Early in the morning Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man arrived at Jiang Chen's villa.

Each of the two brought Jiang Chen a breakfast. Anyway, Jiang Chen has a big appetite, so he is not afraid that he will not be able to finish it, and he can taste different flavors.

Jiang Chen was preparing breakfast for the elves, and didn't care about his own washing.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man came just in time to help Jiang Chen prepare food for the elves.

There are too many elves, and it is troublesome. Feeding them every day is a big deal...

Has experience in hatching elf eggs many times.

Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man are all veterans, so they are not panicked at all.

The grand occasion this time is also out of curiosity.

"If you're like this, it's too troublesome to feed the elves every morning!" Ji Man said while looking at Jiang Chen.

"In the past, there were few elites. I don't think so. Now that there are many elves, it is really troublesome. What can you do?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You can outsource all the food for the elves!" Xia Zhenyue replied!

"Outsourcing? How to outsource?" Jiang Chen really didn't pay attention to this business before.

"I'll find it for you!" Xia Zhenyue turned on her phone and pushed a virtual business card to Jiang Chen.

"You can add him, their company specializes in outsourcing elf food!"

"You tell them the type and quantity of your elves, and they will copy and prepare the food for the day, sort and divide it all, and someone will deliver it every morning!"

Jiang Chen looked at the business card you sent on the phone, and chose to add it as a friend.

"The price is not cheap!" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not that you don't have money now, let yourself relax!" Ji Man gave Jiang Chen a white look at 5.2.

"Okay! The main reason is that I didn't know about this service before, and you didn't tell me!" Jiang Chen argued, never admitting that he was stingy.

The three talked and laughed, time passed quickly.

However, there was no movement at all in the incubator where the lightning bird elf eggs were located.

Noon is approaching.

The rich and powerful Ji Man asked her family's restaurant to bring a banquet.

The three chatted while eating. They had just finished eating and hadn't had time to clean up the dishes.

There was a "bang bang" sound from the incubator on the table.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 176 The Birth of the Level [-] God Lightning Bird, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man's Shock!

Hear the sound of the elf eggs in the incubator.

Jiang Chen knew that the Lightning Bird, which had been hatched for 120 days, was ready to be born.

Have had many hatching experiences.

Jiang Chen had already prepared all the things for the incubation in advance.

Because the big milk tank company has never made Lightning Bird's customized fresh milk.

Jiang Chen could only settle for the next best thing and choose the special fresh milk that can be used by elves with electric attributes.

The special fresh milk has been filled into the bottle in advance.

Jiang Chen only needs to put the bottle on the bottle warmer, and it will heat up automatically.

After Jiang Chen finished heating the fresh milk, he took out a clean towel and put it at hand.

After he finished these things, a thin crack appeared on the Lightning Bird's elven eggshell.

The next thing to do is wait.

It takes about seven or eight minutes to be fully born.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man also became excited.

They sat beside Jiang Chen, looking at the 120 elf eggs that had hatched for 21 days in the incubator.

At this moment, they are all guessing, what kind of elves need to hatch for so long?

As time goes by.

There was more and more movement in the elf eggshell, and four or five cracks had already appeared.

With the impact of the spirit in the eggshell, a piece of eggshell the size of a soybean was knocked out.

Through this small hole where the eggshell has been knocked off, a yellow shadow inside the elf eggshell can be seen.

As the lightning bird kept colliding in the eggshells, piece by piece of eggshells were blown away.




Finally, the entire elf egg shell has been completely cracked and shattered into pieces.

A palm-sized Lightning Bird covered in mucus appeared in front of Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man.

Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man's eyes widened in shock, and they tightly covered their mouths with their hands, for fear of making a sound.

Jiang Chen quickly picked up the Lightning Bird and wrapped it gently in a towel.

While wiping the slime off Lightning Bird with a towel, he greeted with a smile and said, "Hello! Lightning Bird!"


The Lightning Bird stared at Jiang Chen intently. It was obviously very happy and let out a cheerful cry.

Lightning Bird is a bird Pokémon with yellow feathers.

Around its eyes are ringed black feathers and it has a long orange beak.

It has a large number of spike-like feathers on its wings and tail, and black feathers on the back of the wings and the inside of the tail feathers.

Its crest consists entirely of a large cluster of sharp feathers.

The entire leg is khaki, without any feathers on the thigh, and four toes are branched out on the foot.

The Lightning Bird was just born with an empty stomach, and there was a "grunt" sound.

Jiang Chen hurriedly brought over the heated fresh milk.

He put fresh milk by the mouth of Lightning Bird, and said with a slight smile.

"Lightning Bird, are you hungry, drink some fresh milk first!"

The nipple of this bottle is specially made by Jiang Chen, it is very long.

Even if the lightning bird has a long beak, it can easily drink fresh milk.

It was very happy, gulping down the fresh milk, looking around with dripping eyes.

【Lightning Bird (Electricity) (Flight)】

【Gender: None】

[Level: LV20 (Normal)]

[Characteristic: Sense of pressure (gives a sense of pressure to the opponent, and greatly reduces the PP of the opponent's moves.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: pecking, electromagnetic wave, motor, light wall, pecking, high-speed movement, primitive power, charging, discharging, seeing through. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: God level]

Looking at the information that the lightning bird was just born.

Jiang Chen couldn't help secretly praising him: As expected of a god-level elf, he was just born and is at level [-].

It was literally born in Rome.

At the same time, what Jiang Chen didn't know was.

The moment Lightning Bird was born.

The Thunder Pond in Yesanpo's secret realm suddenly shook.

At the bottom of Lei Chi, a pair of huge eyes opened and then slowly closed.

With the eyes closed, the vibration slowly disappeared.

The frightened elves gathered by the pool again, drinking the water from Thunder Pond.

Jiang Chen, who knew nothing about it, used a new elf ball to collect the lightning bird that had already eaten fresh milk into the ball.

After a while, Jiang Chen released the lightning bird again.

Although it was just born, Lightning Bird didn't want to sleep at all.

It rushed to the yard behind the villa, saw so many elf companions, and was very happy to play with them.

"Oh my god, you scared me to death! Why do you have the elf eggs of 330 beasts! It's incredible!" Ji Man finally let go of her hand covering her mouth, and threw questions one after another.

"That's right, I didn't expect to see real beasts in my lifetime!" Xia Zhenyue was also very excited.

After all, the Lightning Bird was born not long ago, and after playing in the yard outside for a while, it finally fell asleep!

It fell into Jiang Chen's arms, arched, and fell asleep in a second.

Jiang Chen hugged the Lightning Bird, and said in a very low voice, "Starting in March, the school will select contestants for the University Elite Competition!"

"After the selection, the competition will start in April!"

"I want to go to the secret realm to train elves every weekend!"

"But elves with too high a level don't need to go."

"This is what I think. In the next weekend, you come to my villa and take care of the elves. I will take all three of us low-level elves out for training!"

"What do you think!"

It is really troublesome to bring so many elves to the secret realm every time.

It is better for the three to act separately.

Therefore, Jiang Chen proposed this suggestion to Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 177 The second phoenix king's feather, a promise to the flame horse!

After careful discussion, Jiang Chen, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man reached a consensus.

Every weekend, Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man stay at Jiangchen Villa for two days.

Take care of all the elves who don't need to be taken to the secret realm for leveling.

It is very troublesome to bring elves with too high level to the secret realm, and they have to eat and drink, but there is no gain.

Although there are undeveloped areas in the secret realm near Jiangcheng.

But the level of general elves will not be particularly high.

Undeveloped is not only because of danger, but sometimes the value of development is not high.

Therefore, most of Jiang Chen's higher-level elves may gain less than ten experience points if they go to these secret places to fight a wild elf.

This is such a waste of time.

If there were someone in the villa to take care of the elves, Jiang Chen wouldn't have to bother so much, and all three of them could win.

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