
ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 143 Leaving the Secret Realm Temporarily, Preparing for a Big Purchase!

After subduing Young Kiras.

Jiang Chen and Ji Man continued to take Jin Ling out for training. In fact, what Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man didn't know was that going out was to gain experience.

For the next 10 full days.

Jiang Chen's three-person team spent time in the process of leveling up the experience of fighting spirits.

The equipment in the entire camp is getting better and better.

All kinds of wooden furniture were created by Xia Zhenyue.

Even the rocking chair that Jiang Chen has been thinking about has been made, although it is still completely different, but at least it can be rocked.

In the eyes of Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man, the growth of elves is so incredible.

Although in the secret realm, they did not have instruments to detect the level of elves.

However, the growth is visible to the naked eye.

Only Jiang Chen knew that after ten days of hard work, most of the elves had upgraded a lot.

The highest-level wind speed dog has already reached level 52, and it is conceivable that the level of other elves has increased.

"Today seems to be November 11th!" After dinner, Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were sipping fragrant tea.

Xia Zhenyue took out her mobile phone and looked at it: "Really, it's already the 30th, and we've been here for 290 days!"

"Then let's go out tomorrow!" Jiang Chen said.

"Come in after going out?" Ji Man asked, she was a bit reluctant to stay here, although it was a bit boring after a long time, but the improvement in strength was fascinating.

"Come in, I'm going to stay until the Chinese New Year! I'm going back to Jiangcheng, and I just went out to replenish supplies, and I'll report my family's safety by the way!" Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, let's go out tomorrow! By the way, we can go buy elf eggs!" Xia Zhenyue's eyes lit up.

The next morning.

After having breakfast.

Jiang Chen asked the wind speed dog to dig a huge cave on the mountain wall next to the camp.

Jiang Chen moved all the hard-earned wooden tables, chairs, and tools from the camp into the cave.

Then cover the hole with cut branches.

This is not to prevent humans, but mainly to prevent being destroyed by other wild elves.

Jiang Chen and the others have been in Leichi for so many days, and they haven't seen any human variety shows.

Yesanpo Secret Realm is an undeveloped secret realm.

What's more, it's already very, very deep here.

When I go back, it's just like before I came here.

 (.) Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were flying in the sky on Pokkiss and Arrow Eagle.

Jiang Chen rode a wind speed dog, galloping across the ground.

It took them twice as fast as when they came, and they returned to the entrance and exit of the Yesanpo secret realm.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man looked young.

But beside him were elves like Wind Speed ​​Dog, Pokkisi, and Blazing Arrow Eagle, who seemed not to be trifled with.

Therefore, the idlers at the entrance and exit of the secret realm did not harass them.

After leaving the secret realm.

They took a taxi and went straight to the capital of Beijing.

The phone calls all the way.

They stayed in the secret realm for 10 days this time, and there was no mobile phone signal at all, which made everyone anxious.

The three reported to their families and the school leader that they were safe.

The phone just stopped.

After entering the capital, the taxi went straight to a hotel near the elves hypermarket at the destination.

Under the strange eyes of the waiter, the three of them opened a room.

They are not planning to spend the night in the capital of Beijing.

Just use this room as a temporary resting place.

After so many days in the secret realm, they need to take a good wash.

Each of the three of them took a good shower.

Especially the two girls, who spent more than half an hour in the bathroom.

Some temporarily unnecessary luggage was left at the hotel.

The three of them carried their backpacks and went straight to the elves hypermarket near the hotel.

They didn't look at anything else, and went straight to the area where the elf eggs were placed.

Elf eggs of each attribute are placed separately in their corresponding areas.

Each elf egg has a description of its parents.

All these elf eggs have sources that can be checked. Relatively speaking, there will be no surprises or surprises.

The price will also be priced according to the natural aptitude of its parents.

All the elf eggs are covered by glass domes.

Customers who come to the store can only observe through the glass, and there is no way to touch it with their hands.

It doesn't matter to Jiang Chen, he opened the eye of insight, and the information of these elf eggs is clear at a glance.

It is indeed the largest elf store in the capital.

Jiang Chen saw several elf eggs with very good aptitude and potential, but they were all elves with roots and feet, and the price was very high.

In Xia Zhenyue, Ji Man has already wandered around the elf egg area.

Seeing something pleasing to the eye, he called Jiang Chen to take a look.

Most of Jiang Chen shook his head, and there was nothing particularly worth buying.

Finally, Jiang Chen came to the egg gambling area.

The elf eggs here are all lost information, or of unknown origin.

Every year, the police will vigorously crack down on egg theft in various secret realms.

Many of the captured elf eggs have problems with incomplete information and unknown origins.

Many Elf supermarkets cooperate with the police.

A large number of elf eggs of unknown origin will be purchased, placed in the gambling egg area, and sold as a gimmick.

However, these wild trainers who steal eggs in the secret realm often cannot go to areas with particularly high danger.

Therefore, the price of the elf eggs they stole is generally not high.

If you want to gain something in the egg gambling area, it is like winning the lottery.

However, because the price is not expensive, people often buy one or two to try their luck.

There are more than 1000 fairy eggs in the entire egg gambling area.

Jiang Chen looked over one by one.

He suddenly stopped in front of an elf egg.

This elf egg has a red pattern.

【Fire chick (fire)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: Unhatched]

[Feature: Acceleration (The speed will become faster every time.)]

[Character Talent: Innocent (+Speed, -Special Defense)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (28), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (28), Speed ​​(31)]

【Skills: Catch, Double Kick, Spark, Jet Flame, Flash of Lightning, Flame Vortex, High Speed ​​Movement, Sunny Day. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Heavenly King]

It turned out to be a fire chicken with the potential of a heavenly king.

Although the personal value qualification is not full, but it is almost the same. With Lei Chi's compensation, it may reach the full value after two upgrades.

But Jiang Chen still shook his head to look at the next elf egg.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue, and Ji Man have too many elves with fire attributes, so Huo Zhiji doesn't have to think about it.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 144 Elf Hypermarket, Leaking Elf Eggs, Distributing Elf Eggs!

Jiang Chen looked at the elf eggs one by one in the egg gambling area.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man stayed by his side for a while, and then they didn't know where they went.

Jiang Chen suddenly stopped in front of an elf egg with yellow patterns.

Something that surprised Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, there are such precious elf eggs in the gambling egg area.

【Cathy (super power)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: Unhatched]

[Characteristics: Mental Power (by exercising the spirit, you will not shrink from the opponent's attack. ~)]

[Character Talent: Timid (-+Speed, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (28), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skill: Teleportation. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

As soon as Jiang Chen waved his hand, the service staff from the gambling area of ​​the Elf Supermarket came over.

Due to the expensive price of elf eggs, all elf eggs are covered by glass covers, and guests cannot touch them.

After the selection is made, you can ask the service staff to help take out the elf egg.

Although the payment has not yet been made, it has been sold and will not be returned.

The service staff packed the elf egg in a cardboard box, put it in a handbag, and finally handed it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took it and continued to browse the rest of the area.

It's a pity that we didn't come across a suitable elf egg later.

Jiang Chen decided to change the store.

The capital is very large, and the demand for elf stores is also very high.

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