I knew this battle was inevitable.

"Pokkisi, use the call."

[Sound: let the opponent listen to the cute cry, distract attention and make them neglect, thereby reducing the opponent's attack~. 】

"Qa Ke Yi ~ Chi Ku"

Pokkisi suddenly appeared in front of the banyan tree and began to make a cute and cheerful cry.

The toucans and sparrows staying on the banyan tree were all attracted by Pokkisi's calls.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode."

The wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and red flames gathered in its mouth.

A large-shaped flame spewed out from the mouth of the wind speed dog, and went towards the toucan and sparrow resting on the banyan tree.

Both the toucan and the sparrow were attracted by Pokkisi, and they didn't guard against the sneak attack of the wind speed dog at all.

The large-shaped flame directly hit the top of the banyan tree.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

The crown of the banyan tree was blown to pieces, and flames and branches flew all over the sky.

A large number of toucans and sparrows were blown into the sky, and fell to the ground one by one.

"Pokkisi, use yawn."

[Yawn: A big yawn causes drowsiness and puts the opponent into sleep. 】

Pokkisi yawned in front of the remaining panicked toucans and sparrows.

The toucan and sparrow, who were very panicked at the beginning, suddenly felt sleepy, and couldn't help opening their mouths, yawning and wanting to sleep.

"Wind speed dog, use jet flame."

The wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and crimson flames spewed out from its mouth.It turned into a fiery sea of ​​flames, completely covering the toucan and sparrow.

The toucans and sparrows that did not fall under the explosion of big characters were wiped out now.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

One after another, toucans and sparrows, all covered in black, fell from the tree to the ground.

In front of Jiang Chen's eyes, there were also constantly refreshing reminders of various experience points.

【Ding!Wind Speed ​​Dog defeats Lie Que and gets 123 experience point! 】

【Ding!The wind speed dog defeated the sparrow and gained 235 experience points! 】

【Ding!Pokkisi defeated the sparrow and gained 151 experience points! 】

【Ding!Pokkisi defeated Toucan and gained 287 experience points! 】


Just when Jiang Chen was going to search for treasures under the banyan tree.

"Woooooh!!! (▼皮▼#)"

Suddenly there was an angry cry from a distance, and a toucan with a body length of nearly two meters flew from a distance.

【Bigmouth (flying) (normal) (leader)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV45 (Gym)]

[Characteristic: Sharp Eyes (Thanks to sharp eyes, the hit rate will not be reduced)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (25), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Drilling straight, pecking, pecking, staring, screaming, chasing, chasing, malicious chasing, wing attack, swallow back, slamming, high-speed movement, gas gathering, feather perching, pecking drill, steel wings, Ultimate impact, rapid return, stand-in, flying. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Heavenly King]

[Note: Under the residual influence of Lei Chi, her potential and life essence have been improved, and her personality has become impetuous and impulsive. 】

Unexpectedly, this toucan and sparrow population actually had a leader-level elf.

What was even more unexpected was that this guy actually flew all the way to Leichi to drink water.

Maybe that's why it can become a leader-level elf.

The leader of the toucan flapped his wings and slammed towards the wind speed dog.

[Wing Attack: Widely spreads its beautiful wings and smashes them into the opponent to attack. 】

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Hold."

A huge white shield appeared in front of the wind speed dog, directly blocking the toucan leader's wing attack.

"Pokkiss, use wave missiles."

[Wave Missile: The power of the wave guide is generated from the body, and then sent to the opponent.The attack is guaranteed to hit. 】

"Qa Ke Yi ~ Chi Ku"

Pokkisi yelled, and faint blue waveguide energy began to gather in front of it.

In the next moment, a wave missile like a cannonball shot towards the leader of the toucan.

"Boom!" A loud bang.

"Oh oh oh~⊙︿⊙"

The leader of the toucan, which was hit by the wave missile, let out a scream and fell directly from the sky to the ground.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Crunch."

・・・ Flowers・・・

The wind speed dog opened its bloody mouth wide, and bit the leader of the toucan before he had time to land.

This heavy attack completely defeated the counterattack ability of the leader of the toucan.

It seemed to be unconscious, drooping in the mouth of the wind speed dog.

【Ding!The wind speed dog defeated the leader of the sparrow and gained 1265 experience points! 】

【Ding!Pokkisi defeated the leader of the toucan and gained 2126 experience points! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to Ji Man's Pokkisi for upgrading to level 37! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to Ji Man's Pokkisi comprehension skill magic shine! 】

[Magic Shine: Launches strong light at the opponent and deals damage. 】

Fortunately, Pokkisi has been promoted to a level, and also comprehended a skill.

After finishing all the toucans and sparrows, Jiang Chen began to search for their treasures.

According to the hand-painted treasure map, Jiang Chen guessed that the treasure should be buried around the banyan tree.

At this time, the role of the wind speed dog is reflected.

It has the ability to dig holes, and it digs up the soil very quickly.

Soon the wind speed dog dug a moat around the banyan tree.

However, except for roots and stones, nothing of value was dug up.

Jiang Chen looked at the banyan tree itself.

The trunk diameter of the banyan tree exceeds ten meters, so huge.

Moreover, the entire trunk has seven or eight branches twisted together.

Jiang Chen moved closer and examined it carefully.

Finally he found that the bark color of one trunk was not consistent with the surrounding ones.

Jiang Chen cleaned up all the moss and bark in this area.

It was found that this part of the bark had been cut off and stuffed in, with traces of being cut.

Jiang Chen asked the wind speed dog to dig up this part of the tree trunk.

Sure enough, a hole was exposed.

The ancients were really smart. They took off the bark, made a small hole in this part of the trunk, put things in it, and covered the bark.

It is a rectangular wooden box that has grown with the tree.

It took Jiang Chen a long time to pull it out of the tree.

Jiang Chen opened the wooden box, which was wrapped in oiled paper, spread out the oiled paper, and a rainbow-colored light appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 140 Mysterious Treasure, Phoenix King's Feather, Rainbow Light!

Under the banyan tree.

It was an eerie and dark scene.

Be regal with this sudden iridescent glow.

Three iridescent feathers wrapped in oil paper.

The feathers are not long, about 30 centimeters or so.

It can be seen from the shape of the feathers that it is the belly feathers of a huge bird.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes of insight, and the information of these three feathers slowly appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.

[Phoenix King's Feather: The Phoenix King's feather contains the power of rainbow light. After being absorbed by the elves, it can enhance aptitude, fire energy and flight energy. 】

What the hell!

Three treasures of this level appeared directly.

Jiang Chen's eyes widened, his face full of shock.

What happened back then?

No one will trouble him in the future, right?

Jiang Chen quickly refolded the oiled paper bag into "[-]", put it into the wooden box, and put it in his backpack.

He took a few more pieces of mud from the ground to plug the hole, and re-attached the bark that had been removed earlier.

Just as he was about to leave, a message suddenly flashed in front of him.

【Ding!Alola Kyuubi defeated Rumbling Rock and got 178 experience points! 】

【Ding!Fire-breathing dragon defeats Rumble Rock and gets 155 experience points! 】

When Xia Zhenyue went to pick wild vegetables, Jiang Chen asked Alora Jiuwei to follow Xia Zhenyue.

In this way, adding the fire-breathing dragon beside her, there are two elves above level [-].

This can protect Xia Zhenyue's safety.

But for some reason, Alola Nine-Tails and Charizard got experience hints at the same time.

Is it the default teaming function of the system?

If this is the case, you can divide your troops into two groups when leveling, so that you can achieve the highest efficiency in gaining experience.

Jiang Chen didn't think much, he was going back to the camp and talking.

Jiang Chen used the poke ball to put away the wind speed dog, rode on Pokkisi, accelerated into the air, and started the return journey directly.

When Jiang Chen returned to the sky above Leichi, a small camp had already been set up.

Hearing the sound of the sky, the busy Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man raised their heads to look at the sky.

Seeing that Pokkisi and Jiang Chen had returned, they were relieved.

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