At this time, Jiang Chen also noticed that he tamed a flaming horse.

Everyone exclaimed.

"That man tamed a flaming horse, my God, how did he do it!"

"My dear, didn't you say that the flaming horses on the Andes Mountains can't be subdued at all?"

"The video of the flame horse teasing the trainer on Twitter has millions of hits! There have been bad luck for several sessions!"


After successfully collecting the flaming horse into the poke ball, it took a while.

Jiang Chen took the elf ball and released the flame horse again.

"Say goodbye to your friends! We're going to the game!"

After finishing speaking, he turned on his horse and jumped onto the back of the flame horse.

The flame horse hopped a few steps on the spot, got used to it, and found that it didn't feel too much to support a person.


The flaming horse barked at its entire herd as farewell.

The leader of the Raging Flame Horse did not stop Jiang Chen from subduing him.

It took the other flames and the little fire horse and called out to Jiang Chen and them a few times as farewell.

"Hey Hey"



The Flaming Horse, who bid farewell to the entire group, carried Jiang Chen on its back and ran slowly from the top of the hill to the downhill.

The two trainer players who abducted the budding deer were still not far down the mountain.

He stared dumbfounded at Jiang Chen, who rode the flaming horse and galloped down the hill.

"Uncle Pike, didn't you say that no one can tame the flame horse on the Andes?"

"Roenger, maybe these flaming horses are new, let's try it too!"

Uncle Pike looked at Jiang Chen's disappearing figure, and couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

So the director in the director's car finally witnessed the trainer player who was fooled by the flame horse.

This time, two people were cheated together.

There is another click-baiting material on Twitter.

The laughter in the director's car could not affect Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen rode on the flaming horse, he began to run wildly in the secret realm along the map.

Most of the secrets of the Andes are desert secrets.

The road is very difficult to walk.

And direct sunlight, very hot, need to find water and food.

Although the 317-kilometer race section does not seem far away compared to the flame horse's speed of about 240 kilometers per hour.

But it is not.

The flaming horse was tamed in a secret realm without any equipment.

Jiang Chen didn't have such items as saddles, stirrups, and reins.

Therefore, the flaming horse cannot run at its maximum speed per hour.

In addition, Jiang Chen only has one bottle of mineral water, so he needs to deviate from the road to find the water source.

This also delayed a lot of travel.

The 317-kilometer race section is actually a two-day race schedule.

From February 2st to February 1nd, it is the official time for crossing the secret land of the Andes.

Those who fail to reach the finish line within the specified time will be eliminated from the current round.

Jiang Chen rode the flame horse through the barren mountains and entered the desert area.

There is almost no green along the way.

As the flaming horse ran, dust billowed up behind Jiang Chen.

The noon sunshine was very strong. Although Jiang Chen was wearing the sun protection clothing sponsored by the sponsor, he still found it hard to resist.

Follow the instructions on the map.

It is recommended that players seek shelter at noon to avoid the midday sun.

Jiang Chen directly opened the treasure map and activated the first-level scanning function.

Generally, treasures will not lie directly on the ground.

The treasure 327 lying on the ground has been picked up by other people long ago.

Conversely, items that can be scanned by the treasure map may be hidden in some corner, which can just be used as a shelter.

Although Jiang Chen's thinking is very strange.

But it works really well.

After three first-level scans of the treasure map.

A golden cursor appears.

When Jiang Chen found the golden cursor, he found that it was a huge rocky mountain protruding from the ground in the desert.

This rocky mountain is very huge, composed of many rock walls combined with each other.

Between Yanbi and the rock wall, Jiang Chen found some huge gaps.

He took the flaming horse and hid directly inside. Not only was it very cool inside.There is also a small underground spring.

Jiang Chen also found the golden cursor on the treasure map, it is a high-grade fire stone.

Jiang Chen fed the flame horse some energy cubes.

In the following itinerary, some berries, food, and water sources should be collected.

The most difficult part of the game is to obtain supplies in the wild.

There was very little water coming out of the spring, so Jiang Chen could only collect it slowly and take a rest.

Jiang Chen didn't set off again until after three o'clock in the afternoon.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 167 Encountering an elf war, dying alone?

After Jiang Chen left the temporary shelter.

He rode on the flame horse and galloped forward at a speed of eighty kilometers per hour.

This is already the maximum speed Jiang Chen can bear.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's already very strong physique, it would be difficult for him to persist for too long.

If he keeps this speed, Jiang Chen can reach the finish line very quickly.

It's a pity that the secret realm is not a park after all, and there are still some dangers.

The flame horse, which was running at full speed, suddenly stopped.


A loud voice came from ahead.

Dust was lifted up all over the sky, completely covering the road ahead.

Dust completely obscured the sky.

Three figures could be vaguely seen fighting in the dust.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes of insight.

The information of the three fighting elves appeared in front of his eyes.

【Desert Dragonfly (Ground) (Dragon)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV46 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Floating (floating from the ground, so as not to be attacked by ground attribute moves.)]

[Character Talent: Impatient (+Speed, -Defense)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (26), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (25), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: dragon claw, dragon dance, digging, crushing, sand splashing, dragon breath, feint attack, frightening, ground cracking, brute force, ultrasonic wave, sharpening, biting, stomping, mud throwing, quicksand hell, dragon Tail, Screech, Bugs, Sandstorm, Force of Earth, Earthquake, Dragon Wave, Steel Wing, Iron Tail, Dragon Dive. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Heavenly King]

A level 46 desert dragonfly.

King-level potential.

Such a powerful elf is losing ground.

Although it kept making angry screams, it didn't help the overall battle situation much.

Its opponents are two fire-breathing camels.

【Fire-breathing camel (fire) (ground)】

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV47 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Lava Armor (covers the body with hot lava, and will not turn into a frozen state.)]

[Character Talent: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (27), Attack (26), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(25)]

[Skills: rock avalanche, impact, scream, spark, ground crack, gas gathering, fire breathing, stomping, burning, instant amnesia, smoke, power of the earth, curse, slam, yawn, earthquake, flame vortex, Accumulated Flame Strike. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Quasi-King Level]

A level 47 male fire-breathing camel and a level 45 fire-breathing female.

They didn't know why they fought with the desert dragonfly.

The battle of wild elves is not as merciful as trainers.

The trainer is bound by the magical energy of the elves, and will not kill any elf at will.

But the battle between wild elves is different.

This is a fight that can cost lives.

However, Jiang Chen had no way to intervene in the battle in front of him.

The level of the three elves is higher than that of the flame horse.

He could only take the flame horse to avoid the aftermath of the battle far away.

More than 40 levels of elves, fighting with all their strength in such an open field.

What they brought was a devastating effect, and the entire terrain was completely changed by them.

It can be seen from Jiang Chen's observation of the entire battle situation.

This desert dragonfly is protecting something.

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