Jiang Chen's heart moved, he looked at Xia Zhenyue and said, "Go and get some energy cubes that ghosts eat."

Xia Zhenyue hurriedly took some energy cubes that ghosts like to eat.

She put the energy cube on the table.

After a while, an elf appeared in front of Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man.

With the appearance of this elf, the three of Jiang Chen smelled a faint sweet smell again.

There is some gas-like gas escaping from its body.

Its core is black spherical, it has a pair of big white eyes, but only a small black dot in the pupil.

Its mouth can be wide open, with a pair of very sharp fangs.

This is a Ghost-type and Poison-type Pokémon, Ghost.

Xia Zhenyue carefully fed the ghost with energy cubes.

When Guisi finished eating the energy cube and refused to eat, Xia Zhenyue took out the poke ball and tried it. Guisi didn't resist and was put into the poke ball.

【Ghost (Ghost) (Poison)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV5 (novice)]

[Characteristic: Floating (floats from the ground, so that it will not be attacked by ground attribute moves.)]

[Character Talent: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (28), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: strange light, tongue licking, hypnotism, black eyes, tit for tat, resentment, curse. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

Xia Zhenyue let out a sigh of relief, and finally got it done.

In the end, this elf was too difficult to deal with. After waiting for so long, it hatched silently.

"We have to prepare, we can leave this secret place!"

"It's been almost a month since we entered the secret realm this time, it's time to go out and report to our family and school that we are safe!"

Jiang Chen saw that the three elves had hatched, and there was nothing to do, so he lay on the rocking chair and said.

"Ah, time flies so fast, it's okay to go out and have a good rest!" Ji Man said happily.

"Has it been a month?" Xia Zhenyue couldn't believe it.

"We came in on the 1st, today is the 29th, almost a month!" Jiang Chen said.

"Then after we go out this time, will we still come in?" Ji Man asked.

"What are you doing here? Except for these few newborns, our elves are basically at the bottleneck!"

"But there's no need to be so anxious. You can stay here for a week, train these little ones well, and let's go! At least lay a good foundation!"

Jiang Chen rocked the rocking chair and took a sip of the freshly brewed tea.

"That's fine, we'll be staying for a week!" Xia Zhenyue nodded and agreed.

"Oh, I'm so reluctant to leave here so suddenly!" Ji Man sighed.

"The level of this secret realm is a little lower, we can go to more dangerous secret realms for adventure in the future!" Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

"Okay, it's settled, then you don't want to sneak away alone!" Ji Man immediately made an agreement.

"Yes, don't sneak away alone!" Xia Zhenyue seemed to remember Jiang Chen's sneaking away.

"Don't worry!!" Jiang Chen promised.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 154 Exploring the Treasure Map of the Secret Realm Again!

In the evening ten days later, the secret place of Yesanpo.

The dusty Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man appeared at the exit of the secret realm.

There were too many malicious people around, so Jiang Chen left the secret realm directly on the wind speed dog.

Although it violated the safety regulations, no one cares about this place in Yesanpo Secret Realm.

This time they left the secret realm, they were not bombarded by endless phone calls or text messages.

Because all three people's mobile phones were dead.

Even the charging treasure I carried was all dead.

This time I stayed in the secret realm for too long.

Until I left the area of ​​​​Yesanpo Secret Realm, I took a taxi, returned to the capital, checked into a hotel, and started to charge my phone~ turn it on.

At this time, a large number of text messages and missed calls began to prompt.

The most embarrassing thing was that Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man failed to stay in the hotel, and were picked up by their family members who came for questioning.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man, who had been missing for so many days, felt a little guilty and had no choice but to leave with their families.

In the end, only Jiang Chen managed to stay in the hotel.

He doesn't have a wealthy family to pick him up, his parents, younger siblings have already adapted to his life as a trainer.

After talking with the family on the phone.

Jiang Chen ordered food directly in the hotel, he was too lazy to go out by himself.

It's good that Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were called back by their family members. There are still two secret places on the treasure map that they haven't searched for.

I can’t go to the secret realm of the Forbidden City for the time being. This secret realm is very mysterious and controlled by the government. It has never been opened to the public. I will talk about it when I have the opportunity.

Jiang Chen directly changed the plan to realize the preparation. He decided to go to the secret place of Longqing Gorge to discover the treasures in the treasure map.

To avoid long nights and dreams, if you meet an adventurer with a full lucky point, it will be a big loss.

Had dinner.

Jiang Chen tidied up and went to the nearby elf store.

He needs to replenish some supplies.

I don't know how many days it will be delayed when I go to Longqing Gorge to hunt for treasure tomorrow.

There are too many elves in Jiang Chen now, and each of them is of a higher level, so they are more and more edible.

Jiang Chen bought a large number of energy cubes, and because there were too many of them, the store sent them directly to the hotel.

And Jiang Chen himself is a poor compressed biscuit mineral water, trying to minimize the space in the backpack.

It is estimated that Jiang Chen will not be able to keep up with the hatching of Cocoa Dora and Yaya.

However, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man have participated in the hatching of elf eggs so many times, and they have no problems themselves.

Besides, their family has a big business, and the breeders trained in the family are also professional.

The next morning, six in the morning.

Jiang Chen did not become a breeder.

The hotel room is too small, very inconvenient.

He planned to release all the elves after entering the secret realm of Longqing Gorge.

He carried a huge mountaineering bag and two messenger bags on his back, and called a couple of taxis.

Longqingxia Secret Realm is in the suburbs of the capital, and it used to take more than two hours by taxi.

It was more than eight o'clock after arriving at the destination.

The Longqingxia secret realm is a developed secret realm, although there are undeveloped areas inside.

However, the developed area has attracted many trainers and adventurers.

After registering and entering the secret realm, Jiang Chen released the wind speed dog.

The majestic aura of the wind speed dog made some elves at the entrance and exit feel very scared, causing chaos.

The trainers and adventurers who stayed at the entrance and exit frantically began to appease their elves.

They looked at the wind speed dog beside Jiang Chen with suspicious eyes.

"Fuck, what level is this wind speed dog? It looks so tall and strong!"

"Which family's son is this? Bring such a high-level elf to the secret realm to play!"

"Do you have a sense of public morality? The release of such a high-level elf at the entrance frightened my little treasure!"

"I'm dying of laughter. Do you think the secret realm is here for an outing? Return your little treasure!"


Jiang Chen rode on the wind speed dog and galloped into the distance.

He didn't notice the commotion caused by the wind speed dog.

He showed the hand-painted treasure map in his hand, and judged a general direction, and the wind speed dog ran forward in this direction.

The wind speed dog looks like a very majestic body, but it runs lightly like a dancer.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Its speed is so fast that people along the road only feel a gust of wind blowing by, and when they look up, they can only see a black spot behind.

Soon, within an hour, Custom Dog led Jiang Chen into the undeveloped area.

The environment in the undeveloped area is more primitive, and the types of elves are more complex, more changeable, and more aggressive.

Halfway through a rocky slope with a gurgling stream.

Jiang Chen signaled the wind speed dog to stop.

Since I was in a hurry to go out this morning, I haven't fed any elves except the wind speed dog.

The site is open and has a source of water, which is just right.

The octopus released all the elves.

There are 11 elves in total, what a big family.

... .. 0

Jiang Chen very consciously turned into a breeder, preparing energy cubes for each elf.

The elves who had been starving all morning turned into cooks.

Only the wind speed dog observed the surrounding environment very vigilantly.

Jiang Chen is carefully studying this hand-painted treasure map.

He also has another simple map of the Longqing Gorge secret realm purchased at the entrance of the secret realm in his hand.

He was comparing the two maps, trying to find out the real location of the treasure map.

However, since there are no sprites with flying attributes.

Observation of the entire terrain is not so smooth.

Jiang Chen saw several places to try instead of all, all of which looked like treasure map locations.

However, fortunately, he has the function of the treasure map. At that time, he can start scanning one by one to try.

The hand-painted treasure map is too crude.

It is estimated that the people who drew the drawings decades ago were too hasty.

Jiang Chen put away the map, saw the elves who had already eaten and drank enough, and used the elf ball to put them all away.

Xanadu didn't want to enter the poke ball, and it was already sitting on the back of the wind speed dog in a teleportation.

"Sha La~(*^▽^)/"

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