Jiang Chen and his family's self-built villa has been decorated and tasted, and it is ready to move in~.

Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, and younger brothers and sisters have already moved in.

The self-built villa is very large, and there is a very large yard behind the mountain, with a deep well and a swimming pool.

When Jiang Chen returns home in the future, he doesn't have to worry about the elves having nowhere to live.

Jiang Chen's return made Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, and his younger brothers and sisters very happy.

Especially Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, who did not expect Jiang Chen to go abroad to participate in such a dangerous rally.

February [-]th is New Year's Eve.

Jiufeng Village is located in Jiufeng Forest Park.

The festival atmosphere in the village is much stronger than that in the city.

In the backyard of the villa, Jiang Chen sat on a wooden bench and cracked melon seeds.

Xanadu also moved a small bench and sat beside Jiang Chen.

It then watched Jiang Chen nibbling melon seeds with interest.

Seeing its wide eyes, Jiang Chen stuffed a handful of melon seeds into its mouth.

Xanadu chewed the melon seeds, and felt that the taste was very strange and unpalatable.

No berry scent at all.

Xanadu couldn't help but look bitterly, and secretly looked at Jiang Chen.

"Eat it, don't waste it!" Jiang Chen said lightly.

Father Jiang came out of the room, just in time to see: "You are bullying Xanadu again, don't eat it, spit it out, eat this!"

After speaking, he handed Xanadu a tree fruit.

Xanadu took the fruit and ran away.

"Ah! Hahaha!" A scream, accompanied by laughter.

Younger brother Jiang Hao and younger sister Jiang Yue rode on the wind speed dog and jumped in from outside the fence of the backyard.

In this world, the wind speed dog has another name of nanny dog.

They are especially good at playing with young bears, and they are also notoriously friendly with human cubs.

Xanadu spit out the melon seeds somewhere, and after eating the fruit, he ran back to Jiang Chen and sat on the small bench.

Menus poked his head out of the well and tilted his head to look at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen spread out his hand, revealing the melon seeds, and Menus also suffered a loss, so he dived immediately, squatting in the deepest part of the well, unable to come out.

Jiang's father is not in charge of Jiang Chen, he wants to assist Jiang's mother in preparing today's New Year's Eve dinner.

It was rare for Jiang Chen to rest for two days, so he salted fish at home.

If you go out and wander around the village, you will always meet all kinds of people by chance, and you have to talk about family matters.

After today, starting tomorrow, many people will definitely come to the house to pay New Year's greetings.

Jiang Chen is also famous now, and everyone is willing to come and get acquainted.

The mountain behind the Jiang family's self-built villa is the outskirts of the forest park.

Jiang Chen's elves were more active, and they all followed the wind speed dog into the back mountain to play.

Jiang Chen's twin siblings must also follow.

With Wind Speed ​​Dog taking care of him, Jiang Chen didn't worry about safety.

When the wind speed dog came back, he also brought back wild fish, pheasant, and hare. It was really fun in the mountains and fields.

The sun is good in the afternoon, even though it is winter.

It is actually warm when it shines on the body.

The lethality of the bear children is really astonishing. They are actually going to teach the elves how to kick the shuttlecock.

Shanaido and Riolu were very interested, and all the other elves were dismissive.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Tyrannosaurus was eager to try, but it was too fierce and was not invited, which made it more injured.

One afternoon passed in the blink of an eye.

When it's time for dinner, dinner in Jiangcheng is considered a New Year's Eve dinner.

Every household in the village set off firecrackers. Although there is a ban on whipping, the management of the suburbs has never been strict.

Jiang Chen also arranged a New Year's Eve dinner for all the elves.

A variety of energy cubes, tree fruit snacks, and fresh milk are combined together.

A family of five sat in the living room watching TV and eating.

After dinner, everyone went to the yard to set off fireworks.

... 0

"Bang! Crackling!"

The fireworks rushed into the air, making a violent explosion sound, and a piece of finely divided small fireworks exploded, crackling.

The courtyard was brightly illuminated by the fireworks, and then quickly darkened.

The curious eyes of more than a dozen elves were reflected flickeringly.

Jiang Chen's family didn't prepare many fireworks, and they disappeared after a while.

But in the yard, you can see the fireworks being set off by other houses, so everyone didn't enter the house and continued to watch in the yard.

Until the two little guys started to feel sleepy.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother took the two little guys away and prepared to put them to sleep.

Jiang Chen didn't plan to go to bed so early.

Otherwise, at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, he would have to get up from the bed.

At twelve o'clock, a round of firecrackers will be set off at the door.

Although he has no interest in the Spring Festival Gala, out of boredom, he still watches the show in the living room.

Xanadu followed him closely, never leaving.

Twelve midnight.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Firecrackers sounded in every household.

The new year has arrived.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions!pill.

Chapter 175 New Year's greetings, the first-level god who is about to hatch!

February 25, the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Sunny weather.

Early in the morning, Jiang Chen's house was very lively.

These days, it has been like this since the first day of the new year.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother are a little confused, do they really have so many relatives in their family?

The gate of the backyard was crowded with children who followed the adults to pay New Year's greetings.

They looked at so many elves in the yard with curiosity and fear.

At this time, two luxury cars drove outside the door.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man got off the car respectively.

They came to Jiang Chen's house to pay New Year's greetings.

The driver also got out of the car and took a lot of gifts from the trunk.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother hurriedly greeted them with "[-]".

The relatives and friends who were talking in the living room looked at Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man one after another.

"It's good when people come, why do you bring so many gifts!" Jiang Ma seemed to be complaining, but she was actually showing off.

"A little kindness is nothing!" Xia Zhenyue said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen is in the backyard, I'll take you there!"

In the backyard, Jiang Chen moved an old recliner from nowhere, and was sitting on it shaking.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! You are so leisurely!" Ji Man yelled.

Jiang Chen turned to look at her: "Why are you here! Jiang Hao, Jiang Yue, go and bring two chairs here!"

Jiang Ma was so angry at him: "You are so lazy!!!"

If you have obedient younger siblings, if you don't squeeze them while they are young, it will be difficult to squeeze them when they grow up.

The younger siblings quickly moved two chairs, and Jiang Ma didn't bother them, and went directly to greet other guests.

"Eat melon seeds?" Jiang Chen handed over a handful of melon seeds.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man each grabbed a few and started to nibble.

Xanadu looked over immediately.

But what made it very strange was that Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man ate this unpalatable food with great enthusiasm.

"When do you go back to school?" Xia Zhenyue asked Jiang Chen.

"The eighth day is over, so I just signed up!" Jiang Chen said.

The three gossiped for a while, and Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man each had other families to pay New Year's greetings, so they said goodbye.

Because the rules of their two families are relatively strict, Jiang Chen will not go to visit the New Year, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man express their understanding.

Time is like running water, and the vacation time is always short.

February 28, the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

Today is the day when Jiang Chen goes back to school.

Father Jiang drove Jiang Chen to school in the family van.

After Jiang Chen returned to the villa, he resumed the school day.

Everyone is busy with their studies.

Last semester, I missed a lot of classes because of the competition.

You need to make up for this semester.

However, on March 3nd, Jiang Chen asked for leave.

This day is the day when the mandible ants hatch.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man did not come to visit.

They have made an appointment on March 3th to visit the hatching of another elf egg.

This elf egg hatched for 120 days.

It's been so long that it's unbelievable.

I don't know how powerful the elves will be hatched.

And Jiang Chen has been selling Guan Zi, not to mention, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man are very curious.

The time has come to March 3th.

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