He only needs to take the elf with the lowest level among the three to the secret realm to gain experience and level up.

Externally, it is to be brought to the secret realm for special training.

Time passes day by day.

July 3th this day.

A miniature dragon was also born out of its shell.

The team that needs leveling has added another elf.

Another weekend.

Jiang Chen brought a total of thirteen elves into the secret realm of Moshan.

Ji Man's elves: Shiwanzi, Dandan, Yaya.

The elves of Xia Zhenyue: Casey, Guisi, Cocodora.

Jiang Chen's own elves: Shakilas, Riolu, Jaw Ant, Lightning Bird, Mini Dragon, Flame Horse, Tyrannosaurus.

The flame horse and Tyrannosaurus are brought as mounts and bodyguards.

In addition, Jiang Chen is also ready to cash in the reward promised to the flame horse in the secret realm.

Jiang Chen rode a flaming horse and galloped through the secret realm.

Go all the way into the depths of undeveloped areas.

He stopped by a stream.

Jiang Chen released the Typhoon.

Tyrannosaurus looked around suspiciously, but did not see the existence of the enemy.

It looked at Jiang Chen in confusion.

Tyrannosaurus has a relatively low-key personality, and unlike other elves, it is very attached to Jiang Chen.

In addition, the level was relatively low in the past, and there were relatively few appearances.

However, Jiang Chen will not reduce his love for it.

Jiang Chen stroked the wings of the Tyrannosaurus Wyvern: "There are good things today, you two share them〃¨!"

The Raging Flame Horse became excited. It always remembered what Jiang Chen had promised it when he tamed it.


The flame horse screamed excitedly.

Tyrannosaurus was still dazed.

Jiang Chen took out a roll from his backpack, opened the lid, and pulled out a feather about 30 centimeters in length.

A rainbow-colored light emanated from the feathers.

The flame horse and Tyrannosaurus opened the door and felt the energy fluctuations that were beneficial to them, and they couldn't help but get excited.

[Phoenix King's Feather: The Phoenix King's feather contains the power of rainbow light. After being absorbed by the elves, it can enhance aptitude, fire energy and flight energy. 】

Jiang Chen took the phoenix king's feather and came to the flame horse and the violent dragon.

He pointed the phoenix king's feather to the flame horse and the violent dragon, and said: "Use the phoenix king's feather!"

Following Jiang Chen's voice just fell.

A burst of brilliant iridescent light erupted.

A whole phoenix king's feather was decomposed into two streams of energy, one of fire attribute energy and one of flight attribute energy.

Fire attribute energy pounces on the flame horse, and flight attribute energy pounces on the tyrannosaurus dragon.

In an instant, the two energies merged into the flame horse and the violent dragon respectively.

The moment the flame horse absorbed the fire attribute energy of Phoenix King's Feather.

Its whole body generates iridescent flames.

The raging flames completely enveloped the entire body of the flame horse.

At this time, Jiang Chen's eyes seemed to be swiped by information.

【Ding!The flaming horse absorbs the fire attribute energy of Phoenix King Feather and gains a lot of experience. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's flame horse for upgrading to level 41! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's flame horse for upgrading to level 42! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's flame horse for upgrading to level 43! 】


【Ding!Congratulations to the host's flame horse for upgrading to level 50! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Flame Horse for comprehending the skill Will-o'-the-wisp! 】

[Wildfire: Releases a weird flame, which puts the opponent in a burn state. 】


【Flaming Horse (Fire)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV50 (quasi-king)]

[Characteristic: Ignite fire (When attacked by a fire attribute move, absorb the flame, and the fire attribute move you use will become stronger.)]

[Character Talent: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)]

[Individual value qualifications: HP (31), attack (31), defense (28), special attack (31), special defense (31), speed (31) ears]


[Skills: Slender Horn, Super Horn Strike, Poison Strike, Impact, Lightning Flash, Scream, Tail Waggle, Spark, Charged Flame Strike, High Speed ​​Movement, Flame Wheel, Stampede, Flame Vortex, Big Character Explosion, Slam, Purgatory, Flame Charge, Flame, Hold, Hold, Destroy Beam, Ultimate Blast, Will-O-Woman, Magic Flame, Tarzan, Kick Down, Double, Super Horn, Hot Wind, Overheat. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Champion Level]

The flame horse followed Jiang Chen for too short a time, and did not enjoy many good things, but there will be opportunities in the future.

In any case, Phoenix King's Feather still enhances its talent and potential.


ps: ▄█ˉ█ Please, please, some flowers, evaluation tickets, subscriptions! .

Chapter 178 The third elf at the level of a heavenly king, earning experience crazily!

at the same time.

A tyrannosaurus that absorbs the energy of the flying attribute of Phoenix King Feather.

Its whole body seemed to be floating in the air as if nothing was there, and countless fine winds were blowing around its body.

The information about the level-up of Tyrannosaurus was also in front of Jiang Chen's eyes, constantly swiping the screen.

【Ding!Violent Wyvern absorbs the flying attribute energy of Phoenix King's Feather and gains a lot of experience. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Violent Dragon for upgrading to level 51! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Violent Dragon for upgrading to level 52! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Violent Dragon for upgrading to level 53! 】


【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Violent Dragon for upgrading to level 60! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host's Violent Dragon for comprehending the skill Air Slash! 】

[Air Slash: Attack with an air blade that can split even the sky.Sometimes makes opponents cringe. 】


【Byrannosaurus (Dragon) (Flying)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV60330 (King of Heaven)]

[Characteristic: Intimidate (intimidate the opponent when playing, make him retreat, reduce the opponent's attack)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: sparks, stare, bite, dragon breath, head hammer, dragon wave, Taishan pressure, ghost face, crush, dragon claw, thought head hammer, gas gathering, flame jet, reverse scale, sacrifice, hold, split tile , Flame Fang, Slamming, Thunder Fang, Flame Vortex, Dragon Tail, Iron Head, Iron Wall, Dragon Dance, Flying, Feather Rest, Wings, Stomp, Tiles Splitting, Air Slash, Mount Taishan, Destroying Light. 】

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: Master Level]

Jiang Chen felt very happy when he saw the Tyrannosaurus information.

He also cultivated a king-level elf.

Three of Jiang Chen's spirits have reached the Heavenly King level.

The Collegiate Classic shouldn't be his stage at all.

Those adults in the Heavenly King Competition are his real opponents.

Telling Xia Zhenyue and Ji Man that Tyrannosaurus is a bodyguard is just to deceive people.

In fact, it was for it to absorb the energy of Phoenix King's Feather together with the flame horse.

Jiang Chen used the Poke Ball to put the Tyrannosaurus back away, and it's time for the experience-gathering and leveling army to come out.

The entire undeveloped area of ​​the Moshan Secret Realm was thrown into chaos by an army of experience-gathering and leveling composed of 11 elves.

Jiang Chen rode a flaming horse and looked at a grove of trees not far away.

There is a group of two-tailed hands in the fruit forest.

An army of eleven elves leveling up, staring at the two-tailed monster hand.

As soon as Jiang Chen waved his hand, the elves attacked.

The crisis of the two-tailed monster family is coming.

They will become the experience points to be harvested this time.

【Ding!Ishiwanko defeated the two-tailed monster and gained 263 experience points! 】

【Ding!Eggy defeated the two-tailed monster and gained 254 experience points! 】

【Ding!Yaya defeated the two-tailed monster and gained 251 experience points! 】


【Ding!Cocoa Dora defeated the long-tailed monster and gained 168 experience points! 】

【Ding!Cocoa Dora upgraded to level 9! 】

After the two-tailed monsters were completely (.) defeated.

Jiang Chen took the elves to the next target in the fruit forest, throwing monkeys.

【Ding!Casey defeats the throwing monkey and gets 255 experience points! 】

【Ding!Guisi defeated the throwing monkey and gained 252 experience points! 】

【Ding!The mandible ant defeated the throwing monkey and gained 216 experience points! 】


【Ding!The mandible ants have been upgraded to level 12! 】

【Ding!The mandible ants comprehend the skills and stomp! 】

[Stomp: Stomp on the ground and attack all Pokémon around you.Reduce the opponent's speed. 】

In the next two days, Jiang Chen led eleven elves to earn experience and level up crazily.

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