"Eh, there are pheasants?" Ji Man's eyes lit up.

She saw three pheasants hanging upside down from Wind Speed ​​Dog's saddle.

"I caught it on the way." Jiang Chen looked at Xia Zhenyue expectantly.

Xia Zhenyue rolled Jiang Chen's eyes, and sent Jiang Chen and Ji Man out to collect dead branches.

The dinner was hundreds of times better than when Jiang Chen was alone in the secret realm.

There are roasted hares, beggar chickens, and a pot of wild vegetable porridge.

The cave was huge, and the three of them let all the elves out.

It was really lively, especially Ibrahimovic, who saw a lot of elves that he had never seen before, and played together after a while.

To sleep at night, you don’t need a tent, you just need to lay a floor mat and get into a sleeping bag.

The cave is very safe, with so many elves crowded together, whoever wants to come in without opening his eyes is really courting death.

Although it is November now, it is not cold in the cave at all.

A few fire-attribute elves radiate heat from their bodies, making the entire cave warm.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man all slept soundly.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen was awakened by Xanadu's kisses.

Jiang Chen hugged Xanadu in his arms.

He opened his eyes, and saw Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man's contemptuous eyes at a glance.

"¨. What kind of eyes are you looking at? Why are you looking at me like that!" Jiang Chen was very dissatisfied with their eyes.

"I didn't expect you to be like this!!!" Ji Man stuck out her tongue at Jiang Chen and made a grimace.

"Hey hey hey! Tell me clearly, what do you mean I didn't expect anything from me?" Jiang Chen didn't want to be treated as a pervert.

"Giggle!" Xia Zhenyue at the side finally couldn't help it, and collapsed on the sleeping bag laughing.

The morning time was spent in the fight between the three of them.

To all elves, breakfast is ready.

The three had time to stop and enjoy a hearty breakfast.

In fact, it was the roasted hare and beggar's chicken that I didn't finish eating last night.

Simply heat it up, and serve it with the porridge made from compressed biscuits. The food for the three of them is also very sweet.

After breakfast, rest it for a while.

Jiang Chen rode the wind speed dog, Xia Zhenyue, and Ji Man flew high into the sky.


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Chapter 138 Returning to Leichi, the girls were shocked, and they searched for treasure alone!

Chapter 138 Returning to Leichi, the girls were shocked, and they searched for treasure alone!


Jiang Chen and his party of three slowly approached the mountain range where Lei Chi was located.

At this time, the tempers of the wild elves I met along the way became violent.

Start a fight without saying a word.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man rode Pokkiss and Arrowhawk in the air several times, being chased by other flying elves.

To avoid the danger of a fight in the air.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man returned to the ground and sat on the back of the wind speed dog together.

Adding the weight of the two girls is nothing to the wind speed dog.

However, the speed behind will inevitably decrease.

Because Jiang Chen released a few elves as bodyguards, the wind speed dog couldn't run any faster.

Xia Zhenyue also released the fire-breathing dragon and Jiuwei.

Ji Man then released the Blazing Roaring Tiger and Flaming Monkey.

A group of people marched towards the mountain range where Lei Chi was located.

"What kind of place is this? Why are the elves here so aggressive?" Ji Man asked very puzzled.

"Yes, it's so strange, and the fighting power of the wild elves here is stronger than other places." Xia Zhenyue was also very strange.

"You'll know when you get to your destination!" Jiang Chen continued to play tricks.

The three of Jiang Chen finally arrived at the foot of the steep mountain where Lei Chi was located.

The whole mountain is very steep, without any trace of man-made.

There is no way.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man finally climbed to the top of the mountain with the help of elves.

In Xia Zhenyue, Ji Man saw a strange Tianchi.

This Tianchi is full of crystal clear liquid, and there are electric lights flickering in the water.

When they came up, they just saw a thunderbolt and lightning strike in this Tianchi Lake.

Next to Tianchi, there are many wild elves drinking water.

When the thunder exploded, although they were a little frightened, these wild elves drinking water had no intention of leaving.

Jiang Chen found an open place and drove the nearby wild elves to the side.

Then he took out all the poke balls and released all the pokemon.

In Xia Zhenyue, Ji Man followed suit and released all the elves.

These elves were released from the elf ball, and when they saw the pool water in front of them, they all showed longing expressions by instinct.

"Go and drink water!" Jiang Chen waved his hand.

The 22 elves all came to the edge of the Lei Chi and began to drink the water from the Lei Chi.

"Can we tell now? What is this place?" Ji Man was very curious.

Xia Zhenyue also looked at Jiang Chen with a puzzled expression.

"This is called Leichi!"

"At the bottom of the pool, there is a dormant god-level lightning bird!"

"It will attract the thunder and lightning from the sky to split into the pool water!"

"Most of the energy of these lightnings is absorbed by the lightning bird, but some energy will be dissipated!"

"The elves drink the water from this thunder pool, and can absorb the energy, slowly improving their potential and aptitude!"

"The only problem is that the character will become impatient and impulsive during the absorption process, so after we enter the mountains, we are often attacked by other elves!"

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, God-level Pokémon Lightning Bird! You can actually improve your aptitude and potential! It's amazing!" Ji Man was shocked.

"How did you find this place? I didn't expect there to be a god-level Pokémon!" Xia Zhenyue was also very shocked.

God-level Pokémon are legendary existences, but in reality, few people have actually seen them.

"I discovered it by accident!" Jiang Chen didn't talk much, he directly started to arrange the following work.

"We're setting up a temporary camp here."

"Then divide the elves into three groups, two groups stay in the camp, and one group goes out to fight wild elves, so that energy can be absorbed faster." (.)

"However, I have something to do now. You guys are setting up camp here. Xia Zhenyue, lend me your Pokkiss!" Jiang Chen looked at Xia Zhenyue.

"Okay, no problem!" Xia Zhenyue didn't ask further.

Jiang Chen put on his helmet, goggles, and flight suit, and took Pokkisi's Pokeball and Wind Speed ​​Dog's Pokeball.

He told the other elves to protect Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man.

Jiang Chen put the wind speed dog into the elf ball and rode on Pokkisi.

Jiang Chen got used to riding on Pokkisi's body.

"Pokkisi, come on, fly up and try!"


Pokkisi yelled and took Jiang Chen directly into the sky.

Before Jiang Chen saw Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man flying so happily.

Now it's my turn to take off, it feels really different, very exciting.

The ground became farther and farther away in his eyes, and after a while, the whole Leichi looked like a small black spot.

Experience the joy of flying for a while.

Jiang Chen discerned the direction of the force, and used the reins to indicate the direction of Pokkisi's flight.

Pokkisi turned in the air, like a real plane, and flew in the direction indicated by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen had been paying attention to the location on the hand-painted treasure map when he came.

The location indicated by the treasure map is not too far from Lei Chi.

I don't know how the people back then got here through many difficulties.

Through the terrain on the map, Jiang Chen quickly found the location.

Jiang Chen signaled Pokkisi to land.

After Pokkisi reached the ground, Jiang Chen jumped off its back.

After he got down to earth, he immediately released the wind speed dog.

It's not safe here, and with the protection of the wind speed dog, Jiang Chen felt a lot more at ease.

At this time, he felt relieved and confidently checked the treasure map here.

But so many years have passed, and the map is hand-drawn, there is no way to determine the exact location.

Jiang Chen directly activated the first-level scanning function of the treasure map.

With the fluctuation of circle and circle, scan out.

Ten seconds later, a shiny golden cursor appeared on the treasure map.

Jiang Chen was refreshed, and walked in which direction with Feng Speed ​​Dog and Pokkisi.

Walk along the golden cursor.

I saw a huge banyan tree.

Jiang Chen looked at the appearance of a tree drawn on the treasure map.

This should be where the treasure is buried.

I don't know how many years this banyan tree has grown, and a tree has become a forest.

The roots hang down from the branches one by one and drop to the ground to form new saplings.

The whole banyan tree is inhabited by many sparrows and toucans.

It takes a fight to find treasure under the banyan tree.


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Chapter 139 Treasure under the banyan tree, rainbow light!

Jiang Chen saw so many toucans and sparrows perched on the banyan tree.

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