Wind Speed ​​Dog and Tyrannosaurus, one left and one right, spit out raging red flames, forming two flame vortexes, trapping the Throwing Monkey.


The huge angry cry of the leader of the throwing monkeys woke up all the drowsy throwing monkeys.

The throwing monkey leader threw a huge stone in Jiang Chen's direction.

Other throwing monkeys also began to throw various stones, stakes and so on.

All of a sudden, a big battle broke out!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 158 Divine Blood Amber, Powerful Vitality!

Except Xanadu was responsible for protecting Jiang Chen.

All the other elves rushed up.

The wind speed dog directly faced the leader of the throwing monkey.

Riolu, who had the lowest level, also found two throwing monkey cubs who were less than tenth level as opponents.

Although there are more investment monkeys, their level is lower than elves like Jiang Chen.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was a bystander, and he gave orders from time to time.

Soon, the investment monkeys began to lose ground.

Although the leader of the throwing monkey roared angrily, it was too busy to take care of itself after being targeted by the wind speed dog.

As the throwing monkeys were knocked to the ground one by one, they lost their ability to move.

The advantage of Jiang Chen's elves is even more obvious.

【Ding!Menus defeated the throwing monkey and gained 456 experience points! 】

【Ding!Blastoise defeated the Throwing Monkey and gained 473 experience points! 】

【Ding!Miaowahua defeated the Throwing Monkey and gained 483 experience points! 】


Jiang Chen's eyes were constantly swiping the screen with reminders of various experience information.

This represents that one by one the throwing monkeys have lost the ability to resist.

The anxious and angry leader of the throwing monkey lost his sense of proportion.

Its level was lower than that of the wind speed dog, and it was directly hit by the skill of the wind speed dog.


A huge explosion sounded.

 323 The ground of the forest was blasted into a deep pit about three meters in size.

The leader of the throwing monkey fell into the deep pit, his body was scorched black, and he lost the ability to move.

【Ding!The wind speed dog defeated the leader of the throwing monkey and gained 1256 experience points! 】

Who knew that the leader of the throwing monkeys was instantly killed by the wind speed dog, and the defeat of the entire throwing monkey population was just a matter of time.

A few minutes later, all the throwing monkeys were defeated by Jiang Chen's elves.

The cohesion of the throwing monkey group is very stable, and they will never abandon their partners.

At the end of the fight, none of the throwing monkeys chose to escape.

Jiang Chen looked at these throwing monkeys who fell to the ground.

He touched his chin: Why does he feel like a big villain.

He ordered the elves to move all the throwing monkeys in the fruit forest to the outside of the fruit forest.

He began to search carefully.

As usual, start from the lair of the Throwing Monkey leader.

The lair of the Throwing Monkey leader is easy to find, and it is the largest and most luxurious one in the depths of the fruit forest.

There are actually some beautiful feathers that I don't know where I got it.

The items thrown by the monkey leader were beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

Some props that are not needed by the throwing monkey are also collected by the leader of the throwing monkey.

It should use the thief skill a lot in battles with other elves.

A very sharp claw.

A gray stone.

A black and hard stone.

A magnetic magnet.

A piece of talisman paper with strange patterns drawn on it.

[Preemptive Claws: Light and sharp claws.After carrying it, it can sometimes act one step ahead of the opponent. 】

[Stone of Invariability: After carrying it, the magical stone that Pokémon will not evolve during this period. 】

【Hard stone: A stone that will never crack.After carrying it, the power of rock-type moves will increase. 】

【Magnet: A powerful magnet.After carrying it, the power of electric attribute moves will increase. 】

[Cursed Talisman: A weird and terrifying curse.After carrying it, the power of ghost attribute moves will increase. 】

Although, a lot has been gained.

However, he didn't find what Jiang Chen wanted.

That's such a good super secret for the growth and development of the entire throwing monkey population.

Jiang Chen pondered for a while.

He put the treasure props found in the lair into a backpack.

Then, let Xanadu put the backpack on his back.

And told Shanaiduo to teleport out three times and then stop.

After Xanadu teleported out, Jiang Chen opened the treasure map and checked the information on it.

Sure enough, the golden cursor didn't move at all.Still displayed in the fruit grove.

You can only expand the entire search range.

Jiang Chen asked all the elves to help find it.

Riolu was sent by Jiang Chen to monitor the Throwing Monkey who fell to the ground.

If any Throwing Monkey recovers (.), Riolu is responsible for knocking it down again.

The fruit forest is a little big, and the search is not very smooth.


Suddenly, there was a call from Menus in the fruit forest.

Jiang Chen hurried over.

Mines was floating in front of a wooden stake.

It can feel that there are special ability fluctuations here.

So, it made a calling call.

Jiang Chen rushed over, looking at the wooden stake in front of him.

This stake used to be a tree, but it was cut down for unknown reasons, leaving only a stake with the roots still standing here.

Jiang Chen knew that Menus would not make casual calls.

It must have felt something.

Jiang Chen carefully inspected the wooden post, it looked a bit like a knife and ax cut mark.

This is an undeveloped area deep in the secret realm, who would cut down trees here.

Could it be that this is the real location of the treasure map.

The diameter of this wooden stake is about one meter, and it is already a very thick tree.

Jiang Chen began to carefully examine every corner of the stake.

But still nothing was found.

Jiang Chen finally called the wind speed dog, and let it dig off all the soil around the roots of the tree.

The wind speed dog used its digging skills to quickly remove all the soil around the stake.

Gradually the roots of the entire stake were exposed.

The roots of the wooden piles are very developed, and there are many roots of various root systems, forming a complex underground space.

Although the tree has been cut down for many years, it can be seen from the roots of the fault zone that the tree has not completely died.

Inside these complex root systems, Jiang Chen found a man-made object.

A square wooden box is tucked inside these root fibrils.

It took Jiang Chen a long time to pull out the wooden box from inside.

It is basically certain.

This is where the treasure map indicates.

The box is not big, maybe the size of a stationery box.

Jiang Chen opened the box, and as expected, there was also an item wrapped in oiled paper.

Jiang Chen took out the oil paper bag and spread the oil paper.

A strange agate-like gemstone appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.

Jiang Chen picked it up and found that it wasn't a gem, it had a different feel to it, and it smelled a faint pine scent.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that this was a piece of amber.

In the crystal clear amber, there is a bubble cavity, and there is a drop of golden liquid in the cavity.

[Sacred Blood Amber: A drop of blood from the ancient god Kyoka was accidentally sealed in the amber. It possesses powerful energy and vitality. After being absorbed by elves, it can increase aptitude and life essence. 】


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 159 A drop of blood from the ancient god Kyoka, plans to buy flying elves!

A drop of blood from the ancient god Kyoka? ? ? ?

Jiang Chen couldn't believe his eyes.

It has been hundreds of years since elves came to this blue star world.

This ancient god Kyoka would not be from the ancient times in the secret realm, right?

There are a lot of speculations about the secret realm.

The most convincing guess is that Rift was once a whole-world.

Because of the battle of the gods, the whole world was shattered, descending on the blue star to form one after another secret realm.

This is actually a drop of blood from the ancient god.


The value cannot be measured!

This group of throwing monkeys are infected by the breath of divine blood every day, no wonder they can evolve so well.

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