There are particularly large elf stores in several urban areas.

Jiang Chen found Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man who were wandering around.

"I just found such a suitable elf egg in this store, and I'm going to check out other stores!"

"Don't go there, just buy all the supplies you need in this store."

"Wait a minute, if I buy a suitable elf egg, I will come back to you!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen handed the bag in Xia Zhenyue's hand.

"Here, I am the elf egg I chose, and you will pay first later!"

Jiang Chen made it clear and left the elves store.

I took a taxi directly and went straight to the next destination.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were not in a hurry.

They leisurely, began to browse the entire store.

I bought a lot of energy cubes, tree fruit snacks, and fresh milk for young elves.

There is no way to buy special fresh milk for young elves, because it is not known what type will be hatched.

They just buy more common ones, and they can also let the elves drink to strengthen their muscles and bones.

The effect is definitely worse than the custom-made ones.

In addition to these, they also bought several incubators.

There are so many things to buy, and the elf hypermarket even helped them deliver the big bags to the hotel.

After dropping things off at the hotel.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man started to browse the nearby supermarket again.

Purchased rice, spices, daily necessities, etc.

This is the posture of preparing to make a home in the secret realm.

Jiang Chen didn't come back until noon.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man had lunch by themselves in the hotel.

Waited until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Chen returned to the hotel in a hurry.

He visited all the large and small elf stores in the entire capital today.

Finally, I got five elf eggs, plus the one of Casey's elf eggs in the morning, a total of six elf eggs.

It happened that two girls had three elf eggs each.

Jiang Chen ran around all day, covered in sweat.

He put the bag containing the elf bag on the table and entered the bathroom, ready to take a shower first.

When he came out of the shower, he found six elf eggs neatly placed on the table.

In Xia Zhenyue, Ji Man sat around the table, and it seemed that she was going to wait for Jiang Chen to distribute it.

Jiang Chen sat down at the table while wiping his hair with a towel.

"I can basically judge the properties of these elf eggs."

"So, you can choose elves according to your needs!"

"By the way, which direction are you going to train Ibrahimovic?" Jiang Chen suddenly looked at Ji Man and asked.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Eevee like Ibrahimovic is very magical, it has a total of 9 training directions, corresponding to different attributes.

These nine attributes are: general attribute, water attribute, electricity attribute, fire attribute, superpower attribute, evil attribute, grass attribute, ice attribute, fairy attribute.

Since Ji Man's Ibrahimovic has been in the cultivation state of general attributes, Jiang Chen has such a question.

"I didn't think about it!" Ji Man was very confused, she had difficulty choosing.

No matter which direction Ibrahimovic evolves, she likes it very much.

"Then let's divide the elf eggs first, and then decide the direction of Eevee's evolution based on the distribution of the elf eggs' attributes!"

...... 0

Jiang Chen looked at Ji Man and said.

"Okay, do as you say!" Ji Man wished for someone to help her make up her mind.

The attributes of Xia Zhenyue's elves are relatively scattered.

Charizard is fire attribute and flight attribute, Pokkiss is fairy attribute and flight attribute, Nine Tails is fire attribute, Nimeier is dragon attribute, Geranium is grass attribute, and crocodile is water attribute.

Casey with superpower attributes is very suitable for Xia Zhenyue.

Steel-type and rock-type cocodora are also available.

Ghost and poison ghosts are also good.

Jiang Chen analyzed the elves that Xia Zhenyue currently has and the properties of the six elf eggs.

He took out a Poké Ball with a yellow pattern, a gray and white pattern, and a black and purple pattern, and placed them on Xia Zhenyue's side.

Ji Man's elf bias is relatively serious.

The Flaming Roaring Tiger has fire and evil attributes, the Arrow Eagle has fire and flight attributes, the nine-tails has fire attributes, the flaming monkey has fire and fighting attributes, the giant pincer mantis has insect and steel attributes, and the giant vine has Grass attribute and Ibrahimovic are general attributes.

There are 4 fire spirits in total.

The good thing is, except for the Nine Tails, they are all dual attributes.

Jiang Chen looked at the elf eggs in front of him and fell into deep thought.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 145 Return to the secret realm, group plan!

The remaining three elf eggs are: Yaya with dragon attribute, Shiwanzi with rock attribute, Dandan with grass attribute and super power attribute.

Jiang Chen placed the three elf eggs in front of Ji Man.

One poke ball with a green pattern, one with a dark blue and yellow pattern, and one with a white pattern.

"What about you? Don't you want to hatch elf eggs?" Xia Zhenyue asked when she found six elf eggs and Jiang Chen didn't keep one.

"I still have two hatching, so I don't need it this time." Jiang Chen replied.

"Ibrahimovic, I suggest cultivating it on Fairy Ibrahimovic!" Jiang Chen looked at Ji Man again and said.

"If you want to meet an elf with a fairy attribute, if you want to meet a person with better talent and aptitude, it's very rare. Fairy Eevee has a fairy attribute!"

"Yeah, listen to you, I'll buy a soothing bell later!" Ji Man was glad that she didn't have to make a choice.

"Two nine three" Jiang Chen picked up the incubator they bought today.

They only bought four, and Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man did not expect Jiang Chen to bring back six fairy eggs.

"Yueyue, let's go buy two more incubators, and I'll buy a soothing bell by the way." Ji Man dragged Xia Zhenyue's hand.

"Okay! Jiang Chen can just rest for a while!" Xia Zhenyue followed Ji Man out of the hotel, and once again went to the Elf Supermarket.

Jiang Chen set up the four incubators at hand, and put in the elf eggs to activate the hatching function.

The closest to the hatching date is Shiwanzi, which needs to hatch for 23 days.

The longest hatching date is Yaya, which needs to hatch for 60 days.

When all the elves hatched successfully, Jiang Chen's Lightning Bird was still in the egg. Its hatching time was too long. It can only be said that it is worthy of being a divine beast.

The Elf Supermarket is not far from this hotel.

Soon, the repurchased Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man came back.

Jiang Chen also set up the remaining two elf eggs and activated the hatching time.

Ji Man released Ibrahimovic and put a soothing bell on it.

[Soothing Bell: A bell with a pleasant sound.The Pokémon carrying it will be soothed, making it easier to bond with the Trainer. 】

After Ibrahimovic was put on the comforting bell, after walking two steps, there was a pleasant bell sound on his body, and he looked very happy.



It was very happy to run around in the room, calling while running.

All the things that need to be done back to the city have been done.

They didn't stay for dinner, but directly called three taxis and returned to Yesanpo Secret Realm.

The reason why three taxis are called is because they have too many things.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were carrying a huge hiking bag, almost half the size of them.

Jiang Chen, who is a strong laborer, is even more exaggerated.

Carrying a huge mountaineering bag, two oversized shoulder bags are slung across the body.

Three taxis stopped at the gate of Yesanpo Secret Realm.

The exaggerated looks of Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man attracted many people's attention.

Many people kept exchanging cryptic glances.

Jiang Chen didn't care at all.

If someone really does not open his eyes, then he must be prepared to lose his life.

Regardless of whether it is in the secret realm or outside the secret realm, attacking the trainer is a very serious responsibility.

Moreover, there is almost no guilt for the elves of the trainer to kill people in the counterattack.

If it was in a secret realm, the corpse would be decomposed by nature within a few days after casually throwing it away.

After entering the secret realm.

Xia Zhenyue rode on Pokkisi, Ji Man rode on the Arrow Eagle, accelerated immediately, and both of them flew into the air.

Jiang Chen rode on the wind speed dog and ran in the direction of Lei Chi.

Not long after the three of them left.

From where they took off, five people emerged from the grass behind them.

"It's not easy, their elf levels are too high!"

"I don't know where you come from, young lady, take risks here, let's forget it!"

"I can't catch up, I don't know which direction they went?"

"It's definitely not going to work here, there are too many people!"

The five people exchanged words with each other, and finally left cursing.

Jiang Chen didn't know what happened behind him.

They have already made an appointment to use the cave where they entered the secret realm for the first time as a temporary camp for today.

Rest overnight in a temporary camp.

The next day everyone continued to rush to Leichi.

This time the road back to Leichi went much smoother.

Because the elves on the road were scared by them.

Although she has an impulsive personality, it doesn't mean she isn't afraid of being beaten...

They were only gone for just over a day.

The camp was not destroyed by other wild elves.

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