked fighting spirit, simply lost in the team competition.

Only Tyrannosaurus Queen Ji Qingjia stared at Jiang Chen.

She is not convinced!

But to lose is to lose, and to win is to win.

At least there is no chance to fight again in the National College Freshman Competition.

After winning the game, Jiang Chen did not leave this time.

Instead, he became a spectator and watched the next game.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

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