The elves here also have more contact with humans.

Therefore, after entering the secret realm, none of the elves that Jiang Chen saw were afraid of people.


There were even elves who came over and looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

Jiang Chen looked at these rattan snakes, Nuannuan pigs, Tantanshu, Little York, and Baoxiang monkeys.

It's a pity that there are no suitable elves that can be ridden.

The game had just started, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry, he wandered around in the secret realm.

He saw a purple cool leopard, this kind of elf is very fast, but Grid is too short.

Not far away, there is also a lightning zebra with white patterns and black stripes. It looks cool, but the individual value is only LV1, which is a pity.

Not far away, I saw another proud pheasant.

This thing can also be ridden, but don't worry about the comfort. If you really want to ride it to the end, it is estimated that the bones are basically out of place.

Suddenly a warrior eagle flew across the sky.

This elf is very suitable, the individual value is 3V, but unfortunately it has no intention of stopping, and it flies away after a while.

Although Jiang Chen had already seen many trainers entering the secret realm, he subdued some elves and went on the road.

However, he is still carefully looking for a more suitable elf mount based on the principle of preferring the lack of excess.

At this moment, a figure on a hill in the distance attracted Jiang Chen's attention.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 165 The key to winning the game, subduing the flame horse!

On the top of the hill stood a group of little fire horses and flame horses.

Among them was a flaming horse that caught Jiang Chen's attention.

【Flaming Horse (Fire)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV40 (Gym)]

[Characteristic: Ignite fire (When attacked by a fire attribute move, absorb the flame, and the fire attribute move you use will become stronger.)]

[Character Talent: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (28), Defense (28), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Slender Horn, Super Horn Strike, Poison Strike, Impact, Lightning Flash, Scream, Tail Waggle, Spark, Charged Flame Strike, High Speed ​​Movement, Flame Wheel, Stampede, Flame Vortex, Big Character Explosion, Slam, Purgatory, dodge "[-]" flame charge, spray flames, hold, hold on. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

This is the elf Jiang Chen wants to subdue.

Only elves with this kind of talent are the guarantee of victory.

Not to mention the skills of lightning flash and high-speed movement.

In addition, the flame horse is naturally suitable for running.

Although it is not as good as the wind speed dog, it is also one of the fastest elves on land.

The speed of the flame horse is about 240 kilometers per hour, and the use of skills can also break through this speed.

Jiang Chen chose his target and walked towards the hill.

Not far from the hills, two players participated in the competition.

Luring a Sprout Deer with a Power Cube in its hand.

"Brother, look, someone has gone to the hills to tame the flame horse!" The younger contestants hurriedly reported to the older contestants.

"Ronanke, this is your first time participating in the Dakar Rally. There are many things you don't know. The flame horse is the most difficult elf to tame!" said the older contestant.

"Which one will definitely not succeed!" The older player said firmly.

The young contestant looked at the sprouting deer in front of him who was not interested in being picked up, and thought: We may not succeed with this one!Why not try the flame horse!

In the director's car, the director was staring at a dozen screens in front of him.

These screens are full of some seed players in the competition, and the director will arrange for the director to switch the screen at any time and broadcast it live to the audience.

Then an assistant came over.

He said to the director: "The flame horse has another contestant passing by, do you want to follow it with a drone!"

Some bored directors immediately refreshed.

"Hurry up and follow, and show a picture!"

This breed of flaming horses is very intelligent and very cunning.

They have cheated and cheated several trainers, but none of them managed to tame any of the flame horses.

With the arrangement of the director group.

A drone followed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's live broadcast also appeared in the director's car.

At this time, on the bus of the organizing committee, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man were chatting and eating local snacks.

Suddenly Ji Man pushed Xia Zhenyue: "Look, look, Jiang Chen!"

Xia Zhenyue quickly raised her head to take a look.

A monitor on the bus actually showed Jiang Chen's live broadcast.

Jiang Chen didn't know this.

He didn't know that this group of flaming horses already had a very bad reputation in the eyes of the trainers.

From now on, the director is also planning to film the details of his communication with the flame horse throughout the whole process, and prepares to watch a joke.

When Jiang Chen climbed to the top of the mountain.

The little fire horse and the flame horse did not leave.

Especially the little fire horse looked at Jiang Chen with eager eyes, they just ate several waves of delicious food.

The inexperienced Little Fire Horse didn't know that it was an energy cube extracted by humans.

They just know it's delicious and want to eat it again.

This group of little fire horses and flame horses has a leader-level elf with a level of 46.

But it was not Jiang Chen's goal.

Jiang Chen's target is a level 5 flame horse with a 40V individual value.

Flame Horse is a Pokémon that looks very much like a horse.

Its body is light yellow in color, with a mane of flaming flames growing from the top of its head along its spine to its ponytail.

The flame horse has a single horn, somewhat similar to the legendary unicorn.

The flaming horse tilted its head and looked at Jiang Chen curiously with fiery red eyes.

"Flame Horse, I have no malice, I hope to be your partner!" Jiang Chen looked at the Flame Horse and said with a slight smile...

The Raging Flame Horse didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so straightforward. Although it doesn't know human language, it can understand Jiang Chen's meaning.

Flame Horse didn't directly refuse.

It shrugged its nose and sniffed Jiang Chen, and it smelled very kind on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen has stayed with the wind speed dog for a long time, and has fire energy on his body, which can be sensed by the flame horse.

But this is not the most important thing.

For some reason, it feels that the person in front of him has a special energy to re-evolve.

This is the remaining energy information after the wind speed dog absorbed the energy of Phoenix King's Feather.

"Flame Horse, have you smelled the wind speed dog on me?" Jiang Chen took a step forward, getting closer to the Flame Horse.


The flaming horse let out a soft cry.

"Can I touch you?" Jiang Chen looked at the flame horse and asked.

Raging Flame Horse tilted his head and looked at Jiang Chen, showing no objection.

Jiang Chen cautiously stretched out his hand to caress its cheek, then passed through the flaming mane of the flame horse, and stroked its neck.

The moment they passed through the mane of flames, the audience in the director's car and the organizing committee's bus held their breaths of joy.

If you don't get the approval of the flaming horse, you will be burned if you touch its flaming mane 5.2.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, I knew Jiang Chen could do it!" Ji Man jumped up in joy as she watched the live broadcast.

"Yes, he's really amazing!" Xia Zhenyue also widened her eyes with excitement.

"Flame horse, become my partner! I will make you the most powerful flame horse in the world!" Jiang Chen continued to stroke the flame horse.


The flaming horse nodded and barked softly, which meant it agreed.

Jiang Chen took out the blank poke ball presented by the organizing committee.

He pressed the button and touched the flame horse, a dazzling light flashed, and the flame horse was collected into the elf ball.

"It's unbelievable, how did he succeed!" There was a surprised voice in the director's car.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 166 Go deep into the Andes, a difficult schedule!

Jiang Chen successfully tamed the flame horse.

The director, assistants, and staff members in the director's car who were paying attention to Jiang Chen all exclaimed in disbelief.

The reason why they let the drone follow Jiang Chen was to capture the footage of him being teased by the flame horse.

It turned out that Jiang Chen not only was not teased by the flames, but successfully subdued a flame horse.

When did the flaming horses in the secret land of the Andes become so easy to tame?

This is not a little fire horse who has no experience in the world! ! !

Through the camera, everyone can see that Jiang Chen did not take out the energy cubes prepared by the organizing committee in advance.

It was only a simple and brief communication with Lie Yan through language and it was successful.

You must know that the flaming horse on the top of this hill has caused many trainers to return without success.

"It's incredible, how did he do it?"

"He is oriental, he may have special communication skills!"

"We can pay attention to him in the following games. He subdued the flame horse and has an advantage in speed, although I don't know how well he can survive in the wild!"


At this time, some buses of the organizing committee were also broadcasting live broadcasts of the competition.

Following Jiang Chen's success in subduing the flame horse.

On one of the buses, Ji Man and Xia Ziyue cheered and cheered regardless of the others.

Their movement was so loud that it attracted all eyes.

Assistants and staff of some other players who did not pay attention to the live broadcast on the bus.

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