People leisurely show up half an hour late for appointments all the time.

Chefs who like complicated things need to pinch four or five more frills when frying 327 dumplings.

Bookstores, bars, thieves and counterfeit money can be encountered everywhere on the street.

There are no hard-and-fast rules, where passion is paramount.

Unfortunately, Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man are here to participate in the Dakar Rally, so they don't have time to stop in this city.

After leaving the airport.

They contacted the phone number of the organizing committee, took a taxi directly, and went to the hotel designated by the organizing committee.

When the taxi arrived at the hotel designated by the organizing committee, the three of Jiang Chen found that the place was crowded with contestants and tourists.

The three of them were masters who were not short of money, so they rented the largest suite in the hotel with the invitation letter for the competition.

The flight time is too long.

Although the elves are ready, they are already hungry.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man quickly released the elves in batches and fed them energy cubes.

After staying in the hotel, apart from submitting the entry information, there is nothing else to do.

On January 27th, Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and (.) Ji Man spent a day together in Buenos Aires.

On January 28th, the three of them stayed in the hotel without going out, because today was the day when Ji Man's last elf egg hatched.

Except that Jiang Chen knew it was a toothy elf egg.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man didn't know the types of elf eggs, because Jiang Chen bought them in the egg gambling area.

After hatching for such a long time, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were very curious.

However, the little guy Ya Ya is not in a hurry to come out now.

Although the countdown to the incubator was over, it waited from morning to noon, and from noon to afternoon.

The elf eggs in the incubator are still stable and motionless.

Until bedtime.

This little guy shook the elf egg unhurriedly and made two "bang bang" sounds.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue, and Ji Man, who were already feeling very sleepy on the sofa, couldn't help but feel excited.

They looked at the elf eggs in the incubator on the table, wondering if they were hallucinating.

But, fortunately, the slight shaking of the elf egg proved that they were not hallucinating, but that the elf egg had really begun to hatch.

Ji Man jumped up as if being set on fire.

She started heating fresh milk and prepared clean towels.

In less than 10 minutes, I heard several "click! click!" sounds.

The shell of the whole elf egg cracked into four or five pieces, exposing the elf inside.

Only a palm-sized elf, covered in slime.

It is mostly green all over.

But it is dark green from the corner to the middle of the eyes and beside the eyes, and grass green from the neck to the chest.

It has relatively long white front teeth and red eyes.

It has a very high horn on its head, a very short tail and few fingers and toes.

It is the quasi-dragon attribute spirit, Yaya.

Ji Man quickly wrapped Yaya with a clean towel and wrapped it up.

While wiping the mucus off Yaya's body, she greeted her with a smile and said, "Hello! Yaya!"


Ya Ya stared at Ji Man intently, and replied happily.

Ji Man took the special fresh milk that Jiang Chen handed over.

"Yaya, let's eat something!"


Yaya shrugged his nose and sniffed the sweet breath, let out a very happy cry, then opened his mouth wide, and drank it in big gulps.

【Yaya (Dragon)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV10 (novice)]

[Characteristics: Exceptional (You can use the same moves to your opponents without being disturbed by the opponent's characteristics.)]

[Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Attack Speed, - Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (28), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: grabbing, staring, biting, pointing to the end, malicious pursuit, provocation, splitting, dragon claw, ghost face, crushing, dragon dance. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, it's actually a quasi-god!!! This luck is too good!" Xia Zhenyue looked at Yaya in Ji Man's embrace very enviously.

She looked at Jiang Chen again and said, "Your ability to pick elf eggs is too good! I never saw you miss it!"

"It's just luck!" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

You can't tell them that you have cheats.

Yaya is also a very energetic little guy.

After drinking the fresh milk, it didn't go to sleep, but played around in the suite.

Xia Zhenyue releases Cocoa Dora, and the two little guys are about the same level, so they can just play together.

It wasn't until midnight, when she was really sleepy, that Ji Man put Yaya into the elf ball.

Spent two more days in Buenos Aires.

February [-]st.

The Dakar Rally has officially begun!


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 164 The Dakar Rally begins, choose a suitable elf mount!

This year's Dakar Rally has more than 8600 kilometers of stages, including more than 5200 kilometers of special stages.

There are five stages in the competition, and it is necessary to cross the secret land of the Andes and cross the secret land of the great sand dunes in the Atacama Desert.

Pass through the Mecca of Cordoba in the Pampas, cross the Andes, and reach Copiapo in the country of the Ribbon, where the first part of the stage ends.

In short, it starts from Buenos Aires, and finally circles a very large circle, and the contestants return to Buenos Aires.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue, and Ji Man are checking the information of this competition given by the officials.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! There are actually 1065 contestants!" Ji Man fussed.

"I didn't expect so many people to participate! There are only 72 women, so few!" Xia Zhenyue was also shocked.

"Let's go, let's go to the starting point!" Jiang Chen had already packed everything.

All contestants can directly participate in the competition after they have verified their integrity.

There is no time limit, and it does not mean that the time to arrive at the end point will be different between early departure and late departure.

On the first day of the race, there were only 317 km-mile race sections.

The contestants bid farewell to the ebullient citizens of Buenos Aires.

Accompanied by the passionate tango music of the pampas, leave Buenos Aires and enter the secret place of the Andes.

The elf secret realm in South America is completely different from the secret realm Jiang Chen has been exposed to before.

When the secret land of South America first arrived, there was a very intense collision and change with the mainland of South America.

These secret places are almost half-manifested on the land of South America.

This is why this year's Dakar Rally is held in South America.

In Africa, where Dakar is located, a large-scale elf attack on humans broke out this year, so the location of the competition was changed.

Not every place can host a game like this.

There must be a dangerous and difficult environment, a semi-manifested secret place.

Only in this way can not only guarantee the effect of the game, but also meet the conditions for broadcasting.

The distance on the first day of the race is the shortest distance.

Because all the trainer players who entered the secret realm of the Andes almost entered the secret realm empty-handed.

Almost, it means that some supplies will still be carried.

Competitors will have a bottle of water, a new Poké Ball, and some energy cubes.

After they entered the secret realm of the Andes, they had to temporarily subdue the elves in the secret realm.

After passing through these temporarily subdued elves, through the 317-kilometer race section, they reach another exit of the secret land, Cordoba.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the right elf in the secret realm.

The more than 300-kilometer race section is just a chance for the trainer to run in with his elf, because the second day is the real start of the race.

This is why, Jiang Chen believes that he is sure to win this competition.

Through the Eye of Insight, he can find the most suitable elf with the best talent and aptitude.

Jiang Chen registered as a player at the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

He received the initial supplies.

A bottle of water, a new Poké Ball, some power cubes.

Jiang Chen turned around and waved goodbye to Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man, before entering the secret place of the Andes.

As assistants, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were not allowed to enter the competition venue.

They will take the bus of the organizing committee to reach the end of the first stage.

They will be there to greet passing contestants.

On the bus, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man could watch the live broadcast of some players.

But it was hard to spot Jiang Chen.

There were a lot of people in the first stage of the competition, and Jiang Chen was not a seed player, so basically there would be no drones following him.

At this time, Jiang Chen, who had entered the secret realm, was looking for suitable elves that could be subdued.

This is the hardest part. It can be said that everything is difficult at the beginning.

Because, trainers cannot subdue elves that have not evolved.

Unevolved elves cannot take on the heavy responsibility of a mount.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Evolved elves generally have a relatively high level, which requires very good communication skills.

Because humans and elves cannot communicate directly.

Therefore, the trainers who will sign up for this competition, on the one hand, are full of adventurous spirit, and on the other hand, have unique skills in communicating with elves.

The Andes Secret Realm is a semi-manifested secret realm.

There is no question of developing and not developing.

In the secret realm, particularly dangerous elves hardly exist.

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