Pokkisi landed on the ground, and Jiang Chen jumped from its back.

"Where did you go? Do you have the nerve to let us two beautiful girls do the hard work?" Ji Man said coquettishly.

"Beautiful girl?? Where is it? Why didn't I see it!!" Jiang Chen would not admit that the two little girls in front of him were beautiful girls.

I didn't expect the two little girls' mobility to be quite strong.

They set up camp near a rock face.

There are two tents in the middle of the camp, and a lot of stones are used around the camp to form a yard wall.

This should be helped by the elves, otherwise they would not be able to move so many stones.

They also built a simple stove in the yard, cut a big tree from nowhere, and sat on it as a wooden table.

Next to the wooden table are several neatly leveled stones as stools.

"It's really good!" Jiang Chen praised.

"There are no ingredients! What's for lunch?" Xia Zhenyue was very conscious of a cook.

She knew the two guys in front of her, one rich and the other poor, but they both didn't know the grain and didn't work hard.

"I'm going hunting, how about you picking some wild vegetables!" Jiang Chen said.

"I'll go pick wild vegetables. Manman is watching the elves here. You go hunting!" Xia Zhenyue thought for a while and said.

"It's fine!" Although the elves won't run around, having a trainer direct them will reduce more accidents. Ji Man is watching the elves here, so everyone can feel more at ease.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, let's go!" Jiang Chen called out to Feng Speed ​​Dog.

The wind speed dog ran over immediately, and Jiang Chen jumped up. Just as he was about to set off, Shanaido teleported and appeared in Jiang Chen's arms.


Seeing that Xanadu was unwilling to go down, Jiang Chen had no choice but to take it to hunt together.

Although the secret realm is the world of elves.

But wild animals of all kinds are not uncommon.

The hares, in particular, were infested.

Because elves seldom mainly eat meat, and the natural enemies of hares, because of their carnivorous characteristics, it is difficult to survive in the secret realm.

These beasts are often devastated by hunting the wrong elves.

Even a green caterpillar is not something ordinary beasts can deal with.

Therefore, hares that have lost their natural enemies are almost everywhere in the secret realm.

With Jiang Chen, Speedy Dog and Xanadu went into the forest, and it didn't take long before they found some rabbit holes together...

Jiang Chen let the wind speed dog spray flames into the rabbit hole, he guarded the other hole, and took a stick to stick a child.

Three wild rabbits, fleeing frantically, fell under his stick.

Xanadu guarded another exit, and two frozen hares fell to the ground.

A total of five hares had a bumper harvest.

Jiang Chen didn't leave the forest immediately. Although the hare meat was delicious, the chicken soup was the most delicious.

He wanted to see if he could catch a few more pheasants.

It's a pity that I went all over the mountains and forests here, but I didn't see a trace of the pheasant.

It was getting late, he could only ride the wind speed dog and head back home.

Unexpectedly, when I returned to the camp, there was a small surprise.

Xia Zhenyue, who was picking wild vegetables, actually caught a pheasant and took out a few wild eggs.

The lunch was very rich, and under limited conditions, a good diet was made.

Stir-fried hare, braised hare, braised chicken nuggets, stir-fried wild vegetables.

I'm running out of time, and I don't have time to make chicken soup, so I can drink pheasant soup at night.

"Yueyue has worked hard!" Jiang Chen held up the mineral water bottle and toasted Xia Zhenyue with water instead of wine.

"Yes! Yueyue is amazing! (⊙o⊙) Wow, she can cook so many dishes!" Ji Man's mouth was full of greasy food.

"Then let's divide the work! To save Yueyue from working so hard all the time!" Jiang Chen said.

"Good duck! Let's divide the work! 5.2" Ji Man said.

"Cooking is hard work! Don't bypass me in your division of labor!" Xia Zhenyue was not satisfied.

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Listen to me, Lei Chi always needs someone."

"But it's useless for the elves to drink this pool of water all the time. It needs to stimulate this energy through fighting!"

"Simply, let's divide into three groups, and Yueyue will take care of the energy-replenishing elves here, take care of our camp, and prepare logistics!"

"Manman and I are in each group, and we will take the elves out for combat training!"

After discussing, everyone divided the elves into three groups.

The two groups went out to train and earn experience to upgrade, and the other group protected the camp, and had nothing to do to drink Leichi water.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 141 The second quasi-god hatches, baby Kiras!

The 22 elves were divided into three groups.

Jiang Chen brought Wind Speed ​​Dog, Menus, Crustosaurus, Xanadu, Giant Pincer Mantis, Blue Crocodile, Giant Vines, and Eevee.

Ji Man brought Charizard, Gyarados, Arrow Eagle, Pokkisi, Nine Tails, Flame Monkey, and Water Arrow Turtle.

Xia Zhenyue took Bing Jiuwei, Nian Meier, Blazing Roaring Tiger, Nine Tails, Geranium, Miao Frog Flower, and Giant Pincer Mantis to guard the camp.

The level of the team led by Jiang Chen was relatively low.

But with the wind speed dog around, there is no fear of danger.

After lunch.

Jiang Chen and Ji Man told Xia Zhenyue that the troops entered the mountain forest from two directions.

There is no need for Jiang Chen and the others to look for the wild elves near the Thunder Pond.

From time to time, some impetuous and impulsive wild elves would rush out to fight a battle.

Jiang Chen and the others' elf personalities also became a little more irritable and impulsive.

After all, the absorbed thunder pool energy is also affecting them for a short time.

When Jiang Chen started to go deep into the forest.

In front of his eyes, the experience prompt information was constantly being refreshed.

【Ding!Blue Crocodile defeated the cat boss and gained 23218 experience points! 】

【Ding!Ibrahimovic defeated Koudaihua and gained 221 experience points! 】

【Ding!Blastoise defeated the big-mouthed bat and gained 215 experience points! 】


Jiang Chen rode on the wind speed dog and opened the treasure map.

The last time I came here was very tight, and I never used the treasure map to search the vicinity.

Now that there is time, Jiang Chen directly clicks on the treasure map and uses the first-level scanning function.

After ten seconds, the scan is complete.

There are golden cursors all over the treasure map.

But when Jiang Chen looked at the location, it was obviously in the direction of Lei Chi.

Obviously, no one can enter the Thunder Pond to search for treasures.

It seems that it is too close to Leichi, it should be farther away, and I am using the function of the treasure map.

Jiang Chen's wave of brushing experience lasted until the sun went down.

Jiang Chen just started to return.

After scanning the treasure map all afternoon, not to mention that there was no golden cursor, there were no items displayed in other colors.

Jiang Chen reckoned that here, because of the Thunder Pond, a large number of wild elves often entered, so very few treasures were left here.

The wild elves near Leichi are all higher level, with better talents and aptitudes.

You can get more experience by leveling and brushing experience here.

Adding them to drink the water from Thunder Pond can also increase experience points.

When Jiang Chen returned to the camp, all the elves in his team had been upgraded.

Some of the writing levels are low after all, and they have been raised by more than one level.

After returning to the camp, Jiang Chen found that Ji Man had also returned to the camp.

Taking a look, the group of elves she led really didn't slack off, and all of them had improved.

For dinner, Xia Zhenyue cooked a pot of mushroom and pheasant soup.

The pheasant grown in the secret realm and the mushrooms collected in the secret realm are mixed together to make mushroom and pheasant soup.

The taste is so delicious that people can't wait to swallow their tongues.

This is a delicacy that cannot be imparted by any seasoning or cooking skills.

Just for this, Jiang Chen is willing to take more adventures in the secret realm, provided that he brings Xia Zhenyue with him.

Otherwise, even the top ingredients will be roasted into dry wood by him.

After dinner.

The three of Jiang Chen sat at the wooden table drinking tea.

This is a habit developed at the nine-tailed grandmother.

But the tea leaves are not as fragrant as the tea leaves of Grandma Nine Tails.

"Is there any tea tree in the secret realm? Can we roast tea and drink it ourselves?" Jiang Chen asked.

"There should be!" Xia Zhenyue couldn't be sure.

"Even if there is, I don't know it!" Ji Man said with an illiterate look on my face.

"Yueyue, take some common wild vegetables and mushrooms. When we go out to fight, we can bring them back when we see them!"

"Wild vegetables are fine, anyway, you have to pick them at that time, let alone mushrooms, even if they look exactly the same, some are poisonous, and you need experience to distinguish them!"

Xia Zhenyue stood up, brought some wild vegetables over, and taught Jiang Chen and Ji Man how to distinguish them.

Today is quite tiring, everyone has an early rest in the evening.

The next morning.

Jiang Chen was woken up by Xanadu's kiss as usual.

When he walked out of the tent, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man had already woken up.

Ji Man is learning how to make breakfast with Xia Zhenyue.

"What time do we leave today?" Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, Ji Man asked.

"I'm leaving later today, I have something important to do today!" Jiang Chen replied while washing up.

There is now a large bucket in the yard.

A whole tree was cut down, and the thickest part was cut off. Some elf used its claws to hollow out the middle and turn it into a bucket.

This was all made by Xia Zhenyue yesterday afternoon after Jiang Chen and Ji Man went out.

She didn't master the skill of making wooden barrels out of wooden planks, but this impromptu method was also very useful.

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