While eating compressed biscuits, Jiang Chen looked at the woods of the third target.

When he arrived at the target yesterday, Jiang Chen had already started a first-level scan of the treasure map.

A golden cursor points to this forest.

The woods are also occupied by a population of elves.

This forest is not an ordinary forest, but a fruit forest.

So, occupied by a group of throwing monkeys.

Throwing Monkey is also an old friend of Jiang Chen, and the first bucket of gold was obtained from Throwing Monkey in the secret place of Moshan.

The level of the throwing monkeys here is not low, and it should be a relatively strong population in the vicinity.

The general level is above level 58, and the level of the throwing monkey leader is as high as level [-].

【Throwing Monkey (Fighting) (Boss)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV58 (quasi-king)]

【Characteristics: Unyielding (When the ability change is reduced by the opponent, the attack will be increased by 2 levels for each ability reduction.)】

[Character Talent: Impatient (+Speed, -Defense)]


[Skills: impact, stare, rock breaking, gas gathering, siege, ghost face, slamming, throwing, bodybuilding, making a fuss, dashing, melee combat, resurrection, ultimate impact, defending, kicking, acrobatics, thief, Drafting, stomping, foot kicking, tile splitting, sucking punch, iron head, stand-in, resurrection, earthquake, ultimate impact, ki bomb, melee combat. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

I don't know how this wild elf was upgraded to such a high level.

It's not just a high level, its talent potential is also first-class.

There is no treasure nearby that can improve aptitude and potential like Thunder Pond.

It's a bit difficult to handle, the level of the leader is three levels higher than that of the wind speed dog.

Once the wind speed dog is restrained, although the other throwing monkeys are not as high as Jiang Chen's elves, they are of a higher level, but there are a lot of them.

Jiang Chen thought carefully for a while, and decided to postpone the action.

If Jiang Chen guessed correctly, the leader of the Throwing Monkey must have an extraordinary super secret treasure.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the wild elf population to have the opportunity to grow to such a great extent.

Unless it is some quasi-gods, mythical beasts, and phantom beasts with particularly high race values.

Throwing monkeys are just a very common kind of elf.

If the leader of the Throwing Monkey hadn't been lucky enough to obtain a super secret treasure, it would be hard to believe that it had grown to such a terrifying level by virtue of its own ability.

Jiang Chen put away all the elves, and brought the wind speed dog back to the temporary camp cave.

After returning to the cave, Jiang Chen released the Gyarados.

The two elves, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados, looked at Jiang Chen, a little puzzled.

Jiang Chen stroked the head of Wind Speed ​​Dog, then Gyarados' head, and said with a smile, "It's cheap for you two, and I'll give you extra meals."

After speaking, Jiang Chen took out a rectangular wooden box from his backpack.

Jiang Chen opened the wooden box, which was wrapped in oiled paper, spread out the oiled paper, and a rainbow-colored light shone in the dark cave.

Wind Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados felt the energy fluctuations, and they couldn't help getting excited.

Inside the wooden box, wrapped in oiled paper, are three iridescent feathers.

The feathers are not long, about 30 centimeters or so.

[Phoenix King's Feather: The Phoenix King's feather contains the power of rainbow light. After being absorbed by the elves, it can enhance aptitude, fire energy and flight energy. 】

Jiang Chen took out a phoenix king's feather, pointed at Feng Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados, and said, "Use the phoenix king's feather!"

In an instant, the Phoenix King's Feather burst out with iridescent light.

A stream of fire-attributed energy and a stream of flying-attributed energy appeared.

The energy of the fire attribute flies towards the wind speed dog.

The energy of the flying attribute flies towards the Gyarados.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 157 The magical energy of the phoenix king's feather, the soaring wind speed dog and tyrannosaurus!

The moment the fire attribute energy was sucked into the body of the wind speed dog.

Crimson flames rose from Wind Speed ​​Dog's body, and this flame also had rainbow-colored rays of light.

Before Jiang Chen's eyes, the screen was swiped by the dense reminder information released by the system.

【Ding!The wind speed dog absorbs the fire attribute energy of Phoenix King Feather and gains a lot of experience. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's wind speed dog for upgrading to level 56! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's wind speed dog for upgrading to level 59! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's wind speed dog for upgrading to level 62! 】


【Ding!Congratulations to the host's wind speed dog for upgrading to level 65! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's wind speed dog comprehension skill Taijing explosion! 】

[Taijing Explosion: When Taijing transforms, it will release an energy attack of Taijing attribute.Compare your own attack and special attack, and use the one with the higher value to inflict damage on the opponent. 】


【Wind Speed ​​Dog (Fire)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV65 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Ignite fire (when attacked by a fire attribute move, absorb the flame, and the fire attribute move you use will become stronger)]

[Character Talent: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)]


[Skills: stare, spark, howl, bite, slam, flame charge, flame wheel, high-speed movement, flame teeth, flame jet, hold, crush, stomp, flame vortex, frolic, help, revenge, resurrection . . 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Wind Speed ​​Dog's qualifications and potential have finally reached the best state it can achieve so far.

at the same time.

The Gyarados, which was absorbing the energy of the flight, seemed to be gently caressed by countless breezes all over its body.

All kinds of information flashed before Jiang Chen's eyes.

【Ding!Gyarados absorbs the flying attribute energy of Phoenix King Feather and gains a lot of experience. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Gyarados for upgrading to level 51! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Gyarados for upgrading to level 53! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Gyarados for upgrading to level 54! 】


【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Gyarados for upgrading to level 60! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Gyarados for comprehending the wave of evil! 】

[Evil wave: A terrifying aura full of malice is emitted from the body.Sometimes makes opponents cringe.


【Tyrannosaurus (Water) (Flying)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV60 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Intimidation (when entering the field or acquiring this characteristic, the attack of all opponents within the attack range is reduced by 1 level.)】

[Character Talent: Stubborn (+Attack, -Special Attack)]


[Skills: water splash, impact, crazy, bounce, water cannon, bite, stare, tornado, waterfall climbing, crush, salt water, pray for rain, dragon dance, destroy light, electromagnetic wave, sleep, ghost face, frozen Wind, Hailstorm, Storm, Uproar, Dragon Wave, Water Tail, Tide Swirl, Surf, Iron Tail, Frozen Beam, Hundred Thousand Volts, Evil Wave, Taijing Burst, Thunder, Reverse Scale, Ultimate Impact, Spike Stone attack, blizzard. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

It's so arrogant!

Jiang Chen couldn't help admiring.

A single phoenix king's feather raised the Wind Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados by 10 levels each.

The problem is, Jiang Chen still has two Phoenix King Feathers in his hands.

However, unfortunately, after using the Phoenix King's Feather, Jiang Chen somehow felt it.

If it is used on Wind Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados, the effect may not even be half.

Under the eager eyes of Feng Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados, Jiang Chen put away the remaining two Phoenix King Feathers.

Seeing the disappointed eyes of Wind Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, you two, you are already very good, don't waste it〃¨!"

Jiang Chen stroked the mane on the wind speed dog's head, and then stroked the horns of the Gyarados.

Now that the wind speed dog doesn't get down on the ground, Jiang Chen can't touch its head.

Gyarados is similar, without wings, and floats in the air every day.

Fortunately, at this moment, they were all lying on the ground.

Now that the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, you can go and clean up the group of throwing monkeys!

Jiang Chen released all the elves.

The mighty army came to the outskirts of the fruit forest.

There was too much movement here, and the group of throwing monkeys had already started to be alert.

More than 30 throwing monkeys, the general level is above 58, and there is a [-]-level throwing monkey leader.

If Wind Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados hadn't been upgraded to level 60 at the same time, Jiang Chen wouldn't have dared to come here.

"¨. Wonderful Frog Flower, use hypnotic powder."

"Nine Tails, use hypnotism."

"Xanadu, use hypnotism."

The purple hypnotic powder released by Miaowahua slowly floated down from the air and landed on the body of the throwing monkey.

The hypnotic fluctuations released by Jiuwei and Xanadu covered the throwing monkey circle by circle.

All the throwing monkeys' heads started to feel slightly dizzy (well, well), and their eyelids were tired and wanted to fight up and down, but they all fell sleepy at the same time.

Some low-level throwing monkeys just lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use the flame vortex."

"Stormosaurus, use the flame vortex."

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