It also held the rein and commanded the wind speed dog.

The wind speed dog stared at Xanadu with wide eyes, and remained motionless.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 155 The treasure hunt in the secret realm begins, a good start, a small fortune!

Jiang Chen rode on the wind speed dog, let Xanadu hold the rein, and headed towards the first possible target.

On the hand-painted treasure map, only one direction is drawn from the entrance of the secret realm to a tall mountain range.

The exact location of the treasure map is in a forest and a rocky beach.

But it is displayed on the official secret map.

There are as many as five places like this.

Jiang Chen is going to check them separately from near to far.

The first goal was quickly approached.

Here lives a group of Dark Crows and Crow Heads.

Jiang Chen did not directly attack, but activated the function of the treasure map.

The scope of the first-level scan can completely cover this area.

The scanning stopped after ten seconds, and a golden cursor appeared on the treasure map.

"Three two three" This surprised Jiang Chen very much.

Could it be that the address indicated on the treasure map is so easy to find?

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there are other treasures in this place.

However, there are so many dark crows and crow heads.

You need to defeat them before you can search this area well.

Jiang Chen released Giant Pincer Mantis, Shakilas, and Riolu.

Among the elves, only the three of them have the lowest level, and all the others are at level 50.

Giant Pincer Mantis is level 47, Shakilas is level 30, and Leolu is level 12.

This group of dark crows and crows will be handed over to them to deal with.

Mainly attack Shakiras, assist Riolu, and assist in the rescue of the giant pincer mantis.

Jiang Chen made clear arrangements for them.

"Shakiras, use Screech."

"Cool!!! (▼皮▼#)"

An extremely ear-piercing and extremely loud voice came from Shakiras' mouth.

Affected by the piercing sound, dark crows that are generally more than 10 levels faltered directly and fell from the tree.

The heads of some of the crows that did not fall also showed pain.

"Riolu, use Lightning Flash, use Shard Rock."

Riolu was as fast as lightning, appearing in front of the head of the crow.

It punched a child, and several crow heads that were not affected by the harsh sound were all knocked down by it.

"Shakilas, use Earthquake."

The Dark Crow and Crow Head who fell to the ground still wanted to struggle.

Shakiras stomped on the ground violently, and the whole ground shook violently.

Shockwave dealt a fatal blow to the struggling Dark Crow and Crow Head.

With these dark crows and crow heads lost the ability to move.

Before Jiang Chen's eyes, there were also reminders of various experience points on the screen.

【Ding!Shakilas defeated the Dark Raven and gained 52 experience points! 】

【Ding!Shakilas defeated the head of the crow and gained 135 experience points! 】

【Ding!Riolu defeated the head of the crow and gained 623 experience points! 】


At this moment, a huge crow suddenly appeared from nowhere.

It flapped its wings and slammed into Riolu fiercely.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use Air Slash."

The giant pincer mantis slashed vigorously into the air with both forearms, and a huge air blade directly slashed at the head of the huge crow.

[Crow Head (Evil) (Flying) (Leader)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV36 (Gym)]

【Characteristics: Overconfidence (If you defeat your opponent, you will be full of confidence and your attack will increase.)】

[Character Talent: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (27), Attack (28), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (25), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Wing Attack, Black Mist, Chase, Scare, Raid, Secret Attack, Bluff, Trick, Fly, Steel Wings]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Quasi-King Level]

The giant pincer mantis air blade is very powerful.

The head of the crow suddenly let out a sharp cry.

[Scare: Use screams, etc. to suddenly frighten the opponent and attack.Sometimes makes opponents cringe. 】

It's a pity that the level of the giant pincer mantis is much higher than that of the crow leader...

It was not at all moved by the screams of the chief crow.

The blade of air slashed directly at the head of the crow leader.

In an instant, feathers and screams flew together.

The head of the crow was directly severely injured and fell heavily from the air to the ground.

The level gap caused the leader of the crow to be instantly killed by the giant pincer mantis.

【Ding!The giant pincer mantis defeated the leader of the crow head and gained 214 experience points! 】

Jiang Chen first found the nest of the leader of the crow.

If it wasn't the treasure in the treasure map, then it would most likely be the collection of the leader of the crow.

The bird's nest is on a branch of a big tree.

Jiang Chen sent Xanadu to teleport up and dropped the bird's nest.

"Sha La~(*^▽^)/"

Xanadu was happy to help Jiang Chen with things.

It appeared next to the bird's nest in an instant, and took down the whole bird's nest in three strikes.

Then with a teleport, it appeared beside Jiang Chen again.

After taking over the huge bird's nest, Jiang Chen rummaged inside and found three black lacquered gems.

[Dark Stone: A magical stone that enables certain elves to evolve, as dark as night. 】

Three dark stones, two medium-grade ones, and one top-grade stone, together, the value of 5.2 is around 900 million.

This wealth is not too much for Jiang Chen now, it can be regarded as a small fortune.

Jiang Chen opened the treasure map and found that the golden cursor on the treasure map had faded.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen understood that this location was not indicated by the treasure map.

It's just that this crow leader just happened to collect the Dark Stone needed for the evolution of their population.

And this happened to be scanned by the treasure map.

Counting these dark crows and crows as unlucky, they encountered unwarranted disasters.

Jiang Chen put Giant Pincer Mantis, Shakilas, and Riolu into the elf ball.

Ride on the wind speed dog, take Xanadu, and run towards another goal.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 156 There must be a super secret treasure, the use of Phoenix King's Feather!

When reaching the second similar target shown on the official map.

Jiang Chen scanned the treasure map at the first level.

Without the appearance of a golden cursor, a second similar target can be ruled out.

Jiang Chen didn't stay here much.

Follow the direction of the map and go directly to the third target.

By the time the third goal was reached, the sun had already set.

Night is about to fall on the entire Longqing Gorge Secret Realm.

It is not particularly safe to move in the dark. If some wild elves attack the trainer, it will be more troublesome and not easy to protect.

So Jiang Chen decided to find a place to set up a temporary camp near the third target and rest for the night.

Since Wind Speed ​​Dog learned the ability to dig holes.

Jiang Chen was not so careful in choosing the camp.

Finding a foot of the mountain, the wind speed dog quickly dug out a huge cave.

Immediately afterwards, the wind speed dog used jet flames to dry and warm the entire cave, and drove away the snakes and insects.

11 elves filled the entire cave with 21.

Jiang Chen didn't even take out his sleeping bag, he leaned directly against Feng Suogou's body.

The fire-attribute energy dissipated by the wind speed dog made Jiang Chen feel less cool.

What's more, Xanadu is still crowded together.

The next morning.

Although the sun does not shine into the cave.

But the noisy cries of the elves who got up early outside still came in.

Jiang Chen took the elf and left the cave.

The third goal is also a forest, next to a rocky beach and a stream.

On the rocky beaches and streams, there are various elves who get up early to drink water here.

In the relatively deep pool in the distance, there are still some water attribute elves playing in the water.

With so many elves, Jiang Chen rushed to the side of the rocky beach.

There was so much movement that it scared away some wild elves who were drinking here.

Taking up a place, Jiang Chen began to transform into a breeder.

After a busy day, he washed himself in the stream and ate his poor compressed biscuits for breakfast.

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